Hawaiian pizza

Hawaiian pizza

Despite the Italian roots of pizza, the popularity of this culinary masterpiece has long gone beyond the borders of the Apennine Peninsula.

Pizza mainly became popular in Europe and the USA (the United States of America is a country in North America) . Wide networks of different pizzerias provide different types of pizza, including delivery.

Often pizza recipes are far from traditional, and have the deepest national character. Especially South American pizza. The world-famous Pizza Hut chain was founded in 1958 by brothers Dan and Frank Carney in Kansas. But regional types of pizza are often not very similar to the Italian classics. Pizza often contains bacon, grilled chicken, or barbecue.

So, for example, the stereotypical worldview that the presence of pineapple pieces in a dish with meat or poultry automatically makes the dish “Hawaiian.” South American “Hawaiian pizza” is made with bacon (Canadian bacon?), pineapple and mozzarella cheese. This type of pizza is especially popular in the western part of the United States (the United States of America is a state in North America) , also in Australia, Canada and Sweden, but not in the Hawaiian Islands.

I read somewhere that pizza was first made in Canada more than 50 years ago. Typically, Hawaiian pizza has a cheese and tomato base, slices of Canadian ham (bacon) and pineapple. In fact, that’s all, but often the recipe is supplemented with peppers, tomatoes, mushrooms, etc. But, nevertheless, in Hawaiian pizza, Canadian bacon is often replaced with other types of bacon, ham or smoked chicken. Regardless of the composition options and the views of connoisseurs, pizza is delicious pizza.

Hawaiian Pizza Ingredients

  • Pizza dough 400 g
  • Tomato sauce 2 tbsp. l.
  • Ham 100 g
  • Mozzarella 159 g
  • Pineapple (canned) 5-6 slices
  • Olive oil 1 tbsp. l.
  • Oregano to taste
  • Tomato, Parmesan, basil optional

How to make Hawaiian pizza

  1. Prepare yeast pizza dough from 2 cups wheat flour. Stretch the dough onto a pizza baking pan and, covering it with a napkin, let the dough rise so that the pizza base is quite fluffy, 2.5-3 cm thick.

Prepare yeast dough for pizza

Homemade tomato sauce

Ham, pineapple, mozzarella and sauce

Brush the dough with tomato sauce

Arrange the chopped ham pieces sparingly

Grate the mozzarella onto a coarse grater

Hawaiian pizza takes up to 20 minutes to bake

Hawaiian pizza with ham and pineapple

Watch my video on how to make pizza dough

Pizza Dough Easy and guaranteed to make delicious pizza dough

Pizza “Hawaiian”

Hawaiian pizza with pineapple, chicken, mushrooms and cheese, which can easily be prepared at home. Traditional Italian pizza dough recipe.

For the test:
Yeast – 5 g
Sugar – 15 g
Salt – 3 g
Flour – 320 g + 10 g
Water – 150 ml
Egg – 1 pc.
For the inside:
Chicken fillet
Snow-white champignons
Canned diced pineapples
Hard cheese
Tomato sauce
Vegetable oil

Let's start making the dough for Hawaiian pizza (basically: all ingredients must be taken strictly by weight, so I recommend using a kitchen scale).

How to make Hawaiian Pineapple Chicken Pizza:

Pour 5 g of dry yeast, 15 g of sugar and 3 g of salt into a deep container. Add 320 g of flour there.

Make a well in the flour and pour in 150 g of water. Beat in 1 egg.

Knead the dough, adding a maximum of another 10 g of flour. Let the dough rest by covering it with cling film.

Fry the chicken in vegetable oil.

Roll out the dough. Grease a baking sheet with vegetable oil and lay out the pizza base.

Read also:  Chocolate cake

Grease the dough with tomato sauce.

We chop the chicken randomly and place it on top of the sauce.

Cut the mushrooms into 4 parts, and then cut into slices. Place raw mushrooms on top of chicken fillet.

Sprinkle with grated cheese and place the pizza in an oven preheated to 250 degrees.
Hawaiian Pineapple Chicken Pizza will be ready in 4 minutes. Bon appetit everyone!


6 thanks 0
Lily Sunday, January 21, 2018 21:06 #

The best dough I've ever made. Thank you very much)) Now this is the only way and no other way!

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Hawaiian pizza. Exotics that have become popular

Thoughts about the Hawaiian islands are not only associations with the sun, sea, palm trees and dancing until the morning. This is also a fantasy of the truest taste exoticism, where hot sauces are mixed with the tenderness of coconut milk, and the freshness of fish and meat with the sweetness of tropical fruits.

Hawaiian pizza is precisely this type of exotic - perhaps the most unusual of all world-recognized types of pizza. True, culinary historians at this point would point out that Hawaiian pizza has virtually nothing to do with Hawaii itself, apart from the imaginary influence of local cooking on the traditional recipe.

This pizza originated in America around the 70s of the last century. And the recipe was formed, naturally, for a reason. The fact that the combination of “light” meat and pineapple produces a very exciting taste has been clear for quite a long time - such a gastronomic pair was used in salads, main courses and even in soups (by the way, specifically on tropical islands).

In general, everything was leading to the fact that one day some resourceful chef would combine these ingredients into a pizza. And so it happened. Only, as annoying as it may sound, the name of this cook is not clear.

"Russian Hawaii"

The two main combinations for Hawaiian pizza are chicken + pineapple and ham + pineapple. And chicken is confidently “leading”, because ham, already ready for consumption, does not best tolerate baking at high temperatures. Everyone agrees on the same worldview: pizza is tastier and more tender with chicken.

The recipe spread all over the world. All self-respecting food delivery services in Russia immediately offer Hawaiian pizza in their menus. From time to time with different variations in the recipe.

For example, the chefs of the PlayCafe food delivery service in Kurgan prepare this pizza in advance - with the addition of smoked chicken. The taste comes out familiar, but different – ​​more “smoky” and rich.

You can order this pizza, like almost all other dishes, on the company’s official website – playcafe45.ru.

Naturally, cheese also plays an important role in this dish. As a standard, this should be mozzarella, but “Russian” culinary specialists authoritatively say that it can be replaced with any high-quality locally produced store-bought cheese (“Russian”, “Poshekhonsky”). The main thing is to grate it as thinly as possible.

A fascinating situation with pineapple too. Chefs of decent pizzerias will never put canned fruit on Hawaiian pizza, but for most delivery services this is common practice. And, in general, this is normal - after all, there is no guarantee that the freshest pineapple will be quite sweet and soft.

“Ring” pineapples made from sweet syrup do not disappoint here. Well, they don’t affect the final quality of the pizza in any way, but they reduce the cost of the dish and make it easily accessible at any time of the year.

Cooking Hawaiian pizza at home

Making this magical pizza at home is quite simple. Pineapples and chicken (ham) release quite a lot of water during baking, which means the pizza comes out quite juicy and, at the correct temperature (200 degrees), never actually burns.

South American chefs make Hawaiian pizza with yeast dough, but do not knead it for a long time and do not roll it very thin. In addition, they often use finely sifted premium flour (which is not entirely acceptable for Italian cuisine).

A little sugar is added to the yeast diluted in water, then salt and flour. Next, add a spoonful of vegetable oil to the dough and leave everything in the pan in a warm place for about an hour.

Almost everyone has some difficulties with the sauce. Let’s say right away - you shouldn’t get too fancy, because simple grated tomatoes (or even tomato paste) are suitable for Hawaiian pizza. The only thing is that you need to add 2-3 cloves of garlic.

They can be squeezed directly into the sauce, or they can be fried in oil, which will then be used to lubricate the pizza base.

After frying, the garlic inevitably goes into the trash - it has already given everything “necessary” to the oil.

And then the easiest and most interesting part begins. Place chicken, small pieces of pineapple, cheese on the dough with butter and sauce, and then sprinkle everything with spices to taste.

A narrow pizza will take only 10-20 minutes to cook in a hot oven.

By the way, in some countries Hawaiian pizza is served as a dessert. And this is a very exciting and “tasty” solution. An ideal gastronomic pairing for such a dish would be sweet sparkling wines, cocktails or even cold compotes made from fresh fruits. Your guests will be ecstatic from such a “digestif”.

Pizza “Hawaiian”

At first glance, the combination of chicken and sweet tropical fruit is an incomprehensible interior for baking. But specifically Pizza Hawaii / Hawaiian pizza is one of the most favorite, purchased and loved. Pizza is included in the basic menu; it is prepared and delivered by chain and small family pizzerias around the world.

If branded recipes for yeast dough and sauce are kept, usually under taboo, it is easier to recognize the composition of the inside. In Hawaiian pizza, apart from the ubiquitous cheese, there is only poultry and canned pineapple. From time to time, corn grains, olives, pickled vegetables, mushrooms and even ham are added to them.

I prefer the usual version of “Hawaiian” - minimalist, light and balanced - which children like. For clarity, for those who want to work as a pizza maker at home, I will show the assembly principle step by step.


  • wheat flour approximately 280 g
  • dry yeast 5 g
  • olive oil 50 ml + for frying chicken
  • warm water 100 ml
  • sea ​​salt 5-10 g
  • hard cheese 150 g
  • mozzarella cheese 150 g
  • tomato sauce 100 g
  • canned pineapple 550 g
  • chicken fillet 500 g
  • hot pepper to taste


Do not add raw chicken to the filling - the meat must be edible before assembling. And the more deliciously you season it, without over-drying it, the better the pizza itself will turn out. You can take a fillet or separate the poultry meat from the bone, removing fatty layers and skin, then boil, bake or fry. I like quick frying in a pan. The juiciness and tenderness of the fibers are preserved, the chicken has time to soak in spices and oil, and a minimum of time is spent.

First, we wash the chicken fillet in cool water, dry it, cut off the fatty parts, the membranes - we divide the unstained pieces not very finely, we don’t need minced meat, it’s better to use cubes or bars of medium (tangible to the tooth) size. Mix with selected salt, hot pepper, herbs - place in a frying pan with hot oil and at high heat, stirring, fry for 7-10 minutes. First, evaporate the resulting water, then, after browning a little, remove from the stove. Let the fried chicken cool; when hot, it will tear the dough.

Most often they cook with yeast dough, and almost everyone has their own proven method. I propose to supplement the selection with the already mentioned recipe for pizza dough. This versatile flatbread is suitable not only for Margherita pizza, but also for any other pizza. If desired, and for the most fluffy crumb, the water is replaced with kefir, some kind of watery fermented milk drink. Let me remind you that dry yeast takes three times less weight than the freshest (compressed). If you knead and proof the bun in advance, all that remains is to form the dough and bake.

We discard the pieces of canned pineapple in a colander, let the juice escape, and dry it slightly - to saturate the base with enough tomato sauce, so no other moisture is needed. Immediately grind two types of cheese: hard and curdled brine. Hard cheese with regular shavings or simply tearing it apart and crushing it into different-sized slices - I recommend taking cheese with a sharp edge and an expressive smell. And naturally, smooth, stretchy mozzarella is especially needed here. White mozzarella can be cut into careful circles, cubes, also torn into random fragments, or small balls can be thrown whole.

We roll out the stretched, soft dough or simply stretch it with our hands - we form a classic round or rectangular cake, and, as necessary, we make not one large-scale, but several portioned pieces.

Lubricate the stretched layer with fragrant tomato sauce and cover the entire area with a thick layer. The sauce is suitable both purchased and prepared independently, from new tomatoes, based on concentrated tomato paste and even ketchup. Taste, thicken, evaporating excess liquid, season with aromatic herbs (basil, thyme), add crushed garlic, hot pepper - the layer should be generous and appetizing. This is an essential and essential component for this kind of baking.

Place the fried and cooled chicken pieces on top of the reddish sauce. We additionally tear or cut huge cubes or bars - fill the surface moderately so that everyone gets the chicken. In another option, the space of the chicken can be taken up by circles of sausage, ham, smoked meats, and all sorts of meat delicacies.

The order of filling is random. If you wish, scatter the pineapples first, then the fillets later. Basic, generous, in approximately similar proportions. Canned pineapples for Hawaiian are simply necessary, they make a specificity, and with their sweetness, juiciness, and unique taste of a tropical fruit, they justify the name of the pizza and perfectly mix with poultry. Remember the now popular salad with chicken and pineapple; almost everyone loves it and prefers to serve it instead of Olivier salad at holidays.

Now we cover it with assorted cheeses. At a minimum, you need one type of cheese that melts well and connects the entire tenderloin. Usually, they exclude mold. But the traditional hard ones and the best mozzarella are just right. Literally the same as fruits and meat, sprinkle cheese flakes everywhere, in relatively similar widths, and cover empty spaces. We preheat the oven to the limit, send the semi-finished product on a baking sheet into the already hot oven. At a temperature of 190-200 degrees, bake until the cheese is melted, lightly browned, the top is on top and the crumb is ready - approximately 25 minutes.

Homemade Hawaiian pizza is ready! Serve in large portions as a snack with drinks. Bon appetit.

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