Cake Napoleon with condensed milk

Cake Napoleon with condensed milk

Is it possible to meet a person who has never tried Napoleon cake? And, having tried it, remained indifferent to it? I don't think so.

Now I would like to bring to your attention Napoleon’s recipe with condensed milk cream, which will certainly become the highlight of any festive event.

When making a cake, it is very important to roll out the dough into shortcakes as thin as possible.

Ingredients for Napoleon cake with condensed milk

for test

for cream

Recipe for Napoleon cake with condensed milk

Break the egg into a small bowl.

Add cool water to the egg and mix with a spoon.

Add soda slaked with vinegar to the same bowl. Mix everything thoroughly.

For this recipe it is better to use very cool water. I always have a supply of ice water in the refrigerator.

Sift the flour into a separate bowl.

Add margarine to flour. Flour and margarine must be ground into crumbs. For this purpose for us, I used the most ordinary grater. I grated margarine and quickly mixed it with flour.

You can also use the spread. In this case, I used special margarine for puff pastry, which I had previously placed in the freezer.

Mix the contents of bowls No. 1 and 2, put in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.

Divide the dough into 6-8 parts.

The quantity depends on how thick you prefer your shortcakes and what size baking pan.

Roll out any ball into a narrow cake.

In order for the cake to be of the correct round shape, you can use a plate or a pan lid.

We send any of the cakes to bake in the oven for 4-5 minutes at a temperature of 180ºC.

Remove the resulting “cake” from the oven and let it cool slightly.

The shortcakes don’t have to be completely even. After impregnation with cream, they will acquire a completely acceptable appearance.

Prepare the cream by combining melted butter and condensed milk.

Generously coat our shortcakes with cream.

Sprinkle crumbs on top of the cake.

For the crumble, I specially kept one shortbread in the oven for 2 minutes. He got a wonderful brown color.

Leave the cake for 4-6 hours to soak and serve.

Traditional Napoleon with condensed milk

Thin shortcakes and condensed milk - what could be tastier?! . I remember “Napoleon” from my youth, because it was prepared quite often. At that time there was not such an abundance of recipes and all kinds of kitchen gadgets. But the cake, which originated from youth, has not lost its relevance even now. “Napoleon” still remains at its best, thanks to its excellent taste. I’m sharing my favorite recipe for making it.

  1. Main
  2. Recipe groups
  3. Traditional Napoleon with condensed milk

Ingredients and how to cook

ingredients for 12 servings or - the number of products for servings suitable for you will be calculated automatically!'>

tea spoon 5 ml
dessert spoon 10 ml
tablespoon 20 ml
cup 200 ml
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Composition weight: 100 gr
370 kcal
Belkov: 7 g
Zhirov: 21 g
Carbohydrates: 40 gr
Used: 10 / 31 / 59
H 0 / C 0 / B 100

Production time: 9 hours 30 minutes

manufacturing method

Break the eggs into a glass, add sugar and salt, pour in water and vinegar. Mix.

Pour the flour onto the work surface, spread the butter, previously chopping it into small cubes and using a knife, chop the butter and flour, turning it into crumbs.

We collect the resulting flour crumbs into a mound, make a small depression in the center, pour in the egg mixture in parts, and knead the dough. Roll the finished dough into a ball and place it in the refrigerator for an hour and a half.

Divide the chilled dough into 9-10 equal parts, and again put it in the refrigerator for an hour.

Combine the softened butter with condensed milk and knead until completely smooth.

We place any ball of dough on parchment paper, roll it into a narrow layer, place a pattern dish on top and cut out an even circle along it. We make frequent punctures all over the cake with a fork and place it on a baking sheet, bake at 220 degrees for 5-7 minutes (we bake the scraps together with the cake, they will be needed at the end).

Assemble the cake, coating any shortcake with cream. Chop the baked scraps with your hands or a rolling pin and decorate the surface of the cake with them.

“Napoleon” needs time to soak. Place it in the refrigerator for 4-5 hours.

Serve the cake on the table and enjoy the wonderful taste!

Napoleon cake with condensed milk


Wheat flour – 600 g

Butter – 350 g

Chicken egg – 2 pcs.

Condensed milk – 300 g

Granulated sugar – 60 g

  • 340 kcal
  • 4 hours 30 minutes
  • 4 hours 30 minutes
  • B: 7.1
  • AND: 22.7
  • U: 35.76

Photo of the finished dish

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Step-by-step recipe with photos

Now I would like to share with you the recipe for a very tasty and tender cake.

To make a Napoleon cake with condensed milk, we need wheat flour, butter, condensed milk, chicken eggs, sugar and salt.

Break the eggs into a clean glass or bowl and add a pinch of salt.

Mix everything together with sugar and pour in cool water and vinegar. Mix and set aside.

Cut cool butter (250 g) into small cubes. Sift the flour onto the table and place the cubes of butter.

Then, using a knife, chop the butter and flour into small crumbs.

Make a small depression from the resulting crumbs and gradually pour in the egg mixture.

Knead the dough and put it in the refrigerator for 1-1.5 hours.

After a while, take out the dough and divide it into equal parts. Then roll each part into balls and put in the refrigerator for 10 minutes.

Cream for Napoleon cake with condensed milk.

For the cream, take condensed milk and add 100 g of butter at room temperature. Mix everything until a homogeneous mixture.

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Set the oven to preheat to 220-230 degrees. Lightly sprinkle parchment paper with flour, place the ball and lightly press it down with a rolling pin. Then roll out the dough into a narrow crust. Place a bowl on top of the shortbread and cut out the shortbread. Carefully remove the plate and prick the cake with a fork in different places. We don’t remove the scraps, we will also bake them, they will be useful for decorating the cake.

Bake the shortcakes for 5-7 minutes at a temperature of 220-230 degrees in the oven until golden brown.

When all the shortcakes are baked, we begin to assemble the cake. Place the shortbread on a plate and spread cream over the entire surface.

Then we place the second shortcake on top of it and grease it with cream in the same way. We do this function with all the shortcakes. We also grease the outer crust.

Chop the cake scraps with your hands and sprinkle them over the cake. Place the cake in the refrigerator for soaking for 7-12 hours.

Napoleon cake with condensed milk is ready!! Bon appetit!!

Napoleon with condensed milk

There is hardly a person who has not tried Napoleon cake. Its unique taste, melt-in-the-mouth shortcakes, and subtle aroma do not leave those with a sweet tooth phlegmantic.

History says that it was baked for the first time in 1912. It was then that our homeland celebrated the 100th anniversary of the victory over the French. For the ceremonial table, quality chefs invented a new recipe that was enjoyed by everyone who tried it.

The cake recipe spread during recent Russian times. Any self-respecting housewife would prepare this delicacy for a holiday. Well, in all the cafes you could enjoy this masterpiece.

If you want to treat your guests to a truly delicious dessert, then we suggest baking a Napoleon cake with condensed milk on your own.

The manufacturing method differs from the traditional recipe, but the cake turns out no less tasty. It will especially appeal to condensed milk lovers.

  1. "Napoleon" with condensed milk
  2. Ingredients:
  3. Making the dough:
  4. Baking the cakes:
  5. Preparation of the cream:
  6. Assembling the cake:

"Napoleon" with condensed milk


In order to start making the cake, you need:

  • butter 300 gr;
  • wheat flour 200 gr;
  • chicken egg 1 piece;
  • condensed milk 200 g (boiled);
  • water 100 ml;
  • soda;
  • salt;
  • vinegar.

There is a worldview that creating “Napoleon” is difficult and takes a long time. We offer a step-by-step recipe for making this dish. See for yourself that Napoleon can be baked quickly and easily.

Making the dough:

  1. Take a small bowl and break an egg into it.
  2. Add water and mix everything with a spoon. Please note that the water must be cool, otherwise the testicle may curl. Ice water from the refrigerator will do. You need to stir until smooth.
  3. Add soda to the bowl. We take little. The tip of a teaspoon will be enough. Be sure to quench it with vinegar.
  4. Take the second bowl. Sift the required amount of flour into it. Be sure to sow flour. Then the dough will be the most fluffy.
  5. Divide the oil into two parts. Add 200 grams to flour. We leave 100 g for the cream.
  6. Grind flour and butter together.
    It should be crumbly. Tip: you can grate the butter. Then it is easier to mix it with flour.
  7. Mix the resulting crumbs and the contents of the first bowl.
  8. Knead the dough and put it in the refrigerator for 30 minutes. You can wrap it in cling film.
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In all recipes from the times of the USSR (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, also the Soviet Union - a state that existed from 1922 to 1991 in Europe and Asia), you will see that the dough is put in the cold for an hour. But as practice shows, 30 minutes is completely enough. The most important thing is that the dough is sufficiently cooled.

Baking the cakes:

  1. Take the dough out of the refrigerator. Divide it into 6-8 equal parts. The recipe for Napoleon cake with condensed milk is easy to adjust to your tastes. In order for the shortcakes to come out thicker and in a larger shape, it is necessary to divide them into the smallest number of parts. Accordingly, if the mold is small and thin cakes are needed, then 8 parts of dough will be useful.
  2. Roll out each piece of dough into a narrow crust.
    Then we pierce it a couple of times with a fork. This is necessary to prevent bubbles from forming. For convenience and speed, the cake can be rolled out directly on parchment. Add a little flour as needed. Tip: so that all the shortcakes come out uniform in diameter, use a plate of the right size. Simply cover the rolled out crust and press down.
  3. Bake the shortcakes separately.
    The required temperature is 180 degrees. The oven should be preheated in advance. One shortbread takes approximately 5-6 minutes. It’s important not to be distracted and watch so that the shortcakes don’t burn. Advice: if the shortcakes still come out crooked, don’t despair. When they are soaked in cream, their appearance will change.

Preparation of the cream:

1. Take the melted butter and mix it with a mixer with a glass of condensed milk. The result should be a homogeneous mass. If desired, you can add vanillin.

Tip: the taste of the cake directly depends on the boiled milk you choose, so it’s better to take a proven product.

Assembling the cake:

  1. Place one shortbread on a plate and carefully coat with cream. The shortbreads turn out to be very fragile and brittle. This must be taken into account when you spread the cake. Do not overdo it.
  2. Place another shortbread on top. Carefully trim all edges. Carefully coat with cream again. We do this until all the shortcakes, not counting the first one, are completed. Make sure that the cream is not only on the top part of the cake, but also on the sides.
  3. To finish the dish, finely grind the remaining shortbread. Sprinkle this crumble on top of the cake. If desired, you can add chopped nuts.
  4. Place the cake in the refrigerator for 5-8 hours. The longer it sits, the more it will become saturated.

That's all! Napoleon cake with boiled condensed milk is ready!

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