Quince jam; recipes from my arsenal

Quince jam - recipes from my arsenal

Creator: Rybchanskaya Ira

Date: 07 11 2017

Hello my dear readers! I was already thinking that I was done with the preparations for this year. Honey mushrooms marinated in jars for the winter completed my “preparing” plans. But I had to make more quince jam - my beloved friend pleased me early in the morning with a couple of boxes of not quite standard quince.

November in our “Palestines” can sometimes be as variable as April. A thin mat of comfortably spread snow suddenly melts under the colorful and unexpectedly warm rays of the sun, making its own little path every day. The rapidly approaching twilight does not fit with the warm, almost summer weather.

I admire the sunset, quietly swear without malice, dance to Mil Pasos - Soha and make the most delicious quince jam according to several recipes. I figure in my mind that I’ll have to divide the pleasure into three “rounds” and cook more jelly and quince jam for contrast. Catch the recipes!

Quince jam - the most delicious recipe through a meat grinder


  • Equal amount (by weight) of cooked quince and sugar.
  • One tablespoon of lemon juice per kilogram of quince.
  • 1000 ml of water per kilogram of quince.

Equipment and dishes

  • Sterile containers and lids.
  • Large container for making jam.

How to cook

  1. Thinly cut the skin off the washed quince and cut out the seed nests. Pour this goodness with water, after boiling, cook for fifteen minutes on a small fire.

Do not use “wormy” and spoiled fragments for decoction!

Jam from fragrant quince will “ripen”, acquire a thick jelly-like consistency and become truly “the most delicious” in about a month.

My comments

  • You can make jam from quince using the batch method, as when making jam from strawberries. Remember this recipe?
  • My ten-year-old intellectual neighbor floored me with the remark that quince jam was the color of “dense amber with a bronze tint.” I didn’t know there was such a color!
  • Don't use the whole quince for jam. It’s worth making a couple of jars of amber quince jam from it.

The most delicious quince jam in pieces - recipe


  • For one kilogram of cooked quince there is one kilogram of sugar.
  • 200 ml of decoction of the skins and cores with seeds or water.
  • Three tablespoons of lemon juice.

How to cook

  1. Wash the fruits, you don’t have to cut off the fine thin skin, but it’s better to remove the rough and warped skin, cut out the “centers”.
  2. Cut the fruits into slices, as in the photo.
  3. Pour in water or broth.
  4. Add sugar.
  5. Stir and leave in this form for 7-8 hours.
  6. Bring the mixture to a boil; if foam appears, remove and cook over low heat for two hours, stirring.
  7. The syrup in the jam should become quite thick and the color should be amber. Under different lighting, the color of the jam appears different in the photo, but in any case it is very beautiful.
  8. Pour the finished product into sterile jars and roll up.

Quince jam with spices


  • For one kilogram of quince (net) there is one kilogram of sugar.
  • 900 ml water.
  • Half a star anise.
  • Small cinnamon stick.
  • A dozen dark peppercorns.
  • Five peas of aromatic pepper.
  • A small pinch of dried thyme (optional).
  • A tablespoon of lemon juice.

How to cook

  1. Carefully wash the fruits, cut them and remove the seeds. If the fruits are not wormy and the skin is not damaged, then they do not need to be peeled. Pour water over high-quality waste and bring to a boil.
  2. Add all the spices, cook for 10 minutes, strain the broth through a sieve.
  3. Add sugar, stir, bring syrup to a boil.
  4. Grate the fruits on a large grater, pour in the syrup, and cook for about an hour and a half over low heat.
  5. To store for the winter, package in jars, roll up, and cool.

Spicy jam is unusually good with soft goat cheeses. Spread the cheese on the bread and spread the jam on top in a thin layer. Deliciously delicious!

Japanese quince jam - a vitamin recipe

There is also the so-called Japanese quince, which is not a quince. I won’t go deep into excursions into botany and history, I will only say that it is also completely suitable for making jam.

I myself have never dealt with it, but just in case, I’ll give you a recipe from a friend of mine who grows chaenomelis (the correct name for the fruit) in his garden plot. There are quite a lot of vitamins and pectin in these fruits, so it’s worth a little tinkering.


  • One kilogram of seedless fruit.
  • One and a half kilograms of sugar.

How to cook

  1. Cut the fruit into thin slices, pass through a meat grinder, add sugar, and stir.
  2. Additionally, process the fruit-sugar mass with a blender.
  3. Place in sterile containers, close with lids, and store in the refrigerator.

The smell of the preparation is dizzyingly narrow and gentle.

Quince is a mind-blowing fruit. Tart, astringent, sour in its raw form, it is transformed into a selected delicacy in the form of jam, compote, jam, jelly or marmalade. And what a wonderful marshmallow with nuts it makes - you'll lick your fingers! And how unusually good it is with stewed chicken and lamb! And what do you cook from it, my dear readers?

If you like my writing, please send it to social networks. I look forward to and grateful for your comments - they are very important to me! Wishing you all autumn creative inspiration and good fortune, bye!

Constantly yours Ira.

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Traditional and unique jams and quince marmalade

Quince is an ideal fruit for marmalade and jam. When fresh, the product has a strong astringent taste and is also a heavy food for the digestive system. Well, not many people like the taste of the fruit.

Heat treatment gives the ingredient the softest, most gentle taste and thickness of the dish, while at the same time maintaining the entire vitamin composition and excellent smell. We invite you to look at recipes for sweet quince sweets for the winter.

Jam "Tender"

Apart from sugar and pure water, nothing else is required to be added to the freshest fruits. The recipe allows you to create the most delicious quince jam with a natural smell. The development is quite ordinary.

  • quince - 2 kg;
  • sweet sand - 1 kg;
  • filtered water - 250 ml.
  1. Rinse the main ingredient, cut into 2 parts and remove the seed box. Carefully examine the fruits, and if dents, worm spots or damage are found, they should be removed so as not to spoil the taste of the finished product. Next, to make jam from the quince, you need to grind it by passing it through a meat grinder; for convenience, you can use a food processor. With the first method, the workpiece comes out the most delicious.
  2. Place the resulting mass in a saucepan, add water. Put on fire and cook for 40 minutes at a leisurely heat. The contents are not allowed to boil. While heating on the stove, the composition must be stirred from time to time so that the quince does not burn during cooking.
  3. Add sweet sand, stir and continue making for 20 minutes. The color of the jam should become soft pink. If the mixture is not thick enough, the production time increases.
  4. Pack into sterile jars, seal tightly and cool at room temperature. Quince jam is stored in the cellar or refrigerator.

Jam with cinnamon and orange

To add an extraordinary taste and smell, it is recommended to use freshly ground cinnamon sticks. The smell of the brewed sweetness will be simply wonderful. Let's look at how to create quince jam for the winter.

  • orange - 300 g;
  • quince - 3 kg;
  • sweet sand - 2 kg;
  • cinnamon - 1.5 sticks;
  • filtered water - 500 ml.
  1. Wash the orange with soap and add boiling water. Remove the zest in a thin layer. Peel and divide the citrus fruit into slices. If there are any seeds, remove them.
  2. Rinse the quince, cut it into 2 parts and remove the seed box and other parts unsuitable for food. Cut into medium sized cubes. Pass through a food processor. Do the same with the orange slices.
  3. Place the fruit mass in a prepared enamel container, pour in the required amount of water, and mix. Close and place on the stove, cook for 30 minutes. With all this, the mixture must be homogeneous and similar to puree.
  4. After time, add granulated sugar and stir. Grind cinnamon in a coffee grinder. It is not recommended to use the spice in ground form; it is the least fragrant. Add to the container with the contents, stir and boil over medium heat until the required thickness.

Fundamentally! Jam should not be boiled intensively. If bubbling bubbles are detected on the surface, you need to reduce the heating of the stove.

  1. Place into clean, sterile jars. Close tightly, cool on the kitchen counter and store in the cellar.

Regular jam recipe

The color of the jam can be adjusted independently. The pinkish tone means that apart from fruit, sugar and water, nothing else needs to be added. If you add a little citric acid at the very beginning of cooking, then the quince jam (see recipe below) remains unchanged - yellow. An additional additive that does not affect the taste of the finished product.

  • quince - 2 kg;
  • pure water - 800 ml;
  • sweet sand - 2 kg.

  1. Wash the fruit, remove the seed box, putrefactive and unsuitable areas for food. Using a coarse grater, chop into strips.
  2. Place the prepared mass in an enamel pan, add unstained and filtered water. Place on the stove, bring to a boil, reduce heat to low and cook for 10 minutes.
  3. Pour in the sweet sand in a narrow stream and, with constant stirring, continue production for a quarter of an hour. Place hot into unstained jars and close. You can store it in the cellar or even at room temperature for 12 months.

Jam with honey

Do you want to distinguish yourself from everyone else with fragrant preparations? This jam recipe will help you create a tasty and healthy delicacy from quince for the winter, and what could be healthier than honey? The beekeeping product is added to taste based on the size of the purchased fruit puree.

  • medium-sized quince - 10 fruits;
  • almonds - 50 g;
  • natural honey;
  • nutmeg - 2 g.
  1. Wash the fruits, place them on a clean towel and wait until completely dry. Place on a baking sheet, place in the oven and bake at a temperature of up to 180 degrees, until soft.
  2. Carefully remove, cover and throw until the quince has cooled completely. Then separate the baked pulp from the seeds and hard skin. Place in a blender bowl and blend until smooth.
  3. Measure the size of the finished puree and combine it with honey in a separate pan. Stir well and put on the stove. To prevent the composition from burning, it is recommended to use a container with a thick bottom. The heating temperature of the hob must be low.
  4. Peel the almonds. Using a knife, cut into several pieces. Place in a dry frying pan and dry slightly, most importantly, do not overcook.
  5. Once the jam has turned red-pink, pour into silicone baking molds and scatter almonds on top. Cool on the counter, and then put it in a cool place for 3-4 hours.
  6. After the time has passed, cut the dessert into pieces, place in a suitable jar and store in the refrigerator. It is convenient to create the finished dish and serve it to the guests. It’s quite easy to take a jar and place the cubes on a flat dish.
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Quince jam

Jam with apple and quince

The taste of the finished product is catchy and unusual. In this version, a lot of jam comes out. If you want to try cooking a small portion of dessert, then you need to reduce the amount of ingredients to the required amount.

  • quince - 1.5 kg;
  • apples - 2 kg;
  • sweet sand - 1.5 kg;
  • cinnamon (ground) - 3 g;
  • filtered water - 600 ml.

Then do this:

  1. Wash the quince, cut into 2 parts and remove the seed box. Cut into medium sized cubes. Place in an enamel pan, pour in clean liquid and cook until softened.
  2. Wash the apples, cut out unsuitable parts for food. Chop in the same way as quince, add to the contents of the pan and continue cooking for 7 minutes until the pieces become soft.
  3. Discard the boiled fruits in a colander, but do not pour out the broth. Set aside to drain excess water.
  4. In the meantime, let's move on to making sweet syrup. To do this, add sweet sand to the broth. Cook over low heat until the grains are completely dissolved. The syrup should acquire a slight viscous consistency.
  5. After the fruits have cooled, place them in a blender and grind. If you don’t have a kitchen assistant at hand, then a meat grinder or a regular sieve with small cells can easily replace it.
  6. Combine the finished puree with sweet syrup and stir thoroughly. Place on the stove and cook for 40-50 minutes until the required mixture is achieved over low heat, so that the quince jam does not get a dark color and remains perfect for the winter.
  7. Place the delicious dessert into sterile jars, seal tightly and store in a cool place.

Another recipe for quince jam with the scent of tangerines:

Useful tips and advice

To obtain a savory, sweet treat, experienced chefs advise you to listen to certain tips. Specifically, they allow you to prepare fragrant, tender jam or jam:

  1. Instead of citric acid, it is recommended to add finely chopped lemon zest.
  2. There is no need to boil down the marmalade or jam, because after cooling the dish becomes very thick.
  3. It is not permissible to allow treats to boil during production. The product will turn out to be the darkest color and may acquire a catchy, corresponding bitter taste.
  4. If the jam burns and does not cook, in this case the container with the contents is removed from the stove. Cool, add water and set to boil again.

The most common and delicious quince jam recipes

In the middle of winter, you always want to pamper yourself and your loved ones with something reminiscent of the past summer and something delicious. Try making quince jam. This fragrant and sweet preparation will not only amuse you with its catchy sunny color, but will also strengthen the immune system, enriching the body with vitamins and other useful substances, of which there are a huge amount in quince. Japanese quince, or chaenomeles, contains a record amount of ascorbic acid. It is not for nothing that this fruit is called the northern lemon. Acorbinka imparts a powerful sour taste to ripe fruits. Therefore, the fruits of Chaenomeles are occasionally eaten raw; they are usually cooked with the addition of sugar, and quince jam is considered one of the most delicious desserts.

Let's look at several options for its manufacture.

How to prepare quince for jam

Fruits of any quality, even slightly stale ones, are suitable for preparations. The main thing is that they are quite ripe. Then the quince will fully reveal its own taste. Wash the fruits and use a brush to remove any fluff from the skin. It is believed to be capable of irritating the throat and vocal cords. Dry the fruits, divide them into four parts and cut off any spoiled areas.

Quince jam without skin will be the most homogeneous, and with skin it will retain more vitamins.

Clean the fruit quarters from seeds and seed chambers, rinse again with clean water and let it drain. Now our quince is ready for the upcoming processing.

Quince jam in a slow cooker

At the moment, every busy housewife has a multicooker, which significantly saves time and simplifies life. Let's try to make quince jam specifically in it. The following products will be useful to us:

  • quince – 1 kg;
  • sugar – 0.5–0.75 kg;
  • water – 0.5–0.75 l.

Sugar is added to the jam as desired. In a one to one ratio, jam will be perfectly stored in the apartment. If you put much less, it is better to roll it into small containers and store it in the refrigerator, because preparations with a small amount of preservative can become moldy over time.

Manufacturing method:

  1. Pour water into the multicooker bowl and set the manual mode or “Multicook” to a temperature of 160 °C.
  2. While the water is boiling, cut the quince quarters into several more pieces.
  3. Place the fruit in boiling water and cook for half an hour.
  4. Drain the water, let the fruits drain and weigh them.
  5. Place them back into the slow cooker and add as much sugar as the fruit mass weighs.
  6. Cook the jam for another 40 minutes at 130°C.
  7. While the mixture is boiling, sterilize unstained jars in the oven or steam.
  8. Divide the quince jam into jars in a slow cooker and seal.

Quince contains a lot of gelling substance - pectin, so constantly pour the jam while it's hot. After cooling, the mass will become even thicker.

Recipe using a meat grinder

If you haven’t yet acquired a multicooker, the process of making this winter delicacy will take slightly longer. But the quantity of the finished product will not be limited by the size of the bowl. Let's try to make jam by chopping the fruit in a meat grinder earlier. We will provide a step-by-step recipe with pictures, then even the most inexperienced housewife can make quince jam.

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This method also has one advantage - the skin after the meat grinder is not felt at all, so it is better not to cut it off.

In addition to quince and sugar, we will need a little citric acid and cinnamon if desired:

  • quince – 1 kg;
  • sugar – 0.75–1 kg;
  • citric acid – ¼ teaspoon;
  • cinnamon - to taste.

If you want to preserve vitamin C (a low molecular weight organic compound of relatively simple structure, necessary for all living things) C to the maximum, grate the fruit on a plastic grater.

To make quince jam, grind the prepared fruits through a meat grinder and add sugar to the mixture. Leave it for several hours so that the quince releases its juice.

Then place the pan on the stove over high heat and cook for about 40 minutes, stirring with a spoon and skimming off the foam.

When the liquid starts to stretch from the spoon like a thread rather than dripping, add citric acid and cinnamon, stir and turn off. Place the roast mixture in sterilized jars and seal.

The most suitable utensils for making quince jam are enameled or stainless steel. There is no need to use duralumin.

Video recipe for a fragrant dessert

Five-minute jam

The recipe is suitable for lovers of fruit tea, pies and cheesecakes. All the beneficial substances in five-minute quince jam are preserved, so a few jars won’t hurt to fight colds.

To make this early-ripening dessert, the prepared fruits are crushed and covered with sugar in a one-to-one ratio and left for several hours so that the quince releases its juice. Then the mass is placed on high heat, quickly brought to a boil and cooked for 5 minutes, stirring constantly. Turn off the heat and leave the jam on the stove until it cools completely. Then the function is repeated twice more. The finished jam is poured into jars and sealed. It is better to keep the five-minute treat in a cold place.

This recipe has a huge number of varieties - for every taste. Here are the most successful of them:

  • During the manufacturing process, only half the amount of sugar is added. The second half is replaced with honey, which is added only after the consistency has cooled;
  • at the end of cooking, the jam is seasoned with one of the spices - cinnamon, cardamom, nutmeg;
  • To obtain a rich taste, apples, lemons, dried apricots, pumpkin, oranges or peeled and crushed walnuts are added to quince.

Now you understand several recipes for making quince jam.

The resulting dessert is perfect for the interior of sweet pies and cheesecakes. Thick amber jam in a beautiful vase will fill your home with summer scents and make winter family tea parties especially spiritual and satisfying.

Quince jam for the winter


Citric acid – 0.5 tsp. without top

  • 98 kcal
  • 40 min.
  • 40 min.

Photo of the finished dish

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Step-by-step recipe with photos

I prepare quince jam for the winter every year, because this indescribably fragrant interior is not only for pies, pies and croissants, but also for stuffing poultry. Although if I don’t have time to cook something with it, then all the jam magically disappears - my family just loves toast with butter and such a delicacy for breakfast! By the way, when cooked, a fruit like quince completely reveals its own taste.

Every autumn in our region there are a lot of quinces, so I make various preserves from them, but I never change them to jam!

So, let’s prepare all the necessary ingredients to make quince jam for the winter and start cooking!

We wash the quince fruits with a lip, removing the fleecy layer. Specifically, it protects fruits from spoilage, pests, etc. We cut any fruit into pieces and remove the seed blocks from them. Rinse in water and cut into small pieces directly into the cauldron. We will act quickly, because pieces of quince quickly darken in the air.

Add 50 ml of water, citric acid and sweet sand. Place the container on the stove and bring its contents to a boil. After this, mix and reduce the heat. We will simmer the quince pieces in syrup for about 20 minutes, covering the container with a lid.

After the designated time, check the tenderloin for softness and remove the container from the heat.

Grind the entire quince mass with an immersion blender or beat in the bowl of a food processor for about 3-5 minutes. We will act carefully, because the mass is very hot. Let's taste it. If there is enough of everything, then we will again place the container on the stove and begin to sterilize the jam jars.

As soon as the quince jam begins to gurgle, pour it into sterilized jars and seal it with hot tin lids using a seaming key. Let it cool at room temperature. Quince contains pectin, so the jam will gel as it cools and become much thicker.

Quince jam is ready for the winter. After the workpiece has cooled, we move it to storage. The shelf life of canned quince jam is about 1-1.5 years.

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