Custard pancakes with milk

Custard pancakes with milk

February 20, 2017

This pancake recipe is the most popular in our kitchen.
The pancakes turn out tender, thin, with a small, delicious hole.
They turn over unsurpassedly, even in not the best frying pan.
These pancakes are perfect for stuffing with different entrails.
The preparation is simple and straightforward, and the end result is very entertaining.

  • Preparation: 5 m
  • Production: 30 m
  • Servings: 4-5 servings


Water (boiling water): 200 ml. (+/- 50 ml.)

Vegetable oil: 2 tl.

Flour: 200 gr. (+/- 50 gr.)

Baking powder: 1 tsp.

Soda: 0.5 tsp. (to repay)


Combine 1 eggs with salt and sugar. Mix well.

2 Add milk and stir.

3 Add flour and baking powder, mix the dough until smooth.

4 We extinguish soda, I usually use lemon juice.

5 The dough comes out quite thick, almost like pancakes.

6 Bring the water to a boil and pour boiling water into the dough. Mix well.

7 Heat the frying pan perfectly and grease it with oil. Pour out a small portion of the dough.

8 The dough will be like a pancake mixture. If your dough is thick, add a little boiling water. Or, on the contrary, if the dough is very liquid, then there is not enough flour. Add vegetable oil and mix the dough well.

9 The pancake is browned on one side, turn it over and fry on the other. The pancakes turn over perfectly without taking off your shoes. They have small holes and are quite thin.

10 Serve pancakes with your favorite sauces.

Or stuff the pancakes to your liking.
Bon appetit!

How to fry tender custard pancakes in milk according to a step-by-step recipe with photos

Custard pancakes differ in their thinness, elasticity and delicacy. They are excellent for sweet and salty entrails, so I hasten to share with you a very simple and easy recipe for such a dish, and the most important thing is that it is also delicious.

Recipe for making custard pancakes with milk and boiling water


Milk 1 stack
Boiling water 1 stack
Salt 3-4 g
Sugar 60-70 g
Flour 1 stack
Chicken eggs 2 pcs.
Sunflower oil 55 g
Butter 40 g

How to choose the right ingredients

Flour is the main component that is needed to make our dish, so when buying it, you need to know what a high-quality product should be.

  • Do not take flour in cellophane packaging . This product does not come into contact with air, so mold can quickly form in it.
  • In color it must be snow-white or cream-colored . If it is black, it means the flour is damp and is not recommended to be used.
  • High-quality flour should have a pleasant sweetish taste , and it should creak to the touch. If the product is soft and sticks to your hands, it means it is damp, contains a lot of gluten and is unsuitable for use.

Step-by-step production

  1. It is worth sifting the flour in advance to remove any debris that may be in it and saturate it with oxygen. For this dish, it is important that there is as much oxygen in the dough as possible, so a mixer for intensive beating will be useful.
  2. You also need to prepare 1 cup. boiling water And to avoid unnecessary fuss during the cooking process, prepare all the necessary ingredients and kitchen utensils in one place.
  3. Drive 2 eggs into a deep bowl and beat with a mixer until a thick, stable foam.
  4. Then add 3-4 g of salt, 30 g of sugar to them and start beating everything with a mixer again.
  5. The rest of the sugar (30-40 g) must be added evenly, while thoroughly whisking the contents of the bowl.
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How to serve a dish correctly and with what

This dish will be a suitable option for drinking tea with family or friends, or for a snack. You can serve it by adding jam, sour cream or fruit to the table. You can also wrap, for example, chopped bananas or apples with cinnamon in such pancakes.

During the berry season, you can decorate them with strawberries, raspberries or currants. This will not only give a special taste, but also a more attractive appearance. And if you use less sugar, you can easily create pancakes with salty insides.

Video recipe for making custard pancakes with milk

I suggest you familiarize yourself with the video recipe, in which you can clearly see all the intricacies of making choux pastry and the process of baking thin, delicate and very tasty pancakes.

Other possible manufacturing and filling options

For those who love nutritious and high-calorie dishes, I would like to recommend several options. Pancakes with ham and cheese can easily be a good substitute for regular sandwiches. And if you prefer meat to sausage, then you will definitely like pancakes with chicken, very filling and tasty.

Well, of course, we cannot fail to mention traditional pancakes with cottage cheese, which are loved by almost everyone and to this day remain one of the most beloved dishes. And for those who really love chocolate, I advise you to try chocolate pancakes, which will amuse you with their taste and smell.

Custard pancakes with milk

Thin and fragrant pancakes that simply melt in your mouth are every housewife’s dream. This is an all-purpose dish that can be main or sweet, depending on the interior. There are a huge number of options for the insides of pancakes; you can wrap them or spread virtually anything you like on them.

The main problem for almost everyone is making thin pancakes, airy and tender. That is why we want to share recipes for custard pancakes that will not take much of your time and effort, but the result will meet your best expectations.

Custard pancakes with milk - recipe

For those who want to amuse themselves and their household with delicious homemade pancakes, we will tell you how to prepare custard pancakes with milk.


  • testicle – 2 pcs.;
  • flour – 1.5 cups;
  • milk – 250 ml;
  • boiling water – 350 ml;
  • salt – 0.5 teaspoon;
  • sugar – 1.5 tbsp. spoons;
  • vegetable oil – 1 tbsp. spoon.


Mix sugar with salt and eggs, add butter and milk. Mix everything well again - you should get a homogeneous mass. Sift the flour and add to the acquired consistency. Mix everything and make sure that no lumps form. Later, pour in boiling water and stir again - you should get a liquid dough. If necessary, add a little more milk. Leave the dough to rest (15-20 minutes). Heat the frying pan well, grease it with oil and fry the pancakes on both sides over medium heat.

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Remember: the less batter you pour into the pan, the thinner the pancake you will get.

Yeast custard pancakes


  • milk – 1 l;
  • testicle – 4 pcs.;
  • water – 150 ml;
  • flour - 4 cups;
  • sugar – 3 – 4 tbsp. spoons;
  • semolina – 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • vegetable oil – 1/2 tbsp.;
  • salt – 1 teaspoon;
  • dry yeast – 1 sachet.


Pour 750 ml of milk into a saucepan and heat it until it is warm. Sift the flour, mix with semolina, sugar, yeast and combine with milk. Mix everything well and place in a warm place for an hour until the dough rises. When it is ready, add eggs, vegetable oil and salt to it, and mix well again. Boil the remaining milk and immediately pour it into the dough (so that it brews), cover and leave for another 20-25 minutes. After this time, add another 150 ml of warm water and our dough is ready.

Heat the pan perfectly and, scooping the dough with a ladle, pour it into the middle, and then distribute it over the pan and fry over medium heat on both sides. If the dough is very thick, you can add more warm water; if you want sweet pancakes, add sweet powder to the dough.

Choux pastry for pancakes

If you really want pancakes, but there is no milk or kefir in the house, we will tell you how to prepare choux pastry for pancakes without them.


  • water – 500 ml;
  • testicle – 1 pc.;
  • sugar – 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • salt – 1 teaspoon;
  • soda – 1 teaspoon;
  • vinegar - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • flour.


Pour water into a saucepan, add egg, salt, sugar and soda, slaked with vinegar. Beat it all well and add enough sifted flour to make a thick dough like pancakes. At this time, put water on the fire (enough to dilute the dough and make it watery). Watch how it heats up; you don’t need to bring it to a boil, but you need to find the moment when the water heats up to 70 degrees. This can be recognized by the color of the water: when it becomes cloudy, small bubbles begin to rise from the bottom.

We remove this water from the heat and begin to add it to the dough in a thin stream, stirring constantly so that it does not turn into glue. We dilute it so that the dough becomes watery, as necessary for pancakes. Heat the frying pan, sprinkle it with salt, and then wipe it with a cardboard towel. Pour a teaspoon of vegetable oil into the frying pan and begin to fry the pancakes, pouring a ladle of the dough.

How to cook custard pancakes with milk


Have a nice day, dear readers and guests!

Maslenitsa week is in full swing and we continue to fry pancakes. And now I have a recipe for delicious openwork pancakes. Thanks to the choux pastry, the pancakes come out with an openwork pattern!

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To prepare custard pancakes, we will need to prepare custard dough. Custard pancakes can be prepared not only with milk, but also with kefir. Custard pancakes with milk after baking are obtained with countless beautiful openwork holes.


How to cook:

Products that are useful for making custard pancakes with milk.

1. Break eggs into a deep bowl, preferably homemade ones. Add sugar, salt and beat with a whisk or mixer until light foam forms.

2. After this, pour milk into the eggs and mix. Now sift the flour and mix gently until a homogeneous mass is formed.

3. Then add boiling water in a narrow stream. But when you do this, keep whisking. The most important thing is to pour the boiling water very carefully so that the eggs do not curl. And at the very end, pour in the oil. Finally, beat and set the finished choux pastry for pancakes aside for 30 minutes.

4. At this point, put your favorite pancake pan, I have an old metal one, on the fire and let it warm up perfectly. I prepared a lot of pancake batter. And with one frying pan, I would bake pancakes all night (that is, in the dark) . But I didn’t want this and took out my second favorite frying pan, with a non-stick coating. But still, pancakes turn out tastier in our Russian metal frying pan.

Next, you need to grease the frying pan with oil or a piece of lard, as our grandmothers did in the good old days. Or chop half an onion or potato onto a fork and grease the pan before baking any pancake. You won't need to do this if you add butter to the dough as indicated in the recipe.

And one more thing, if suddenly the first pancake sticks to the frying pan, it should be thoroughly cleaned with salt and oil. Obviously this only applies to metal pans. And then start baking pancakes.

5. Pour a small portion of dough into the center of the heated frying pan; I only have one half-full ladle. But it all depends on the diameter of your frying pan. Swirl the pan until the dough is evenly distributed over the entire surface.

Bake pancakes over medium heat. After one minute, openwork holes will noticeably appear on the dough. After that, you need to turn the pancake over with a wooden spatula. And give it away too, it will brown.

Place the baked pancakes on a plate, greasing them with any small piece of plum. oils

Maybe you also have a favorite recipe for making pancakes? Share with us, don't be shy.

Custard pancakes made with milk can be filled with any kind of innards: from sweet to savory. It could be ordinary sweet cottage cheese or salted fish.

Here are my custard pancakes with milk and kefir. I baked them together with my son, Nikita. My son tried his best, because tomorrow is Maslenitsa at school.

I wish you a bon appetit!

You see, almost everyone tried to make custard pancakes and even sent photos. Here are Anna Asanova's custard pancakes with milk.

By the way, these pancakes are my favorite!

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