Tomato soup: prepared according to the traditional recipe, tasty and simple

Tomato soup: prepared according to the traditional recipe, tasty and simple

Greetings to all readers! Now let's look at how to prepare tomato soup according to a traditional recipe from new tomatoes at home, how to create it tasty and simple.

Colorful, beautiful tomatoes will be the basis of our dish. Let's prepare together a warm, warming, vitamin-rich soup. It’s fast, tasty, and the smell will attract everyone in the family to the kitchen.

Housewives prepare tomato dishes in different ways, using unusual ingredients. Each one can have their own unique taste. But everything is based on a traditional recipe, which we will now look at.


We will need very little diligence and not a bad mood. For production we will use Domates salcha paste. If you can’t purchase such a paste, take any other one. Correctly selected ingredients give you confidence that everything will turn out delicious.

Classic recipe

Video recipe

Other recipes

You can add different components to the traditional version of production, each time getting a new tasty dish.

Gazpacho is a cool tomato soup. Prepared with bran bread, cucumber, sweet pepper, spices, herbs, dry wine. It will turn out very tasty. There are many manufacturing options: cool, greenish, hot. Read about it on the pages of our website.

  • From canned tomatoes

In winter, it is difficult to get tasty, fresh tomatoes, so I use canned ones. They definitely need to be peeled, mashed, add fried vegetables, herbs, and a little balsamic vinegar. The result is a delicious reddish jelly-like stew.

  • With meatballs

A little minced meat, high-quality vegetables, and more spices will come in handy. Meatballs are always tasty, and in reddish tomato soup they are very appetizing and wonderful. Let's add greenery for smell and color.

  • From sprat in tomato

Sprat soup in tomato is a light, economical dish. The tomato will give sourness, color, originality, the sprat will make the dish savory, light, economical, and all together will amuse us on a cool winter day with its warmth. Follow the link and read how to prepare it correctly.

I use reddish beans simply because I like them better. You can cook it with snow-white or dark, but then the color will change. This dish comes out thick, rich, and fragrant. It is suitable for vegans and vegetarians. Beans, due to their composition, are an excellent substitute for meat.

Useful tips

  1. Tomatoes must be thoroughly washed before use.
  2. You can take tomatoes with skin, or you can peel them. To do this, cut the tomatoes crosswise and pour boiling water for 1-2 minutes. The peel comes off easily.
  3. The dish will be most rich if you cook it with meat or chicken broth instead of water.
  4. Garnish the finished dish with pieces of fried eggplant.
  5. Add cheese to the roast; it will melt, adding fat.
  6. If you want the mixture to be even more tender, then pass the contents of the pan through a sieve.
  7. The hot soup can be cooled and served as a cool appetizer.
  8. Any dish with tomatoes acquires sourness. To neutralize the sour taste, I add a little sugar.
  9. If you want to cook spicy tomato soup, add chili pepper, garlic, basil, nutmeg.
  10. You can buy tomato paste, but it's better to make your own using recipes on our website.
  11. The amount of tomato paste determines the pungency, spiciness and taste.
  12. Some housewives may ask how long to cook tomatoes? 15 minutes is enough to preserve taste, color and vitamins (a group of low molecular weight organic compounds of relatively simple structure and varied chemical nature) .
  13. Add milk or cream, they will neutralize the acidity.
  14. You can simply season the dish with tomato juice, purchased at the store or prepared independently.
  15. When serving, decorate the dish with herbs, cheese, croutons or croutons.
  16. It is convenient to serve portions in glasses or bowls with sour cream or mayonnaise.


We looked at a traditional recipe for making a fragrant, unusual soup. We learned that it is prepared simply and quickly. We sorted out 5 common options.

What dishes do you prepare from tomatoes? Write about your favorite recipes in the comments and share your experience.

Tomato puree soup: traditional recipe

Classic tomato soup is a recipe originally from Italy.

Italian tomato soup in the summer is best prepared from ripe tomatoes - new ones, just picked from the garden, filled with warmth and sun; they taste and smell completely different from those from the greenhouse. In the cool season, you can use tomatoes in your own juice (the Italians call them “pelati”; you can prepare a couple of jars for the winter with your own hands - see the recipe).

The composition of tomato soup is very ascetic. In addition to the main ingredient, you will only need onions and garlic, a little olive oil for frying and, of course, basil. I advise you to cook it with the freshest greenish basil, it will give a magical smell. If you don’t have it, then dried will do, but then it would be great to let the soup brew for the smell to fully develop.

Advice! It is more convenient to prepare soup in a saucepan - you can cook it in it and then puree the tomatoes using an immersion blender.

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  • ripe reddish tomatoes – 500 g
  • fresh basil – 2 sprigs
  • dried oregano – 1 chip.
  • onions – 1/2 pcs. (50 g)
  • garlic - 3 teeth.
  • chicken broth or water – 150-200 ml
  • olive oil – 2 tbsp. l.
  • salt - to taste
  • sugar – 1-2 chips.


Wash the tomatoes, remove the stems and cut the skin crosswise. Pour boiling water over it, after a few minutes drain the water and remove the skin.

Cut the tomatoes randomly, you can use large pieces, because later they will still be chopped in a blender.

Peel the onion and cut into cubes. Heat olive oil in a saucepan and saute the onion.

When it becomes soft, add garlic - crush a few cloves with the flat side of a knife blade and chop coarsely. Fry briefly until fragrant.

Coarsely chop a couple of basil sprigs with a knife. Throw into a saucepan and heat everything together for a few seconds.

Next add tomatoes. Fry uncovered, stirring, for 10 minutes.

Add a pinch of dried oregano, as well as salt and sugar, to balance the tomato sourness - here you need to focus only on your taste, because tomatoes come in different degrees of ripeness, they can be very sour or sweetish.

Pour in broth or water - just a little, look at the mixture (some tomatoes are the most fleshy, others, on the contrary, are very liquid). If you cook with broth, you should cook it in advance from the chicken over low heat for 2-3 hours so that the broth comes out clear and rich.

Cover with a lid and simmer for another 10 minutes. Adjust for salt. Let cool slightly and blend with an immersion blender to obtain a homogeneous puree.

Before serving, drizzle with a little olive oil and garnish with basil leaves. You can complement the tomato puree soup with toasted snow-white toast with cheese, for example, mozzarella. Bon appetit!

Tomato soup

Tomato soup with cheese crust

I would like to offer you a recipe for a frisky, tasty soup. I've been preparing it for many years. And, despite this, they sweep it away very quickly.

Tomato soup with lentils and meatballs

This is a very comforting, warming, flavorful soup that is perfect for cooler days. The combination of lentils, tomatoes and meat is very harmonious, soy sauce adds a fascinating deep taste, and thyme imparts an indescribable smell. The soup is prepared quite quickly, as it does not require long cooking of the broth. But with all this it turns out to be very rich and satisfying. My family appreciated the soup, I hope you will like it too.

Turkish tomato puree soup

Finally, spring has come. The colorful warm sun is shining outside. And after the winter rich and rich soups, I wanted some light, vegetable soup. This is the tomato puree soup we just ate with great pleasure. )))

Thick tomato soup with white beans

I offer a recipe for a fragrant dish - vegetable tomato soup. This is a very tasty and satisfying soup based on stewed tomatoes and celery with the addition of snow white beans. A piece of marinated feta will help create a unique flavor bouquet. Delicious, healthy, nutritious! The production time is indicated without taking into account the production of beans. I thank Eduard Nasyrov for the idea and inspiration.

Tomato soup from Madame Maigret

Do you like detective stories? More precisely, do you love detective stories as much as I love them? I just love them! Especially at the moment, when it's pouring rain outside, it's nice to spend the weekend cuddling with your beloved detective. - What do we have for lunch? - asks the husband. “. “What are we having for lunch now?” he called, sitting down on the box. -Tomato soup. -Unsurpassed!” (“Maigret” by J. Simenon). This soup was also rated “unsurpassed” by my family. Do you think it's easy? It doesn't seem like that. more than 2 hours of time.

Tomato soup with lentils

Low-calorie and satisfying soup. 100 g contains 41 kcal (my approximate value). If you count kcal, you need to count your prepared dish. Production time is given without taking into account soaking of lentils.

Frisky Chinese tomato soup with egg

Chinese tomato soup with eggs - “fansedan tan” - is prepared, one might say, instantly. Consists of a minimum of simple and affordable ingredients. It has a rich tomato taste and a spicy ginger smell. It nourishes and warms wonderfully, and is especially good for cool winter days in our latitudes.

Spicy tomato soup with beans

Tasty, moderately spicy and satisfying! The brightness of the taste senses is guaranteed.

Tomato soup with mushrooms and minced meat

Now I would like to offer you to prepare a rich and very comfortable soup. He approaches the word in an inadmissible way for the autumn time. Catchy and satisfying, it will certainly warm you up on those first cool days. Soy sauce behaves amazingly in soups; it brings the desired saltiness, as well as an incomparable zest in taste. The recipe was borrowed from Tatyana Nazaruk.

Tomato soup with meatballs and chickpeas

A pleasant, warming soup, just right for winter. Nothing complicated, everything is as simple as possible. Come in.

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Tomato soup . Tomatoes are not only a source of antioxidants and part of the diet, but they also taste amazing and lift your spirits. Following such a “diet” is a pleasure. There could be tomatoes in the refrigerator!

In the summer, which pampers us with the freshest tomatoes with a wonderful taste, vegetables are mainly used for salads. Almost everyone forgets or simply does not know that tomatoes are used to make fragrant soups with appropriate acidity, which can be found in abundance in Mediterranean and Oriental cuisine. For example, in the Middle East it is a very rare dish without tomatoes - either the first or the second. This is partly explained by the fact that, for example, in Egypt, tomatoes grow all year round, which means that tomato soups can be prepared at any time. And who is not familiar with ordinary Spanish gazpacho?

Therefore, in the summer, do not miss the opportunity to amuse your family with tomato soup made from new tomatoes. In general, where did ours not disappear during the winter? For tomato soup, you can use canned tomatoes (it’s not in vain that we close the jars all summer).

Tomatoes, as you know, cook very quickly, and therefore the soup can be prepared in just half an hour.

A hearty tomato soup comes with beans, for example, in beef broth. Don't forget the onions and chili peppers!

Tomato soup can be cooked with meat broth, or you can do without it. You can prepare cool tomato soup with fish (both fresh and smoked are suitable - for example, ordinary herring). By the way, almost all tomato soups can be served either cool or hot.

Tomato soup can be prepared from a variety of ingredients without fear of tests. The one thing you can’t get a fragrant tomato soup without is herbs. In summer, use the freshest, in winter - dried.

Traditional tomato soup

Option 1: Traditional tomato soup recipe

Traditionally made tomato soups have nothing in common with the usual clear soups seasoned with roasted tomatoes. The basic recipe is often considered cool gazpacho soup. It is also in our selection, but a slightly different recipe is offered as a classic.


  • one and a half kilograms of new juicy tomatoes;
  • half a liter of chicken broth;
  • half a pod of hot pepper;
  • three cloves of garlic;
  • vegetable oil – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • two purple onions;
  • black pepper, large table salt and bay leaf.

Step-by-step recipe for traditional tomato soup

Sort through the tomatoes, removing spoiled fruits, wash with cold water, cut the skin from the stem side with a shallow cut, do not go deep into the pulp. Place them in very hot water for a few minutes, then pull them out and use the blade of a knife to help remove the skins from the tomatoes.

Grind the tomatoes into a puree through a colander or any other method, pour into a saucepan, and place on low heat. After boiling, simmer slowly for 10 minutes, making sure that the tomato mass does not burn.

Bring the broth to a boil and pour into the tomato, add salt and season with spices, reduce the heat to low, cover with a lid and place the saucepan on the stove.

Remove the skins from the onions and garlic, finely chop the cloves, and cut the onion heads into quarter rings. Sauté the vegetables over low heat until lightly browned, transfer the roast into a saucepan, stir and add, without chopping, half a hot pepper. Cook for about two minutes and serve with croutons fried in butter.

The best variety of tomatoes for all proposed recipes is “Volgogradsky”.
Tomatoes of this variety are quite fleshy and contain the required amount of water, which determines their juiciness. In tomato soups, such fruits do not sour and do not require the addition of excess salt, having a completely suitable taste. Cooking any soup with greenhouse tomatoes is not the best choice. A recipe that directly specifies the use of canned tomatoes will be much tastier. The requirements for them are somewhat simpler, but still, even here, the variety of tomatoes identified earlier will give a head start to all others.

Option 2: Frisky recipe for traditional tomato soup

If you like the first recipe or there are no new tomatoes available, prepare tomato soup from their juice. Adding potatoes to the list of goods will not take much time either to peel or to prepare, and the dish will come out noticeably thicker and more satisfying.


  • liter of tomato juice;
  • three sweet carrots;
  • 5 boiled potatoes;
  • small bulb;
  • two or three small tomatoes;
  • several sprigs of parsley;
  • spoon of vegetable oil;
  • one bay leaf and three cloves of garlic;
  • spicy spices and table salt;
  • toasted bread or dried out loaf.

How to quickly prepare traditional tomato soup

We clean and wash all the vegetables for the soup. Cut the potatoes first into cubes, pour in a little more than half a liter of boiling water, and set to simmer over low heat with a bay leaf.

We quickly grate the carrots and immediately send them to the potatoes, after which we chop and add the onions. When the onion has boiled for 10 minutes, drain the vegetable broth and remove the bay leaf.

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Pour the boiled vegetables with tomato juice, set on moderate heat, after boiling add salt, add spices, pour in a spoonful of oil. Boil for two minutes and turn off the stove. Add chopped herbs to the soup, cover, but do not wrap...

Scald the tomatoes and carefully remove the skin using a knife. Dry the bread in a frying pan without oil, rub it with garlic, and put the remaining cloves in the soup. Serve with a slice of bread and tomato on each plate.

Option 3: Regular Spanish gazpacho - traditional tomato soup

But, in fact, gazpacho is a soup of Spanish farmers, which over time has become one of the hallmarks of state cuisine. Russian varieties of tomatoes are unrivaled for its production, and it is better to hold off if new ones grown in the open air are not available for sale. The amount of oil is indicated approximately, add based on your own taste. There is really no need to replace it with sunflower, even if it has undergone the most painstaking cleaning.


  • medium sized cucumber;
  • 650 grams of tomatoes;
  • one onion and a small bell pepper;
  • garlic clove;
  • olive oil - a third of a glass;
  • one and a half tablespoons of wine vinegar.

How to cook

After scalding the tomatoes with boiling water, for the convenience of subsequent actions, cut and remove their skin. Usually, it is recommended to cut crosswise from the side of the stalk. If this method seems too troublesome for you, simply cut the tomatoes into slices and rub with force, first through a colander, and then through an iron sieve.

Remove the seeds from the pepper by cutting the pod and first scooping it out with a spoon, and rinsing the rest with a stream of running water. Cut into small slices. Remove the skin from the cucumber and cut into smaller pieces. Do the same with the onion.

Collect all the vegetables and tomatoes in a blender bowl, pour oil and vinegar into it, and finely chop the garlic. Add a pinch of pepper and season if desired. Grind first, then lightly beat with a blender.

If, in your opinion, the dish turned out to be watery, add a crumb of fresh bread directly into the bowl and beat again. Serve chilled.

Option 4: Prepare traditional tomato soup in Italian style

The previous recipe is often confused with Italian tomato soups, even distorting the name of the dish. In fact, a similar dish actually exists, but you will immediately see the differences just by comparing the list of products.


  • three hundred grams of small dumplings (ravioli);
  • a jar of colored beans;
  • a quarter cup of olive oil;
  • 750 ml chicken trim broth;
  • spoon of tomato paste;
  • half a kilogram of canned tomatoes;
  • small onion;
  • spoon of 25 percent tomato paste;
  • salt, a handful of chopped parsley, ground pepper;
  • half a teaspoon of chopped garlic;
  • two spoons of grated cheese.

Step by step recipe

Peel and cut the onion into quarters. Heat the oil in a saucepan and brown the onion in it, sprinkle with garlic and heat for a few more minutes over low heat. Pour in the broth and, adding temperature, let it simmer slowly.

Remove the skins from the tomatoes and mash them with a fork, open the cans and drain all the liquid from the beans. Separately, place the ravioli in well-salted boiling water, let it float out and immediately drain everything from the pan into a colander. Place the dumplings in a saucepan with the main dish.

After boiling, add tomato paste and canned tomato puree into the soup. Add the beans, season with pepper and add a little salt, increase the heat and wait until it boils. Reduce the temperature again and after a few minutes sprinkle with herbs. Turn off the stove and pour out the portions immediately.

Serve the soup by sprinkling with grated cheese and placing parsley leaves around the cheese mound. Separately offer fried bread rubbed with garlic and the snow-white parts of young onions.

Option 5: Traditional tomato soup with beans and bacon

Almost all soups described above belong to the lean group. But we will prepare the next tomato soup not just with meat, but with bacon, and even fried.


  • liter jar of canned white beans;
  • tomatoes in their juice – 0.5 liter jar;
  • two medium onions;
  • four strips of bacon;
  • two glasses of vegetable broth;
  • freshly ground black pepper.

How to cook

Place the beans in a colander and wash thoroughly, placing them under running water. Open the canned tomatoes, remove their skins, and mash the pulp into a puree using a fork.

Chop the bacon coarsely, heat it in a preheated pot over low heat, browning the slices perfectly. Drain off excess fat, leaving only about a spoonful, and place slices of finely chopped onion in it. Fry until golden brown.

Pour tomato puree into the pot, add half the beans, season well, add vegetable broth. After boiling, reduce the temperature and simmer slowly for about 5 minutes. Pour the mixture into another container and cool slightly, blend with an immersion blender.

Pour the soup into the pot again and heat it up, add the remaining beans and salt to taste. Serve with croutons or a narrow omelet, crumble the bacon into plates.

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