homemade noodles

homemade noodles

Sunday, September 18, 2016

The most delicious egg noodles can be prepared at home without any problems - if only you have the desire and the ingredients are at hand. If you have never made homemade noodles, I assure you that even novice housewives will succeed. Follow the instructions correctly and delight your family with a brand new dish - they will literally appreciate your efforts.

This recipe is suitable for those cooks who do not have a special machine for rolling out dough. And if you have a similar accessory, all that remains is to create the dough. Egg noodles prepared in this way can be stored for quite a long time in an airtight bag, but to do this, they must be rolled into portioned nests and allowed to dry completely. If you don’t dry the dough completely, later the noodles in the bag or container will simply become moldy.

The indicated amount of ingredients used yields about 650 grams of homemade noodles. It can be boiled in salted water and served as a side dish for meat or poultry. In a fragrant meat or vegetable broth, homemade noodles will become a complete first course - just serve them with a boiled egg and fresh herbs.


Making a dish step by step:

To make egg noodles at home, we take wheat flour (I use the highest grade), the freshest medium-sized chicken eggs (45-50 grams each), ordinary drinking water and salt.

You can knead the noodle dough either on the table or in a large bowl. Sift 400 grams of wheat flour into a bowl (or directly onto the desktop) (we leave 50 grams for dusting).

Make a hole in the center and break three chicken eggs into it. Depending on the richness of the yolk color, the color of the finished homemade noodles will vary. For example, I have homemade eggs, which is why the noodles come out with an appetizing yellowish color.

Mix everything so that the eggs are partially combined with the flour. The most convenient way to do this is with a fork, but you can also do it directly with your hands - whichever is best for you.

Now dissolve 1 teaspoon of salt in 80 milliliters of cool drinking water. It is better to use a fine grind (it will dissolve faster), but this is not important.

Pour salted water into the flour and egg mixture.

We begin to knead the dough with our hands - not for too long, until the flour is completely moistened. It comes out dense, elastic and lumpy - that’s how it should be. Depending on the moisture content of the flour, you may need a little more or less - look at the mixture of the kolobok.

Gather the dough into a ball. You see how the dough did not turn out smooth and tender. But never mind, time will do its work.

Cover the ball with a bowl or tie it in a bag (so as not to get airy and crusty) and leave at room temperature for 30-40 minutes.

After the allotted time, you won't recognize your homemade noodle dough. We knead it for a few minutes - the cone becomes smooth, uniform and even more tender. But don’t forget that the noodle dough doesn’t have to be very soft - the texture is similar to dumpling dough, only the tightest.

It's time to create homemade noodles yourself. To do this, we will need to roll out the dough into a thin, thin layer. Because working with a large layer is not particularly comfortable, I advise you to cut the bun into 3-4 parts.

By the way, we still have some wheat flour left. Sprinkle the work surface quite generously and flatten one piece of dough on it (we cover the others from airing).

Using a rolling pin, roll out the dough into a narrow layer, no more than 1-1.5 mm wide. Don’t forget to dust the dough and rolling pin with flour to prevent it from sticking.

Place the finished layer of dough on a towel or baking paper so that it dries out a little. Almost until you roll out other pieces of dough - about 15 minutes. Why is it necessary to dry the layers? The fact is that freshly rolled out dough will stick together when cut out, but not when dried.

Now we roll the slightly dried layer of dough into a fairly dense roll - I cut off the edge so that you can see how dense it is.

All that remains is to cut the roll with a sharp knife into circles like these. Depending on the thickness of the rolls, you will get homemade noodles (5-10 mm) or even almost spaghetti if you cut it very, very thin. In addition, when cutting thinly at an angle, you can get a spider web vermicelli.

So we cut all the dough, and untangle the pucks with our hands and shake them, rolling them in flour. Be sure to shake off any excess. Ready homemade noodles can be stored for quite a long time in an airtight bag, but to do this, they must be rolled into portioned nests and allowed to dry completely. If you don’t dry the dough completely, later the noodles in the bag or container will simply become moldy.

I hope you will definitely need this regular egg noodle recipe and you will delight your family with a delicious first or second course.

How to cook homemade noodles? Simpler than usual: bring salted water or meat (vegetable) broth to a boil, add noodles and cook until tender (approximately 5-7 minutes after surfacing - for dry noodles). Freshly prepared homemade noodles, in other words not dried, are cooked for almost a few minutes. Bon appetit, my dears!

How to knead dough for homemade noodles

You can create homemade noodles with your own hands using two methods: manually and using a special machine. We will now look at both of these methods extremely carefully, step by step, with photos. There will be dough recipes, development of rolling and cutting. You will have a choice which option to take for yourself. And what to cook with it - chicken soup, lagman or just boil it as a side dish, you will decide later. The main thing is that there are noodles!

General principles and rules for making noodles at home

  1. Because all flour is different, the gluten in it is different, it can be dry or moistened, so the quantity can vary. Be guided by the amount indicated in the list of ingredients, but add less at first, then add later when kneading the dough to bring it to a suitable thickness.
  2. The properties of the finished homemade pasta depend on the properties of the dough. That's why it kneads extremely well. This is work. But it’s impossible without him.
  3. When you work with one rolled out layer, you must cover the others so that they do not dry out. Overdried dough will not make noodles; they will crumble.
  4. The finished noodles must be dried. You can dry it naturally by laying it out on a baking sheet for 5-7 hours. If you need it quickly, then dry it in the oven at a temperature of 50-60C for 30-40 minutes and with the door ajar.
  5. You can store it in a glass jar with a screw-on lid, but make sure that the paste is not packed tightly into it. You can use a box of breakfast cereals, etc. for this purpose. Perfectly dried, it can be stored for several months. But usually not many people cook it in such quantities.
  6. It is necessary to cook for 5-10 minutes, depending on its size. In the soup - no more than 5 minutes, but then you need to let it brew.
  7. To prevent the soup from turning out cloudy, the noodles must be cooked separately until the mixture is “al dente” (for a tooth, it’s not enough to cook too much) and put into the soup ready-made.
  8. If you need a recipe without eggs, then you can simply remove them from all the recipes we offer below, replacing them with a small additional amount of water. And so that the finished products have a beautiful yellowish color, which is usually assigned to eggs, add a pinch of turmeric to the dough.
  9. Colored paste can be tinted with natural dyes. Greenish color will come from spinach, reddish color from beets, yellowish color from turmeric, pink color from paprika.
Read also:  Dumplings with meat

Homemade noodles recipe with photos step by step


  • flour - 160g;
  • water - 2 tbsp;
  • sunflower oil - 1 tbsp;
  • salt - 1 tsp.

How to make homemade noodles:

  1. It is better to work directly on the countertop. Therefore, we wipe it well, dry it and get started. Sift the flour into a slide.
  2. We make a depression in the center, like a volcano crater, and break an egg into it. Add salt and oil.
  3. Use your hands to scoop up the flour from the edges of the mound and knead the dough. It will be extremely steep, but it is necessary, so you have to try. Knead it for a long time, at least 20-30 minutes.
  4. Place the purchased lump in a plastic bag or wrap it in cling film and leave for half an hour.
  5. After this time, take it out of the bag and divide it in half.
  6. Roll out each of the two halves extremely thinly with a rolling pin. During the rolling process, dust the table with flour so that the layer does not stick.
  7. Give the rolled out layers 7 minutes to sit and dry. But no more, so as not to dry out!
  8. Now let's talk about the tenderloin. You can quickly create this manually using 2 methods. First one.
  9. Roll the layer into a roll.
  10. And cut it crosswise with a sharp knife into pieces, any of which, when untwisted, will turn into noodles. If you need the smallest noodles, then first cut the roll in half lengthwise and only later cut it across.
  11. The 2nd cutting method is suitable for making long noodles. Fold the dough layer in half, and then fold it again like a triangle into a pancake.
  12. And then cut the triangle crosswise.
  13. Then we dry the noodles and either use them immediately for their intended purpose, or fold them for storage.

Wide homemade noodles


  • wheat flour - 200g;
  • eggs - 2 pcs;
  • salt - 0.5 tsp;
  • vegetable oil - 1 tbsp.

How to properly cook homemade noodles:

  1. The manufacturing principle is completely similar to the previous recipe, just look at the step-by-step photos: pour flour on the table, make a depression, break eggs into it, pour salt, pour oil.
  2. Knead, mix well, roll into a ball, wrap in film and let rest.
  3. Then we roll out our lump into one narrow layer, adding flour. The thickness of the dough should not exceed 2 mm. Let it dry, not for long.
  4. Then, using a narrow, sharp knife, cut into long ribbons. Choose the width yourself.

These noodles are good for Bolognese pasta, lagman, wok, as a side dish for meat dishes.

Homemade noodle dough for noodle cutter


  • flour - 2 and 1/4 cups *;
  • eggs - 3 pcs.

* glass with a capacity of 200 ml.

How to cook egg noodles using a noodle cutter:

  1. I used a food processor for cooking, but in its absence you can, of course, use your hands. Pour flour into the bowl of a food processor and break the eggs.
  2. Turn it on and let it mix everything. The dough is extremely tough, so the food processor had difficulty coping with it. But because you will use a noodle cutter for rolling, you don’t need to knead until it’s perfectly smooth and homogeneous.
  3. We put everything from the processor on the table, crush it into a ball, which we divide into several parts.
  4. Roll out each one a little with a rolling pin. We’ll practically give it the shape of a rectangle and that’s it.
  5. We set the noodle cutter rollers to the largest gap between them. Skip the dough for the first time.
  6. Roll the rolled out layer into three layers. Again we roll through the rollers with the largest gap. We roll up and roll again. This happens only 9 times. The result is an elastic dough of excellent quality.
  7. Now, in order to roll out the dough to a thickness that suits us, we will again pass it through the noodle cutter, but we will reduce the gap evenly. For wide noodles we end at 3 mm, for narrow noodles at 1 mm.
  8. While we are changing the rollers for knives, the dough should dry out. If this is not done, then when cutting the noodles will stick together.
  9. My noodle cutter has two knives - for wide noodles and for narrow ones.
  10. When cutting, place a baking sheet or tray with flour under the accessory so that the chopped noodles fall onto it. We determine the length ourselves by previously cutting the rolled out dough into sheets of suitable length.

DIY farfalle pasta (bows)


  • flour - 450-540g;
  • eggs - 2 pcs;
  • water - 3 tbsp;
  • vegetable oil - 1 tbsp;
  • dry ground paprika - 1 tsp.

Manufacturing process:

  1. Break the eggs into a bowl.
  2. Add water, paprika and salt there. Mix.
  3. Pour in vegetable oil.
  4. Pour flour into the mixture in parts until you get the right consistency. Mix well with all this. As a result, we should get a thick, elastic, non-sticky dough.
  5. Place in a bag and leave for 30 minutes.
  6. After half an hour, divide the ball into several parts, roll each one out thinly. Before cutting, leave for 10 minutes so that it dries a little, but no more.
  7. We cut into diamonds, as in the photo below.
  8. Then we squeeze any diamond in the middle with our fingers and get a bow.
  9. Finished bows must be dried. This will take 5-6 hours.

They can be stored in a tightly closed jar and cooked as a side dish for meat, poultry, etc.

Homemade pasta with herbs and olives


  • flour - 200-250g;
  • egg - 1 piece;
  • water - 2 tbsp;
  • herbal olive oil - 1 tbsp;
  • olives - 6-7 pcs;
  • salt - 0.5 tsp.

How to create Italian pasta:

  1. Make a well in the flour piled on the table, add salt and break the egg.
  2. Finely chop the olives with a knife or grind them with a blender.
  3. Add olives and butter to the flour with eggs. Knead, adding flour. Herbal butter can be prepared independently. To do this, just put sprigs of rosemary or thyme in a bottle of oil.
  4. Knead until we get a soft plastic dough.
  5. Cover with film and let rest until the gluten in the flour begins to open.
  6. Then we cut it into several parts.
  7. Roll out each one thinly, to a thickness of no more than 2 mm.
  8. Cut with a knife into long strips 1 centimeter wide.
  9. Dry the finished pasta for at least 6 hours so that when cooked it retains its shape and does not swell.
Read also:  Dumplings with kefir dough

Have you ever seen how Chinese noodles are prepared? It’s almost like a miracle: in our hands we see a lump of dough, a few seconds and it turns into the thinnest long threads. In general, watch the video.

So how? So many recipes with photos. I think now you will definitely be able to create homemade noodles without the help of others.

homemade noodles

Mushroom soup with homemade noodles

Many years ago I tried this excellent soup in a station restaurant in the town of Ivano-Frankivsk. I loved the soup so much that I have been preparing it for my own family for over 40 years. One of the advantages of mushroom soup specifically with the noodles given to us is that the soup can be eaten during Lent. Light in everything, fragrant and satisfying, and most importantly – extremely tasty!

Homemade noodles in a pot

Homemade noodles, what could be simpler? My mother only made homemade noodles using homemade chicken and homemade noodles. How much I hated participating in the making of the noodles given to us. It was simply prepared on an industrial scale; if you remember the noodles that were sold in stores, it’s clear why. At the moment everything is simple, there are so many assistants in the kitchen that it takes almost minutes. The recipe is simple, savory, extremely satisfying with a twist. Perfect for Sunday lunch.

Homemade chicken noodles “Auntie’s recipe”

My aunt shared this dish with me. I will not claim that it belongs to any state kitchen. Everyone who tried this dish from me asked for more, and later for the recipe))) The family also loves it extremely much. Do not judge strictly)))

Homemade noodles

Naturally, any housewife understands that the thinner the noodles, the more skillful the housewife. And every housewife has her own secrets for making tasty and thin homemade noodles, but maybe young housewives will need my method.

Homemade noodles with poultry

Homemade noodles do not tolerate excesses; they must be prepared from poultry raised on “free bread”, in village conditions or in a homestead, it can be from wild birds, partridges or pigeons. With all this, the broth will have a pleasant golden fat and a unique smell.

Colorful homemade noodles

There are many recipes for making homemade noodles, but I suggest making them more fun. I didn’t invent it myself, the recipe is from an old magazine “Burda Moden”.

Homemade noodles “Chiki-chiki pucci-pucci”

Homemade noodles should not be chicken or dairy. It can take different forms and have different flavors. Now we will not only boil the noodles, but also bake them in a small amount with reddish onions, spinach and mushrooms.

homemade noodles

For me, noodles are, above all, an extremely tasty, rich soup made from homemade chicken broth. It is transparent, fragrant, pleasant yellow in color with carrots, onions, spices and, of course, noodles. The noodles in such a soup must be homemade and properly prepared: they are not overcooked, tasty, warm and wonderful!

homemade noodles

Tagliatelle fattein casa. A very common recipe for lovers of homemade noodles. My son eats an incredible amount just with butter. Well, for gourmets, I’ll post a recipe later with this delicious noodles for us.

Homemade noodles with meat sauce

Delicious homemade noodles will please everyone.

Homemade noodles . Homemade noodles always taste better than store-bought ones. Although in order to prepare it, the housewife should make some effort.

Homemade noodles are made from unleavened dough mixed with flour, eggs or their yolks, a small amount of water and a pinch of salt.

To prepare good homemade noodles, you should carefully knead the dough for it. Let him sit on the kitchen table for a little while. Then pieces are separated from the dough and rolled out with a rolling pin as thin as possible. To prevent the dough from sticking to the table, it should be dusted with flour.

When the dough is rolled out, it is sprinkled with flour again, then rolled into a tube (roll) and cut lengthwise as thin as possible. Then the chopped noodles are taken apart by hand and left on the kitchen table, sprinkled with flour, or on a baking sheet to dry slightly before boiling.

Chicken noodle soup is made from homemade noodles, and you can also use it to prepare such a tasty and juicy second course as lagman. Homemade noodles can be boiled in salted water as a side dish for meat or fish dishes.

From time to time, housewives prepare homemade noodles for future use, painstakingly drying them after cutting, occasionally turning them over on a baking sheet, then putting them in canvas bags and storing them in the cupboard, in kitchen cabinets for the next use of noodles in food preparation. But, homemade noodles should not be stored for a very long time because they are not designed for long-term storage.

Homemade noodles can be prepared from independently kneaded dough using a special mechanical or electronic noodle making machine. Such a machine is capable of thinly rolling out the dough, then also thinly cutting it into noodles. Using similar devices, you can quickly prepare a huge amount of homemade noodles.

Homemade noodle recipe

Homemade noodles are very tasty; the recipe for making them includes eggs, vegetable broth, and various seasonings. For example, the traditional store-bought version is prepared only with flour and water. The dough for homemade noodles must be thick and elastic. Therefore, to knead it you will have to make physical efforts. But the result is worth a little effort.

It’s better to cook noodles in advance so that you can get the required amount as needed and add it to your favorite dish. This semi-finished product is stored in a dark place at room temperature. It is better to use an enamel pan or a glass jar with a wide mouth. It is important to take such dishes so that you can comfortably remove the noodles without damaging them! There is no need to cover the container with a lid. It is important that there is access to air in the noodles, otherwise they will become damp.

Read also:  Mushroom soup from boletus recipe

How to cook homemade noodles: subtleties and secrets

Making a delicious product begins with the right choice of ingredients. Depending on the recipe, the paste contains flour, water, eggs, and butter. Flour is the main component. It must be softly ground, in other words, without the inclusion of hard particles. In this case, you will be able to knead an elastic dough. Although some recipes recommend combining soft and coarse flour. The result is a product enriched with proteins.

Subtleties and secrets of making pasta dough

Subtleties and secrets of making pasta dough:

· You can include a whole egg or just the yolk in the recipe.
In the first case, you won't have to add water! When using yolk, the dough will be the most yellowish, but you will have to include little water; · Vegetable oil.
High-quality olive oil will bring out the subtle flavors of the noodles. But if the pasta is served with dressings, then you can avoid including oil in the recipe; · After kneading, the dough must be sent to the refrigerator, wrapped in cling film.
But it is necessary to work with it after it has reached room temperature, otherwise it will not be easy to work with; · The dough dries out extremely quickly.
Therefore, if you have prepared it in large quantities, you should divide it into parts. While you are working with one part, the rest should be covered with a damp towel or placed in a plastic bag; · Wheat, buckwheat, and rice flour can be used to make pasta. Some options even add starch! Regardless of the ingredients used, the principle of manufacturing the product is always the same.

Homemade Mongolian noodles: dough recipe

Mongolian homemade noodles come out extremely fragrant and indescribably tender. In the traditional sense, it is served in the form of a soup made from rich chicken broth and vegetables. Despite the fact that the dough is kneaded by hand, special machines can be used to cut it. In this case, the noodles will be smooth and neat, reminiscent of a store-bought product. If you want to emphasize that the pasta was prepared independently, then it is better to cut it with an ordinary knife.


· Chicken egg – 2 pieces;
· Salt – a pinch;
· Flour –200 gr. Plus, you will need to take a little more to roll out the dough.

Homemade Mongolian noodles: dough recipe

Manufacturing method:

  1. Sift the flour into a wide cup and make a well in the middle of the resulting mound;
  2. Beat the eggs into the hole and add a pinch of salt;
  3. Knead the stiff dough. The process takes about 15 minutes;
  4. Roll the base into a ball, wrap it in cellophane and put it in the refrigerator for half an hour;
  5. We take out the dough, keep it at room temperature and knead it a little;
  6. We divide the base into two parts;
  7. Roll each one extremely thin, until transparent;
  8. Place the base on a waffle towel and let dry;
  9. As the edges begin to dry, place the base on a cutting board and cut long strips 4-5 mm wide;
  10. Place the resulting noodles on baking paper and dry, shaking occasionally;
  11. How true it takes half a day to dry. But it all depends on the air temperature and humidity in the room;
  12. The purchased product can be used for making dishes or stored in a kitchen cabinet.

It is important not to overdry the noodles, because in this case they will turn out brittle. If you do not dry the noodles completely, they will become moldy during storage. Therefore, it is worth transferring the product with paper, which will absorb excess water and provide air access to the paste.

Homemade Chinese noodles: dough recipe with photos step by step

Chinese noodles are very loved and popular among gourmets from all over the world. She no longer became exotic. Therefore, you can prepare it at home. Everyone understands that the Chinese cannot live without rice, which is served with any meal. That’s why noodles are made using rice flour.

Unlike the previous product, Chinese noodles are made as narrow as possible. Its composition may vary. The Chinese often include starch, corn flour and corn oil.


· Rice flour – 4 cups;
· Corn starch – 4 tablespoons;
· Chicken egg – 1 piece;
· Salt – 1 teaspoon;
· Water – 1 glass;
· Soda with water – 1 teaspoon. Soda must be added to the recipe to make the dough more elastic. It starts the process of starch hydration. Therefore, the product holds water better.

Homemade Chinese noodles: dough recipe with photos step by step

Manufacturing method:

  1. Beat eggs with salt until shiny;
  2. Sift the flour into a bowl and mix with the remaining consistency ingredients;
  3. Knead the dense dough, let it brew for 20 minutes;
  4. Roll out the layer extremely thin and place it on a layer of starch, sprinkle more starch on top;
  5. Roll the dough into a roll and cut into pieces of suitable width. Roll each part in starch to prevent sticking.

How to cook noodles from buckwheat flour?

Buckwheat noodles are extremely popular in Japanese cuisine. Naturally, it can also be purchased in a hypermarket. But the cost of the product is quite high. Therefore, to save your home budget, you can prepare a tasty dish without the help of others.

The calorie content of buckwheat noodles is quite high. At the same time, the product is extremely beneficial for the body. Buckwheat noodles are virtually fat-free and contain many minerals and vitamins. It mixes perfectly with fresh and stewed vegetables, which will reduce the overall calorie content of the finished dish.


· Buckwheat flour – 500 gr;
· Wheat flour – 250 gr;
· Burning water – 200 ml.

Buckwheat flour: step-by-step recipe with photos

Manufacturing method:

  1. Sift both types of flour into a bowl and mix thoroughly;
  2. Pour 100 ml of hot water into the flour and start kneading the dough;
  3. At first the base will be extremely fragile and will begin to crumble, but keep stirring and the dough will become evenly elastic and springy;
  4. After the dough becomes pliable to work with, add more water and knead thoroughly;
  5. Roll out the dough thinly and cut it into thin strips;
  6. Rice noodles are prepared in the same way. Only buckwheat flour should be replaced with rice flour.

As you can already see, the recipe for making homemade noodles is quite simple. The only difficulty lies in kneading the elastic dough. Try to cook several options and choose the product that seems more exciting to you.

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