Protein cream

Protein cream

Protein cream for tubes 4.4 3

Protein cream makes a good candidate for buttercream, which melts in a matter of hours. Prepare it for the inside of your own tubes - and enjoy! . further

Oil-protein cream 4.3 1

I offer a recipe for a creamy, tender and wonderful-tasting cream for layering and decorating cakes and cupcakes. In particular, it looks great and looks almost pure white against the background of the dark chocolate dough. I’m sharing how to make butter-white cream. . further

Diet cream for cake 3.5 1

Light and airy, easy to make and universally suitable for any type of cake, besides, dietary cream for a cake at home is a godsend for any housewife. . further

Protein cream 4.2

Are you preparing a light and airy dessert and don’t want to use heavy buttercream? There is a good recipe for making protein cream; it is perfect for all cakes, pastries and pies. . further

Lemon cake with protein cream

During the times of the USSR (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, also the Soviet Union - a state that existed from 1922 to 1991 in Europe and Asia), lemon cakes made according to GOST could be found in any pastry shop or cafeteria. Nowadays, these are no longer sold, unfortunately, but you can simply prepare them at home. . further

Protein cream for cake decoration

Among the huge contrast of sweet baking creams, there are those that most people especially love. And you should know them if you like to bake for holidays for guests and your own family. . further

Tartlets with cream 4.8

With the most delicate light cream and fruit, the tartlets turn out indescribably delicious. Protein cream imparts extraordinary lightness to tartlets and mixes perfectly with fruits and berries. . further

Protein cream for cake 4.1

I would like to show you my own simple recipe for making protein cream for a cake - with it you can prepare airy and delicious desserts for any holiday! We watch and record. . further

Protein cake 4.6

An indescribably tender and airy cake, similar to clouds. Fans of unique homemade baked goods will love this protein cake recipe! . further

Protein-oil cream 3.7

Protein-butter cream is mainly used by professional chefs to create decorations on cakes and desserts. The highlight of the cream is its delicate taste, and production is very simple. Read! . further

Tart with chocolate insides and protein cream 4.8

The recipe for a tart is a traditional open-faced pie made from a special shortcrust pastry in French cuisine. . further

Protein cream for cake decoration 3.4

Making homemade dessert is always a celebration. Any housewife tries to create a dessert that is not only tasty, but also beautiful. We offer a recipe on how to prepare protein cream for cake decoration. . further

Baskets with protein cream 3.1

Baskets with protein cream can be purchased in almost all pastry shops and stores. But they are not always sold there the freshest. Therefore, it is better to prepare such baskets without the help of others at home. . further

Cream “Wet meringue” 4.1

This type of cream is something between a watery cream and a marshmallow. The fact is that when it hardens, it hardens, so it can be used in different ways. Here's how to make Wet Meringue Cream. . further

Protein-custard cream for cake 2.6

Looking at the beautifully decorated cakes in pastry shops, I had no idea that such beauty could be created independently at home. I'll tell you how to prepare protein-custard cream for a cake. . further

Cream for roses on cake 3.8

The rose cream for the cake is quite easy to prepare, especially if you follow the recipe to the letter! . further

Protein cream with gelatin 4.5

This cream can be used to decorate any pastries and cakes. You can also use it to make “Bird’s Milk” candies. . further

Protein cream for sponge cake

I would like to share with you the secret of how to prepare a protein cream for a sponge cake that always comes out just perfect. Airy, indescribably delicious and easy to make. . further

Puff pastries with protein cream 4.6

I would like to tell you how to quickly and easily prepare puff pastries with protein cream - a favorite of almost everyone since youth, a good dessert that is suitable both for a holiday and for home tea! . further

Protein cream in a water bath 5.0

I really like desserts with traditional protein-based cream. And here I will show you how to prepare protein cream in a water bath. It will be a good addition to baked goods or other desserts. . further

Snow-white icing for cake 3.4

If you don’t have time to make cake decorations or are new to confectionery, snow-white icing will always help you out. A homemade cake will turn out not only delicious, but also festive. . further

Chocolate pie with protein cream and oranges

When I hear the words “chocolate” and “homemade cakes,” my mouth immediately waters. And if you combine these things in one recipe, the result should be great. . further

Protein cream with agar-agar 5.0

Protein cream is perfect for making and decorating cakes, pastries, cupcakes and desserts. The precise relief of the cream is achieved thanks to the content of agar-agar in it. Let's prepare this cream. . further

Protein cream according to GOST 4.0

Protein cream according to GOST is specifically that meringue that is prepared from proteins brewed with hot sweet syrup. Thick and fluffy, it is perfect for decorating pastries and cakes. . further

Swiss meringue 4.3

Swiss meringue or custard protein cream is perfect for decorating cakes, cupcakes, pastries and desserts. They are also used to sandwich rolls, pies, and cakes. I'm sharing the recipe! . further

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Protein cream for cupcakes 5.0

I would like to share a recipe for an all-purpose protein cream. It is perfect for almost all types of baked goods; it is especially great for decorating cupcakes with them, because the cream is measured and keeps its shape. . further

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It's easier to prepare than usual. Moreover, the ingredients for this decoration are in any refrigerator. The base is the whites of chicken eggs, which can eventually be mixed with sugar, salt and even water. There are different recipes for protein cream for a cake, but it seems to us that it is best to choose something ordinary. The fact is that, depending on the amount of proteins and sugar that you combine, the cream can turn out either very watery, or very dense and when it dries, it will become completely hard. We decided to tell you how to make a delicious cream from egg whites with your own hands. For better whipping, a pinch of salt is usually added to the whites for better whipping. Sugar is not added immediately, but when the mass begins to turn white. If you add all the sugar at once, the dish will quickly be ruined. Usually, for three proteins they take about 100-200 grams of sugar. You can easily find the usual preparation of protein cream, which you can use to decorate cakes and other sweets, among the recipes from our creators.

Main protein cream

Salad cocktail “Game of taste”

Lenten dessert made from apples and coconut

“Casket” hot sandwiches

Salad “Two colors” avocado + shrimp + vegetables

Sprouted wheat

  • vegetarian

Introduction: for beginners, it is best to prepare cream for 3 proteins, more is possible, 6 proteins are considered perfect, but this is a lot, 6 proteins make a full 3 liter bowl.
I don’t recommend taking less than 3, because... Beginners may not succeed.


proportion for 6 proteins
egg whites cool 6 pcs
sugar 2 glasses (glass size 250 g - sugar in such a glass 200 g)
citric acid (not diluted, but crystals) 0.5 tsp
at least some flavoring (also not necessary)
proportion for 3 proteins
egg whites 3 pcs
sugar 1 glass
water 70 ml

general information



Step-by-step recipe with photos

Carefully wash the saucepan for the syrup, fill it with water and boil it. Drain it. The saucepan is ready for use.
! Wash the bowl and wipe dry.

Making cream.
Pour 2 faceted glasses of sugar into a saucepan, add half a glass of water and put on high heat. After boiling, it is enough to reduce the heat and let the syrup boil. When the syrup begins to boil with weak (lazy) bubbles, it is ready.
We control the readiness of the syrup visually or using a confectionery thermometer.
from time to time, dip a clean, dry object into the bubbling syrup and drop it into a cup of cool water; if a solid ball has set in the afternoon, the syrup is ready. (see photo) You can also find it by the syrup thread; when the syrup flows from a spoon, it flows continuously thread like honey The syrup began to boil, then lazy bubbles appeared (that is, the syrup began to boil slowly because it was already thickening).
At this moment, drop a drop into a cup of water - can you clearly feel the dense ball on the day? Unsurpassed! It's time to add citric acid and STIR IT VIRGENTLY into the syrup; you can also add acid while beating the whites.

approximately 5 - 6 minutes before the end of cooking the syrup, we begin to beat the whites, or at the same time as the syrup begins to boil (I beat when the syrup begins to boil), if the whites are whipped correctly, then nothing will happen to them in 1-2 minutes, if they wait until syrup is ready

Pour the whites into a bowl and begin to beat with a mixer until they form a white, stable foam. If you turn the cup over, they are in place and do not slide, which means it’s ready.
Now THIN stream of 2-4mm and vigorously stir it into the whites. Try it.
so that the syrup does not fall directly on the beaters - small splashes scatter along the walls of the bowl and freeze in pieces. So, we added the syrup to the whites as much as possible, then we move the bowl into a bowl of water (be careful not to pour it into the bowl!) and continue to beat UNTIL THE CREAM COOLS COMPLETELY. You can do without a bowl of water, but then the cooling process will be delayed.
The cream must cool one hundred percent while whipping!!
If you did everything correctly, you will get a good cream.

common mistakes
If the syrup is overcooked , citric acid will turn it brown. If the color is yellow, then everything is fine, if it’s brown, pour it out and wash the pan.

They poured the syrup into the whites very quickly, so there were pieces of caramel in the cream or the caramel stuck together in a thick layer on the bottom of the bowl.

The syrup was boiled down poorly, so after it cooled completely the cream remained watery. Less often, but it also happens, the whites were beaten poorly. When you start whipping, you cannot stop for a minute; the whites that are not secured with sugar will settle in a few seconds!

They under-added the citric acid, so the cream tastes very sweet and very sour.

In less than 2 hours the cream began to “bubble” - the eggs were very large (and therefore the protein mass) or the syrup was not cooked properly.

The whites are not whipped well - the eggs are old or warm. or a piece of yolk got in. Separate the yolks carefully, then put the bowl in the refrigerator and let them cool together with the bowl!

It is not allowed to color cocoa . It is fatty, and protein does not tolerate fat. Therefore, your cream may fall off. But. For every rule there is an exception to the rule, cocoa-colored cream.
You can tint it.
And aqua-based paints. and gel. After cooling completely! set aside and pour in dye. mix to the appropriate color concentration. Everything turns out great. Protein cream does not tolerate alcohol and alcohol-containing dyes. From them, it also quickly falls and blurs.
You can use protein cream to decorate cakes covered with buttercream.
on a sour cream, cream, jelly coating it may drip, but not all the time; if the cake has stood well and the cream has been absorbed, then you can safely decorate with protein, I have never had any drips.

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That’s how capricious he is, just like a girl ... But he’s light. delicious and customers adore it. No fat!

Almost everyone is afraid of protein cream because of raw proteins. But!
Protein cream is the most bacterially resistant cream, the shelf life of protein cream is longer than that of butter and butter. Salmonella dies at a temperature of 70-80 ° C, and the temperature of syrup is 117-120 ° C, because the syrup cooks proteins and salmonella dies . Before insertion, eggs must be thoroughly washed so that pathogens on the surface do not get into the product.

Protein cream for a cake - the best recipes for decorating a dessert

Protein cream for cakes is suitable for coating cakes and decorating products. When prepared correctly, the warm, light and airy substance is simply deposited using a pastry bag or syringe, holds its shape perfectly and harmoniously complements the taste of all cakes.

How to create protein cream?

To prepare protein cream for a cake at home, you will need ordinary and constantly available ingredients, very little free time and the desire to understand ordinary recipes, which will be even easier to implement if you keep the following in mind:

  1. The production of protein cream always begins with the preparation of the initial product. To do this, carefully wash and wipe the eggs dry and separate the whites from the yolks, which in this case are not useful.
  2. Chilled whites whip faster and easier, but they hold their shape worse and simply settle. Therefore, if the final result is intended for decorating a cake, the base does not need to be cooled, which will only benefit the texture of the cream.
  3. A pinch of salt will make whipping easier, and citric acid will neutralize excess sweetness and whiten the protein foam.
  4. When combining whipped proteins with a different base, they are introduced in portions, carefully mixing with a spatula in one-sided movements from bottom to top, or beating additionally with a mixer (according to the recipe).

Protein custard - recipe

Regular protein cream with sweet powder is occasionally used to decorate cakes. It’s another matter if you prepare the substance by brewing it with sweet syrup. In this case, the mass becomes denser, more pliable and less capricious. In addition, the risk of salmonella infection is reduced, which cannot be avoided when using raw eggs.

  • proteins – 3 pcs.;
  • sweet sand – 180 g;
  • water – 100 ml;
  • salt and citric acid - a pinch each.
  1. Combine sugar with water, cook until the crystals dissolve and the contents reach a temperature of 115 degrees.
  2. At the end of cooking, begin to beat the whites with salt and citric acid.
  3. Continuing whipping, pour in the finished syrup in a narrow stream.
  4. Place the container with the cream in a container of cool water.
  5. Beat the egg white custard to decorate the cake until it cools completely.

Protein-butter cream for cake

Protein-butter cream for a cake has a delicate, airy and velvety structure, perfect for layering all cake layers and decorating desserts using the method of pipetting with a pastry bag. The versatility of the substance is complemented by its amazing taste and comparable manufacturing technology.

  • squirrels – 4 pcs.;
  • sweet sand – 250 g;
  • butter – 300 g;
  • vanilla - a pinch.
  1. The whites are combined with sugar, placed in a water bath and heated to a temperature of 70 degrees, stirring with a whisk.
  2. Move the bowl into a container with cool water and beat until the contents cool completely.
  3. Add vanilla and butter in portions, beating the mixture until smooth each time.
  4. The finished protein cream for a cake with butter can be tinted in any color by adding dye.

Protein cream with gelatin - recipe

If you create a protein cream for a cake with gelatin, its light and airy texture becomes dense after cooling, and the patterns placed using a pastry bag amazingly retain their original appearance during storage. If desired, you can slightly reduce the amount of citric acid, add a little more sugar or a little vanilla.

  • proteins – 5 pcs.;
  • sweet powder – 300 g;
  • gelatin – 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • citric acid – 1 teaspoon;
  • water – 150 ml.
  1. Soak the gelatin in water, heat, stirring, until the granules dissolve, and cool.
  2. Beat the whites, adding powder and citric acid evenly in portions.
  3. Continuing whisking, add gelatin water little by little.
  4. Beat the protein cream with gelatin for a few more minutes and use as intended.

Protein cream

The following recipe for protein cream at home is made with the addition of cream, which, like whites, is whipped chilled with a portion of sweet powder. When ready, two bases: protein and cream are combined together by mixing the first into the second with a spatula without using a mixer.

  • squirrels – 4 pcs.;
  • sweet powder – 200 g;
  • heavy cream - 1 cup.
  1. Whip the whites and cream separately, adding 100 g of powder to each base.
  2. Combine the fluffy whites and cream together and use the prepared protein buttercream for the cake as intended.

Protein chocolate cream - recipe

The following recipe is for those with a sweet tooth who prefer chocolate pastries and desserts with the right flavor. In this case, following the advice, you can simply prepare protein chocolate cream for the cake by adding a portion of cocoa powder to the syrup during cooking. By varying the amount of extreme cream, you can get a cream of different saturation, both in color and taste.

  • squirrels – 4 pcs.;
  • sugar – 200 g;
  • water – 100 ml;
  • cocoa powder – 30-60 g;
  • citric acid – 0.5 teaspoon.
  1. Set the syrup from water and sugar to boil, adding cocoa to the mixture.
  2. The mass can be maintained up to a temperature of 115 degrees.
  3. Beat the whites until stiff, pour in the chocolate syrup in a stream and beat until the mixture cools completely.
  4. Ready-made chocolate protein cream is used for layering or decorating desserts.

Protein cream with condensed milk

To prepare protein cream for the layer of the cake and immediately for decorating it, you can use the following recipe. In this case, whipped egg whites are mixed with condensed milk and syrup, immediately creating a substance that is amazing in both taste and texture, which is perfect for any purpose.

  • proteins – 3 pcs.;
  • condensed milk – 200 g;
  • gelatin – 20 g;
  • water – 300 ml;
  • sugar – 500 g;
  • butter – 100 g;
  • citric acid and vanilla - a pinch each.
  1. Gelatin is soaked in water (100 ml), heated, and then cooled.
  2. Water and sugar are boiled to a temperature of 115 degrees, then poured in a stream into the whites whipped to stiff peaks with citric acid and beaten until completely cooled.
  3. Combine the two purchased bases together, add gelatin, beat again and place the cream in the refrigerator for a short time.
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Protein cream with syrup

By preparing protein cream at home using the following recipe, you can get the perfect addition to a sweet dessert, filling it with the desired taste and smell. As a base for brewing proteins, instead of traditional sweet syrup, you can use a substance with strawberry, raspberry, coffee or other filling.

  • squirrels – 4 pcs.;
  • sweet sand – 250 g;
  • water – 50 ml;
  • strong coffee or fruit syrup – 50 ml;
  • salt and citric acid - a pinch each.
  1. Syrup is made from sugar and water, adding coffee or fruit extract to taste.
  2. Due to the consistency of the temperature of 115 degrees, pour it in a narrow stream into the whites whipped to peaks, without stopping whipping at this time.
  3. Continue to work with the mixer until the cream cools.

Curd and protein cream

Protein cream for sponge cake, decorated with the addition of cottage cheese, is immediately light, tender, airy and catchy in taste. To complete the recipe, choose high-quality, homemade cottage cheese as a standard, and further process it until it acquires a creamy texture with a blender, adding a little sweet powder. When using cream to design a cake, it is additionally thickened with gelatin.

  • squirrels – 4 pcs.;
  • sweet powder – 300 g;
  • cottage cheese – 250 g;
  • vanilla and citric acid - a pinch each.
  1. Beat the whites until stiff, adding sweet powder in the process.
  2. Combine the prepared cottage cheese with vanilla in portions and beat again.

Protein cream for mastic

Oil-protein cream for mastic, made according to this recipe, perfectly smooths out all the bulges on the cake, preparing it for the upcoming decoration. It is important to observe the proportions of the components and adhere to the tips of the technology, then the result will delight not only with its amazing taste, but also with the impeccable appearance of the sweet.

  • squirrels – 4 pcs.;
  • butter – 300 g;
  • sweet sand – 200 g;
  • vanilla.
  1. The whites are combined with sugar and heated in a water bath, stirring until all the crystals are dissolved.
  2. Remove the container from the heat and whisk the contents until completely cool.
  3. Add vanilla and butter in small portions, beating the cream with a mixer each time.

Protein cream for cake


Egg whites – 4 pcs.

Citric acid – 0.25 tsp.

Gel food coloring - optional

  • 200 kcal
  • 25 min.
  • 25 min.

Photo of the finished dish

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Video recipe: Protein cream for cake

Step-by-step recipe with photos and videos

Protein cream for a cake is not as difficult to make as it seems. If you follow a few rules, then everything will work out for you, and you can quickly and beautifully decorate any cake.

Why do I love protein cream? Firstly, it holds its shape unsurpassed! Secondly, the flowers and details made from it have a very pleasant gloss. Third, a cake decorated with protein cream can simply stand on the table for several hours without leaking. The cake decor becomes a little dense on the outside and tender and delicious on the inside.

So, to make protein cream for a cake at home, we need eggs, sugar, a little water and citric acid.

Rule 1 - the eggs and the mixing bowl must be perfectly cooled.

Separate the whites from the yolks.

We will beat the whites until foamy; they should not fall out of the bowl if you turn it over.

Divide the sugar into two equal parts. One will go into syrup, the second - into egg whites. So, we will beat and add sugar to the whites, a teaspoon at a time. When all the sugar has been added, beat for a couple more minutes until stiff peaks form, and immediately cook the syrup.

Place the second half of the sugar in the saucepan, add citric acid and water. Stir and cook over medium heat until the sugar dissolves and bubbles appear. We begin to create a test for a soft ball: drop a drop of syrup into a bowl of cool water, and if a ball appears, then the syrup is ready. The main thing is not to overcook the syrup. Otherwise, the cream will taste bitter, and you will have to start all over again. If you have a confectionery temperature gauge, then cook the syrup to a temperature of 120 degrees and remove.

Pour the hot syrup into the egg whites in a narrow stream, without stopping whisking. We pour the syrup down the wall, but don’t pour it onto the whisk, as the syrup may splatter. Beat after all the syrup is poured in until the cream cools. What comes out is this stable and shiny protein cream for the cake.

If necessary, you can color the finished cream, but if you need one color, it is better to color the cream at the whipping stage, after pouring in the syrup. Use only gel dyes.

I decorate most of my own cakes with this protein cream. These are the cakes I had for Valentine's Day.

Using various attachments, you can create borders, flowers and any decor for your cakes. There is nothing impossible, the main thing is to start, and it’s never too late to create this!

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