Honeysuckle compote for the winter

Honeysuckle compote for the winter

Not every housewife prepares honeysuckle compote for the winter. But in vain! This ecologically clean, disease- and pest-resistant early berry contains an indescribable amount of vitamins and essential substances. Because the honeysuckle harvesting season is short, the first priority for those who want to make friends with the delicious berry given to us is to have time to prepare it for the winter.

Honeysuckle compote for the winter is the most common way to create this without much hassle, hassle, and most importantly, quickly and without significant costs. He and only he is able to preserve all the benefits our body needs.

You can prepare honeysuckle compote for the winter not only in the traditional version, but only from honeysuckle berries. You can add other berries and fruits: strawberries, currants, gooseberries or apples. In any case, you will get a wonderfully tasty drink that will bring you pleasure in the winter.

As is clear, not all varieties of honeysuckle are suitable for making compote, so the selection of fruits must be taken with special care. Of the blue species and their flowers, such as Kamchatka, Altai, Caucasian, you will really get the desired result, but it is better to avoid the reddish fruits of the same name, growing on shrubs. They can cause harm, and they are popularly called “wolfberry.”

To prepare honeysuckle compote for the winter, select whole, dense berries, carefully clean them of excess debris, twigs, dirt and wash them a couple of times under cool running water, be sure to dry them on a laid out towel and begin the manufacturing process. But for recipes, come to us, we will help you choose exactly what you need!

Honeysuckle compote for the winter

Ingredients (for a 3 liter jar):
500 g of honeysuckle berries,
150-200 g of sugar per 1 liter of water.

Carefully sort through the berries, remove the spoiled ones, remove the good ones - clean them of debris and twigs, wash them a couple of times in cool water and let the berries dry slightly, spacing them out on a clean cloth. Pour the berries into a previously prepared sterilized jar. Those who are not the first to prepare honeysuckle compote for the winter understand that the more berries in the jar, the tastier and richer the drink will be. Then the compote can be prepared using 2 methods.

Method No. 1 (without sterilization)
Slowly, carefully so as not to burst the glass, pour the berries into jars with bubbling water, cover with sterilized lids in advance and leave for 15 minutes. After the designated time, pour the water into the pan, add sugar (calculate the total amount depending on how many cans you have). Boil the syrup (5-10 minutes will be enough for the sugar to dissolve). Pour the prepared syrup over the berries and seal the jars with boiled lids. Turn the jars upside down, wrap them in a blanket and leave until completely cool (usually left overnight (that is, in the dark) ). Store 100% cooled jars in a cool, dry place.

Method No. 2 (with sterilization)
The process of preparing berries, jars and lids is the same. Pour the dried berries into jars, fill them with bubbling syrup, cover the jars with lids and place them in a large saucepan or other deep and wide container, the bottom of which is best covered with a towel folded in several layers or a silicone mat. The banks themselves should not touch each other. Pour water into the container so that it reaches the “shoulders” of the cans. Attention: the water temperature must be the same as the liquid in the jars. Place the container with the jars on the fire, bring the water to a boil and boil for 20-25 minutes. After the pasteurization process, roll up the jars with lids and leave until completely cool. Then store it in a cold space.

Honeysuckle compote with strawberries

250 g honeysuckle berries,
250 g strawberries,
150-200 g sugar per 1 liter of water.

Prepare the berries, sterilize the jars, boil the lids. Pour both types of berries into jars, remembering that the more there are, the tastier the compote. Then pour boiling water into the jar of berries, cover with a lid and leave for 15-20 minutes. Then drain the liquid from the cans into a large saucepan, add the required amount of sugar and cook the syrup until the sugar is one hundred percent dissolved. Roll up the jars with lids, wrap them in something warm and leave until completely cool. Place the cooled jars in a cold storage space, where they will await their finest hour.

Honeysuckle compote for the winter with gooseberries, black or reddish currants is prepared according to the same principle, only in this case you need to take approximately 3 parts of honeysuckle berries, and 1 part of the remaining berries. The amount of sugar can also be adjusted: take 250-300 or even 400 g per 1 liter of water. When making syrup, the sweetness can be adjusted to your own taste, taking into account the preferences of your own household.

Winter honeysuckle compote with rhubarb

honeysuckle berries,
lemon zest,
200-300 g of sugar per 1 liter of water.

Wash the honeysuckle berries, dry lightly on cardboard towels. While the fruits are getting rid of excess water, work on the rhubarb. Peel it and cut it into nice, careful cubes. Place the honeysuckle in clean, pre-sterilized jars and fill them with boiling water. Leave to infuse for 5-10 minutes, covering with a lid. Then drain the liquid into a saucepan, add sugar and chopped rhubarb. Let the mixture simmer for 5-7 minutes, then remove it from the heat and add the lemon zest. Again, be sure to taste the syrup and add sugar or, for example, a little more zest to your own taste. Distribute the syrup among the jars and cover the compote with lids. The drink is ready, all that remains is to let it cool and store it.

Rhubarb gives the compote a pleasant sourness.

Winter honeysuckle compote with apple slices

honeysuckle berries,
apples (sweet and sour-sweet types),
300 g of sugar per 1 liter of water.

Prepare the berries, remove debris, thoroughly wash, and dry. Wash the apples, remove the core and cut into slices. Place honeysuckle and apple slices in sterilized jars, fill with bubbling water to the very top, wait a little, about 5 minutes, then pour the liquid into a large saucepan and add sugar. Boil the syrup for 10 minutes. Fill the contents of the jars with the prepared syrup and seal with sterilized lids. Turn the jars of compote upside down and wrap them up. Store the cooled jars in your own sacred cellar.

Honeysuckle compote with mint flavor

honeysuckle berries,
a handful of mint leaves (100-150 g),
200-400 g of sugar per 1 liter. water.

Sort out the honeysuckle, wash and dry. Do the same function with mint. After letting it dry slightly, chop it finely. Place honeysuckle fruits in sterilized jars, fill with bubbling water, and let stand. Then drain the water into the pan and add sugar. Bring the syrup to a boil, add mint and cook for about 10 minutes. Pour the bubbling syrup over the honeysuckle, roll up the lids on the jars, wrap them up, and when cool, put them away for storage.

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Honeysuckle compote for the winter is a drink that will be appropriate both on weekdays and on a festive table. Its pleasant, slightly tart taste will not leave even those who prefer store-bought juices and carbonated drinks phlegmantic over homemade preparations. The benefits of honeysuckle compote for the winter are even greater, and there is nothing to associate. Let your thin rows of jars of compotes be replenished with colorful jars of honeysuckle compote.

Honeysuckle compote for a 3-liter jar for the winter - 5 simple and delicious recipes with step-by-step photos

Not every housewife prepares honeysuckle compote for the winter in 3-liter jars. But in vain! This ecologically clean, disease- and pest-resistant early berry contains an indescribable amount of vitamins and essential substances. It also amazingly retains all the useful characteristics even after thermal action and is easy to prepare.

Honeysuckle compote for a 3-liter jar: recipe with hot syrup pouring berries

This is a simple and quick way to prepare compote for the winter from the healthy and tasty berries given to us. It is prepared by pouring sweet syrup over the berries twice.

Cooking time – 1 hour.


Manufacturing process

Drink to your health!

Traditional recipe for honeysuckle compote for the winter

Honeysuckle berry is not popular among housewives (maybe because there is not enough of it), but it contains a lot of vitamins. And this is very important for winter time. We prepare the compote with pasteurization and determine the amount of sugar according to our own taste, because the berries are sweet.


  • Fresh honeysuckle berries – 0.5 kg.
  • Sugar – 270 g.
  • Water – 1,500 ml.

Manufacturing process:

  1. Pour the required amount of water into a large container and bring to a vigorous, bubbling boil.
  2. Pour the calculated amount of sugar into boiling water, stir until completely dissolved and cook the syrup for 10 minutes.
  3. Sort the honeysuckle berries, discarding small debris and warped fruits.
  4. Then, carefully so as not to destroy them, wash them under a weak stream of cool water and leave them in a colander to drain excess water.
  5. Pour the washed berries into a pre-sterilized jar, filling it to 1/3 the size, no more.
  6. Fill the berries with bubbling syrup to the very top and cover the jar with a sterile lid.
  7. Place the compote immediately in a large pan (cover the bottom of the pan with a towel) with bubbling water for pasteurization. Pasteurization time – 15 minutes.
  8. Then remove the jar from the water and seal tightly.
  9. Transfer the cooled compote to a cool place for storage.

Drink to your health!

Rich honeysuckle compote for the winter

This is a recipe for those times when there is nowhere to store large jars of compote. To make it, more berries are taken than usual, and one part is crushed into puree. This is very comfortable for winter harvesting.


  • Honeysuckle berries – 1.5 kg.
  • Boiling water – 1.5 l.
  • Sugar – 0.5 kg.

Manufacturing process:

  1. Place the honeysuckle berries in a bowl of cool water and wash them carefully a couple of times, removing small debris and warped fruits.
  2. Grind half the berries into puree using a blender or meat grinder.
  3. Place this puree in a saucepan and add the required amount of sugar.
  4. Pour clean water into the pan, place over high heat and bring to a boil. If you are embarrassed by small pieces of berries, remove them through a sieve. The compote will be transparent.
  5. Then reduce the heat and cook this syrup for 15 minutes.
  6. Pour other berries into a jar scalded with boiling water.
  7. Pour the bubbling berry syrup into the honeysuckle jar.
  8. Cover the compote with a sterile lid and sterilize in a large saucepan for 15–20 minutes, then roll up.
  9. Ready! Before drinking, dilute the compote with any water.

Recipe for making honeysuckle compote for the winter

Taking into account the tenderness of the skin and the easy damage of the berries, you can prepare this compote according to this recipe without double filling.


  • Fresh honeysuckle berries – 1 l.
  • Sugar – 1.5 tbsp.
  • Water – 1,500 ml.

Manufacturing process:

  1. Wash the container for making compote (a 3-liter jar in this recipe) with baking soda and sterilize it using any convenient method.
  2. Boil the tin lid.
  3. Sort out the honeysuckle berries and, carefully so as not to destroy them, wash them with cool water and let the excess water drain off.
  4. Place the washed berries in a jar, filling it only 1/3 full.
  5. Make syrup from the indicated amount of sugar and water, boiling it for a couple of minutes.
  6. Pour the purchased syrup over the berries in a jar, cover with a lid and wait 5-7 minutes until all the small air bubbles have left the compote. If you roll up the compote right away, it will “explode.”
  7. Then roll up the jar, turn it upside down and cover it with a thick blanket for the day. This time is necessary to pasteurize the compote.
  8. Find the cooled compote for storage.

Drink compote for your health and enjoy its beautiful taste!

Honeysuckle compote in jars

This recipe suggests an easy and quick way to prepare compote for the winter from this healthy and tasty berry. We cook without sterilization.


  • Honeysuckle berries – 3 tbsp.
  • Sugar – 1.5 tbsp.
  • Water – 1,500 ml.

Manufacturing process:

  1. Sort the honeysuckle berries well and wash them thoroughly with cool water. Drain them in a colander or sieve and then dry on a cardboard towel.
  2. Rinse and sterilize jars and tin lids using any method.
  3. Place unstained berries in jars and pour boiling water for 15 minutes. During this period of time, the water in the jars will acquire a beautiful color.
  4. After this time, pour the water from the jars through a special lid into a separate pan.
  5. Boil this syrup for 5 minutes, skimming the foam from the surface.
  6. Pour the required amount of sugar into each jar.
  7. Fill the jars with bubbling berry syrup up to the neck.
  8. Immediately seal the jars tightly and shake them several times until the sugar dissolves one hundred percent.
  9. Then turn the jars over onto their lids and cover them with a warm blanket for one day.
  10. Transfer the cooled compote to storage in any space. It stores well even at room temperature.

Honeysuckle compote - a recipe for the winter

It's time for preparations, and this means that housewives are starting to “wind up” jars with different goodies. In this article I will tell you recipes for a very unusual compote - made from honeysuckle. The berries of this shrub are considered beneficial for our body, because they “charge” us with immunity.

To make compote, we will use just the same fruits; they have a sweet and sour taste, so they are perfect for making drinks. But be very careful, there are about 200 species of this plant and not all of them are edible (contain poison). The berry that we will use is very rich in vitamins, such as C, P, A, as well as group B and useful macro and microelements. Therefore, if you have never tried honeysuckle compote, then it’s time to try it.

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Recipe for honeysuckle compote for a 3 liter jar

The most popular container for rolling compote is naturally a glass jar with a nominal value of 3 liters. Therefore, based on this, I present a recipe for their honeysuckle compote based on this displacement.

Before starting the process of making the drink, you need to very carefully wash the jars, you can even use soap, it’s also important to rinse it all off and let the excess water drain or wipe it immediately with a clean towel (or cardboard towels). Next, you should sterilize the jars using a method that is comfortable for you, for example, you can sterilize them with steam or in the oven. Also, do not forget to sterilize the lids. The list of goods is given for one can (3 liters)


  • Honeysuckle berries – 300-350 ml
  • Sugar - 4-6 tbsp.

So, after the container for the compote is ready for use, we rinse the berries under running water and dry them from excess water. We immediately measure out the required amount of sweet sand and place it next to it. Pour clean water into a large saucepan and bring to a boil.

Place the honeysuckle in jars and wait until the water boils. Add sugar to boiling water and cook syrup. Next, use a ladle to fill the container and cover with a lid. Let it sit for a while and pour the liquid back into the pan.

We put the compote on gas and bring it to boiling temperature.

Pour the drink up to the very neck of the can and now screw the lid on. Check to see if there is any leakage through the lid by tilting the jar slightly. Turn the container upside down and cover with a warm blanket. We leave the twists in this state for a day, and then you can turn them over and put them in permanent storage space.

Honeysuckle compote without sterilization

When you don't have time to bother with sterilizing jars, you may want to skip this process. But the container should be washed even more thoroughly to reduce the possibility of the compote “exploding”.

The lids also need to be washed until they are spotless. The same applies to honeysuckle; we rinse it under running tap water, sorting through all the berries. For convenience, you should use a colander so that the fruits do not fall out of the container into the sink.


  • Honeysuckle -100 gr (per 1 l)
  • Sugar - 0.5 cups (per 1 l)

So, pour into a clean saucepan and bring to a boil. While we wait, put the berries in jars and add sugar. Next, pour boiling water over the honeysuckle and screw on the lids. Now let’s turn the jars of compote upside down and leave them covered with a blanket in a comfortable place (for example, under the table). After a day, you can return them to their normal state and put them away in storage.

Honeysuckle compote - for any day. Daily recipe!

If you don’t want to bother with twists or drink honeysuckle compote right this minute, then use this recipe.

This compote will be especially useful in the summer heat; it can quickly quench your thirst without any problems. It is especially great to drink it chilled - add ice or place the drink in the refrigerator.


  • Honeysuckle – 200 gr
  • Sugar - 2 tbsp.
  • Filtered water - 2 l

Wash the honeysuckle a couple of times under the tap and let the berries dry slightly. Next, we look for a suitable container for cooking compote and pour clean, filtered water into it, and immediately put the berries there. Put on fire and boil. As soon as the first “bubbles” begin to appear, add sugar (it is best to add it directly to hot water, not cool, so the drink will be the sweetest). Now let’s wait until it dissolves and remove the compote from the stove. Let's strain the drink from the berries and enjoy the taste.

Benefits and harms of compote + can a child drink it?

Before consuming any product, we constantly think about whether it is useful and whether it will cause harm? These are completely reasonable questions for those who care about their health, the health of their loved ones. Let's figure this out.

Let's start with the usefulness of this drink, in addition to the fact that it contains vitamins that are important and necessary for our body (a group of low-molecular organic compounds of relatively simple structure and varied chemical nature) and elements, it is capable of influencing our condition at this point in time, so for hypertensive patients It will help lower blood pressure, and at a temperature it will act as an antipyretic. It is also useful for anemia because it helps replenish iron deficiency.

The drink will also be useful for children, but it is necessary to take into account the child’s allergies, because the reaction of each child is personal. If you see alarming signs in your baby, stop drinking the compote immediately.

Despite the huge number of advantages of this product, there are still contraindications, so if you have a weak stomach/liver/kidneys, then DO NOT use this compote. Pregnant and nursing mothers can use it, but in small doses.

Noteworthy options for making healthy honeysuckle compote

Compote is a favorite drink of children and adults. And, if tasty and vitamin-rich berries, such as honeysuckle, are used to make it, then such a dish is especially coveted in any home. In addition, honeysuckle compote is a good preparation for the winter. This is exactly what we will talk about in this article. We will look at what options there are for making this drink.

What you need to know about honeysuckle berries, and what is important to consider when reading drink recipes

You don’t need to teach anyone how to make compote. The dish is quite ordinary, and it is impossible to make a mistake. And yet, there are some subtleties here too. For example, you can add other fruits and berries to get an even more distinctive taste and smell.

Warning: Not every variety of honeysuckle can be eaten.

It would be correct to first name those plants from which you can prepare various dishes, including compote:

  • Vasyuganskaya;
  • Tomsk;
  • Pavlovskaya;
  • Blue spindle;
  • Blue Bird;
  • Chelyabinsk;
  • Long-fruited.

All these varieties can be safely used for food, both fresh and processed. But how to prepare honeysuckle compote so that the beneficial characteristics of the berry are preserved and at the same time the taste of the drink is catchy and rich?

Advice: in cooking there is one valid unshakable rule: no matter how good the recipe is, it is important that it is suitable directly for you, not in general, not for anyone else, but for you.

This also includes the adoption of certain taste preferences, because some people like it sweeter, while others don’t like even slightly sweetened dishes at all.

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It is also important that there are both prohibitions and advice. All this will directly depend on human health. For example, for a person with diabetes, it is important to adhere to a serious diet (Diet is a set of rules for a person’s consumption of food) . This does not mean that you need to completely give up desserts and drinks, just stick to a balanced diet and avoid eating foods and ingredients that would harm your health.

Therefore, the article will contain recipes that are not final. You can stick to them, but you can also change them slightly, focusing on your own taste and needs.

Classic recipes for making honeysuckle compote

The compote has only 3 ingredients: water, berries and sugar. The taste, usefulness and how you like the drink will depend one hundred percent on the proportions and how these components are combined. The first two methods for making honeysuckle compote are also suitable for canning for the winter.

1st recipe. For a liter of water you need:

  • 300-350 grams of sugar;
  • 1/3 cup berries.

The syrup is being prepared. After the water has boiled, add the berries. After which you need to boil for no more than 2 minutes and turn off. Cover with a lid and let sit for 10 minutes.

2nd recipe. In this method of making compote, the main emphasis is on the fact that there must be a lot of berries:

  • Liter of water;
  • 2 cups honeysuckle berries;
  • A glass of sugar.

Dissolve sugar in hot water and boil the syrup for 10 minutes. Add berries. As soon as the water boils, turn it off, that’s it, the compote is ready. There is a lot of honeysuckle and it is not digested, and therefore the compote will contain more vitamins and necessary substances.

3rd recipe. Its base is the berries themselves. No additional sweetening:

  • 1 liter of water;
  • 1.5 tbsp. honeysuckle

Bring water to a boil and pour it over the berries. Let it brew. This dish is perfect for those with diabetes and small children. Due to the fact that honeysuckle is a rather sweet berry, the compote will be very healthy and tasty.

4th recipe. It is preferred by those who love thick, not “empty” compotes, and it is also prepared by mothers for their own little children:

  • Liter of water;
  • 2 cups of berries;
  • ½ cup sugar.

At the very beginning, you need to boil half of the honeysuckle with sugar and grind it on a strainer. Those who do not cook for children can use a blender. After that, the purchased puree is again put on the fire until it boils. At this step, the “compote” is ready for the children. For adults, you can continue and after boiling, add other berries. Wait until it boils and turn off the heat. Cover the pan with a lid and let the dish brew.

This honeysuckle compote is also suitable for the winter, only the recipe will be slightly modified. For the preservation to last, you should add more sugar to the drink: a glass per liter of water.

Any of the methods of making a drink is fascinating, and will certainly find someone who will appreciate it.

Honeysuckle compote, plus some additives

The highlight of the compote will always be the corresponding taste of honeysuckle itself; it cannot be interrupted by any additives. Well, no need. After all, the taste of the berries given to us is always very pleasant. And yet, by adding some additives to the classic recipe, you can get something new, tasty and healthy. Let's look at 2 unique recipes.

Plus apples

Compote of honeysuckle and apples is very easy to prepare. You need to take:

  • 2 liters of water;
  • 1 kg apples;
  • 1 kg honeysuckle;
  • 1.5 kg of sugar.

After the water boils, add sugar. The syrup should sit on the fire for 10-15 minutes. Pour syrup over sliced ​​apples and honeysuckle berries and leave to steep for 2 hours.

Recommendation: if the compote is being prepared for the winter, then after the drink has infused, it must be boiled again and kept on the fire for 10 minutes. Then you can pour it into jars.

Plus rhubarb

Peeled rhubarb stems have a pleasant sour taste. The compotes made from it are tasty, sweet and sour, and indescribably healthy. And if you add honeysuckle to such a drink, the dish will turn out special. Any ingredient will add its own flavor and benefit.

  • 1 liter of water;
  • 3 tbsp. Sahara;
  • 200g rhubarb;
  • 100g honeysuckle.

After the syrup has boiled, berries and cuttings cut into small pieces are thrown into it. 5-7 minutes is enough for the honeysuckle and rhubarb compote to be ready. After which it is filtered and cooled.

Preparations for the winter. What is individuality in making honeysuckle compote?

Recommendation: to prevent the compote in jars from fermenting and turning into wine, you need to add more sugar to it.

Some housewives fill the jar 2/3 or more with berries. The rest - put 2-3 glasses. This is a matter of personal preference and taste. The main thing you want to achieve by preserving it for the winter is to preserve the beneficial substances and vitamins (a group of low molecular weight organic compounds of relatively simple structure and varied chemical nature) of honeysuckle. A good solution to this issue would be to make honeysuckle compote for the winter without sterilization.

To do this you need:

  1. Sort, peel and wash the berries;
  2. Pour honeysuckle into unstained jars (pour boiling water over them);
  3. Pour boiling water over the berries. Wrap the jars and let them stand for 10 minutes;
  4. While the jars are wrapped, prepare the syrup: 150g of sugar per liter of water;
  5. Drain the jars and fill them with syrup;
  6. Immediately roll up the jars and turn them upside down with the lids, put them in a warm space or wrap them up.

It is believed that such a compote retains its beneficial characteristics for 2 years, during which it can be consumed.

You can also prepare a drink with an additive. For example, prepare a compote of honeysuckle and strawberries for the winter. To do this you need:

  1. Place washed honeysuckle and strawberries in clean, sterilized jars.
  2. Pour boiling water over the jars for 10 minutes and wrap them up.
  3. Drain the water and add syrup (200g sugar per liter of water). You can use the same water that was poured into the jars.
  4. Roll up with steel lids. Turn the jars upside down. Wrap yourself in a warm blanket.

A necessary, tasty, fragrant drink will cheer you up in the winter.

The recipe does not say how many berries you need to take. Everyone must find the best solution to this issue for themselves.

Making compote in a slow cooker

Another recipe deserves attention. This is making honeysuckle compote in a slow cooker. To do this you need:

  1. Set the multicooker to the “Stew” mode;
  2. Take 300g honeysuckle, 1 tbsp. Sahara;
  3. Simmer for 1 hour.

The recipe is ordinary. But it allows you to preserve all the useful characteristics of the product.

Any method of making honeysuckle compote is fascinating. You can check everything to find the most successful and tasty one.

How to quickly and easily prepare this dish can be seen in this video:

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