Homemade pizza with sausage and cheese

Homemade pizza with sausage and cheese

Everyone loves pizza. Especially if it is prepared according to an excellent recipe. In this case, the result is amazing. For any family celebration you can prepare delicious homemade pizza. Everyone will be in ecstasy from such delicious pastries.

For a savory pizza, you can prepare tender, yeast dough. It’s easy to select the insides according to the preferences of the guests - pizza with sausage, ham, seafood, or you can create four cheeses. Our recipe with sausage and cheese is especially for you!


  • flour: 1 kg;
  • water: 550 ml;
  • table salt: 18 g;
  • olive oil: 75 ml;
  • dry yeast: 12 g;
  • tomato paste: 180 g;
  • tomato: 2 pcs;
  • sausage: 100 g;
  • cheese: 200 g.

{Instructions} manufacturing

Sift flour into a deep bowl.

Pour the yeast into a bowl with flour. If there is no dry yeast, then you can take 6 grams of raw yeast.

Pour the oil and water into the bowl with the flour.

Pour the salt into a common bowl.

First knead the dough in a bowl. Later, place it on the table. The finished dough should be dense. Leave it for 30 minutes.

Then roll the dough into a sausage with your hands. Cut in half.

Later, cut each half twice. There should be 8 parts.

Form the pieces into balls. Leave them for 30 minutes.

Using your hands, knead any ball into a cake. Place on a dry baking sheet.

Grease the dough with tomato paste.

Cut the cheese into cubes. Spread on top.

Place tomato pieces on top. Place everything in the oven for 10 minutes. Cook at 200 degrees. You can create any other filling for the remaining dough cakes.

Pizza with boiled sausage and cheese

Cooking: 25 minutes

Pizza with boiled sausage and cheese is a recipe for simple and delicious food that has been tried and tested over the years.

The traditional combination of thin dough, tomato sauce, boiled sausage under a cheese crust impresses with its indescribable taste. You can, of course, eat a sandwich. Or you can use the same products to make an Italian flatbread from yeast dough with sausage inside. The effect, taste and mood will be completely different.

Advantages of the recipe

There are an indescribable number of recipes for making pizza. The entrails are prepared in a variety of ways. But every housewife must have an economical option for making such a dish in her arsenal.

The recipe for making pizza is simple and not at all burdensome. According to statistics, 80% of the entire population are lovers of such baked goods. The success of the dish is striking on a global scale. Moving from one country to another, the recipe acquires newer and newer tastes. The main thing is not to be afraid to experiment!

Well, until you start your experiments, take advantage of the pizza making recipes on our website.

Ingredients for pizza with boiled sausage and cheese

  • Wheat flour – 2.5 tbsp.
  • Purified water – 1 tbsp.
  • Yeast – 30 g
  • Boiled sausage – 250 g
  • Hard cheese – 100 g
  • Onions – 2 pcs.
  • Tomato paste – 50 ml
  • Mayonnaise (if desired) – 30 ml
  • Sugar – 3 tsp.
  • Pepper mixture – 0.3 tsp.
  • Salt – 1 pinch

How to make pizza with boiled sausage and cheese

Cover the yeast with sugar, add warm water, and leave in a warm place to grow.

Stir the risen yeast and pour it into the flour, add salt and mix thoroughly.

Mix flour, yeast and water into a soft dough.

If all the flour doesn’t go, it’s not scary. The dough should be airy, even slightly sticky. While we prepare the ingredients for the inside, the dough will rise.

Cut the boiled sausage as desired.

I like the long straw better.

Cut the onions into rings or half rings.

Grate the cheese on a grater with large holes.

Place the risen yeast dough on a baking sheet and spread it over it by lightly tapping your fingers.

Before work, grease your hands and baking sheet with sunflower oil.

Lubricate the pizza base with tomato paste or a paste consistency with mayonnaise.

Next, distribute the sausage moderately over the entire surface of the pizza.

Place onion half rings in a second layer. Sprinkle with a mixture of peppers.

Now it's time for the grated cheese. Distribute throughout the pizza.

You can add a little mayonnaise, but this is not at all necessary (but delicious!).

Bake the pizza in an oven preheated to 250°C until browned. Depending on the features of the oven, baking will take up to 25 minutes.

The most delicious pizza with sausage and cheese is ready!

The dish turned out juicy and appetizing. A hot piece of crispy base with tender sausage and stringy cheese will amuse those who love to eat deliciously and with joy.

Pizza with sausage, tomatoes and cheese in the oven

Have a nice day dear readers!

At the moment we will be preparing pizza, and I want to please you that the dough recipe is very simple. For the inside, we will use the most common foods: sausage, tomatoes and cheese . This is a quick recipe! Also, there are other pizza options on the blog...

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Pizza is very popular in our house. We cook it often, despite all the harmfulness. It’s really quite suitable. You can taste it not only for breakfast, but also as a good snack for lunch or dinner.

I understand that almost all housewives use a frying pan for baking. They cook the pizza properly on the stove. I am a supporter of the traditional recipe, I bake it in the oven. Although both options are unique in their own way, and to say that one is better would be a big mistake. Everyone cooks their own way.

It's time to start cooking. It will take little time, but the result is simply cool.

Pizza with sausage, tomatoes and cheese in the oven

Before we start, I would like to create a small review of the products. Because there will not be very many ingredients in the composition, I advise you to pay attention to the properties. Well, for example, take the same sausage, don’t skimp on this meat product. Choose a more expensive product and you will see how positively it will affect your baking. Choose tomatoes that are denser, and the tomato paste must be of adequate quality. With cheese it’s even easier, take the one that’s harder. But make sure that it is not a cheese product.

Despite the fact that we will use yeast in the composition, the pizza will turn out to be very narrow. Therefore, you won’t have to worry about this moment.

Frisky and easy pizza dough recipe

When making any baked goods, great attention should be paid to the dough. After all, this is the base on which almost everything in the future will depend. Despite the fact that this recipe is very common, the taste of the finished baked goods is stunning. I tried many different options and decided to stop at this one.

For the test:

  • Flour – 3.5-4 cups
  • Butter or margarine – 100 gr.
  • Yeast – 10 gr.
  • Milk – 300 ml.
  • Mayonnaise – 1-2 tablespoons (without slide)
  • Salt, sugar - to taste

For the inside:

  • Boiled sausage – 150-200 gr.
  • Semi-smoked sausage – 150-200 gr.
  • Tomatoes – 2 pcs.
  • Hard cheese – 200 gr.
  • Tomato paste – 2-3 tablespoons


The basis of any pizza is the dough. First, brew the yeast. I do this in the following way: pour 100 ml into a mug. warm milk. Then, add a little sweet sand and the entire amount of yeast. Mix everything well, take out the spoon and wait.

Avoid drafts in the room during yeast fermentation. For such purposes, it is better to first choose a warmer space; I usually place it near the radiator. Thus, the fermentation process begins even faster.

The readiness of the yeast can be determined by the air cap that appears on the surface. At this moment, do not shake the dishes with their contents and do not mix them under any circumstances.

To knead the dough, I advise you to immediately take a deep bowl. Pour the rest of the milk (warm) into it, followed by softened butter and mayonnaise.

You can replace butter with any kind of margarine, but not the cheap kind. A spread will not work in this case.

Pour the fermented yeast into the bowl with the ingredients. Add salt and sweet sand to taste.

Next, add flour in small portions and begin kneading. Please note that the flour will need to be sifted before use. In this way we will get rid of various impurities that may accidentally get into the product. And plus we saturate it with oxygen, so the baked goods will turn out even tastier.

You should knead very carefully, without rushing. Flour should be added as needed.

Please note that the amount of flour indicated in the composition may not correspond to yours. It all depends on the humidity and the properties of this ingredient.

We will knead the dough until a homogeneous mixture is obtained. But keep in mind that it doesn’t have to be protracted. It will not stick to your hands much, but its mass should be homogeneous. Only then can you finish the batch.

Place the finished dough in a bag and place it in a warm place for a while. At this time we will start making the interior ourselves. Let's prepare the products more precisely.

Homemade pizza with sausage and cheese. Regular step-by-step recipe

We have dealt with the basics, but no less important action is preparing goods for the interior. I suggest starting with sausage. We will use two types of this meat delicacy: milk and semi-smoked. But despite this, the tenderloin will be completely similar - a straw.

In advance, cut the sausage into thin slices. Then put them in small piles and you can cut them. Personally, I find it most comfortable to cut this way.

Next we proceed to cutting out the tomatoes. Be sure to wash the vegetable before using it. Then remove the stalk and cut into two equal parts. And now we will cut it into half rings. It’s very comfortable when the tomatoes are dense, they don’t slip off your hands and the tenderloin comes out even and neat.

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It's even easier with cheese, just grate it.

Now let’s start actually collecting our pizza. All the ingredients have been prepared, which means you can safely assemble our baked goods and send them to the oven.

Divide the finished dough into two equal pieces. Roll one of the pieces into a narrow layer and place on a baking sheet. Only the leaf will need to be lubricated with a thin layer of vegetable oil before insertion.

Lubricate the dough layer with a thin layer of tomato paste. 2 tablespoons per pizza will be completely enough.

Next we lay out the chopped tomatoes. Just not in a heap, but moderately distribute the vegetable slices throughout the entire layer.

Now we put two types of sausage. Please note that before placing the deli meat, I mixed both types together.

Our next task is to apply mayonnaise sparingly. But this does not always work out successfully. That is why in such variants I make a mesh. I'll tell you everything for now.

Take a plastic bag and put snow-white sauce into it. Drive it into one of the corners and make a small hole.

You can apply the mayonnaise mesh in any direction you like.

All that remains is to sprinkle the pizza with grated cheese and you can put it in the oven. Only the oven needs to be preheated before use. Our dough is rolled out very thinly, which means that it will reach readiness very quickly.

Set the oven to 200 degrees. Pizza baking time is no more than 25 minutes. 10 minutes after baking starts, check the pizza for doneness.

In a word, watch the baking. Therefore, everyone’s household appliances are different and they behave differently. Therefore, it is better to play it safe.

When ready, remove the pizza. Let it cool slightly and start cutting. It will be difficult to cut it while it is hot.

And that's all, my dear readers. Cook, I think the recipe will suit your character, so it doesn’t require any extra effort on your part.

Pizza with sausage, tomatoes and cheese in the oven

Have a nice day dear readers!

At the moment we will be preparing pizza, and I want to please you that the dough recipe is very simple. For the inside, we will use the most common foods: sausage, tomatoes and cheese . This is a quick recipe! Also, there are other pizza options on the blog...

Pizza is very popular in our house. We cook it often, despite all the harmfulness. It’s really quite suitable. You can taste it not only for breakfast, but also as a good snack for lunch or dinner.

I understand that almost all housewives use a frying pan for baking. They cook the pizza properly on the stove. I am a supporter of the traditional recipe, I bake it in the oven. Although both options are unique in their own way, and to say that one is better would be a big mistake. Everyone cooks their own way.

It's time to start cooking. It will take little time, but the result is simply cool.

Pizza with sausage, tomatoes and cheese in the oven

Before we start, I would like to create a small review of the products. Because there will not be very many ingredients in the composition, I advise you to pay attention to the properties. Well, for example, take the same sausage, don’t skimp on this meat product. Choose a more expensive product and you will see how positively it will affect your baking. Choose tomatoes that are denser, and the tomato paste must be of adequate quality. With cheese it’s even easier, take the one that’s harder. But make sure that it is not a cheese product.

Despite the fact that we will use yeast in the composition, the pizza will turn out to be very narrow. Therefore, you won’t have to worry about this moment.

Frisky and easy pizza dough recipe

When making any baked goods, great attention should be paid to the dough. After all, this is the base on which almost everything in the future will depend. Despite the fact that this recipe is very common, the taste of the finished baked goods is stunning. I tried many different options and decided to stop at this one.

For the test:

  • Flour – 3.5-4 cups
  • Butter or margarine – 100 gr.
  • Yeast – 10 gr.
  • Milk – 300 ml.
  • Mayonnaise – 1-2 tablespoons (without slide)
  • Salt, sugar - to taste

For the inside:

  • Boiled sausage – 150-200 gr.
  • Semi-smoked sausage – 150-200 gr.
  • Tomatoes – 2 pcs.
  • Hard cheese – 200 gr.
  • Tomato paste – 2-3 tablespoons
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The basis of any pizza is the dough. First, brew the yeast. I do this in the following way: pour 100 ml into a mug. warm milk. Then, add a little sweet sand and the entire amount of yeast. Mix everything well, take out the spoon and wait.

Avoid drafts in the room during yeast fermentation. For such purposes, it is better to first choose a warmer space; I usually place it near the radiator. Thus, the fermentation process begins even faster.

The readiness of the yeast can be determined by the air cap that appears on the surface. At this moment, do not shake the dishes with their contents and do not mix them under any circumstances.

To knead the dough, I advise you to immediately take a deep bowl. Pour the rest of the milk (warm) into it, followed by softened butter and mayonnaise.

You can replace butter with any kind of margarine, but not the cheap kind. A spread will not work in this case.

Pour the fermented yeast into the bowl with the ingredients. Add salt and sweet sand to taste.

Next, add flour in small portions and begin kneading. Please note that the flour will need to be sifted before use. In this way we will get rid of various impurities that may accidentally get into the product. And plus we saturate it with oxygen, so the baked goods will turn out even tastier.

You should knead very carefully, without rushing. Flour should be added as needed.

Please note that the amount of flour indicated in the composition may not correspond to yours. It all depends on the humidity and the properties of this ingredient.

We will knead the dough until a homogeneous mixture is obtained. But keep in mind that it doesn’t have to be protracted. It will not stick to your hands much, but its mass should be homogeneous. Only then can you finish the batch.

Place the finished dough in a bag and place it in a warm place for a while. At this time we will start making the interior ourselves. Let's prepare the products more precisely.

Homemade pizza with sausage and cheese. Regular step-by-step recipe

We have dealt with the basics, but no less important action is preparing goods for the interior. I suggest starting with sausage. We will use two types of this meat delicacy: milk and semi-smoked. But despite this, the tenderloin will be completely similar - a straw.

In advance, cut the sausage into thin slices. Then put them in small piles and you can cut them. Personally, I find it most comfortable to cut this way.

Next we proceed to cutting out the tomatoes. Be sure to wash the vegetable before using it. Then remove the stalk and cut into two equal parts. And now we will cut it into half rings. It’s very comfortable when the tomatoes are dense, they don’t slip off your hands and the tenderloin comes out even and neat.

It's even easier with cheese, just grate it.

Now let’s start actually collecting our pizza. All the ingredients have been prepared, which means you can safely assemble our baked goods and send them to the oven.

Divide the finished dough into two equal pieces. Roll one of the pieces into a narrow layer and place on a baking sheet. Only the leaf will need to be lubricated with a thin layer of vegetable oil before insertion.

Lubricate the dough layer with a thin layer of tomato paste. 2 tablespoons per pizza will be completely enough.

Next we lay out the chopped tomatoes. Just not in a heap, but moderately distribute the vegetable slices throughout the entire layer.

Now we put two types of sausage. Please note that before placing the deli meat, I mixed both types together.

Our next task is to apply mayonnaise sparingly. But this does not always work out successfully. That is why in such variants I make a mesh. I'll tell you everything for now.

Take a plastic bag and put snow-white sauce into it. Drive it into one of the corners and make a small hole.

You can apply the mayonnaise mesh in any direction you like.

All that remains is to sprinkle the pizza with grated cheese and you can put it in the oven. Only the oven needs to be preheated before use. Our dough is rolled out very thinly, which means that it will reach readiness very quickly.

Set the oven to 200 degrees. Pizza baking time is no more than 25 minutes. 10 minutes after baking starts, check the pizza for doneness.

In a word, watch the baking. Therefore, everyone’s household appliances are different and they behave differently. Therefore, it is better to play it safe.

When ready, remove the pizza. Let it cool slightly and start cutting. It will be difficult to cut it while it is hot.

And that's all, my dear readers. Cook, I think the recipe will suit your character, so it doesn’t require any extra effort on your part.

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