Mititei (Moldavian minced meat sausages)

Mititei (Moldavian minced meat sausages)

Mititei is a common Romanian and Moldavian dish - small sausages made from minced meat, without casing, which are usually cooked on a grater or grill. But I dare to assure you that mititei are also perfectly prepared in a home kitchen, in an ordinary frying pan. Mititei turn out to be juicy, very tasty and fragrant, and all thanks to the additives in the minced meat and the technology of its production. Be sure to try these meat fingers!

Products (for 3 servings)
Minced pork and beef – 500 g
Milk – 50 ml
Baking soda – 0.5 teaspoon
Potato starch – 1 tbsp. spoon
Dried thyme (thyme) – 0.5 teaspoon
Garlic – 2-3 cloves
Salt – 0.5 teaspoon (to taste)
Ground black pepper – 1/3 teaspoon (to taste)
Sunflower oil – 1 tbsp. spoon

Prepare the necessary ingredients.
I have fatty minced pork and beef.
You can also eat fatty beef or ground beef with added lard. Milk can be replaced with mineral water or beef broth.

Transfer the minced meat into a deep bowl.

Peel the garlic, chop it with a knife or using a press and add it to the minced meat.

Pour in the milk here.

Next, add soda, starch, salt, ground pepper and dried thyme to the minced meat.

Mix the minced meat with your hands using the beating method: at first just stir the minced meat, then collect it into a ball and throw it into the bowl 20 times until the minced meat becomes sticky and plastic. After this, cover the bowl with minced meat with cling film and refrigerate for 1.5-2 hours (if possible, 5-6 hours).

After the time has passed, remove the minced meat from the refrigerator. With your hands soaked in water, form the minced meat into sausages of approximately the same length, thickness and shape.

Heat sunflower oil in a frying pan and add sausages.

Fry the mititei over high heat on all sides until perfectly browned.

The mitites are ready!
Serve mititei to the table piping hot - they are especially tasty that way.

As a side dish, mashed potatoes or a salad of fresh vegetables are perfect.
Bon appetit!


24 thanks 0
Lita Tuesday, June 16, 2020 17:09 #

Very tasty. It's just finger licking good. similar to lula kebab, only not on coals, but in a frying pan. I recommend! thanks for the recipe!

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Mitytea moldavians


Milk or mineral water – 100 ml

Garlic – 5 cloves

Ground black pepper - to taste

  • 347 kcal
  • 5 hours
  • 5 hours

Photo of the finished dish

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Step-by-step recipe with photos

Small cutlets-sausages “Mititei” are a dish of Moldavian-Romanian origin. Romanian mititei are the most spicy, Moldavian ones are the most juicy, in my opinion. Do not confuse mititei with cutlets, they taste completely different. In any case, you need to try.

Usually, fatty beef is used as minced meat for Moldavian mititi, but if you haven’t found it, then pork fat will be very useful.

So, Moldavian mititei.

Pass the meat and lard through a meat grinder along with the garlic.

Please note that starch and baking soda are added to the minced meat. Moreover, baking soda is one of the main components. If garlic is not suitable for you, then you can replace it with onions. Almost all housewives add onions and garlic.

Another question. Milk or mineral water? Try two options and find the best one for you. I added milk. The essence of water is the juiciness of the finished mitites.

So, add soda, starch, milk. Salt and pepper to taste.

Just mixing the minced meat is not good; you need to beat it for at least 10 minutes.

Gather all the meat in both hands, gathering it into a ball, and throw it back into the bowl. Thanks to beating the minced meat, the mititei will remain dense and elastic sausages, and not cutlets that can fall apart right in the frying pan.

A very important point! This minced meat cannot be immediately formed into sausages! The minced meat needs to be infused in the refrigerator all night (that is, in the dark) or at least 5 hours.

Form the sausages later either by hand or with a special attachment on a sausage grinder. To be honest, I just couldn’t find it at home and was quite upset. Using the nozzle, the sausages are of a similar size and even.

Fry the sausages later on the grill or frying pan on all sides until crusty.

Very juicy and very tasty small Moldavian sausages mititei are ready.

Mititei, Moldovan sausages

Mititei is a type of sausage without casing, a dish of Moldavian and Romanian cuisine. They are usually cooked on a grill. In a recipe adapted for home use, you can fry the mititei in a frying pan.

The mititei mixture must be dense and slightly grainy, because they are prepared from beef or lamb. They should not remember cutlets, kupats, meatballs, etc. The main condition for proper production is long kneading and beating of the minced meat. This ensures that the mititei will not fall apart during frying, but will turn out elastic and dense.

Now I will share with you a recipe for mititi in spicy tomato sauce. We will cook it from beef with the addition of a small amount of lard, which will give the minced meat juiciness. The “sausage cutlets” will turn out juicy, very tasty and fragrant, and the sauce made from ground ground tomatoes and chili will add piquancy to them.


  • beef – 500 g
  • lard – 50 g
  • garlic - 2 teeth.
  • soda – 0.5 tsp.
  • starch - 1 tbsp. l.
  • thyme (thyme) – 0.5 tsp.
  • ground dark pepper – 1/4 tsp.
  • salt - a little more than 0.5 tsp.
  • sparkling water – 100 ml
  • vegetable oil – 2 tbsp. l.
  • garlic - 2 teeth.
  • hot pepper – 1/2 pod
  • large onion – 1 pc.
  • tomatoes – 200 g
  • tomato paste – 1 tbsp. l.
  • water – 100 ml
  • salt, sugar and dark pepper - to taste
  • bay leaf – 2 pcs.


First you need to prepare the minced meat. The meat must be fresh, not frozen. Cut off the large veins, cut into small pieces and pass through a meat grinder with a small mesh once along with the lard.

Stir starch and soda into the minced meat. The starch will thicken the minced meat, which will make them a little “rubbery.” Soda, on the contrary, will loosen it (there is no need to extinguish it with anything; it will later extinguish itself with mineral water).

Season the minced meat well with salt and pepper, add thyme, and also a couple of cloves of garlic, passed through a press.

While kneading evenly, pour in highly carbonated mineral water. Then knock it really hard - on the countertop at least 30-40 times! With each beating, the minced meat will become more elastic and dense (I recommend frying one cutlet for testing, so that you can understand what the mitites will be like in terms of salt and spices). And leave the minced meat in the refrigerator for 1-2 hours.

Meanwhile, prepare the sauce. To do this, fry diced onion, slices of garlic and chili pepper in a saucepan. Simmer over low heat for approximately 15 minutes. Then add tomatoes (grate without skin) and tomato paste (dilute in 100 ml of water). Boil by 2 times. At the very end add a few laurel leaves. The sauce should be thick and not sour, a little sweet and spicy.

Now you can begin to form the mitites themselves. If your meat grinder has a special attachment for sausages, then use it. If not, it will be more difficult; you will have to sculpt oblong sausages with your hands dipped in oil - 2-3 cm in diameter and 7-8 cm in length. In principle, you can completely handle a small amount of minced meat by hand.

Fry over high heat on all sides until golden brown (I used a grill pan). If you have the opportunity to cook mititei on a barbecue grid, they will be saturated with smoke and will turn out even tastier.

Place the fried sausages in a baking dish. Pour over the sauce and bake for 15 minutes in the oven.

In principle, you can cook without tomato sauce, then after the mititei have been fried, you need to simmer them for a short time (about 5 minutes) in a frying pan with the addition of a small (!) amount of water so that they steam.

Usually sausages are served with hominy, stewed cabbage or green peas and onions. But you can serve it with mashed potatoes, or just like that - with a glass of homemade red wine. Bon appetit!



  • Pork 700 g
  • Beef 300 g
  • Baking soda on the tip of a knife
  • Starch 1.5-2 tbsp. l.
  • Milk 0.5-1 tbsp.
  • Onions 2 pcs.
  • Bay leaf 2-3 pcs.
  • Garlic 5-10 cloves
  • Ground dark pepper to taste
  • Dark peppercorns 10-15 pcs.
  • Table salt to taste


Like other dishes of Moldavian cuisine, small aromatic sausages are traditionally served with mujdey sauce. The garlicky, salty-spicy sauce perfectly complements the juicy fried meat. Mititei in Moldavian style is usually served with hominy, green beans or peas, and the dish will be amazing, appetizing and look great with pasta or mashed potatoes.

Making a dish should begin with preparing the ingredients. For greater convenience, all products must be laid out on the work surface. Grind the meat a couple of times.

Add crushed garlic to the meat mass, soda on the tip of a knife, 1.5-2 tbsp. l. starch, ground pepper and salt to taste. Then, while stirring the minced meat, pour in the milk. The resulting mass should be beaten off. To do this, the minced meat must be divided into several portions and each part must be thrown onto the table about 10 times. The finished, seasoned and pounded meat product must be covered with film or a lid and placed in a cool space for 1-2 hours.

After the designated time has passed, remove the minced meat and begin forming the sausages. Remove the knife and mesh from the meat grinder, attach the sausage attachment, coat your palms with vegetable oil and, turning the meat grinder evenly, form small sausages. You can also make mititei with your own hands by fashioning something like sausages.

Fry the meat sticks for 1 minute on each side in a sufficient amount of hot oil over high heat until golden brown. Place the fried mititei in a deep container with a thick bottom.

Place bay leaf, dark peppercorns in a saucepan with sausages, cut 1 onion into rings and place on top of the meat sausages. Then pour boiling water over it all, add salt to taste and bring to a boil. After this, reduce the temperature and simmer for about half an hour.

Ready-made home-style mititei should be served hot. For 1 serving you usually put 2 sausages. You can add a side dish to meat sticks in the form of fragrant, tender mashed potatoes. And it will also be surprisingly tasty with porridge. The dish can be decorated with thinly sliced ​​onion rings, canned green peas or corn, sprigs of fresh herbs or cuttings from fresh vegetables. Additionally, you can serve garlic sauce or ketchup. Bon appetit!

KBJU and composition for the entire dish

Title Content
Calorie content 3550.3545 kcal
Squirrels 180.618805 g
Fats 266.66267 g
Sodium 1392.975 mg
Cholesterol (an organic compound, a natural fatty, lipophilic alcohol found in the cell membranes of all living organisms except nuclear-free ones) 722 mg
Saturated fatty acids 97.521384 g
Carbohydrates 101.398475 g
Alimentary fiber 7.19735 g

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