Raspberry mousse cake

Raspberry mousse cake

Try to cook this sweet masterpiece! Raspberry mousse cake is a wonderful dessert with a pronounced berry flavor and a chocolate saltine cracker crust. This extraordinary taste combination of products will provide truly incredible pleasure to everyone who tries it.

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Ingredients and how to cook

ingredients for 10 servings or - the number of products for servings suitable for you will be calculated automatically!'>

tea spoon 5 ml
dessert spoon 10 ml
tablespoon 20 ml
cup 200 ml


Composition weight: 100 gr
294 kcal
Belkov: 4 g
Zhirov: 23 g
Carbohydrates: 21 g
Used: 8 / 48 / 44
N 33 / C 0 / B 67

Production time: 4 hours

manufacturing method

Place the crackers in the bowl of a blender or food processor and grind into small crumbs. Place the cookie crumbs into a bowl, add cocoa powder and stir the ingredients together.

Melt the butter in a water bath or in the microwave. Pour the melted butter into the bowl with the graham cracker crumbs and cocoa and stir until smooth. Transfer the mixture into a springform pan and, using a flat-bottomed glass, press the cookie crumbs into a thin crust of uniform thickness. Place the baking dish in the refrigerator to allow the cookie crust to set.

Wash the raspberries under cool water and place in a colander to drain. Set aside large and beautiful berries for the final decoration of the cake. Place the rest of the raspberries in a blender bowl and puree the berries until smooth. Then grind the resulting berry mass through a sieve, thus getting rid of the raspberry seeds.

Stir gelatin in water at room temperature and let it swell.

Place the raspberry puree in a saucepan or small saucepan and add sweet powder. Place the saucepan on the stove and bring its contents to a boil over low heat, stirring constantly with a spoon. Add the swollen gelatin to the hot raspberry puree and mix well. Heat everything together, but do not boil. Remove the saucepan from the heat and leave to cool.

Break the snow-white chocolate into pieces and place in a small fireproof container. Place the container itself in a saucepan with water and place on low heat. Add a little cream to the chocolate and melt it in a water bath until watery.

Beat cream with a fat content of at least 33% with a mixer until fluffy and thick foam. Then, carefully so that they do not fall off, mix them with melted snow-white chocolate. Add the cooled raspberry puree to the resulting mass and mix thoroughly.

Remove the pan with the cracker crust from the refrigerator and pour the mixture of raspberry puree, whipped cream and snow-white chocolate on top of it.

Place the cake pan in the refrigerator for at least 3 hours until it hardens.

When serving, use a knife to separate the edges of the mousse part of the cake from the mold. Take out the cake and decorate it with fresh raspberries.

Raspberry-chocolate mousse cake

Light, tender, juicy and rich, mousse cake with raspberry confit and chocolate mousse is the undisputed ruler of the festive table. The combination of raspberries and chocolate has long become a classic, and even non-chocoholics appreciated the taste of this dessert.

Like any mousse cake, it is not very ordinary and consists of a number of steps, so it cannot be prepared for tea in the evening, no matter how annoying it may sound. But with the correct organization of actions, you will need only 1-1.5 days for everything.

Let us roughly divide the entire manufacturing process into the following stages: sponge cake, crispy layer, confit, mousse, glaze. Plus time for freezing and defrosting. We begin the preparation by making the glaze, since it needs time, specifically 24 hours, to “ripen.” During these days, we will have time to prepare everything else, the cake will have time to freeze, and it will be possible to cover it with glaze.

Most of the ingredients should be familiar to you, except for a few:

  • Royaltine (very crispy waffle flakes, can be replaced with store-bought wafers or corn flakes);
  • NH pectin (heat-stable pectin, sold in confectionery stores; replacing with citrus or apple pectin is not allowed);
  • glucose and invert syrups (also sold in confectionery stores, can be prepared independently).

Calculation of ingredients - for a mold d 16-18 cm


75 g water
150 g sugar
150 g glucose syrup
100 g condensed milk
150 g snow white chocolate
10 g gelatin + 60 g water
food coloring

Soak gelatin (10 g) in cold water (60 g) for half an hour.

In a saucepan, combine water (75 g), sugar (150 g) and glucose syrup (150 g). Cook to 103 degrees.

Place snow-white chocolate (150 g), condensed milk (100 g) and swollen gelatin mass into a tall blender glass.

Pour the hot syrup over the chocolate + condensed milk + gelatin mass, leave for a few minutes, stir with a silicone spatula and beat with a blender.

If there are bubbles in the glaze, you can strain it through a fine sieve.

Cover the glaze with film “in contact” and put it in the refrigerator for 1 day to “ripen” the glaze.

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Before adding, heat the glaze in the microwave and beat it again with a blender.

Operating temperature: 30-35 degrees.

Raspberry confit with pectin

150 g raspberry puree
15 g invert sugar
20 g sugar
3 g NH pectin
7 g lemon juice

In a saucepan, mix raspberry puree (150 g) with invert sugar (15 g) and place on low heat.

At this time, combine sugar (20 g) with NH pectin (3 g), mix well.

When the raspberry puree reaches 40 degrees, pour in the mixture of pectin and sugar, stirring immediately with a whisk.

Stirring, cook over medium heat until boiling and 1-2 minutes after.

Remove from heat, add lemon juice (7 g).

Prepare a mold with a diameter 2 cm smaller than the planned finished cake: wrap the bottom of the ring with cling film and place it on a hard, level base.

Pour the confit into the mold and place in the freezer until completely frozen.

Truffle sponge cake

50 g dark chocolate
50 g butter
35 g sugar
1 egg
25 g flour
pinch of salt

Turn on the oven to preheat to 180 degrees.

Melt dark chocolate (50 g).

Cream butter (50 g) at room temperature with some sugar (15 g).

Separate the white from the yolk. Add the yolk to the butter mixture and beat.

Add cooled melted chocolate, beat until smooth.

Sift flour (25 g) into the dough, beat until smooth.

Beat the egg white with the remaining sugar (20 g) and a pinch of salt. Gently fold the whipped egg white into the dough in a few steps using a silicone spatula.

Pour into a mold of approximately the size you plan for the finished cake (cut off the excess, and you will have exactly what is needed - 2 cm smaller than the finished cake).

Bake in a preheated oven for about 25 minutes, check with a toothpick for doneness.

Crispy layer with royaltyne

25 g dark chocolate
50 g hazelnut paste
20 g royaltine

Cut the cooled chocolate sponge cake to a diameter 2 cm smaller than the planned cake.

Melt chocolate (25 g) and cool.

Add hazelnut paste (50 g) and Royaltine (20 g). Mix.

Apply the mixture evenly onto the biscuit. Place in the freezer for approximately 1 hour.

Dark chocolate mousse

Chocolate mousse with cream is prepared right before assembling the cake, in other words, we have in stock: one hundred percent frozen confit, a perfectly frozen sponge cake with a crispy layer, a prepared cake mold (silicone or a ring covered with film on one side), standing on a flat, hard surface. substrate.

100 g dark chocolate
150 g milk
8 g gelatin + 42 g water
1 tbsp.
sugar 300 g cream 33%

Soak gelatin (8 g) in cold water (42 g) for half an hour.

Bring milk (150 g) with sugar (1 tbsp) to a boil, add soaked gelatin to it, stir and pour over chocolate (100 g). Leave for a couple of minutes, stir and beat with a blender until the mixture is smooth.

Whip cool cream (300 g) until it forms “soft peaks” (the whisk mark remains, but quickly disappears).

Add the 100% cooled milk-chocolate mixture to the cream and mix gently with a spatula.

Assembling the cake

We collect “upside down”.

Pour some of the mousse onto the bottom of the prepared pan so that the layer height is about 1 cm. Place in the freezer for 10 minutes.

Place frozen raspberry confit on top of this layer of mousse so that there is approximately the same distance from all the walls of the mold to the edges of the confit.

Pour mousse into the spaces between the confit and the walls of the mold and 2-3 cm above the confit.

Place a sponge cake with a crispy layer on top, also “upside down”, in other words, crispy to the mousse. Press the biscuit into the mousse so that its bottom is even with the mousse.

Place the cake in the freezer for at least 8 hours until completely frozen.


After completely freezing the cake, we prepare the space where we will cover the cake with icing (for example, a wide plate and a narrow glass on it) and icing (heat, punch, bring to working temperature).

I colored the glaze before using it: divided it into 3 parts, painted it in three different colors, punched each one with a blender, cooled to working temperature, combined without stirring.

Remove the cake from the mold (it is easy to remove it from the silicone mold, but you can remove it from the ring by heating the wall of the mold with a hairdryer).

Place it on a glass.

Wipe with a cardboard towel to remove any condensation that appears.

Drizzle glaze over cake.

Wait a few minutes until the glaze drips, remove excess drips with a knife and transfer the cake to a base using a spatula and a knife.

Defrost the cake in the refrigerator for about 5-8 hours.

Raspberry mousse cake


Whipping cream – 600 ml

Snow-white chocolate – 250 g

Sweet sand – 100 g

Vanilla sugar – 2 pcs.

Gelatin (packaging needed for gelling 500 ml of water) – 1 pc.

Water for soaking gelatin - as needed

Glaze – 250 ml, not indispensable

Ready-made sponge cake – 1 pc.

  • 177 kcal

Photo of the finished dish

Step-by-step recipe with photos

Raspberry mousse cake is two kilograms of heavenly pleasure for raspberry lovers (well, not everyone loves coconuts, but everyone loves heavenly pleasure!). It is more difficult than mousse desserts with berries that do not contain so many grains, but, in my opinion, pureed raspberries in mousse desserts are somehow better than natural ones. Otherwise, the mousse is very ordinary. But this time I took a complex form to show the method of how to simply and quickly cut out a biscuit bottom for such a configuration.

Read also:  Homemade marshmallows with gelatin recipe

The difficulty with using an inner hole pan for mousse cakes is that it is not clear exactly what size mousse you will get from the amount of ingredients given in the recipe. Cream can be whipped in different ways, and depending on this there will be a different size of the finished mass. After wiping, the raspberries may also turn out to be more or less than mine. Purely by chance, I got exactly the amount needed according to the size of the mold - 2 liters. It would turn out to be more - not a failure. How could it be less? How then to build the bottom? You can’t measure it in advance, but there are a couple of necessary items that help you take measurements after the mousse has filled the mold.

We rub the raspberries through an iron sieve to remove the seeds. We throw them away.

Soften the gelatin in a small amount of cool water for 5 minutes (or otherwise, if otherwise written on your package).

Chop snow-white chocolate.

Squeeze the gelatin and dissolve it over low heat in 200 ml of cream along with snow-white chocolate, regular and vanilla sugar until everything is completely dissolved.

Whip 400 ml of cream until soft peaks form.

Stir raspberry puree into the creamy chocolate mixture until evenly dissolved.

Mix the whipped cream into the remaining ingredients in three additions until a homogeneous consistency is obtained.

Pour the mousse into the cake mold.

It is very convenient to measure the diameter of the bottom with a dimensionless cake ring. There is no ring - well, anyway, find one among your plates that is a little much smaller. The diameter of the inner hole should be smaller than the diameter of any of your glasses, glasses or mugs. In short, it’s enough to simply cut the bottom without any measurements, using the selection method.

Place the sponge cake on top of the mousse and place the cake in the freezer until completely frozen. About 6 o'clock.

If you use mirror glaze, before using it, you must first melt it in the microwave (4 minutes on the “defrost” mode), and then remove the bubbles and cool to a slightly warm temperature.

We take the cake out of the freezer and remove it from the mold. If glaze is going to be used, we put it in a place where it will easily flow from and where.

Pour frosting over the raspberry mousse cake.

Let the cake defrost in the refrigerator. For a long time, at least 4 hours.

There is no point in removing the cut of a raspberry mousse cake, because the icing may differ by half a tone from the color of the mousse. In general, the raspberry flavor of this cake is off the charts both in taste and color characteristics.

Mousse cake with mirror glaze - 12 delicious recipes to prepare at home

Cake is an all-purpose dessert, suitable for any occasion. If the previously designated sweet was decorated with butter creams or mastic, modern confectioners use a different coating for these purposes. The mousse cake with mirror glaze, distinguished by its stylish exterior design and narrow taste, has become especially popular.

Basic DIY mirror glaze recipe

Before you learn how to create a treat, you should figure out how to prepare its main component - mirror glaze. There are many exciting and delicious options for making this coating, but they are all based on the traditional recipe.

  • 12 g gelatin;
  • 80 ml water;
  • 150 g glucose syrup;
  • 150 g sugar;
  • 150 g snow-white chocolate;
  • 4 drops of dye;
  • 100 g condensed milk.
  1. Soak the gelatin.
  2. In a saucepan, combine sugar, glucose syrup with warm water. Transfer the mixture to the heat and bring to a boil.
  3. Pour the resulting syrup over the crushed chocolate and condensed milk placed in a blender bowl. Add gelatin here.
  4. Mix all the ingredients, combine them with a dye of a suitable color and beat. If bubbles form on the surface of the resulting mass, strain the mixture through a sieve.
  5. Place the resulting glaze in the refrigerator for 12 hours.
  6. Before actual application, we heat the composition in the microwave.

Advice. It is necessary to decorate the frozen cake with the prepared glaze immediately, otherwise condensation will form on its surface, due to which the sweet mixture will simply drain onto the stand.

A very wonderful dessert with oranges

One of the most common mousse cake recipes is a dessert with citrus fruits. With all this, it is not at all necessary to prepare a treat with oranges - you can use lime, lemons or even tangerines.

For the cake you will need:

  • 70 ml orange juice;
  • 2 tbsp. l. orange zest;
  • 50 ml lemon juice;
  • 1 tbsp. l. lemon zest;
  • 1 sponge cake;
  • 80 g butter;
  • 300 g sugar;
  • 3 eggs + 2 yolks;
  • 250 g cream cheese;
  • 600 ml heavy cream;
  • 13 g gelatin;
  • 70 g sweet powder.
  1. To create a mousse, mix 5 g of gelatin with 3 tablespoons of water. Separately beat the eggs with a glass of sugar.
  2. Combine lemon and orange juice with lemon zest. Bring the resulting mixture to a boil, and then pour it into the beaten eggs.
  3. Transfer to a water bath. Actively using a whisk, bring to thickening.
  4. When the mixture has cooled, add gelatin and softened butter. Beat the ingredients with a mixer.
  5. Pour the resulting mousse into a bowl, wait until it cools, then place it in the freezer.
  6. To create a different mousse, soak the remaining gelatin. Mix the finished component with cream cheese and sweet powder.
  7. In a separate container, whip chilled heavy cream.
  8. Cook the syrup from the remaining sugar and a few tablespoons of water, wait until it cools slightly, then combine with the ground yolks. Add the gelatin mixture to the resulting mass and beat with a mixer.
  9. Add whipped cream and combine ingredients with a spatula.
  10. Assembling the cake. Place some of the creamy mousse on the bottom of the plate, place the frozen orange layer on top, then the base again. Now place the biscuit, cooled for 2 hours.
  11. Place the formed dessert in the freezer and remove it from there only before applying the glaze.
  12. Decorate the cake with orange zest.
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Two-tier mousse cake with mirror glaze

Before you create a mousse cake with several “floors,” you will have to stock up on 2 shapes of different diameters and an impressive list of products.

  • 6 eggs;
  • 1 tsp. vanilla extract;
  • 1 tsp. baking powder;
  • 1 tbsp. flour;
  • 1 tbsp. Sahara.
  • 450 g frozen berries;
  • 250 g sugar.
  • 150 g glucose syrup;
  • 100 ml water;
  • 25 g gelatin;
  • 1 tsp. vanillin;
  • 2 tbsp. Sahara;
  • 3 tbsp. l. berry jam or jam;
  • 2 g salt.
  • 650 g cream;
  • 350 ml milk;
  • 3 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • 17 g gelatin;
  • 1 tsp. vanilla extract.
  1. Let's start with the biscuit. We divide the eggs into components. Mix them with a similar amount of sugar (0.5 cups) and beat separately from each other. Then combine both mixtures, add vanilla extract, sifted flour, and baking powder. Knead the dough, pour into the prepared forms, put in the oven for 30 minutes. Cool the baked biscuits and divide each one into 3 cakes.
  2. Pour boiling water over the berries for 2 minutes, then beat in a blender, combine the resulting puree with sugar. Cook for 5 minutes. Fruit impregnation is ready.
  3. To create marshmallows, soak gelatin in water, then melt it in a water bath. Combine glucose syrup, coarse salt, sweet sand and cool water in a saucepan. Transfer the resulting mixture to the fire. After 5 minutes, add gelatin, jam and vanillin. Remove, let cool for a couple of minutes, beat with a blender.
  4. We form the tiers of the cake. We use the mold in which the biscuits were baked. Place the first shortcake, a layer of jam, and a little marshmallow. We perform a similar function with each shortbread. Cover the resulting system with cling film and move it to the refrigerator.
  5. For the mousse, combine heated milk with gelatin, and then add sugar. When the ingredients have combined and cooled slightly, add whipped cream and vanilla extract.
  6. Pour mousse over both pies and refrigerate for 6-8 hours. All that remains is to cover the cake with glaze, and when the coating sets, decorate it at your own discretion.

With strawberry flavor

To prepare a mousse cake with a well-known berry smell, prepare the following products.

  • 300 g sweet powder;
  • 80 ml water;
  • 20 g gelatin;
  • 400 ml heavy cream;
  • 500 g natural yoghurt.
  • 250 g strawberry puree;
  • 10 g gelatin;
  • 50 ml water;
  • 12 g starch;
  • 80 g sugar.
  • ready-made biscuit.
  1. To create confit, add gelatin to water. Combine sugar, berry puree, and starch in a saucepan. Cook the mixture over low heat until it begins to thicken. Mix with the prepared gelatin, pour into a mold of a suitable size, and place in the refrigerator.
  2. Let's move on to the mousse. Soak the gelatin in water, then dissolve the ingredient in heated cream (100 ml). Divide the sweet powder into two equal parts. Whip one with the remaining cream, and combine the other with yogurt. Add gelatin to the final mixture. Add the whipped cream little by little, stirring the consistency with a spatula.
  3. Let's move on to creating the dessert. First pour the mousse into the prepared form, then the strawberry confit, and cover with the mousse. Place biscuit on top. We move the workpiece to the freezer. After 12 hours, all that remains is to decorate the strawberry mousse cake with reddish icing and top it with the freshest berries.

Festive dessert for children

The key to a successful dessert among children is the brightness of the treat, a lot of sweet cream and delicious decorations. To create a suitable mousse dessert using this principle, in addition to sponge cake, the products from the list will be useful.

  • 40 g sugar;
  • 40 ml water;
  • 2 tsp. honey;
  • food colorings.
  • 250 g sugar;
  • 8 g vanillin;
  • 6 g gelatin;
  • 200 g cream cheese;
  • 250 ml cream;
  • food coloring.

For mirror glaze:

  • 60 ml cream;
  • 40 g dark chocolate;
  • 100 ml water;
  • 60 g cocoa;
  • 200 g sugar;
  • 9 g gelatin.
  1. First, soak the biscuit with sweet syrup prepared from the indicated ingredients. It is important to add a dye to the composition, preferably a reddish one, so that the cake acquires a catchy color.
  2. Place the prepared biscuit in the mold.
  3. We prepare two types of mousse according to the list of ingredients. To do this, mix the cheese with sugar and vanilla, beat, and then combine with whipped cream. When the mass becomes homogeneous, you need to combine one part with yellow dye, and the second with green. All that remains is to add the soaked gelatin, actively combining the mousse ingredients with a mixer.
  4. First fill the sponge cake with yellow mousse, freeze in the freezer for 1 hour, and then with green filling.
  5. After freezing again, cover the cake with glaze made from the indicated ingredients.
  6. For decoration we use multi-colored chocolate balls, cookies and candies.

Coffee mousse cake with mirror glaze

Desserts soaked in coffee are a classic of confectionery skills.

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