Friendship porridge with milk and not only: 9 delicious homemade recipes Friendship porridge with milk and not only: 9 homemade delicious recipes Cook Friendship porridge deliciously...
5 simple pizza dough recipes 5 regular pizza dough recipes We have prepared 5 simple pizza dough recipes and collected some tricks that will allow you to really create…
Homemade pike perch soup Homemade pike perch soup Ingredients: Onions – 1 pc. Carrots – 2 pcs. (small size) Parsley root – 1-2 pcs. Parsley – 0.5…
Pizza with salami Pizza with salami I have not found the traditional version of the recipe for pizza "diabola", even among the Italian classics there is no agreement. Everyone agrees on one thing - pizza with salami...
Salad with Korean carrots “Spicy” recipe Salad with Korean carrots “Spicy” recipe Ingredients INGREDIENTS MASS CALORIES (kcal per 100 g.) Korean carrots 500 g. Chicken eggs 5 pcs….
How to cook homemade sausage: 5 good recipes How to cook homemade sausage: 5 good recipes Tasty, juicy, fragrant homemade sausage will be the highlight of a noisy feast or homemade dinner. Besides...
How to cook savory wild duck soup How to cook savory wild duck soup? The wild duck has been considered a unique table decoration for almost all centuries. Hunted game...
Chicken soup with bulgur Chicken soup with bulgur Ingredients Chicken legs – 2 pcs. Potatoes – 1 pc. Bay leaf – 1 pc. Salt, pepper - to taste...
Milk chocolate jelly Milk chocolate jelly Prepare a delicious treat - make your loved ones happy! Milk chocolate jelly is an ordinary, yet delicious dessert that kids especially love...
Sea buckthorn jelly Sea buckthorn jelly Ingredients Sea buckthorn – 0.5 kg Sweet sand – 0.5 tbsp. 58 kcal 15 min. 15 minutes. Photo of the finished dish Step-by-step recipe with...