Glassed coffee with rum

Glassed coffee with rum

Wonderful and fabulously tasty Glass coffee with rum is perfect for a successful start to the day. Treat yourself to a unique drink that will turn out no worse at home than in a unique coffee shop.


  • 150 ml strong coffee
  • 100 grams of ice cream
  • 25 ml cream 30-35% (or whipped cream)
  • 25 ml rum
  • 1-2 tsp. sugar (or to taste)

Recipe for making a dish at home

  1. Prepare hot and strong coffee to your own taste. Add sugar to taste to hot coffee, pour in rum and stir, pour into a tall glass for Irish coffee.
  2. Immediately put a scoop of ice cream in the coffee, decorate the top with whipped cream and coffee beans. Serve Glasse coffee with rum immediately after preparation.
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Coffee with rum

Coffee with rum is an amazing combination of two complementary drinks. Both are strong, fragrant, warming, but coffee invigorates, gives vital strength, provokes, and rum relaxes the body and brain. It would seem that these characteristics are the opposite, but the result of combining coffee and rum is a very harmonious drink with good taste. You can soften the strength of both components by adding sugar, molasses, milk, whipped cream, berries, and spices.

About titles

The combination is so successful that it has become widespread in various countries around the world. “Cafe Arroze” in France, “Farisee” in Germany, “Fiacre” in Switzerland, “Caribbean coffee” in Cuba and Jamaica are all options for making coffee with rum. The story of the “Pharisee” will be revealed further, and “Fiacre” owes its title to the Viennese cab drivers who warmed themselves with this drink on cool days. In general, over time, Swiss rum coffee was refined with whipped cream and cherries served in a glass goblet. In the Swedish version, watery cream is poured into a coffee-rum mixture, and the foam is made from egg yolk whipped with sugar.

The sailors who have long kept rum on board their ships to disinfect water also have their own name for the drink - “Bear”. If you replace the sugar in the recipe with molasses, you get “Cajun” - another variety of this drink.

Traditional recipe

The alcoholic component varies according to desire - after all, the intoxicating effect does not always have to be powerful. Although the traditional recipe for coffee with rum implies certain proportions at which any component will perform best. To make this happen, choose ingredients of the highest quality. It is better to grind coffee beans specifically before production. The best cookware for cooking is a copper pot with a narrow neck. Rum is suitable both light and dark.

The ratio of parts is as follows:

  • for 1 liter of water you will need
  • 65 g natural coffee,
  • 100 g sugar and
  • 100 g rum.

First you need to brew fairly strong coffee in a Turk. Let it brew and strain. Then bring to a boil again, add sugar and rum, heat until the sand dissolves and pour into tall cups.

It is also possible to brew coffee straight away with sugar, without straining, then take into account the presence of sediment on the day. Another “trick” that will add fire when serving the drink is to set fire to the rum before pouring it into the finished coffee.

German "Pharisee"

The German version of the drink is worthy of special consideration due to the components and history of the drink. This recipe contains a cap of whipped cream through which you drink the coffee-rum mixture through a straw.

Its unusual name is also associated with the “hidden” method of consuming the drink. Legend has it that the inhabitants of the first German town came up with this ingenious method of drinking coffee with rum in secret from a local pastor who was serious about alcohol. But he still found, under the cover of cream and the smell of coffee, a forbidden ingredient - rum, and therefore called the deceivers Pharisees.

The rules for consuming this drink also deserve attention.

  1. Combining ingredients is not allowed.
  2. Anyone who breaks the first rule pays for the drinks for everyone present.
  3. Anyone who has drunk at least eight servings of the drink has the right to take a glass for themselves. In general, this rule does not slander the amount of rum in coffee, which provides a loophole for establishment owners who do not want to part with glasses.

Fruit and berry motifs

Coffee with rum gets a special taste if you add a few berries to the drink during brewing. These can be apricots, strawberries, blackberries, blueberries, currants, chokeberries, gooseberries. For 1 serving you will need approximately 1 table. a spoonful of berries and a couple of apricots, slightly mashed for a fuller taste. This option is perfect for friendly gatherings with homemade cakes or desserts.

Other methods

You can drink coffee with rum with taste and imagination. Here are some successful combinations that will decorate the drink and give it a twist:

  • almond powder and foam from yolks whipped with sugar;
  • cinnamon and whipped cream;
  • lemon and orange slices;
  • ice cream and whipped cream for iced coffee with rum.

5 Glasse coffee recipes

Glace is a chilled coffee-based drink with the addition of ice cream, native to France.

Translated from French, “glace” means icy or frozen. Most people prefer to drink this drink hot in the summer instead of chilled hibiscus or green tea, when they need a burst of energy from coffee, but do not at all want to drink a hot drink.

Composition of the glass

Naturally, it is difficult to describe the available varieties of iced coffee recipes in one article, so we will focus on the most favorite ones, which are easy to prepare at home.

But first, you should separately discuss the ingredients that make up the drink.

If possible, use natural, freshly brewed coffee. Prepare it using the usual method: in a coffee maker, Turk, or just in a cup. Naturally, instant coffee is also suitable for making ice cream, but most of the taste and smell will be lost. Therefore, if you want to get a real rich and traditional taste, then give preference to coffee beans.

Now we choose ice cream. For ice cream, a traditional ice cream without additional flavoring additives is ideal. But no one forbids experimenting and giving coffee the most rich and exciting taste. Be sure to try creating a glaze with creme brulee, vanilla, chocolate or caramel ice cream. And if you are watching your figure, but reject drinking ginger tea because of its extraordinary taste, then pay attention to the dietary recipes at the end of the article.

Do you like coffee? Then you need to know what substances are contained in its grains!

You will learn how and what to make latte coffee from here!

You can't go without cream. The easiest way is to use ready-made cream from a can. But to improve the taste parameters of the upcoming drink, try to beat them without the help of others. Buy cream with a fat content of more than 30 . Place them, the whisk and the container in which you plan to whip the cream in the refrigerator for several hours. After this you can move on to the beating process. You can store the remaining cream in the refrigerator for 2 days.

Now is the time to think about supplements. Most often, various syrups (chocolate, caramel, vanilla) and toppings such as chocolate chips, cocoa, grated nuts, pieces of caramel or multi-colored crushed candies are additionally used in the glaze.

Traditional glasse

You will find it useful:

  • 1 cup of freshly brewed espresso;
  • Several scoops of ice cream (approximately 100-150 g);
  • 2 tablespoons chocolate syrup;
  • 2 tablespoons whipped cream;
  • Not enough cocoa or grated chocolate for sprinkling.

Leave the coffee to cool completely. Take a tall wine glass or a special glass for coffee.

Place ice cream in it and pour chocolate syrup on top. Now pour the coffee over everything and carefully place the cream on top.

All that remains is to sprinkle the drink with cocoa or grated chocolate.

Ready! You can enjoy the resulting drink.

Coffee with thick foam


  • 1 cup of roast espresso;
  • 1 yolk;
  • 2 tablespoons sugar;
  • 50 grams of ice cream;
  • 2 tablespoons of any syrup.

Grind the yolk with sugar. Add the mixture to the coffee and whisk until foam forms.

Next, place the ice cream covered in syrup at the bottom of the glass and pour coffee over it.

Alcoholic version of iced glass


  • 1 cup of coffee;
  • A couple of ice cubes;
  • 10-15 grams of your favorite liqueur or balm (approximately 1 tablespoon).

Cool the coffee and add ice. Then pour in the alcohol and stir thoroughly.

Unfortunately, glasse is not good for your figure at all. The calorie content of iced coffee, in contrast to the calorie content of ordinary dark coffee, sometimes reaches 450 calories per serving. Therefore, it is not recommended to get too carried away with this drink.

But you can simplify the usual recipes a little and create the most dietary coffee.

Are you having trouble choosing a coffee maker for your home? Then you should read some tips!

How many calories are in coffee, read here.

Diet ice cream recipe

You will need:

  • 1 cup of espresso;
  • 100 milligrams 10 cream;
  • 25 grams of bitter chocolate;
  • A couple of ice cubes;
  • 50 grams of ice cream.

Melt the chocolate in a water bath. Add coffee and cream.

Bring to a boil and cool slightly.

Place ice and ice cream at the bottom of the glass, and only later can you fill it with coffee.

Lightweight option No. 2


  • 1 cup of freshly brewed coffee;
  • Vanillin on the tip of a knife;
  • A pinch of cocoa powder;
  • 1 tablespoon ice cream;
  • 5 blueberries for decoration.

Prepare as usual. Sprinkle vanilla and cocoa on top. Garnish with the freshest berries.

A huge number of varieties of iced coffee opens up endless scope for creativity and allows you to find exactly the option that you like the most.

5 recipes for coffee with rum

Coffee and rum are a combination of two self-sufficient, but perfectly complementary drinks. Despite the different characteristics (coffee tones and invigorates, alcohol, on the contrary, relaxes), the result of combining these components is a very tasty, fragrant cocktail. Additives - cream, sugar, chocolate - will help soften the taste or reveal it more.

Names of coffee drink

According to legend, the history of the drink began on the German Nordstrand Peninsula in the 2nd half of the 19th century. The local shepherd was a cruel ascetic who preached abstinence in everything, including drinking alcohol.

The parishioners did not dare to disobey the priest exactly until the moment when it was time to baptize the baby of one of the farmers. To celebrate, one of the guests came up with the idea of ​​adding a little rum to a cup of coffee. And to hide the smell, the drink was generously topped with whipped cream.

The idea pleased everyone present, but their satisfaction did not last long. Having accidentally sipped from someone else's cup, the pastor immediately smelled the alcohol and indignantly called the parishioners Pharisees. Since that time, the name “Pharisee” has been assigned to a hot coffee drink with rum and whipped cream. But they use it mostly in Germany.

In different parts of the world, a cocktail made from coffee and rum has its own name. In Cuba and Jamaica they drink Caribbean coffee, in France they drink arroz, and among sailors it is customary to call it “bear.” There is only one manufacturing development, but there are options.

Traditional recipe

  • 2 tsp. ground coffee beans;
  • 100 ml water;
  • 1 tsp. sugar (the spoon must be full and heaped);
  • 10 ml rum.
  1. Pour coffee powder with sweet sand into the cezve and stir.
  2. Pour in half a glass of cool water. Heat over medium heat.
  3. Remove from heat at the first sign of boiling (water level rises).
  4. Wait a few minutes for the sediment to settle. Pour into cups. You need to do this carefully to prevent the grounds that have settled to the bottom from getting in, or to strain the liquid.

Light the rum in a small cup or glass and quickly add it to the coffee. Serve immediately while the drink is hot.


  • 3 tsp. ground coffee beans;
  • 150 ml water;
  • 40 ml rum;
  • sugar;
  • whipped cream.
  1. Brew dark coffee (stronger), filter. Pour into a tall glass glass; add a little sugar if desired.
  2. Pour in the rum and top with plenty of whipped cream. You can sprinkle the creamy top with chocolate chips. For ease of drinking, the cocktail is served with a straw.

In Germany there is a rule according to which it is forbidden to stir the drink. The violator is fined - he must pay for the drinks for the entire company.

Coffee with rum and sweet powder

  • 450 ml dark coffee (you can use espresso);
  • 175 g sweet powder;
  • 3 tbsp. l. Roma

Combine freshly brewed coffee with rum. Pour sweet powder into the hot liquid and stir until it dissolves one hundred percent. Pour into cups and serve.

With cream whipped with sugar

  • 6 tsp. ground coffee beans;
  • 1 tbsp. water;
  • 4 glasses of rum;
  • 4 raw egg yolks;
  • 4 tbsp. l. whipped cream.

Brew dark coffee. Strain and divide into 4 servings. Divide the yolk, cream, and alcohol equally among the cups. Serve, carefully spooning whipped cream on top.

With instant coffee

For two servings you will need:

  • 2 tbsp. l. instant coffee;
  • 250 ml water;
  • 2 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • rum
  1. Combine coffee powder and sugar. Add a small amount of warm water and whisk for a couple of minutes until the mixture thickens to a creamy consistency.
  2. Dilute the resulting mass with the remaining water and pour into cups. Add rum to each serving to taste.

You can also use other alcohol in this recipe, for example, cognac or liqueur.

Coffee with rum prepared according to a traditional recipe is an excellent drink. But you can try to create its taste in the most unusual and catchy way. For this, for example, options with the addition of spices or citrus fruits are suitable.

We recommend that you familiarize yourself with Danish coffee recipes. In the classic one, one of the main ingredients is rum.

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