Puff pastry baklava

Puff pastry baklava

Baklava is a deliciously savory sweet. These are the thinnest layers of dough, layered with nut interior and soaked in honey syrup. This usual and breathtakingly fragrant combination does not leave anyone who has tasted a piece at least once. Naturally, I would like to someday try to cook this beauty according to a traditional recipe. But for now I’m getting my hands on a lighter version of it, which anyone can handle – baklava made from puff pastry. Recipe with photos – it couldn’t be simpler! All you need is to stock up on ready-made puff pastry, nuts and honey, and other ingredients that are always available in the house. Then a very easy manufacturing process, a little patience - and you can amaze your family with the fragrant, fabulous baklava!

  • yeast-free puff pastry – 900 g,
  • butter – 100 g,
  • walnuts (peeled) – 300 g,
  • sweet powder – 50 g,
  • ground cinnamon (optional) – 1 tsp,
  • sugar – 100 g,
  • honey – 250 g,
  • water – 100 ml,
  • egg – 1 pc.

How to make baklava from puff pastry

First, take out the puff pastry to defrost. I had 2 packages (450 g each), each with 2 square layers of dough. We take out all the layers at once and lay them out to defrost on a surface lightly sprinkled with flour. Be sure to cover the layers on top with something to prevent them from drying out.

At the same time, you can start making the insides for baklava. Nuts, powder and cinnamon will go there (you don’t have to put it in, it’s a matter of taste). We sort out the nuts from debris and frequently encountered pieces of partitions. Throw in a few even halves of nuts for decoration, dry the others a little in a dry frying pan or in the oven.

Next, grind the dried nuts with a blender (or rolling pin) into coarse crumbs.

Mix the resulting nut crumbs with powder, add cinnamon to taste. The inside is ready.

Melt the butter to coat the baklava layers.

By this time, the dough has already defrosted enough to be rolled out. We cut two layers so that one part is larger than the other - the widest parts will be the lower and upper layers of baklava.

We cut the remaining two layers in half. Line a baking tray (preferably with sides) with baking paper. Next, according to the size of the baking sheet, first roll out one of the larger parts of the dough.

Place the rolled out dough on top of the paper so that low sides are formed. Brush the dough generously with melted butter. Spread the nut filling on top in a thin layer.

Next, roll out a narrow layer of dough again (it will be thinner than the first), cover it with a layer of nut interior.

And we repeat: coat the inside with oil, cover with dough, coat with oil again, etc. We repeat all this until the dough or inside is completed. I ended up with 8 layers.

The top layer should be the second large layer of dough - cover the filling with it, carefully folding the edges of the layer, simultaneously fastening them to the bottom one. Brush the top layer with beaten egg.

Next, make diamond-shaped cuts on the raw dough, trying to cut through only the top layers. Place walnut halves in the middle of each resulting diamond.

In this form we send the baklava to a temperature of 170-180 degrees. oven, where we bake it until browned. Check readiness with a match/toothpick. Approximate baking time is 30-40 minutes.

Take the finished baklava out of the oven and cut the baklava into diamond shapes along the marked cuts, right down to the very bottom of the pan. In the meantime, it sits and cools, prepare the honey-sugar filling. To do this, mix sugar, honey and water (I pour boiling water right away so that the pouring reaches a boil more quickly). Dissolve honey and sugar in water, place the container on the stove at the highest heat.

Boil the mixture to a “narrow thread” - pour a little syrup into a plate, wait 5-7 seconds, press the filling with a spoon and then slowly raise it. If a “thread” stretches upward behind the spoon, the filling for the baklava is ready. The boiling time depends on the intensity of boiling and the thickness of the walls of the container in which the filling is cooked. It took me 10 minutes to boil.

Pour the hot syrup over the slightly cooled baklava, trying to pour the cuts especially generously.

We leave the baklava to soak in the filling for at least a couple of hours, absolutely - if it sits for 8 hours, but it is unlikely that you will be able to withstand its excellent smell for that long. Bon appetit!

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Puff pastry baklava

Baklava or as it is also called - baklava (possibly from the Tatar baγla - to wrap) is a sweet pastry made from puff pastry or phyllo dough, most often with walnuts or pistachios, which is generously soaked in sweet or honey syrup. It is the thickness of the dough, nuts and impregnation that make this sweet baklava (or baklava, whichever you prefer). Prepare it at home yourself using yeast-free puff pastry from the hypermarket, which is available to everyone.

  • ready-made puff pastry without yeast – 800 g
  • melted butter – 100 g
  • egg (yolk) – 1 pc.
  • honey – 250 g
  • sugar – 100 g
  • shelled walnuts – 2 cups
  • sweet powder – 1 tbsp. l.
  • ground cinnamon – 1 tsp.


Key words

Legumes grow everywhere, they are tasty, filling, easy to prepare and very economical. If we compare them, .





Mi, this is a recipe specifically for baklava. You can use ready-made dough or your own homemade dough. How to cook it? See the recipe at the link: https://www.gastronom.ru/recipe/19225/sloenoe-testo

How to make your own puff pastry. The housewives have become lazy, give them what they have ready. Ugh.

This is 1/3 cup of water, approximately 80 ml.

Is 0.3 cups of water the size of a glass or add a third of a cup of water? Thank you

Ainur, who will stop you? Why is it not allowed?

Is it possible to add cordamom instead of cinnamon?

thanks for the recipe! The baklava came out the first time, which I’m very happy about mmmm. what does the house smell like at the moment?

Very tasty baklava. Got it out the first time. Everyone liked it. We were preparing for the holiday. Everyone ate too much, and it tastes even better with ice cream.

Depends on the size of the mold and how thin you roll out the dough.

How many dough sheets are there?

This is the best baklava! Now I have to cook it for my wife every week! Thanks for the simple and delicious recipe.

Many thanks to the creator for such a simple and at the same time tasty and very affectionate recipe. The baklava according to this recipe turned out wonderful :).

It is necessary to grease only those layers of dough on which you do not put the filling. But you can’t spoil the dough with oil, at least not in this recipe))

Horror. Well, how could such a recipe be arranged? This is a DELICIOUS, no, most DELICIOUS recipe?!))) But I’m only on the first day of a diet (Diet is a set of rules for human consumption of food) , and here such a recipe caught my eye. The first piece didn't even last 7 hours. I go to bed and the whole family dozes off (so as not to eat all the baklava at once while unconscious) Very tasty! Thank you so much for the easy and affordable recipe! But I just have a tiny clarification - does any layer of dough need to be greased with oil? (I did, just in case)

Thanks for the recipe! It’s very tasty, only when the whole family is at home for 7 hours it won’t work!

So that the honey was not poisonous, I cooled the water and sugar to a warm state, mixed it with honey and poured it over the baklava. The result was the same - very tasty. Thanks for the recipe!!

Very tasty and very simple! I recommend it to gourmands :)

The deliciousness turned out to be unusual! While the baklava stood soaking in a hidden place, the whole family found where this magical smell came from)

thank you for the recipe! sooooooooo delicious)))))))))

Thank you very much for the recipe. The kids and my husband had a lot of fun with this delicious treat)

Thank you very much for the recipe. The kids and my husband had a lot of fun with this delicious treat)

Puff pastry baklava


Yeast-free puff pastry – 1 package

Prunes – 3 cups

Sugar (Demerara) – about 1 cup

Peeled walnuts - 1.5 cups

Various peeled nuts - 0.5 cups

Butter – 100-150 g

Egg yolk – 1 pc.

  • 430 kcal
  • 1 hour
  • 1 hour

Photo of the finished dish

Step-by-step recipe with photos

I offer another recipe for baklava, now made from ready-made puff pastry, with an interior made of various dried fruits and nuts, soaked in honey syrup. Unlike previously proposed recipes for Turkish and Armenian baklava, this one is prepared more quickly, and it is also the least labor-intensive to make, because store-bought puff pastry is used. For the inside and syrup, I used demerara, but you can use regular refined sugar. I made three layers of the inside: 2 from dried fruits and 1 from nuts.

Read also:  Lamb ribs baked in the oven

Fragrant, tasty and even necessary baklava. Try it! Everyone in my household liked it very much.

Prepare puff pastry, prunes, raisins, various nuts, sugar, egg yolk, butter, honey.

For the inside, chop the raisins with prunes and all the nuts together, setting aside a few walnuts for the baklava design.

Defrost the dough and divide two squares from the package into two parts, you will get 4 pieces.

Roll out a piece of dough into an oblong layer, preferably in one direction, without breaking its layers too much. Place the dough in a greased baking tray or lined with baking paper.

Brush the dough with melted butter and spread half the inside of the dried fruit, sprinkle with sugar (Demerara).

Cover with a second sheet of dough, brush with butter, and make a layer of nuts and sugar.

Then cover with the third sheet of dough, repeat the layer of butter, dried fruits and sugar and cover everything with the outermost, fourth sheet of dough. Lubricate it with a mixture of yolk and one tablespoon of cool water, cut the first three layers into diamonds, i.e., without cutting through the bottom one. Decorate with nuts.

Bake for about 10 minutes at 180-200 degrees, then repair the cuts and pour one teaspoon of melted butter over any diamond.

Return the baklava to the oven and bake for about another half hour at 160-180 degrees. Meanwhile, cook syrup from 0.5 cups of sugar with 0.3 cups of water for 5 minutes, and after removing from heat, add honey and stir.

Pour syrup over the finished baklava: first onto any diamond shape, and then in a stream into the slits.

After cooling and soaking the baklava at the same time, cut it into diamonds to the end and serve.

Puff pastry baklava with prunes, raisins and various nuts is ready.


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Puff pastry baklava + 29 baklava recipes

Sunday, July 12, 2015 11:39 + to quote book

Puff pastry baklava + 29 baklava recipes

We offer a homemade recipe for honey baklava made from ready-made puff pastry with dried fruits.

Puff pastry – 1 package
Dried apricots – 2 tbsp.
Raisins – 1 tbsp.
Sugar (Demerara) – 1 tbsp.
Butter – 50 g
Honey – 3 tbsp.
Egg – 1 pc.
Walnuts – 0.5 tbsp.

Defrost puff pastry without yeast at room temperature and cut any sheet into 2 halves.

For the inside, chop scalded raisins and dried apricots. Any type of dried fruit – separately.

Roll out the first sheet of dough to fit the mold. Spread half of the dried apricot insides over its surface and sprinkle with sugar (demerara or regular) to taste.

Cover with the second rolled out sheet of dough.

Make a layer of raisins and sugar/demerara.

Repeat the layer of dough again and the layer of the second half of dried apricots, sprinkle with sugar, and then cover with the fourth rolled out sheet of dough.

For gloss, brush the surface with yolk mixed with one tablespoon of water. Cut into diamonds, but not completely, but only the top three layers. Garnish with walnuts.

Place the baklava in the oven for 10 minutes at 200 degrees, then pour melted butter over any piece and return to the oven for another half hour at 160 degrees.

Make syrup from half a glass of water and about half a glass of sugar. For flavor, add honey to it.

For the finished baklava, renew the cuts again only the first three layers, pour over honey syrup and let cool.

Cut the cooled baklava all the way through and serve. Bon appetit!

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