Frozen cherry jelly

Frozen cherry jelly


Frozen cherries – 350 g

Cool drinking water – 1 l

Sugar – 180-220 g (to taste)

Potato starch – 60 g

  • 64 kcal
  • 15 minutes.
  • 15 minutes.

Photo of the finished dish

Video recipe: Frozen cherry jelly

Step-by-step recipe with photos and videos

To make cherry jelly we will use frozen berries, sugar, starch and water.

Place frozen cherries in a saucepan (without defrosting) and pour in 900 ml of cool water.

Bring the water to a boil and cook the cherries over low heat for 5-7 minutes.

Then strain the mixture, separate the fruits and squeeze.

Place the cherry broth in a saucepan, add sugar to taste and bring to a boil.

Dissolve starch in 100 ml of chilled boiled or cool drinking water. Since starch quickly settles in water, it must be thoroughly mixed again before adding the mixture to the pan.

The indicated proportions of the total amount of water and starch are designed for the production of thick jelly. To make the wateriest version of the drink, reduce the amount of starch to 1-2 tablespoons.

When the cherry broth boils, reduce the heat to low, and stirring constantly, pour in the starch dissolved in the water.

Over low heat, bring the mixture to a boil again. As soon as the first bubbles appear on the surface of the consistency, the fire must be turned off immediately. If the drink is allowed to boil, it will become watery.

Sprinkle hot jelly with 2-3 pinches of sugar and cool before serving. Sugar will prevent the formation of a film on the surface of the drink during cooling.

Cherry dishes, Kissel

Drink recipes → Kissel

Cherry dishes

Berry jam jelly is a delicious winter drink. A good candidate for jelly made from new berries!

Every summer, cherry recipes are very popular. This is logical, since this berry is both healthy and very tasty, and you can prepare a lot of different dishes from it. For example, cherry jelly, the recipe for which we would like to offer you. This cherry jelly is especially good because the cherry juice is separated in advance and undergoes little heat treatment. This allows you to preserve a maximum of vitamins and gives the cherry jelly a particularly catchy, rich taste.

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Kissel from fresh, frozen or canned cherries

Cherry jelly - fragrant, sweet, moderately thick - you just can’t help but like it! It will force almost everyone to remember their childhood, and in some it will evoke slight nostalgia for warm summer days. It is easy to prepare at any time of the year; jelly from cherries, both fresh and frozen, as well as from jam or berries from canned compote, is equally delicious.

  1. Secrets of delicious cherry jelly
    1. Traditional recipe
    2. Cherry jam recipe
    3. Making jelly from canned cherries
    4. Assorted berry jelly
  2. Note to the hostess
  3. Useful video

Any berry jelly is not only tasty, but also healthy.

Secrets of delicious cherry jelly

Even nutritionists saw the nutritional value of drinks due to the starch they contain.

Therefore, it is recommended to introduce jelly into the diet of young children, old people, and those who are recovering from an illness or surgery.

The soft enveloping property makes it possible to drink a dessert drink for those who have problems with their stomach.

During the times of the USSR (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, also the Soviet Union - a state that existed from 1922 to 1991 in Europe and Asia), the technological map of this drink was studied by students of culinary colleges, and jelly was indispensable on the menu of any sanatorium.

Kissel can be made from all berries, but the only thing it won’t work without is starch. Both corn and potato are suitable. Just remember that potato drinks produce the clearest drink, and corn drinks the most fluid and gentle drink.

Traditional recipe

Kissel is the most common homemade dessert to make, and at the same time the most necessary. It contains a bunch of vitamins and is much better than taking different yoghurts and curds for your baby, with dyes and preservatives. Adults will also like jelly.

The recipe for jelly is simple - berries, sugar and little starch, so you literally won't have any problems making it. As a result, you get a wonderful and indescribably necessary drink.


    Cuisine: Russian Type of dish: drinks, desserts Cooking method: on the stove Servings: 2-3 30 min
  • 500 ml water
  • sugar to taste
  • glass of pitted cherries
  • 2 tbsp. l. starch.

Manufacturing step by step

We put water on fire. It is important to use stainless or enamel utensils, because they are best suited for making jelly.

As soon as the water boils, add the cherries into it and cook.

While the cherries are cooking, stir the starch in a glass of cool water.

The amount of starch depends on what kind of jelly you want to cook - watery or thick. For watery, 2 spoons will be enough, and for thick, the norm can be increased to 3 or even 4 spoons.

Let the cherries boil for about 5 minutes, and then add sugar and diluted starch.

Mix well and leave to cook.

As soon as the jelly begins to thicken, it is ready, you can turn off the heat and cool it.

The jelly is ready, you can drink it!

Cherry jam recipe

Cherry jam is suitable not only for pies and pancakes; jelly from it is no less delicious.

It is better to take a seedless preparation.

We will need:

  • 2 tbsp. cherry jam
  • 4 liters of water
  • 8 tbsp. starch
  • 8 tbsp. Sahara
  • citric acid - 1/4 tsp.

Manufacturing process

  1. Place the water with the added jam on the fire and bring to a boil.
  2. At this time, pour 2 cups of cold water into a separate saucepan or bowl. You need to stir the starch in it until smooth - the result will be a slightly whitish liquid.
  3. Starch diluted in water is poured into the boiling liquid in a narrow stream, stirring thoroughly. If you don't mix it enough, you will end up with unappetizing lumps in the jelly.
  4. Then add sugar and lemon juice to the acquired consistency, stir thoroughly and cook for 6-8 minutes over medium heat.
  5. After the cooking time has passed, the jelly should be allowed to cool and thicken. After this, the dessert can be poured into cups and served.

Making jelly from canned cherries

Almost everyone makes twists for the winter, and if you find a jar of canned cherries in the pantry, then drink the compote, and don’t rush to throw away the berries - you can make wonderful jelly from them.


  • 0.5 liters of canned cherries;
  • 2 liters of water
  • 6 tbsp. potato starch
  • big orange
  • sugar - to taste.

Manufacturing method

  1. We put the water on high heat, immediately add the berries and the orange cut into thin slices. We are waiting for it to boil.
  2. Cook for 5 minutes. At this step, add sugar to taste.
  3. Pour the starch into a glass of cold water, stir well and pour into boiling water in a narrow stream.
  4. After this, the jelly is allowed to boil for another 5-6 minutes, and then cooled and poured into cups.

Assorted berry jelly

If you like different combinations of berries, then cherry jelly with the addition of other berries would be a good idea.

Raspberries, strawberries and currants are an excellent complement to cherries.

I suggest preparing a thick dessert from berries frozen in the summer.

Required products:

  • 300 g cherries from the freezer
  • 200 g other berries
  • 3 liters of water
  • 0.5-1 tbsp. Sahara
  • 10 tbsp. starch.

Manufacturing method

  1. Preparing jelly from frozen cherries is just as easy as making jelly from fresh ones. The berries do not need to be defrosted in advance. We immediately put it on the stove, filling it with water.
  2. While everything comes to a boil, dilute the starch in a small amount of cool water.
  3. After 6-7 minutes after boiling, add sugar, pour in the starch mixture, stirring. Cook over low heat for another 3 minutes.
  4. You can strain the cooled drink, or you can eat it as you like.

Note to the hostess

  • The easiest way to create jelly is from ready-made cherry juice. You just need to dilute the starch in cool juice and boil everything, stirring.
  • To create a multilayer jelly, you need to add 2-3 tablespoons of starch more, and pour any subsequent layer into the container only after the previous one has completely cooled.
  • To prevent unappetizing foam from forming on the surface of the jelly during cooking, you need to sprinkle it with sweet powder on top.

Useful video

Here is another method of making jelly, which is fascinating because the berries are first pureed in a blender:

Cherry jam with walnuts “Royal”

Orange curd and other recipes with berries

We prepare homemade drinks: plum and grape compote

The best recipes for the “Intoxicated Cherry” cake

Wonderful lady fingers cake at home

Cherry jelly

  • Pros of cherries and cherry jelly
  • Contraindications
  • Little jelly tricks
  • Recipes

With all the abundance of assortment of industrially produced drinks, it can be noted that in home cooking to this day they intensively prepare: smoothies, mousses, compotes, tinctures, juices, kvass and so on. Kissels, which are made from berries, vegetables, cereals, jams, fruits and juices, do not go unnoticed. But most often berries and fruits are used, because they are widely available, and the process of making jelly from them does not require special culinary skills and takes the most likely minimum of time. One of the most favorite drinks from this family, of course, is cherry jelly, which was successfully brewed by our grandmothers. Usually, fresh cherries or jam made from them were always used, but now it is possible to purchase a deep-frozen product or freeze cherries on your own.

Cherries are usually considered a berry, although based on botanical beliefs, they are closest to stone fruits, because they have a stone inside the fruit. And not enough people understand that cherries are often used by folk doctors, because they have a number of necessary parameters that translate into any drink prepared from them, including jelly.

Pros of cherries and cherry jelly

Amazingly, even cherry jam jelly has medicinal properties, although these characteristics do not fully appear. Naturally, fresh cherries or even frozen ones will give the most powerful honey effect. But, nevertheless, cherry jelly is recommended for the following diseases:

  • Problems with blood clotting (the internal environment of the human and animal body) .
  • Unsatisfactory performance of cardiovascular support.
  • Anemia.
  • Reduced stomach acidity.
  • Various inflammatory processes.
  • Oxidative stress.
  • Gout.
  • Cholesterol level disturbance (Insoluble in water, soluble in fats and organic solvents.) .
  • Edema tasks.
  • Overexcitation of the nervous system.
  • Insomnia.
  • Bronchitis and fever.
  • And so on.

The listed main unique properties of cherries can be summarized in a short table:

All these medicinal characteristics of jelly are provided by the cherries contained: vitamins, microelements, minerals, easily digestible fiber, organic acids, and so on.


But, unfortunately, cherry jelly will be contraindicated in the presence of a certain group of diseases.

These include:

  • Cystitis.
  • Gastritis in the form of high acidity.
  • Stomach ulcer in any acute phase.
  • Some acquired diseases (disturbances in normal functioning, performance) of the lungs.
  • Tendency to allergies.

In addition, you should beware of swallowing seeds and especially from jam berries, because they can release terrible hydrocyanic acid.

If the listed honey ailments are absent, then cherry jelly can be safely prepared according to any recipe and consumed both cool and hot.

Excellent cherry jelly is guaranteed to be made not only from new or deep-frozen cherries, but also from the popular cherry jam.

But when cooking cherry jelly, it is recommended to take into account certain aspects of this delicious and healthy dessert.

Little jelly tricks

The following must be taken into account:

  • The number of designated ingredients is not at all an unshakable ratio. And any recipe can always be adjusted in relation to personal taste preferences.
  • The portion of starch added to cherry jelly is also a freely variable value, which depends only on the required degree of mixture of the drink. For any liter of water, the following portions of starch will be enough: for watery jelly - 3 tablespoons, four tablespoons will give the drink medium thickness, approximately 5 spoons will turn the jelly into a fairly dense mousse.
  • If corn starch is used, then its amount is increased by approximately one and a half times, because this component provides the drink with the least thickness.
  • When diluting starch, it is better to first mix it with sugar in equal amounts, and then dilute it with water. This will minimize the formation of starch lumps.
  • By the way, to obtain a drink with a natural, catchy cherry color, it is recommended to dilute the starch specifically in cool cherry juice.
  • It is much better to use seedless jam, and adding berries from it is not at all necessary. It is entirely possible to get by with just the watery component of the jam.
  • In cases where the diluted jam syrup turns out to be very cloying, a small pinch of citric acid will help correct the situation. In addition, it is guaranteed to add special notes to the cherry jelly.
  • To make cherry jelly from deep-frozen berries, it is recommended to also obtain the product already pitted.
  • Frozen cherries do not necessarily need to be completely defrosted, but rather wait until they are relatively soft.
  • Don’t be upset if the cooked cherry jelly comes out very, very thick. This drink can be poured into molds, cooled and amuse everyone with a delicious thick jelly.
  • And most importantly, the entire process of making jelly must be accompanied by active stirring of the contents, which will free the drink from the formation of unacceptable starch lumps.

Making divine cherry jelly is so simple that even a completely inexperienced housewife can handle this culinary action. And this theorem is confirmed by the recipes proposed below.


Naturally, the most common option for making a cherry drink remains the tried and tested classic.

Traditional option

For this jelly, not only ripe fresh cherries are suitable, but even frozen ones, but the amount of water in this option will have to be slightly reduced.

  • Select cherries - about half a kilo.
  • Starch - about 4 tablespoons and without a slide.
  • Sugar - three tablespoons or to taste.
  • Water – approximately one and a half liters.
  1. The cherries need to be sorted, stems and pits removed, washed, transferred to any suitable container, and then covered with sugar.
  2. The cherries need to be stirred from time to time, then more juice will be released, which should be poured into a separate container from time to time. It will take about an hour to soak the cherries under the sugar.
  3. Next, you need to boil water and pour the cherry fruits soaked in sugar into it, and then add the sweet cherry juice that was left earlier. The mixture is brought to a boil and cooked for no more than 4 minutes.
  4. While the cherries are boiling, you need to dilute the starch. For this, 1 glass of ordinary cool water is enough.
  5. Then diluted starch is poured into the boiled cherry compote, and with vigorous stirring, the future cherry jelly is brought to readiness. About 3 minutes will be enough for this.
  6. As a result, the finished drink should be cooled, and during this period of time it will have time to brew.

Option with frozen cherries

Excellent cherry jelly also comes from frozen cherries. Cherries that are deep frozen in any form will do, but seedless berries are most preferable because they will be less hassle.

  • Specifically, frozen cherries - approximately three hundred grams.
  • Water - a little more than a liter.
  • Starch – a couple of heaped tablespoons is enough.
  • Sugar - about 3 tablespoons.
  1. The purchased frozen cherries should be placed in a suitable container, immediately filled with cool water and set to cook. This cooking process should take about 5 minutes.
  2. While the berries are cooking, you need to dilute all the starch in half a narrow glass of water.
  3. Next, the boiled cherry juice is filtered and put back on the fire. The extracted cherries are no longer useful, but they are perfectly fine for other uses in home cooking.
  4. Then the required amount of sugar is added to the newly boiled fruit drink and the diluted starch solution is carefully poured in. Naturally, you should not forget about active and continuous stirring of the upcoming drink.
  5. In just a couple of minutes, the amazing and healing frozen cherry jelly will be completely ready.

Option with cherry jam

Cherry jam jelly, which is so popular with almost all housewives, is no worse. For this jelly, cherry jam of any shelf life, even last year’s, is suitable. In addition, this recipe can be considered the basis for making jelly from any fruit or berry jam.

  • Cherry jam - approximately one narrow glass. If desired, you can take only the watery part of the jam without the berries.
  • Water - approximately a liter.
  • Starch - three level tablespoons.
  • Sugar - a couple of tablespoons is enough.
  • Citric acid - on the tip of a knife as needed.
  1. The jam is diluted in a liter of water, sugar is added to it, it is placed on the stove and brought to a boil.
  2. After a few minutes, remove this mixture from the stove and strain.
  3. Citric acid is added to the strained syrup and it is again brought to a boil.
  4. At this time, the starch is diluted, thoroughly mixed and poured into the bubbling cherry syrup. This process of adding starch should be accompanied by vigorous stirring of the drink being prepared.
  5. The future jelly is again brought to the beginning of the boiling stage and cooked for no more than 4 minutes.
  6. The finished drink must be left to steep for 10 minutes, which will not only cool it, but also enrich the cooked cherry jelly with deep flavor notes.

Using these universal and ordinary recipes, you can brew the most amazing dessert drink - cherry jelly, which is sure to impress everyone present at the “jelly” meal.

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