Homemade cherry wine with pits

Homemade cherry wine with pits. Drink recipe and tips for making it

Tart, sweet, playing with dozens of undertones and flavor colors - this is exactly what a good wine made from cherries with pits can be. You can prepare a good alcoholic drink at home without making much effort.

  • 1. Is it possible to cook cherries with kernels?
  • 2. Taste and smell
  • 3. How to create a drink at home: a regular recipe
  • 4. Useful characteristics of cherries
  • 5. Tips for making

Is it possible to cook from cherries with kernels?

To produce cherry wine, you first need pulp and juice. Cherry seeds contain a lot of tannins that can give the drink a bitter taste. The higher their content, the stronger and more astringent the wine will be.

Cherry pits also contain hydrocyanic acid and cyanide, which are deadly dangerous for humans. Wine made from cherry pits does not have to be stored for more than 5-6 years , otherwise poisons will begin to accumulate in the drink in unsafe concentrations.

Taste and smell

Cherry wine with pits contains a huge concentration of fruit acids that appear in the drink as a result of fermentation. Homemade cherry wine has a sweet and sour taste with a strong aftertaste. The seed adds bitterness and tartness to the drink. Not as tart as Cahors, the sweetest and most fruity, homemade cherry wine with pits has an almond flavor.

The drink, which turns out to be very sugary or strong, can be diluted with ordinary boiled water. This method will not spoil its taste characteristics; on the contrary, it will allow all the notes to reveal themselves, and the bitterness will not interrupt the main taste.

How to create a drink at home: a regular recipe

To make this homemade wine, you will need sweet and sour berries, maybe slightly unripe. Before implementation, it is necessary to weed out broken or putrefactive specimens. One moldy berry can ruin the whole batch. For production you will need:

  • cherry – 1.5 kilograms;
  • water – 1.5 liters;
  • sweet sand – 0.5 kilograms;
  • a special fermentation apparatus (can be created without the help of others).

It is necessary to correctly follow the technology for making and processing cherries so that the pits do not release poison into the drink.

  1. The berries must be sorted and cleared of twigs, then gently mashed to a pulp. Throw the required number of seeds. Throw away excess and warped ones.
  2. Place the resulting mass in a wide bowl. A bucket or large bowl will do. It is better to use transparent containers.

Due to oxidation, under no circumstances should you use aluminum or iron utensils!

  • Add sugar. The ratio of berry mass and sand should be 60 to 40. Pour the resulting substance with water, mix until the mixture is homogeneous and cover with thick fabric (a collection of different and interacting tissues form organs) or gauze.
  • The purchased gruel is a wort that needs to be placed in a black room for 3-4 days. After 6 hours, signs of fermentation may appear. The wort must bubble and emit a corresponding sour smell. To avoid mold, the mass must be stirred for every 8 hours with a wooden spatula, pushing down the floating skin of the berries.
  • On the 5th day you need to separate the juice from the pulp (berry mass). To do this, you will have to strain the wort through cheesecloth and squeeze out the remaining pulp again. Then you need to pour the squeezed juice with a quarter of the pulp back into a transparent container, add 100 grams of sugar and stir until it is completely dissolved.
  • The resulting substance must be poured into the water seal, leaving a quarter of the fermentation apparatus empty. It is recommended to put a honey glove over the neck of the water seal, make several holes in it and send the system into a warm black space with a temperature of 18-25 degrees.
  • After 5 days, you need to remove the shutter and drain 200 ml of wort, mix it with 200 ml of sugar, mix, send it back to the container and close the neck. During the procedure, you can taste the wort. If it is very bitter, then you need to get rid of the seeds.
  • After 6 days, you need to strain the wort through a sieve or cheesecloth to remove the remaining seeds, and then add 200 grams of sugar, mix and send it back to the water seal.

    The wine can be considered ripe when sediment stops appearing on the bottom of the container. Until then, the drink needs to be filtered. To do this, you need to drain it through a tube, wash the container, and pour it back.

    If you store wine at a cold temperature, its shelf life can reach 5 years, and its strength can reach 12 degrees.

    We invite you to watch a video about making wine from cherries:

    Continuation of the drink making process:

    Useful characteristics of cherries

    Homemade cherry wine with pits can become not only a beautiful alcoholic drink for a pleasant pastime, but also give a boost of vitamins and microelements. Cherries contain coumarin, a component that improves blood clotting (the internal environment of the human and animal body) . This berry is excellent for the prevention of atherosclerosis (atherosclerosis is a chronic disease of elastic and muscular-elastic arteries) .

    Cherries are also rich in vitamins B and C, iron, cobalt and magnesium, which are necessary in the fight against anemia. Cherry has a detox effect and removes toxins from the body.

    Making Tips

    Making homemade cherry wine is a long but not difficult process. The introduction of some tricks will help you make a wonderful alcoholic drink:

    • The cherry skin contains feral yeast, so it is better not to rinse the berries before processing. If this procedure is necessary, you can use wine yeast, or prepare a raisin starter.
    • Do not use yeast for baking under any circumstances.
    • It’s better to work with transparent containers for fermenting the drink - it’s easier to adjust the degree of readiness.
    • In order to adjust the taste of the drink, at the extreme stages of fermentation you should not add sugar or alcohol to the main container - you can drain a small part and use it to calculate suitable proportions.

    Cherries with pits can be a worthy substitute for grapes when making homemade wine. Exact adherence to the recipe and a little patience will allow you to prepare a wonderful drink, with tart bitterness and almond flavor, which will not only fit perfectly at any feast, but will also have a beneficial effect on health.

    The best cherry wine recipes

    Now we will tell you how to create delicious homemade cherry wine using several methods. Prepare and enjoy its taste with your loved ones.

    Traditional recipe for pitted cherry wine


    • cherry (ripe) – 6 kg;
    • sugar - 3 kg;
    • water - 8 l.

    Manufacturing development

    1. Sort the cherries: remove excess debris, tear off the stems, select dry and spoiled berries. Gently squeeze out the seeds and set them aside.
    2. Heat the water (27-29°C), add the cooked cherries and 1 kg of sugar. Stir and cover the neck of the container with gauze: this will help protect the wort from debris and insects. Place in a dark, warm (20-27°C) space for 3-5 days.
    3. After 1 day, active fermentation will begin: the wort will begin to hiss and foam will appear. Stir the resulting head with a wooden or plastic spatula two or three times a day, trying to drown the pulp that floats up along with the foamy head.
    4. After 5 days, strain the wort through gauze folded 2-3 times or a funnel with cotton pads. Also squeeze out the pulp and put it aside. It won't be needed anymore.
    5. Add another 1 kg of sugar, stir until completely dissolved.
    6. Pour the juice into a fermentation container. Install a water seal and put it in a black, warm space (20-27°C) for fermentation for 5 days.

    After 5 days, add another 500 g of sugar, stir the liquid until completely dissolved. After another 5 days, repeat the function. Then close the water seal and leave to infuse at a temperature of 20-27°C.

    Fermentation will last approximately 30-60 days depending on the temperature and properties of the yeast.

    If fermentation does not stop after 60 days, the wine should be drained from the sediment using a siphon into another container and left to ferment there. Otherwise, the drink may have a bitter aftertaste.

  • At the end of fermentation (the gyroscope does not make noise, a sediment has formed, the drink has lightened), carefully drain the finished wine from the sediment using a hose or a special siphon. Sweeten if desired if very sour.
  • Close the container with wine tightly. Leave to infuse for 6-12 months at temperatures of 7-12°C. This process will significantly improve the taste of the drink and soften the smell.
  • Cherry wine recipe with pits


    • cherry - 6 kg;
    • water - 6 l;
    • sugar - 2 kg.

    Cherry wine with pits has a slight bitterness with small almond notes. The seeds involved in production contain hydrocyanic acid and cyanide. Because in order to get a safe and tasty drink, you should correctly adhere to the recipe given below.

    For this recipe you will need sweet and sour cherries and a lot of sugar. This will help neutralize harmful elements in the seeds and give the drink a pleasant taste.

    Manufacturing development:

    1. Carefully sort the berries: remove debris, stalks, remove putrefactive and spoiled berries. Remember: one bad berry can kill the entire batch.
    2. Gently mash the berries with your hands. It is not recommended to use a press or other mechanical methods: there is a high risk of destroying the bones. And this threatens to damage the entire party.

    Place the cherry mass along with the seeds into an enamel or plastic container. Add 800 g of sugar and 6 liters of water. Stir, cover the neck with a thick cloth (the combination of various and interacting tissues form organs) or gauze, put it in a black warm (20-27°C) space for 3-5 days.

    After 1 day, active fermentation will begin: the wort will begin to hiss and foam will appear. Stir the resulting head with a wooden or plastic spatula two or three times a day, trying to drown the pulp that floats up along with the foamy head.

    After 5 days, add another 400 g of sugar to the wort, stir until completely dissolved.

    Before adding sugar, taste the wort. If it is very sour, remove the pits.

    After another 6 days, carefully filter the wort to get rid of any remaining wort. Add the remaining sugar, mix and pour back into the washed container. Leave for fermentation at a temperature of 20-27°C.

    Fermentation will last approximately 25-60 days. After they have expired, carefully drain the wine from the sediment using a regular hose or overflow siphon.

    Taste it. Sweeten if required and remove for final infusion in an airtight container at a temperature of 10-15°C for 4-10 months.

    Useful tips

    Noteworthy facts

    • Dry reddish wines are healthier than sweet ones.
    • Drinking red wine in small doses has a beneficial effect on the condition of the human body.
    • The sweeter the wine, the more calories.
    • Reddish wine should be opened 30-40 minutes before drinking so that it is saturated with oxygen.
    • It is not true that you can drink wine even from a glass. The shape of the glass emphasizes the taste of the wine. Ideally used with a narrow top and widest bottom.

    The following recipes will help you prepare a light, enchanting wine that will delight all connoisseurs of fragrant alcohol. Just follow the technology and everything will work out!

    Did you like the recipes? Tell us about your own impressions of the drinks you purchased in the comments below. We'd love to hear your worldview.

    Homemade cherry wine with pits

    Cherry wine with pits is memorable for its slight bitterness and corresponding almond flavor. But the seeds contain harmful substances: cyanide and hydrocyanic acid. To create a tasty and immediately non-hazardous drink, you must strictly follow the proposed manufacturing technology. The correct holding time and an increased proportion of sugar neutralize harmful substances.

    Cherry wine with pits requires sweet and sour berries. First, the raw materials must be carefully sorted, removing unripe, spoiled or rotten fruits. Even one bad berry can ruin the whole batch. To avoid infection by pathogenic microbes, containers in use should be sterilized with boiling water and wiped dry, and only handle the wort with clean hands.

    It is better not to wash the cherries, so that wild yeast remains on the skin, which will start fermentation. If you still had to wash the dirty berries, then to get a guaranteed result, I advise you to use store-bought wine yeast (under no circumstances dry or pressed baker’s yeast) or create a homemade starter from raisins.


    • cherry berries – 3 kg;
    • water – 3 liters;
    • sugar – 1 kg.

    Cherry wine recipe with pits

    1. Mash the peeled berries with your hands without splashing the juice. Any berry must be crushed.

    Attention! If you destroy the seeds, the finished wine will be very bitter, so mechanical methods for processing cherries are not suitable.

    2. Place the resulting mass, along with the seeds, in a container with a wide neck - an enamel or plastic pan (bucket). Due to oxidation by cherry juice, it is not allowed to use duralumin and other iron containers.

    3. Add 400 grams of sugar (40% of the total amount) and all the water. Stir, cover with gauze or thick cloth (A collection of different and interacting tissues form organs) to protect against flies, transfer the wort to a dark room at room temperature. Leave for 3-4 days.

    In a maximum of a day (usually after 6-12 hours), signs of fermentation should appear: foam on the surface, hissing, a slight sour smell. From the moment of adding water and sugar, be sure to stir the wort with a clean hand or a wooden stick for any 8-12 hours, drowning the pulp - the floating skin of the berries and pulp - in the juice. Without stirring, the wort may turn sour or become moldy.

    Foam indicates successful fermentation

    4. Filter the juice through cheesecloth. Squeeze the cake well. Back add about a quarter of the seeds and 200 grams of sugar (20% of the proportion in the recipe) to the clear juice. Stir until the sugar is completely dissolved. The remaining pulp is no longer needed.

    5. Pour the cherry juice with pits into a fermentation container. Leave at least 25% of the size free for the remaining sugar, foam and carbon dioxide. Install a water seal of any design on the neck or a medical glove with a hole pierced with a needle in one of the fingers. Transfer the container to a dark room (or cover it with a thick cloth (A collection of different and interacting tissues form organs) ) with a measured temperature of 18-25 °C.

    Water seal designs for wine, mash and beer

    6. After 5 days, add the next portion of sugar - 200 g (20%). To do this, remove the water seal, pour 200 ml of wort through a straw into a separate container (the amount in milliliters is equal to the added sugar in grams), dissolve the sugar. Pour the purchased syrup back into the wort and close the neck with a water seal.

    Attention! Before adding sugar, taste the drained wort; if it is very tart or bitter, remove the seeds. After fermentation and aging, the taste will improve.

    7. After another 6 days, filter the wort through cheesecloth to remove all the seeds. Add the remaining sugar - 200 g (20%), stir, pour back into a well-washed fermentation container and install a water seal.

    Depending on the yeast and temperature, cherry wine ferments for 25-55 days, then the water seal stops releasing gas (the glove deflates), almost all the foam is lost, a layer of sediment is visible on the bottom, and the wine itself becomes lighter. If these signs occur, proceed to the next manufacturing step.

    8. Drain the young wine through a straw without touching the sediment. Taste it. If desired, add more sugar (amount is at your discretion) to increase sweetness. You can also increase the strength with vodka or pure ethyl alcohol (3-15% of the size).

    Since cherry wine with pits has an almond flavor, fixing and sweetening after fermentation enhances the taste. But I advise you to first find rational proportions using a small amount of wine, so as not to spoil the entire batch.

    9. Fill storage containers with wine (to minimize contact with oxygen, it is better to fill them up to the neck). Close tightly. The first 10 days can be kept under a water seal, if fermentation has not slowed down completely.

    10. Transfer the wine to a dark, cold room for aging - a basement, cellar or refrigerator. Recommended temperature is 6-16°C. Leave for at least 4-6 (preferably 8-12) months to mature.

    As a sediment of 2-4 cm wide appears (at first, any 10-15 days, later less frequently), filter the wine by pouring it through a straw. When sediment does not appear for more than a month, the drink can be bottled for storage and hermetically sealed. Manufacturing completed. When stored in the refrigerator or basement, the shelf life is up to 5 years. Strength – 10-12% (without additional fixation).

    Cherry wine with pits at home: recipe with photos

    Homemade wine from cherries with pits comes out fragrant and tasty if prepared correctly. There are several recipes for the drink that can be prepared at home, each of them unique. You can create wine with the addition of vodka, or prepare a fortified or semi-sweet drink. The taste and strength of the wine will depend on the products used and their quantity. You can choose several recipes for homemade cherry wine, which is prepared with pits. Creating such a drink at home is not difficult if you follow all the manufacturing steps exactly.

    Regular cherry wine with pits

    Because this homemade cherry wine is made with pits, the finished drink according to this recipe has a pleasant almond note. The seeds impart flavor properties, which is why the drink has an extraordinary taste.

    • ripe cherries - 8 kg;
    • sweet sand - 4 kg.

    Stages of making homemade wine:

    1. In this recipe, you cannot wash the berries, because there are bacteria on their surface that cause the fermentation process.
    2. We sort the berries, removing excess leaves and twigs.
    3. Pour the cherries into a basin, press lightly with your hands and add two kilograms of sugar.
    4. Mix all the ingredients, cover the container with a towel or gauze, and leave for several hours.
    5. When the cherries give a lot of juice, add another two kilograms of sugar to the mixture and re-mix all the contents.
    6. We pour the workpiece into glass containers, put a rubber glove on each jar and leave it in this form for 4 weeks in a warm place.

    The finished wine should be strained, then poured into unstained bottles and stored in a pantry or other cold place. In order for the drink to be strong and tasty, it must be infused for about another month.

    Fortified cherry wine with pits

    This drink has a strong taste, and the finished wine is stronger than the previous recipe. It will additionally contain alcohol, with the help of which the finished drink will be the strongest.

    • ripe cherries - 10 kg;
    • purified water - 2 liters;
    • sweet sand - 2 kg;
    • pure alcohol - 500 ml.

    Stages of making fortified wine:

    1. Sort and wash the berries in running water.
    2. After this, the fruits are slightly crushed with your hands so that they release the juice and sprinkled with sweet sand, adding water.
    3. The preparation is left for 5 hours, and when the cherries give a lot of juice, you can transfer the berries along with the liquid into jars.
    4. Leave the cherries in a warm place for 10 days, then squeeze out the wort and leave it for 10 days.
    5. Next, the precipitate is removed from the purchased solution and alcohol is poured.
    6. Pour the purchased drink into jars and leave for 15 days. The finished wine is bottled and sent for storage.

    Traditional cherry wine without vodka

    According to tradition, cherry juice is prepared from cherries, and wine is made from this drink. This drink is tasty and strong, making it is not difficult.

    • sweet sand - 3 kg;
    • purified water - 10 l.;
    • cherry pits - 600 g;
    • cherry juice - 10 l..

    Stages of making homemade wine:

    1. First you need to prepare the cherries; to do this, the berries are washed and removed from their pits (they are not thrown away because they are needed for the recipe);
    2. The berries are mashed by hand or with a masher until juice is obtained, after which they are filled with water and squeezed out using gauze.
    3. Three kilograms of sugar and 600 grams of seeds are poured into the purchased juice.
    4. The finished liquid is poured into unstained 3-5 liter jars.
    5. Put a rubber glove on each container.
    6. After three days, the fermentation process will begin, which will last at least 1 month.
    7. During this period, the air in the glove will remain, but when fermentation is complete, it will deflate.
    8. The bubbles in the jar will also gradually disappear, this indicates that the wine is ready. The finished drink is poured into bottles and closed tightly with lids.

    Cherry wine with pits “Russian”

    This is one of the most common recipes for making homemade wine from cherries with pits. To give a pleasant acidity to the wine, a little citric acid is added to the composition.

    • purified water - 2 liters;
    • ripe cherries - 10 kg;
    • citric acid - 30 g;
    • sweet sand - 2 kg.

    Stages of making “Russian” wine:

    1. In previous recipes it was necessary to mash the berries, but this process is skipped here because there is natural yeast on the skin of the fruit.
    2. Cherries are sorted out ahead of time to remove bad berries.
    3. The fruits are poured into a huge container and filled with the indicated amount of water.
    4. In this form, the berries are left for one day, while the container should be covered with gauze so that insects do not get into the preparation.
    5. A day later, the finished wort is painstakingly squeezed out, after which water is added to the purchased juice if it is not enough.
    6. Add 2 kilograms of sweet sand and 30 grams of citric acid to the container with juice.
    7. To allow the mixture to ferment, install a water seal on the jar or put on a glove.
    8. Leave the drink in a cold place to infuse for two weeks, during which the preparation must be constantly stirred.
    9. When the fermentation process is completed, you can pour the drink using a straw into another container without touching the sediment remaining on the day.
    10. This process is repeated once a week until no sediment remains.
    11. When the sediment is gone and the wine becomes one hundred percent clear, it can be poured into glass bottles.
    12. To prevent air from leaking into the container, the drink must be stored horizontally.

    Homemade cherry wine with raspberries

    It is not necessary to make homemade cherry wine with pits from only one type of berry. This recipe will describe an option for making a drink at home with raspberries. This berry gives the wine a special taste and smell.

    • sweet sand - 5 kg;
    • water - 6 l.;
    • ripe cherries - 10 kg;
    • raspberries - 500 gr.
    1. First you need to sort through the raspberries and cherries to get rid of the bad berries. The cooked fruits are poured into a huge jar.
    2. The berries are covered with 3 kilograms of sweet sand and everything is mixed well.
    3. The container is covered with gauze, and then the future drink is moved to a warm space for one day.
    4. When the allotted time has expired, add water to the ingredients and mix the workpiece again.
    5. Another kilogram of sweet sand is sent there. The procedure is repeated for two consecutive days.
    6. When 5 days have passed, the cherry pulp will float to the surface, and the seeds will remain at the bottom.
    7. The drink is filtered, after which the remaining cherries and raspberries are thoroughly squeezed out.
    8. Prepare a huge glass jar and fill it 2/3 with the purchased drink.
    9. A glove is put on the vessel and sent to a warm space for 30 days.
    10. When the fermentation process is over and the remaining pulp settles to the bottom, the future wine is left to infuse for another 40 days.
    11. Strain the finished drink, and in order not to affect the sediment, carefully pour the wine into another bottle using a straw.
    12. It will be possible to re-pour the drink no earlier than in a month.

    The finished homemade wine is tasted; if there is not enough sugar, you can slightly sweeten the drink. You can add a small amount of vodka or alcohol, but only if the preparation is not peroxidized. The wine is poured into plastic bottles and stored at a temperature of 15 degrees.

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