Culinary recipes and photo recipes

Culinary recipes and photo recipes

Curd cake with strawberries

Curd cake with strawberries and jelly, prepared according to this recipe, comes out tender, light and very tasty, and the most important thing is that even those people who watch their own figure can afford a piece of this cake. By the way, if it’s suddenly very hot outside, and you don’t feel like bothering with baking a sponge cake, then you can prepare the base for the cake from ground cookies and butter, as is done for making cheesecake, and you can also use savoiardi cookies (lady fingers) , which must first be lightly soaked in sweet syrup or some kind of fruit juice.

Ingredients for making strawberry curd cake (mould, 22 cm across):

  • eggs (medium size) – 2 pcs.
  • sugar – 75 g
  • wheat flour – 50 g
  • butter – 10 g

For the curd soufflé:

  • cottage cheese – 450 g
  • sweet powder – 1 tbsp. (or to taste)
  • vanilla sugar – 1 tsp.
  • yogurt (natural without additives) – 200 g
  • gelatin – 25 g
  • cream (fat content from 33%) – 150 g (optional)
  • milk (or water) – 100 ml
  • strawberries – 200 g

For the top layer:

  • strawberry jelly (powder) – 1 pack
  • strawberries – 200 g

Curd cake with strawberries – recipe with photo:

Prepare a sponge cake for the base of the cake. Break the eggs into a bowl and add sugar to them.

Beat them with a mixer for 6-7 minutes. During this period of time, the testicles should increase significantly in size and transform into a very lush and thick mass.

Add sifted flour to the resulting mass in several steps. Stir with a spatula or whisk; act carefully so that the egg mass does not lose its size.

Melt the butter and let it cool slightly. Pour the melted butter down the sides of the bowl into the dough.

Gently stir the dough again with a spatula until completely smooth.

Cover the bottom of a mold with a diameter of 22 cm with baking paper; do not grease the sides of the mold with anything. Place the finished dough into the mold.

Bake the sponge cake for the cheesecake with strawberries in an oven preheated to 170-180 C for about 15-17 minutes. Check the readiness of the biscuit with a wooden skewer; if you pierce the biscuit in the center with it, the skewer should come out without traces of sticky dough. Allow the finished biscuit to cool completely on a wire rack.

Remove the cooled biscuit from the mold. Cut it in height so that the thickness of the sponge cake is 1 cm. Also, if desired, slightly reduce the sponge cake in diameter to 18-20 cm.

Place the prepared sponge cake back into the mold with a diameter of 22 cm. Line the sides of the mold with baking paper or acetate film.

Prepare the curd layer for the cake. First, pour the gelatin with milk or water and leave it to swell for 15 minutes.

Place cottage cheese, sweet powder and vanilla sugar into a blender bowl.

Grind the cottage cheese until smooth.

Pour yogurt into it and stir well again. By the way, if you have an immersion blender, then you can create all these actions with its help.

Heat the swollen gelatin on the stove or in the microwave until completely dissolved. Be careful not to bring the solution to a boil. Let the gelatin solution cool slightly and pour into the bowl to the consistency of cottage cheese and yogurt. Stir everything thoroughly.

In a separate container, beat the heavy cream until thick. By the way, if you wish, if you want to create a cake with the least amount of calories, then you can not add heavy cream, but instead use the same amount of yogurt.

Add the curd mixture to the whipped cream and stir until smooth.

Wash the strawberries, dry them and cut into random pieces. Add strawberries to the curd mixture. Stir.

Pour the curd mixture into the biscuit pan. Place the strawberry cheesecake in the refrigerator for 1 hour.

Meanwhile, prepare the strawberries and jelly for the top layer of the cake. Prepare the strawberry jelly from the package according to the instructions. Let it cool at room temperature until slightly warm.

Wash the strawberries, dry them and cut into thin slices.

When the curd mass has hardened slightly, remove the cake from the refrigerator and place strawberry slices on top.

Pour the cooled jelly over the strawberries. In this form, place the curd cake with strawberries and jelly in the refrigerator for at least 4 hours, and preferably overnight (that is, in the dark) until completely frozen.

After hardening, remove the finished strawberry curd cake from the refrigerator, free it from the mold and paper.

Strawberry cheesecake is ready!

Cut into portions and you can serve!

Curd cake with strawberries

Now I would like to share with you a beautiful summer dessert that is perfect for any celebration or festive feast during the hot season. Curd cake with strawberries is an incredibly easy to digest and, one might even say, dietary cake, which does not contain enough calories for such a wonderful dessert - only 169 kcal per large piece of 100 g. Therefore, you can indulge yourself from time to time even people losing weight, as well as all adherents of a healthy lifestyle and lovers of various diets. The basis of this delicious dessert is a narrow shortcake made of low-fat airy sponge cake, and the main part is a curd and berry soufflé, consisting of only the most necessary and natural ingredients. In addition, it is possible to create this cake with even less calories if you use low-fat cottage cheese and yogurt to make it, and prepare the sponge cake without adding butter. Although it should be understood that a certain amount of fatty milk products makes the taste of the dessert richly creamy, and its thickness – creamy and especially tender.

Curd soufflé cake with strawberries is prepared largely from milk products, which have a refreshing light taste, so it is especially suitable for the summer season, when baked goods consisting of a huge amount of baked goods and rich cream seem very “heavy” and does not cause a huge appetite, while a delicate soufflé made from cottage cheese with the addition of a huge number of new berries is simply digested in the body, without leaving heaviness in the stomach and unpleasant consequences on the waist and hips. Although, of course, this strawberry soufflé cake can be prepared in the winter or off-season from thawed berries, but it should be understood that such berries, unfortunately, are not suitable for decorating the surface of the cake.

It’s absolutely easy to prepare this amazingly delicious and wonderful curd cake for your own special occasion if you use my detailed, tested recipe with step-by-step photos, and I guarantee that you won’t have any special problems. For this cake, the most ordinary version of a sponge cake is mixed, which is practically impossible to spoil with anything, and the strawberry curd soufflé is also prepared without much hassle. For example, if your cream suddenly doesn’t whip up well enough, which happens from time to time when using a bad product, then even this will not be able to spoil your cake, since gelatin is able to hold together a fairly watery mixture, but the soufflé will simply end up not being as airy.

Try to prepare a healthy and healthy cottage cheese cake with soufflé and fresh strawberries using this easy summer recipe. The most delicate and melt-in-your-mouth strawberry soufflé, located on a narrow layer of airy porous sponge cake and topped with berries in cold jelly, will amuse you and your guests with its wonderful taste and solemn appearance. This completely natural and very light low-fat cake is suitable for both children's and adult parties and will give a huge amount of pleasure and positive feelings even on the most ordinary day!

Necessary information

Difficulty level: 4* Serving Size: 150 g
Preparation time: 3 hours Calorie content per serving:
Number of servings: 12 Cost of one serving: 37 rub.

How to make cottage cheese cake with strawberries - a recipe for an easy low-calorie cake with sponge cake and soufflé with step-by-step photos


  • 2 huge testicles
  • 100 g flour
  • 70 g sugar
  • 1 pack vanilla sugar
  • 20 g butter
  • 1 tsp. baking powder
  • 300 g strawberries
  • 400 g cottage cheese 9 – 18%
  • 150 ml cream 33%
  • 125 g natural yoghurt
  • 150 g sweet powder
  • 1 pack vanilla sugar
  • 10 g gelatin
  • 125 ml water
  • 200 g fresh strawberries
  • 1 pack jelly for cake
  • 50 g sugar
  • 250 ml water


Sponge cake

1. To prepare a light curd cake with strawberries, first bake a narrow sponge base for it. To do this, break the freshest chicken eggs into a deep bowl or the bowl of a food processor and add regular and vanilla sugar to them.

2. Beat the eggs with sugar at the highest speed of a mixer or food processor into a fluffy foam.
Add melted and slightly cooled butter to them and beat again. 3. Pour flour sifted with baking powder into the dough.
4. Gently stir the flour into the batter using a wooden (or silicone) spatula or spoon.
The result should be a fairly fluid dough for a butter sponge cake. 5. Grease a baking pan with butter and line it with parchment paper. Pour the biscuit dough into it and spread it moderately over the bottom.

6. Bake the biscuit in an oven preheated to 180°C for 20 - 25 minutes. Check the readiness with a toothpick - it should come out dry without sticking dough or crumbs. Remove the finished biscuit from the mold and cool, after which you can carefully release it from the paper.

Curd soufflé

7. To prepare strawberry curd soufflé for a cake, first soak the gelatin in water.

8. It is recommended to dissolve the swollen gelatin in a water bath, but to simplify this function and not bother with countless pots, you can simply heat the gelatin over low heat, stirring it continuously until all the granules have dispersed.
The most important thing is not to bring the gelatin to a boil and, if there is the slightest suspicion, immediately remove it from the heat. 9. Wash and dry the strawberries, place in a deep bowl and grind with a blender.

10. Place cottage cheese, natural yogurt, half of the sweet powder (75 g) and vanilla sugar into freshly prepared strawberry puree.

11. Mix all ingredients using a blender into a homogeneous mass.
If you have cottage cheese with grains, then you need to work more carefully with the blender so that it becomes smooth and gentle. 12. Beat the cooled heavy cream at the highest speed of the mixer with the remaining sweet powder (75 g) until you obtain a fluffy mass that holds its shape perfectly and does not fall off.
13. Gently fold the whipped cream into the curd and strawberry soufflé using a spatula or regular spoon.
14. At the last step, pour in the gelatin and quickly stir the mixture with a spoon. The most delicate curd soufflé with strawberries for the cake is ready!

Curd soufflé cake with strawberries

15. Now you can start assembling the cake on a large dish or a special cake stand, where you need to place a springform pan without a bottom and put the cooled sponge cake in it.

16. Pour the curd soufflé with strawberries onto the sponge cake, cover the cake with foil or cling film and put it in the refrigerator for 1.5 - 2 hours until the soufflé has completely hardened.
17. To beautifully and deliciously decorate the cake on top, you need to cut the freshest strawberries into thin slices and lay them over the entire surface, slightly overlapping. Dilute the package of gelatin for the cake in water with added sugar according to the instructions on the package and generously cover the entire surface of the curd cake with it.

18. The jelly for the cake hardens very quickly, so after almost 5 - 10 minutes you can carefully remove the springform pan by running a sharp knife along its walls to separate the soufflé.

Very light, low-calorie and at the same time surprisingly tasty curd soufflé cake with strawberries is ready!
It is worthy to become a real decoration for a festive table or an ordinary summer tea party. Bon appetit!

Curd cake with strawberries


Cottage cheese 9% – 500 g

Strawberries – 500 g

Leaf gelatin – 20 g

Strawberry yogurt – 250 ml

Cream 33% – 300 g

Shortbread cookies – 250 g

Butter – 150 g

  • 241 kcal
  • 1 hour
  • 30 min.
  • 1 hour 30 minutes

Photo of the finished dish

Step-by-step recipe with photos

I have long wanted to make a no-bake cheesecake with strawberries, and before the season ended, I decided to make it. This cake can be said to be my experience. At first I didn’t know how it would turn out and was worried about it, but the cake turned out delicious! So light and airy! I really liked the combination of cottage cheese with yogurt and cream. Below I will carefully explain how to prepare this cake.

Prepare all the necessary ingredients from the list. Keep the cream in the refrigerator until you need it.

Pour gelatin with cool boiled water so that it covers it. Leave to swell. Place the cookies into the food processor bowl, breaking them into pieces first.

Grind the cookies into crumbs. Melt the butter and add it to the liver, swirl until the butter and crumbs combine perfectly. I added 100 g of oil, but I advise you to take 150 so that the base sticks better.

Take a flat plate, place a ring from a springform pan on it (mine is 22 cm), dump out the crumbs and compact them well using a potato masher. By the way, it is better to place the ring with the bottom facing up, so it will be more convenient to remove the form.

Place cottage cheese in a bowl, add strawberry yogurt and 150 g of sugar.

Beat the mixture with an immersion blender until smooth.

Wash the strawberries, remove the stems and cut into 2-4 parts, depending on the size of the berries.

Beat cream with sugar (100 g) until fluffy. Before whipping, be sure to cool the bowl in which the cream will be placed in the refrigerator or freezer. Add cream to the curd-yogurt mixture. Mix carefully with a spatula.

Squeeze the gelatin from excess water, place in a ladle and heat until dissolved, but do not boil. It is better to create this in a water bath. Let the jelly mass cool and carefully add it to the curd mixture. Also add half the strawberries and stir.

Place some of the strawberries on the cookies in a circle, pour the curd filling into the mold. To design the top, choose a beautiful strawberry, cut it into slices and place it on the surface. Place the cake in the refrigerator for 3-4 hours.

After a while, use a sharp knife to walk along the edge of the mold and remove the ring.

Curd cake with strawberries turns out very beautiful and most importantly – delicious!

Curd cake with strawberries

Curd cake with strawberries is a juicy, soft and fragrant dessert with a pleasant creamy berry taste. It is prepared quite quickly and simply, the curd cakes turn out tender and airy. It’s hard to give up such sweetness. Instead of strawberries, you can use fresh raspberries.

How to make cottage cheese cake with strawberries

  • Separate the whites from the yolks.
  • Combine softened butter with yolks and sugar.
  • Mix everything well until smooth.
  • Add cottage cheese, semolina and baking powder, knead very well.
  • Beat the whites with a pinch of salt into a stiff foam and add to the dough, mix carefully.

It’s a good day. The cake will turn out a little dry and I didn’t see any special tenderness. Naturally, the cream did little to improve the situation... but to be honest, I expected more. Maybe, of course, I did something wrong??

The cake came out very tasty, everyone really liked it :) the recipe is just what you need, nothing too languid. You can’t drag my son away from the cake by the ears. :)

What kind of cream should I use?

Everything turned out unsurpassed! Delicious and simple! Thanks for the recipe!

I get a little thick cakes, let's see what happens... I hope for the best)))))))))))

Tell me, what kind of cottage cheese should I use and what kind of cream?

And if you create it with blackberries, will it work?

No. There are no trifles here.

I’m 10, hello! I made your cake with my mother and my mother really liked it, thank you!

Zara, get your hands out of your ass

And I had a lot of semolina, I can feel it, although I took even less than according to the recipe! And for the first time, strawberry cake is super!

The recipe does not indicate the percentage of fat content of cottage cheese and cream. It didn’t work out for me either, but I think it was due to the fact that there was fat cottage cheese (9) and not fat cream (20).

I used your recipe - a beautiful cheesecake with strawberries - my children are simply in ecstasy. To tell the truth, it didn’t turn out well the first time - the shortcakes didn’t rise well - it was my own fault - I opened the oven too early. But at the moment it comes out so tender that when you eat it, it just melts in your mouth.

sdelala tort, no u menya korzhi prilipli k formochke, ne poymu pochemu..mozhet ya chtoto ne tak v obshem u menya ne poluchilos...vse razvalilos, no oooooochen vkusnoe testo poluchilos, zhal chto ne poluchilsya tort..(((

Zara, I can’t say what the reason is. I lined the bottom of the mold with parchment and greased the sides with butter. I have a removable form, and I just took the shortcakes out of it.

Class. Doesn't it come out dry?

No, the shortcakes are very tender (they are flourless) and the cake comes out quite juicy.

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