Cabbage schnitzel

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Cabbage schnitzel - a vegetarian version of a popular dish

A dish like schnicel (from German - slice, piece) is understandable to almost everyone. Most people compare it specifically to meat. This is partly correct, because the traditional version is made from pork or beef, and less often from other types of meat. But for people who follow a healthy diet, also for diabetics and vegetable eaters, there is a very exciting recipe - cabbage schnitzel.

This dish may also appeal to meat eaters. After all, cabbage is rich in an abundance of valuable vitamins and minerals, and thanks to fiber, there is a feeling of fullness that lasts for a long time. The manufacturing process is not difficult, and the treat turns out very tasty.

There are a huge number of instructions for preparing this dish. The testing field is huge. You can cook from any variety of cabbage: regular, white, Peking. You can create a dish from pieces of cabbage or simply from leaves, choosing your favorite filling to taste. It could be rice, mushrooms, herbs, boiled chopped egg. The cheese inside has a special taste. Let's look at several diagrams with photos, step by step, according to which cabbage schnitzel is prepared.

Schnitzel of cabbage leaves in batter and breading

A very ordinary and frisky manufacturing option. It will be useful for him:

  • Cabbage leaves – 7 pcs;
  • One testicle;
  • Breadcrumbs - 2 large spoons;
  • Flour – 2 huge spoons;
  • Sunflower oil for frying;
  • Salt - to taste.

  1. Place the cabbage leaves in salted water and boil for 5 minutes until they become soft. Do not exceed the cooking time, otherwise the leaves will become less tasty and crispy after the next frying process;
  2. We strain the water through a sieve and let the leaves cool;
  3. Then you need to lightly beat them with a hammer and roll them into envelopes. If the vegetable is young, then you don’t have to beat it;
  4. Fill one bowl with flour, lower it in turn and roll each piece in it;
  5. In a separate container, beat the egg and dip the cabbage in it;
  6. Pour breadcrumbs into the third bowl and roll the products in them;
  7. Heat the sunflower oil in a frying pan, then transfer our preparations into it and fry for 5 minutes, remembering to twist often. Approximately two minutes are allotted for each side. Do not add a lot of oil, otherwise the dish will turn out very greasy.
  8. Serve the finished dish by placing it on a plate and sprinkling lemon juice on top. It will help break down excess fats in the dish. You can also place cabbage schnitzels on paper napkins or towels.

Before breading the cabbage, prepare the garlic and herb paste if desired. To do this, pass a few cloves of garlic through a press and mix with one small spoon of vegetable oil. Generously coat the leaves with paste, then chop a bunch of dill into them. This interior will give your culinary masterpiece a special taste and smell. Some people use tomato sauce.

Schnicel made from cabbage pieces

This dish is prepared from white cabbage, but you can also use regular cabbage. For production you will need:

  • Small white cabbage fork – 0.6-1 kg. A larger fork size will cause inconvenience when cooking. Also, the vegetable should be dense, with small leaves so that they do not fall off;
  • Flour – 150 g;
  • Burning water – 3 cups;
  • Salt - half a small spoon;
  • Breadcrumbs – 380 g. You can buy store-bought ones or prepare them yourself. To do this, oven-dried bread is ground in a blender or coffee grinder;
  • Vegetable oil for frying.

This cabbage schnitzel recipe is all about cutting the main ingredient correctly. It is necessary to create it so that part of the stalk remains on any piece. If you miss this, the leaves will fall apart and nothing will work.

  1. Cut the stalk side of the forks in half;
  2. In the same way, cut each half in half;
  3. We continue the process until we get very thin pieces;
  4. Prepare the batter. To do this, combine flour and salt, then add hot water and mix well;
  5. Dip any prepared piece into the resulting mixture;
  6. Roll well in breadcrumbs;
  7. Heat the oil in a frying pan and transfer our preparations into it;
  8. Brown the pieces on each side for 2 minutes;
  9. Serve with any side dish of your choice;

You can skip the step of breading and fry only in batter.

Cabbage Schnicel with cheese

There are a huge number of options for making this dish with cheese. Let's look at a few instructions for making the inside:

  • The most common and widespread method is a whole thick piece of cheese as the inside;
  • Grind the cheese and egg, mix. It makes a wonderful {filling} for food;
  • You can create a filling from several types of cheese. For example, mix grated hard and melted;
  • Cottage cheese in combination with garlic and mashed cheese will give the dish a wonderful, special taste.

Now let's talk more about the cooking process. To do this you need:

  • Beijing - one fork;
  • Cheese – 400 g;
  • Flour – 6 huge spoons;
  • Milk – 150 ml;
  • 3 testicles;
  • Salt, pepper - to taste. Other spices of your choice are also suitable;
  • Refined oil - for frying.

Cooking process step by step:

  1. We start by preparing the leaves. They should be soft. Most housewives boil them in water with salt. But it will be easier to place the forks in the microwave and start the timer for 3 minutes;
  2. Separate the forks into leaves, beat them a little, then add salt and pepper. The main thing is not to overdo it with spices;
  3. Cut the cheese into slices approximately 5 mm wide;
  4. Place the records on any leaf and roll them into an envelope;
  5. For the batter, combine eggs, flour and milk, add a little salt. Beat the mixture until it becomes a thick mixture;
  6. Dip each piece in batter and fry on both sides in a frying pan with vegetable oil until golden brown.

Cabbage schnitzel with mozzarella in the oven

The end result is an incredibly special recipe with a touch of sophistication. The following products are required:

  • Belokachanka – forks;
  • Half a cup of flour and breadcrumbs;
  • Testicles – 2 pcs;
  • Mozzarella cheese – 100 g;
  • Vegetable oil;
  • Salt.

  1. We prepare pieces of white cabbage in the same way as in the 2nd recipe;
  2. Place them in a saucepan, add a little water, add some salt;
  3. Bring to a boil, then simmer for another 20 minutes;
  4. Let it cool and drain the water;
  5. Cut the mozzarella into thin slices and place between the leaves in a piece of cabbage. 3 records are enough;
  6. Dip any piece in flour, then dip it in beaten eggs, and finally cover it with breadcrumbs;
  7. We move the preparations onto a baking sheet with vegetable oil, and place them in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for half an hour. It is necessary to look and twist the pieces on the other side;
  8. Serve the finished dish sprinkled with sour cream. You can sprinkle with steamed raisins.

That's all the intricacies of making cabbage schnitzel at home. Although it is not meat, the taste will not leave you indifferent.

Video: Recipe for cabbage schnitzel with crispy crust

Frisky and unusual recipes for white cabbage schnitzels

Everyone remembers the words from the movie about a large number of potato dishes: “...french fries, potato pie...”. But just as many dishes can be prepared from cabbage. It would seem, well, what can you come up with other than cabbage soup? There are also cabbage rolls, but there’s a lot of fiddling around with them, and not everyone gets them right. But there are completely unexpected dishes that are completely easy to create, and the ability is guaranteed for any housewife. For example, schnitzel made from white cabbage. Yes, yes, specifically schnitzel. Although there is not an ounce of meat in it.

Read also:  Pork with potatoes and mushrooms

Regular cabbage schnitzel recipe

Cabbage schnitzels can be prepared in different ways. But this is the most common recipe, which even a young housewife who is just mastering culinary skills can handle. With all this, for schnitzel it is better to use early types of cabbage, although later ones can also turn out tasty if you follow some tricks. Products for making cabbage schnitzels are always in the refrigerator. So let's get started.


  • 1 small fork white cabbage;
  • 2 testicles;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of flour;
  • water;
  • vegetable oil for frying;
  • breadcrumbs (optional);
  • salt and pepper to taste.

Manufacturing method:

You need to take cabbage forks and remove the top limp and dirty leaves. But you shouldn’t trim the protruding stalk; it will be needed.

Now the forks need to be cut into slices, like a watermelon, so that in any piece there remains a stalk, and the leaves stick to it. It’s easier and more convenient to first cut the forks in half, and only later divide them into slices. Any bit doesn't have to be fat. In a wide area it should be 3-3.5 cm.

If the cabbage is coarse, you can create thinner slices, but if you are using a young head, you should not create thin slices.

Next, the cabbage fork should be placed in a pan that is deep, but wide, and not with very high walls. The pieces must be placed tightly one on top of the other, like a cake, with the wide side facing the wall, and the stalk towards the center, in other words, the narrowest edge.

Then add cool water and add salt. Place on the fire and heat until it starts to boil. Once it boils, reduce the heat and let it simmer for a couple of minutes. Young cabbage should be cooked for no more than one or two minutes ; it is very warm and will cook instantly. If the pieces are quite thin, then you can completely remove them from the heat immediately after boiling. But old cabbage can be left to boil for about 5 minutes, but, again, it all depends on the thickness of the slices.

After this, you need to pour all the contents either into a wide colander or onto a wide and flat mesh. Wait until all the water has drained and let it cool.

While the cabbage preparations are cooling, you should prepare something like a batter. You can, indeed, create a very thin dough from water, eggs and flour . Just remember to add salt and pepper well. Or you can beat a few eggs with salt and black pepper in a separate bowl, and pour flour or breading mixture into another.

Now roll the cooled slices of white cabbage in eggs, then in breading (or just in batter) and place them in a hot frying pan with refined vegetable oil. It is better to create a medium heat, in other words, reduce it to medium immediately after the oil gets very hot. Fry on each side until a crispy crust forms . After this, the young cabbage can be removed, and the old one can be turned over again and, reducing the heat to low, close the lid and hold for a few more minutes.

These schnitzels can be served either as an independent dish or as a main dish with a side dish. Boiled rice or mashed potatoes are a better side dish. But it’s still more logical to serve it as a separate dish, and additionally put on the table a salad of new vegetables with vegetable oil. The schnitzel itself can be topped with sour cream or snow-white mushroom sauce.

Multi-faceted cabbage schnitzel recipe

This recipe can be called basic. For the first time it was published in a book about healthy and tasty food back in the 50s of the last century. It is entirely possible that it existed before. But it was passed on by cooks from mouth to mouth. Any of them probably brought something of their own to the recipe, so you can experiment too. But first you need to prepare the base.


  • 1 head of white cabbage;
  • 2 testicles;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of flour;
  • salt, pepper to taste;
  • vegetable oil;
  • water.

It is better to choose late varieties of cabbage. The fork should be elastic and with thin leaves - in general, like cabbage rolls.

Manufacturing method:

Start making schnitzels from white cabbage by removing the stalk from the fork. The easiest way to create this is with a sharp knife.

After removing the stump, put the cabbage in boiling water. For these purposes you will need the pan described in the previous recipe. It makes more sense to place the forks with the cut stalk down. The leaves are thicker at the base and need higher temperatures. Boil the cabbage for 5-10 minutes.

After cooking, the forks must be transferred to a mesh or sieve. Allow the cabbage to give up all its water and cool.

In the meantime, you should prepare a regular batter from water, flour, eggs and salt and pepper.

Later you need to disassemble the cooled cabbage into separate leaves. Wrap any leaf in an envelope and dip it first in batter, and later in sifted wheat breadcrumbs and fry in a hot frying pan until the chicken is golden brown. Serve ready-made white cabbage schnitzels with herbs and homemade sour cream .

You can also complicate this recipe. But the result will only benefit from this. In other words, you don’t just roll up a cabbage leaf into an envelope, but add something to it. The internals can be very different:

  • thin slices of cheese;
  • grated ham and cheese mixture;
  • Roasted Wild Mushroom Mix;
  • boiled eggs with finely chopped herbs;
  • walnuts with roasted carrots.

You can imagine it yourself. The only rule that should be followed when you stuff white cabbage schnitzel is a thin, thin layer of inside. Its thickness does not have to exceed twice the thickness of a cabbage leaf.

Video recipe for cabbage schnitzel with cheese

Try it, you will definitely get something delicious! By the way, if you come up with some unusual filling or simplify the recipe, be sure to tell us in the comments.

Cabbage schnitzel: TOP 4 recipes

  • Cooking tips and secrets
  • Schnitzel of young white cabbage in crispy breading
  • Schnitzel of cabbage leaves with cheese insides
  • Cabbage schnitzel in leison
  • Garlic cabbage schnitzel
  • Video recipes

Traditional schnitzel is a narrow slice of beef, pork or veal, fried in breadcrumbs. But it can be prepared not only from meat. We suggest frying cabbage using the same principle. Who could think of the fact that cabbage can be tasty not only in borscht or salad. It makes delicious and crispy schnitzels. This is an economical, but very tasty treat. And thanks to the short-term heat treatment of cabbage, virtually all the beneficial characteristics and vitamins (a group of low-molecular organic compounds of relatively simple structure and diverse chemical nature) . Moreover, this is not a troublesome dish, it is easy to prepare, and anyone can handle it. In this material we will learn the TOP 4 recipes on how to prepare a tasty cabbage schnitzel.

Read also:  Cabbage soup made from nettle and sorrel

Cooking tips and secrets

  • For the recipe, you can use young forks and leaves of late types of white cabbage, as well as cauliflower and Chinese cabbage.
  • For cabbage schnitzel, a slightly wilted vegetable is suitable, which will not make a crispy salad.
  • Cauliflower for schnitzel is usually finely chopped and chopped schnitzel or schnitzel is prepared in the form of thin pancakes.
  • Chinese cabbage schnitzel does not require preparatory boiling of the leaves. They can be immediately fried and, if desired, filled with cheese insides.
  • Cabbage schnitzel is served as a side dish for main meat or fish dishes.
  • The dish is also delicious to eat with cheese, garlic or sour cream sauce.

Schnitzel of young white cabbage in crispy breading

The easiest method for making cabbage schnitzel is using a cabbage schnitzel weighing up to 500 g. Such chopped pieces are quickly boiled, breaded and fried.

  • Calorie content per 100 g - 59 kcal.
  • Number of servings - 4
  • Production time - 20 minutes


  • Young white cabbage - 500 g
  • Testicles - 4 pcs.
  • Butter or vegetable oil - for frying
  • Salt - to taste
  • Ground dark pepper - a pinch
  • Breadcrumbs - 100 g

Making schnitzel from young white cabbage in crispy breading:

  1. Wash the young cabbage, remove the top leaves if they are dirty and cut into 6-8 pieces. Cut off the entire stalk, leaving only a small strip. If you cut it off one hundred percent, the pieces will fall apart and will not turn out whole.
  2. Pour cool water into a saucepan, add salt and bring to a boil. Then dip the cooked pieces of cabbage into it and cook for 5 minutes.
  3. Using a slotted spoon, carefully remove the pieces of cabbage from the boiling water and cool.
  4. Break the chicken eggs into a bowl, add salt and pepper and whisk well until smooth.
  5. Dip the cabbage pieces in the egg mixture and quickly transfer them to a bowl with breadcrumbs.
  6. Roll the cabbage slices until they are covered with breadcrumbs on all sides.
  7. Repeat the function. Dip the cabbage in the egg again, and then in the breadcrumbs, so that you get an excellent and dense breading.
  8. Melt the butter in a frying pan, add the cabbage and fry on both sides until golden brown.
  9. Serve schnitzel made from young white cabbage to the table with sour cream, hot or cool.

Schnitzel of cabbage leaves with cheese insides

Cabbage leaf schnitzel with cheese insides is an unusual and special dish. If you want to prepare a dietary dish, then remove the cheese from the composition. Then this delicious culinary recipe is suitable for children's and diet food, also for those who want to lose weight.


  • Cabbage leaves - 3 pcs.
  • Testicles - 1 pc.
  • Hard cheese – 100 g
  • Wheat flour - 3 tbsp.
  • Salt - to taste
  • Ground dark pepper - a pinch
  • Vegetable oil - for frying

Making schnitzel from cabbage leaves with cheese insides:

  1. Rinse the cabbage and dry with a cardboard napkin. Carefully remove the leaves from it and blanch them in boiling water for a couple of minutes or cook them in the microwave. The process is similar to preparing cabbage for cabbage rolls.
  2. Cut off the hard part of the sheet or beat it with a kitchen hammer.
  3. Grate the cheese on a medium or large grater and place on a cabbage leaf. Fold it in half, again put a little cheese inside and fold it in half again to give it a schnitzel shape.
  4. Beat the eggs with salt and pepper and dip them into the prepared mixture.
  5. Place the cabbage preparations in a plate with flour and turn them over a couple of times so that the cabbage is perfectly breaded.
  6. Place the cabbage schnitzel in a hot frying pan with vegetable oil.
  7. Fry it on both sides until golden brown.
  8. Place the cabbage schnitzel on a paper towel to absorb excess oil.

Cabbage schnitzel in leison

Cabbage schnitzels in crispy golden brown breading are a healthy and tasty summer dish that is quick and easy to prepare. If desired, add spices and seasonings to the lezon, then the appetizer will acquire additional taste and smell.


  • White cabbage – 500 g
  • Testicles - 2 pcs.
  • Water - 1 tbsp.
  • Breadcrumbs - 50 g
  • Vegetable oil - for frying
  • Wheat flour - 50 g
  • Salt - to taste

Making cabbage schnitzel in lezone:

  1. Peel the cabbage from the top limp leaves, cut out the stalk, leaving a small part so that the leaves do not fall apart, and lower it into boiling salted water.
  2. Cook the cabbage until half cooked. Then transfer to a colander and leave to drain. Cool the fork and disassemble into inflorescences. Beat the dense cuttings on the leaves with a kitchen hammer, fold two leaves together and give them an oval shape. If desired, you can place some filling between the leaves: cheese shavings, a slice of tomato, nuts, etc.
  3. Prepare the leison. To do this, use a whisk to mix the eggs with water.
  4. Place cabbage leaves in flour and turn over a couple of times. Then soak them in lezone and bread them on both sides in ground breadcrumbs.
  5. Place the schnitzels in a frying pan hot with oil and fry until golden brown over moderate heat.

Garlic cabbage schnitzel

The garlic schnitzel made from baby cabbage is especially tasty and appetizing. If you take the winter variety, then boil the cabbage for 3 minutes in advance. This dish can be prepared at any season, and it is delicious served hot or cool.


  • Sour cream - 1 tbsp.
  • White cabbage – 500 g
  • Testicles - 1 pc.
  • Garlic - 0.5 cloves
  • Dill - several sprigs
  • Salt - to taste
  • Ground breadcrumbs - 50 g
  • Ground dark pepper - to taste
  • Butter - 2 tbsp.

Making garlic schnitzel from cabbage:

  1. Remove the top leaves from the cabbage, cut the forks into 4 pieces and cut out the stalk.
  2. Place the cabbage in salted boiling water and cook for 5 minutes until moderately soft.
  3. Place the cabbage in a colander to drain.
  4. Lightly beat the egg with a whisk, add salt and pepper. Add garlic, passed through a press with finely chopped dill, and stir.
  5. Dip any cabbage leaf in the egg mixture and roll in breadcrumbs.
  6. Heat the butter in a saucepan and fry the leaves on both sides for 3-4 minutes until golden crisp.

Video recipes for making cabbage schnitzels in crispy breading.

10 of the most delicious cabbage schnitzel recipes

Schnitzel is known throughout the world as a narrow piece of meat, breaded and fried in bubbling oil. But meat may not be suitable for various reasons: personal intolerance, vegetarian diet (Diet is a set of rules for eating food by a person or other living organism) , fasting.

Then chefs come to the rescue and are ready to prepare a masterpiece from what is in the refrigerator. For example, cabbage schnitzel. Fans of meat dishes are unlikely to appreciate it, but this is a good option for those who want a vegetable dish.

Read also:  Bell pepper in tomato juice

The web is replete with a variety of variations, so we have selected 10 of the most delicious cabbage schnitzel recipes.

10. Quick cabbage schnitzel

The ingredients are the most common and can be found in any refrigerator: forks of cabbage, a couple of eggs, 2 tbsp. flour, vegetable oil, breadcrumbs.

Let's start with cabbage. Remove the stalk by cutting it out of the fork, as well as the top dirty leaves. Place the cabbage in a saucepan with water, bring to a boil and cook for 10 minutes.

Essential advice: boil the cabbage with the base down, the leaves are denser and require a higher temperature.

Drain the water and let the cabbage cool. At this time, prepare the batter by mixing eggs, flour, salt and pepper. Separate the cabbage leaf, roll it up, dip it in batter, and then in breadcrumbs. Place in bubbling oil and fry until golden brown. Serve the schnitzel quickly with sour cream and potatoes.

9. Chinese cabbage schnitzel

Classic white cabbage can be replaced with Chinese cabbage. It has the freshest taste and is sold in almost any hypermarket. We take Chinese cabbage , egg, salt, seasonings, breadcrumbs.

For schnitzels, we need whole, strong leaves. The upper, wilted ones can be removed and thrown away. The highlight of Chinese cabbage is its rather long, solid base; we cut it into a triangle. For two servings you will need 4 such sheets. We fold each one in half, then two on top of each other.

Beat the egg with salt and seasonings. Dip the leaves there, pressing them tightly against each other, then into breadcrumbs and into the frying pan. Fry until browned. Chinese cabbage schnitzel is ready!

8. Cauliflower Schnitzel

Cauliflower makes cute little schnitzels that are perfect for children's tables. Take forks of cauliflower, a couple of eggs, 3-4 tbsp. flour, salt, ground pepper, breadcrumbs.

Wash the cabbage and dry it. Let's cut off the stalk. Now let's cut the inflorescences. We will cut it as a single piece, rather than separating it branch by branch. Cut into slices, they represent a cross section of the inflorescences.

Necessary advice: for this dish we choose a very thick fork, so that it is easier to cut and there are fewer crumbs; everything that crumbles can be used in puree soup.

1 fork yields 5-7 slices. Dip them in egg beaten with seasonings, then breadcrumbs and fry in hot oil for about 5 minutes until the base becomes soft. Serve with potatoes or rice.

7. Cabbage schnitzel in almond breading

Almonds will perfectly complement the taste of cabbage schnitzels and add little essential fat to the dish. Take forks of cabbage, 1 liter of milk, 2 eggs, ½ tbsp. flour, almond flakes.

Remove the top withered leaves and cut out the stalk. Boil the cabbage in milk, preferably completely. Drain into a colander and cool the cabbage. The leaves will be soft and easy to remove. We remove the sheet and roll it up so that it resembles a schnitzel.

Lightly beat the eggs, add salt and pepper. Dip the cabbage bundle in the egg, then in the almonds, then again in the egg, then in flour, and only then add it to the frying pan. Fry over low heat until the leaves are soft.

6. Cabbage schnitzel in batter

The ingredients are ordinary: cabbage forks (or 7-8 leaves), an egg, 3-4 tablespoons of flour, seasonings, herbs.

Boil cabbage leaves (or whole forks) in salted water. Let's prepare the batter . Beat the eggs, add salt, seasonings, finely chopped herbs (we have dill). Add flour and mix well so that there is no lump.

Drain the water and cool the cabbage to a comfortable temperature. Roll up a leaf (one or two, depending on size), dip it in batter and fry in a frying pan. Before serving, you can sprinkle with lemon juice.

5. Cabbage schnitzel with mushroom sauce

For the schnitzels themselves, prepare 0.5 kg of cabbage, 2 eggs, tbsp. flour, breadcrumbs, 80 g cheese, 100 ml milk. For the sauce - 200 g champignons, an onion, 2 cloves of garlic, 50 g milk, 50 g cream, 100 ml olive oil.

We cut off the stalk of the cabbage and lower the vegetable into water. Bring to a boil, cook for some time. We take it out, separate the top leaves (they should just come off), put them back in boiling water, take them out again, tear them off until a sufficient number of leaves have been collected.

Let's prepare eggs beaten with milk, flour and breadcrumbs mixed with cheese. Fold any cabbage leaf in half and beat off the hard parts. Dip in flour, egg-milk mixture and, finally, in crackers and cheese. Fry in olive oil until a nice brownish color.

Chop mushrooms, onions, garlic. Throw the onion into the pan with olive oil, then the garlic, then the champignons. Pour in 100 ml of water. Bring to a boil, add salt and pepper, add milk and cream. When everything comes to a boil, remove from the heat and puree the mushroom sauce to a nice mixture.

4. Schnitzel with minced meat and cabbage

Take forks of cabbage, 200-300 g of minced meat, 2 eggs, ½ tbsp. flour, breadcrumbs. As usual, boil the cabbage briefly, separate the leaves and roll up the schnitzel. But in this recipe, inside we place a layer of minced meat , a little, almost a centimeter wide.

Season the resulting schnitzel with salt and pepper, carefully holding the leaves, roll in flour, then in egg and breadcrumbs. Fry in hot oil over low heat so that the minced meat has time to fry.

3. Cabbage schnitzel with mozzarella in the oven

Prepare white cabbage, 2 eggs, ½ tbsp. flour, breadcrumbs and a large piece of mozzarella cheese .
Remove the old leaves, cut off the stalk of the fork and place in boiling water for 20 minutes. Then, after cooling, remove the required number of leaves.

Prepare the batter by mixing eggs and flour with salt and pepper, and breadcrumbs. Wrap a slice of mozzarella in a cabbage leaf and dip the schnitzel in batter and breadcrumbs.

Place on a baking sheet lined with paper and put in the oven for half an hour at 200 degrees. We watch the schnitzels, turning them over from time to time. Serve with sour cream and side dish.

2. Cabbage and cheese schnitzel

We will need Beijing or white cabbage, 400 g of cheese, 1 tbsp.
flour, 150 ml milk, 2 eggs, breadcrumbs. We start, as always, by preparing the cabbage by removing the stalk and boiling the cabbage in salted water. When the leaves become soft (they can be beaten further), wrap them in any slice of cheese 0.5 cm wide.

Beat eggs with milk, adding salt and pepper. Roll the resulting schnitzel in flour, dip in the egg-milk mixture, then sprinkle with breadcrumbs. And put it in a frying pan with a huge amount of oil. When the schnitzels are ready, they will have a brown crust and melted, stretchy cheese inside.

1. Cabbage schnitzel with sausages

This recipe is different from others, because we will not roll the cabbage, but chop it. Cut 500-700 g of cabbage and boil in water with salt until soft. Add 2 tbsp to two eggs. flour, mix so that there are no lumps, add salt and pepper.

Followed by finely chopped sausages and boiled cabbage. Place the mixture in a frying pan, giving it an elongated schnitzel shape. Fry until golden brown on both sides.

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