Condensed milk from pears - an unprecedented delicacy

Condensed milk from pears - an unprecedented delicacy

Compotes, juices, preserves, jam, confiture, marmalade, marshmallows, candied fruits, and dried fruits are prepared from pears for the winter. These fruits are pickled (even without sterilization), soaked in jars and barrels. They are added to “salty” salads such as adjika. Is this not enough for you? Try making condensed milk from pears. The recipes that you will read below will allow you to cook a small, “test” jar. And then - how you like it!

  1. Traditional recipe for condensed milk from pears
  2. Ingredients
  3. Manufacturing
  • Pear puree with condensed milk type “Nezhenki”
  • Ingredients
  • Manufacturing
  • Traditional recipe for condensed milk from pears


    • Pears - 500 g (already peeled)
    • Milk - 300 ml (fattier, you can even take whole village milk or cream)
    • Sweet sand – 300 g
    • Soda - 1 pinch

    The taste of the preparation given to us immediately recalls “Toffee” made from boiled condensed milk and pear jam. The only drawback of such a puree is that in order to get the caramel taste and the correct thickness, you need to boil the pears for quite a long time. You can speed up production by replacing some of the ordinary watery milk with dry milk.


    By the way! If you found this recipe out of season and really want to try it, but only have frozen pears, it's okay. They are also suitable for condensed milk.

    • Peel the pears, first removing the center and then the skin.

    • Mix the pieces with sugar. Leave the pan for 10 minutes, allowing the pears to release their juices.

    • Boil for 20 minutes.

    • Add soda. It will immediately give abundant foam.

      Now pour in the milk. When everything boils, the jam will immediately foam and try to escape - even in a small amount, the milk will behave as usual.

    Carefully! From now on, puree must be cooked only over low heat and under supervision. It is better not to cover the pan with a lid. Remove the foam.

      After this, simmer this caramel-smelling mass for 2 to 4 hours, over low heat (preferably on a divider), without a lid. But if you don’t have time, you can finish cooking after 30-40 minutes. The condensed milk will smell like caramel, but will still be runny. It’s not suitable as the inside of pies, but it’s completely suitable as a topping for desserts and ice cream.

    Interesting: pear jam, once golden, can take on a fascinating purple hue before turning caramel brown.

    • When the jam thickens, you need to puree it with a blender.

    • After this, return the pan to the stove for a few more minutes (the thickness is correct if the puree does not boil, but “hooks” or “spits”). Then roll it into a jar and, turning it over and covering it, wait for it to cool.

    The yield depends on the boiling time. If you cook for a short time and get a runny caramel, it will be 500 ml. If you cook for about 3 hours and evaporate the liquid to the maximum, a 300 ml jar will be useful for the finished condensed milk from pears.

    This preparation should be stored in a cool and dark place. Let's say, in the basement, and if there is none, in the refrigerator.

    Pear puree with condensed milk type “Nezhenki”


    • Pears - 1.5 kg (unpeeled)
    • Sweet sand - 50-70 g
    • Condensed milk - 130 g (approximately 0.3 cans)
    • Soda - ¼ tsp.
    • Water - 2 tbsp. l. (boiling water)

    This puree is named so because the taste and texture turns out to be gentle, just cloudy. To make it look very angelic, you need to cut out not only the cores, but also the skin from each pear. But, saving time (especially if you have a blender in your hands), you can throw in the peel. Small pieces of it will appear in the finished jam, but will not spoil it.


    It is important to purchase high-quality condensed milk, made in accordance with GOST.

    In addition, snow-white chocolate (half a pack, very high quality), a bag of vanilla sugar, that is, 10 g, a piece of natural cocoa butter, and cinnamon are added to this condensed milk jam. The last spice can be added either in ground form or with a stick (it is boiled and removed before rolling the jam into jars).

    • Clean the washed pears and remove the cores. Then they can be thrown into slices or cut into the smallest pieces - this is not significant.

    • Place the pear pieces in a saucepan (if regular jam is cooked in a thick-walled container, then no matter what kind of saucepan with a volume of 2 liters or more is suitable for this puree).

    • Pour in a little boiling water. Boil the pears covered over low heat. Our goal is to soften all the pieces. This will take about 20-30 minutes.
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      Now the pears need to be pureed using a blender. If you want to make it even more tender, you can instead grind the whole mass through a sieve while it is hot.

    If there is neither a blender nor a sieve, it is necessary to remove the skin from the pears in advance, and after boiling, grind them with a masher.

      Return the pan to the stove and add baking soda. The puree will immediately begin to foam and boil. The photo shows only the beginning of this process, then the pears rose to the walls of the pan and even tried to “escape”, so there is no need to leave the stove - you should be prepared so that in case of active boiling, turn down the heat very low and immediately start stirring the puree.

    By the way! Baking soda is not an indispensable ingredient. It is added so that the condensed milk (if you get one that is not of very high quality) does not curdle.

    • Now it’s the turn of condensed milk.

    • After cooking the pear puree for about 5 minutes, you need to add sugar. Despite the fact that condensed milk and pears themselves are sweet, the addition of sugar makes the taste of the finished puree balanced (but not cloying). Plus, sugar is a preservative.

    • When the puree with sugar boils, pour it into sterile jars, seal and cool upside down, under the “fur coat”. The photo shows the difference in color between this “Nezhenka” (prepared with the skin) and pear condensed milk made from fruit and milk.

    • And oh, this is what the chilled condensed milk itself looks like.

    The photo shows a 300 ml jar. Another 200 ml of condensed milk went into the vase and immediately ended up on the table.

    It is better to store pear “Nezhenka” in a cool place such as a cellar. But it’s better to put the jar in the refrigerator - after all, it contains milk.

    The finished condensed milk from pears comes out thick. It can be served as jam (in a vase or in the form of sandwiches). It is also suitable as a pie lining or a layer for cakes. After all, you can coat pancakes with condensed milk, pancakes will be delicious with it, and a spoon or two of this puree (plus a fresh mint leaf) will perfectly complement a serving of ice cream or other snow-white ice cream.

    Condensed milk from pears

    My dear readers, now I would like to share with you a rather unusual recipe that made a very great memory on me. We will talk about homemade condensed milk, but not the kind we are used to getting in the store, but condensed milk from pears. Sounds tempting already, right? When a friend first told me about this recipe, I decided that she was confusing something: somehow I couldn’t wrap my head around what this could be.

    An unusual recipe for preparing pears

    And later they presented me with a jar of pear condensed milk so that I could try it and make sure how delicious it was. It really looks like boiled condensed milk, only not as thick and viscous. And the taste is very reminiscent of real condensed milk, only with the taste of pears. Well, imagine that pear flavoring was added to condensed milk... Can you imagine? This is what you will get when you use my recipe. Only everything will be natural, no additives or flavorings, real pears, real milk and very tasty condensed milk in the end.

    Ingredients needed

    • 1 kg of pears (peeled and seeded);
    • 600 g sugar;
    • 0.6 l milk;
    • 1/3 teaspoon of soda.

    *The indicated amount of ingredients yields approximately 0.85 liters of finished condensed milk.

    Manufacturing step by step

    For this recipe we choose ripe, juicy pears. Wash the pears in running cool water. Peel the pears and cut them open to remove the core. If the pears have bruises, cut out these areas. To prevent the peeled pears from darkening, immediately immerse them in a salty solution (10 g of salt per 1 liter of cool water). After all the pears have been peeled, cut them into small cubes, approximately 5-7 mm.

    Place the chopped pears in a stainless steel pan with a thick bottom, in which we will cook the jam. Add sugar to the pears and stir.

    Over low heat, covered, bring the mixture to a boil. Pears immediately release a lot of juice.

    As soon as the pear syrup boils, remove the lid, reduce the heat to low and cook for 40-60 minutes. Stir the mass two or three times during this period of time.

    If the pears were cut into different pieces, at this step you can slightly grind them with a blender.

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    Add soda to the pear mass and mix.

    A lush foam immediately appears on the surface.

    Add warm milk, stirring immediately. The foam does not disappear, but only increases, so you need to choose a larger pan for cooking. Right off the bat, the pear-milk mass looks quite unsightly: the milk seems to have separated slightly, you can’t really see anything under the foam... But don’t let this bother you, this is how it should be.

    Over low heat, with a flame spreader installed, cook the condensed milk for 4 hours. In this case, for the first 3.5 hours we stir from time to time, after about half an hour. And at the end, when the mass becomes thickest, stir often, any 4 - 5 minutes, otherwise it will burn.

    At the end of cooking, the condensed milk acquires a beautiful brown color and becomes quite thick. But its structure is not yet uniform. Beat the condensed milk with a blender for 2-3 minutes. Over this period of time, it becomes homogeneous, in density and structure very similar to ordinary condensed milk.

    Place the condensed milk in sterilized jars, screw them on or roll up the lids, turn them upside down, leaving them like that until they cool completely.

    Pear condensed milk

    The taste of this twist reminds me of either fruit toffee or condensed milk with a pear flavor. Hence the title. I received the recipe untested, and for the reason given to us, to be honest, I prepared this sweetness with some caution. Because I had never done anything like this before, I prepared myself mentally for any ending. But you understand, it turned out quite decently, and for those with a sweet tooth it’s absolutely a godsend! I think that on cool winter evenings with some tea everything will go with a bang!

    Ingredients for “Pear condensed milk”:

    • Pear (ripe, peeled; unpeeled (whole) - about 1 huge bucket) - 5 kg
    • Sugar – 3 kg
    • Milk - 3 l
    • Soda - 1 tsp.

    Nutritional and energy value:

    Ready meals
    15121.5 kcal
    106.5 g
    30.5 g
    3687.4 g
    100 g dish
    136.2 kcal
    1 g
    0.3 g
    33.2 g

    Recipe for “Pear condensed milk”:

    Pears must be peeled and cored in advance and cut into small pieces (slices). Add sugar and cook for 1 hour over low heat, stirring occasionally.

    At the end of this time, the pears should release a significant amount of juice.

    Then add soda and pour in milk. Cook for another 4 hours over low heat (in the standard - on a divider).

    I took a special photo to show you how it looks at the end of cooking. The milk seems to separate from the juice in the form of lumps, which take on a caramel color. Don't be scared! Everything should be like this ;-).

    Then you need to cool this entire mass slightly and beat it in a blender in portions until smooth.
    Because the pears are already quite soft, this is a matter of a few seconds. Therefore, I am sure that for those who have a “manual” blender, this will also not be a problem. Bring everything to a boil over low heat and you can roll it into sterile jars. From this amount of ingredients I got 12 half-liter jars.

    Even my cat confused this delicacy with real condensed milk, for which he is ready to sell his homeland. Licked a whole huge spoon! This, in fact, is confirmation of his complete satisfaction

    Help yourself to some sweets too!

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    Comments and reviews

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    • Prescription questions
    • Reviews

    Thanks for the recipe! I did it now as a test. Fragrant, savory, sweet! Only small grains remained, as happens in pears, and not so thick. Tell me what to consider for the future? Maybe it needed more time to cook?

    November 7, 2019 klevcovamaria #

    September 1, 2019 Maria VV (that is, internal troops) #

    August 6, 2019 0-galinka #

    October 22, 2018 Xushella # (recipe creator)

    October 6, 2018 s ohara #

    September 29, 2018 Oks GGG #

    September 29, 2018 Oks GGG #

    September 23, 2018 Za #

    September 23, 2018 Za #

    September 23, 2018 Za #

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    Pear condensed milk, recipe for making a delicious dessert

    The very name “condensed milk” already sounds delicious. Just serve this sweetness to lovers. Another well-known option is “boiled condensed milk”. But condensed milk with berries and fruits is essentially the least known. But the least famous does not mean the worst property. This “fruit” condensed milk from pears with milk, the recipe for which tastes like soft toffee, can be perfectly prepared at home.

    Pear condensed milk recipe

    This chapter describes both the process itself and the recipe. Condensed milk with pears will be prepared based on the final yield per 6 liters of product:

    • very ripe pears – 5 kg;
    • milk (homemade as standard) – 3 l;
    • baking soda – 10 g (approximately 1 level teaspoon);
    • regular white granulated sugar – 3 kg.

    It is better to choose pear varieties from the sweetest ones. The best options for this condensed milk would be “Detskaya” (fragrant, sweet cream-colored pulp), or mix “Vidnaya” with “Williams” (both types have fragrant, juicy pulp and they both have a nutmeg color of taste):

    1. Peel off the skin.
    2. Cut out the core and remove the stalks.
    3. Cut into small pieces.
    4. Pour out all the sugar.
    5. Place on low heat and cook for 1 hour (with constant stirring).
    6. Pour soda into the resulting mass with a huge amount of juice and pour in the milk.
    7. We continue to cook on the same low flame for about 4 – 4.5 hours. The mixture should turn out to be a soft beige color with a honey color.
    8. Fundamental aspect: the pear juice obtained during the digestion of pears and sugar must be separated from the milk. At the same time, the milk will curdle into small lumps.
    9. Then cool to a temperature of 40 degrees (not higher to avoid burns).
    10. Beat in a mixer, or individually in small (3 – 4) portions with a blender.
    11. Place the entire mixture again in one bowl and bring to a boil over low heat.

    Cool and place portions into prepared, washed jars.

    Pear condensed milk recipe in a slow cooker

    Apart from the usual method of making “condensed milk” on the stove, modern kitchen appliances provide a multicooker as an assistant. The versatility of the device makes the process even more rapid and commonplace. A method of production is proposed, namely, pear condensed milk in a slow cooker according to the recipe:

    • ripe juicy pears – 1 kg;
    • homemade milk (fat content at least 8%) – 500 – 600 ml;
    • powdered milk – 100 g;
    • baking soda – 2 – 3 g;
    • regular snow-white granulated sugar – 500 – 600 g.
    • baking soda - approximately 1/3 tsp.

    In general, the types of pears do not particularly affect the taste of the resulting condensed milk. Only a slight color of the taste inherent in a certain variety can be felt, for example, “Yeseninskaya”, “Vidnaya” and “Williams” have a very similar nutmeg color, and “Yakovlev’s Lyubimitsa” already has a quince flavor.

    For all variants of “pear” condensed milk there is a generally accepted rule: peeling and removing the core with seeds. Let's start with this:

    1. Wash the pears.
    2. Cut off the stems and remove the cores and seeds.
    3. Cut into small pieces (can be thin slices).
    4. Add sugar (250 g), stir and leave for 20 - 30 minutes so that the pears release juice.
    5. Place the entire mixture into the slow cooker.
    6. Set the “Extinguishing” mode and turn on for 45 – 50 minutes. From time to time the brew needs to be stirred.
    7. Pour 250 g of sugar and all the milk powder into a container.
    8. Mix.
    9. Add the remaining milk and soda. Whisk until the sugar is completely dissolved.
    10. Check the pear composition for readiness.
    11. When ready, carefully and carefully, so as not to burn yourself, mix the resulting mixture until smooth. (Color can range from yellow to light beige).
    12. At the end of the designated time - after 45 - 50 minutes - pour the milk-sugar mixture into the pear mixture, stir and cook for 1 hour in the “Stew” mode.
    13. After 10 - 15 minutes, check the milk for boiling and stir. (It is recommended to stir the mixture throughout the entire process).
    14. After an hour, turn off.
    15. Cool directly in the multicooker.

    Note: the condensed milk will most likely seem watery at first. This is fine. It will thicken as it cools. You can pour it into the prepared container once the mixture has cooled to a suitable temperature.

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