Chocolate icing recipe

Chocolate icing for a chocolate cake – recipes for a delicious and wonderful dessert coating. Chocolate icing for a chocolate cake – recipes for a delicious and wonderful dessert coating. Chocolate icing…

Crucian carp in sour cream

Crucian carp in sour cream Crucian carp in sour cream Contents of the article: Crucian carp in sour cream Crucian carp in sour cream is not a difficult dish to prepare. Crucian carp, like other fish, contains many essential...

Pork stew

Roast pork Roast pork Roast pork is the perfect option for a savory and satisfying dish that can feed the whole family. Housewives love roasts for their ease of production, savings...

Napoleon with whipped cream

Traditional Napoleon with whipped cream Traditional Napoleon with whipped cream Super delicious cake without any special troubles! Read the recipe and cook! I love my grandmother’s “Napoleon”, and I love my mother’s, but my own...

Soup with dumplings recipe

Soup with dumplings – 6 easy recipes Soup with dumplings – 6 easy recipes Ksyusha Garastyuk • 05/01/2019 1st is an integral part of the diet of a modern person, but from time to time…

Puff pastry pizza

Puff pastry pizza in the oven Puff pastry pizza in the oven Almost everyone loves pizza, but not almost everyone loves fiddling with the dough. In modern world,…

Mojito non-alcoholic

Non-alcoholic mojito: preparing at home Non-alcoholic mojito: preparing at home The history of this refreshing cocktail began in the early 19th century in Cuba, but it was not invented by Cubans. At that...

Cake Count's ruins with sour cream

Cake “Count's ruins” with sour cream Cake “Count's ruins” with sour cream Ingredients Wheat flour – 240 g Sour cream – 200 g + 1 tbsp. into a dark sponge cake Cocoa powder...

Crab sticks and corn salad recipe

Salads of crab sticks with corn Salads of crab sticks with corn Salad of crab sticks with seaweed seaweed (canned) – 1 jar; crab sticks -…

Chocolate pie with pears

Pear pie with chocolate Pear pie with chocolate On the website, of course, there are pear pies with chocolate, but I couldn’t find one specifically) It’s not difficult to prepare, and the result is...

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