Millet porridge in the oven

Millet porridge in the oven - unique methods for making an ordinary dish Millet porridge in the oven - unique methods for making an ordinary dish Millet porridge in the oven - very tasty and...

Salmon in cream sauce recipe

Salmon in cream sauce – 4 recipes Salmon in cream sauce – 4 recipes Marina Arushanyan • 08/14/2018 Salmon in cream sauce is prepared all over the world. The recipe for this...

Caucasian kebab

Pork kebabs in the Caucasian style Pork kebabs in the Caucasian style Useful tips Choosing a marinade Pork kebabs in the Caucasian style with lemon With reddish wine In a kefir marinade In a pomegranate marinade…

Baking recipe from puff pastry dough

Baking made from puff pastry; recipes with photos step by step and description Baking from puff pastry yeast dough - recipes with photos step by step and description Puff pastry is perhaps one...

Pork roast

Frying pork: a recipe in a frying pan Frying pork: a recipe in a frying pan Previously, in the villages, when they had just finished cutting up a carcass, they certainly spoiled the family with “fresh food”. Having tried it at least once,...

Ossetian meat pie

Ossetian meat pie in the oven - step-by-step recipes Ossetian meat pie in the oven - step-by-step recipes Hello, guest! I am constantly looking for the latest recipes so that I don’t get bored...

Baked eggplants with cheese

Eggplants with cheese in the oven Eggplants with cheese in the oven. How to cook Eggplant with cheese in the oven - this is that classic when the combination of two or three ingredients gives the perfect result...

Mullet in the oven

Mullet in the oven; 5 cool recipes Mullet in the oven - 5 cool recipes Mullet is the most delicious and relatively cheap sea fish, dishes from it are widely known in Russian,…

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