Sweet and unsweetened dietary cottage cheese casserole for beauty and health

Sweet and unsweetened dietary cottage cheese casserole for beauty and health

Greetings, fighters with kilograms and centimeters. We are back in the kitchen, at the forefront of the problem “What should I eat to lose weight?”

Now my guest is the well-deserved heroine of all low-calorie menus - dietary cottage cheese casserole.

I started the topic of using cottage cheese in diets in the article Does cottage cheese work for weight loss: the secrets of a popular product. For those who haven't read it, I recommend it. For now let's continue...

Traditional cottage cheese casserole

Once upon a time, in kindergarten and school age, we all ate cottage cheese casserole with sour cream. Of all the school lunches, this is the one I remember most fondly. What can I say about pasta, cutlets and soups? .

Traditional cottage cheese casserole consists of cottage cheese, flour, eggs and sugar. You have already seen this set of products in my article about dietary cheesecakes.

Yes, cottage cheese casserole is the sister of cheesecakes and the grandmother of all cottage cheese cakes from the article How to eat a cake and lose weight: the secrets of dietary baking with cottage cheese . These awards of hers encouraged me to continue the conversation about dietary products with cottage cheese.

Let's start preparing a traditional cottage cheese casserole.


  • Cottage cheese -500 g;
  • eggs - 3 pcs;
  • flour - 150 g;
  • sugar - 50 g;
  • vanilla sugar - 1 sachet (11 g);
  • sunflower oil - 10 ml. (to lubricate the mold).


Grind cottage cheese with sugar and eggs. It is better to create this with a blender or masher so that there are no hard lumps left.

Add flour and mix well. Grease the mold with sunflower oil and sprinkle with flour. Shake out excess flour from the pan.

Using a spoon, carefully spoon the curd mixture into the pan. Smooth the surface with a spoon or spatula.

It is possible, but not obligatory, to grease the surface of the product with sour cream to form a golden brown crust.

Bake in the oven at 180 degrees for approximately 20-35 minutes.

The baking time varies so much because it depends on the height of the contents in the pan. If the initial height is 2 cm, then 20 minutes.

If the mold is small and the initial height of the raw dough is 4 cm, then you need to bake for at least 35 minutes.

A height of more than 5 cm should not be created. Better take two forms. Otherwise, the inside of the dish will not be baked, and the outside crust will be very black, with a bitter aftertaste.

If there is no other form, then you will have to reduce the baking temperature and increase the time.

After baking, the finished product must be allowed to cool slightly. Then turn the casserole out of the pan onto a plate. The finished casserole should not be cut immediately so that the knife does not stick.

The dish can be eaten either warm or cold.

Diet casserole in the microwave

Casserole, unlike cheesecakes, is already a dietary dish. Cheese pancakes are fried, and casserole is therefore called baked in the oven.

Modern baking options - in the oven or slow cooker. But diet lovers make curd masterpieces even in the microwave. I advise you to watch the video: Fast, simple, dietary!

Tips for reducing the calorie content of cottage cheese baked goods

In order to make the casserole more dietary, you can create several actions that reduce the calorie content of the main ingredients.

  1. Reduce the number of eggs or give them up completely. You can add airiness to the dish by adding slaked soda to the dough. It is not necessary to bind the ingredients together with an egg in the baking dough, because the production takes place in a mold.
  2. Baking dough can be quite watery, so even the cottage cheese itself can be partly replaced with another fermented milk product - kefir or yogurt. The number of calories will decrease, but the shape and taste will change.
  3. You can replace the wheat flour with whole grain or oatmeal flour. Often flour in a recipe is replaced with semolina. The finished baked goods become the most crumbly with a delicate texture. But the calorie content of semolina is almost the same as wheat flour. In this case, the amount of semolina must be less than the amount of flour. Not suitable for weight loss.
  4. For a dietary casserole, it is better to give up sugar. You can add sweetness to the dish by adding dried fruits to the dough.
  5. If you use the freshest fruits and vegetables rather than dried fruits, the calorie content of the entire dish will be low.

Sweet curd pastries

To vary the taste of a regular casserole, add sweet ingredients to the finished dough instead of sugar.

  • Dried fruits. For example, raisins, dried apricots, prunes, figs, any dry berries, pitted cherries. Dried fruits can be mixed with the dough sparingly, or they can be laid out in a separate layer between the curd layers.
  • Fruits and berries . For example, apples, plums, peaches, apricots, cherries, oranges and other fresh, frozen or canned fruits (berries). It is better to cut the fruits into thin slices or small cubes. The finished product will be dressed up. If you prepare puree, the baked goods will have a uniform texture.
  • Confiture , marmalade, jam, preserves. These sweet ingredients make cottage cheese baked goods cute for children, but are not at all suitable for dietary nutrition.

I myself love dark currant casserole. Sourish taste, beautiful color and smell. And my mom likes it better with apples.

Unsweetened curd pastries

Feeding a baby cottage cheese or carrots is quite difficult. This is probably why carrot casserole with cottage cheese is still the most unpopular. Although from a dietary point of view, it is the most necessary.

Curd and carrot casserole can be either sweet or savory. A savory casserole with the addition of new vegetables and herbs can be a good second course.

Vegetables for unsweetened cottage cheese baking can be used finely chopped raw or stewed in advance.

Apart from carrots, pumpkin, zucchini, zucchini, tomato, cauliflower and broccoli mix well with cottage cheese.

The mixture is prepared from cottage cheese, eggs and flour (semolina) without sugar. Add salt. but we won't. You can also chop greens: dill, parsley.

The vegetables in the casserole preparation can be mixed and later placed in the pan. You can do it differently: put the curd mass and a layer of vegetables into the mold in layers.

There is another curd mass on top. To obtain an appetizing crust, from time to time the top of the dish is sprinkled with grated cheese. This will literally add calories, but it looks very tasty.

Unusual recipe

I was just finishing work on the article when they sent me a unique recipe for a casserole without flour or semolina, without eggs or sugar, with bananas.

For a pack of cottage cheese (250 g) take three overripe bananas and half a glass of crushed oatmeal.

Bananas are pureed in a blender and mixed with oatmeal. Cottage cheese is added to the consistency and again thoroughly beaten.

The mixture must stand at room temperature for about 20 minutes for the flakes to swell. Later, quench a quarter teaspoon of baking soda with lemon juice and mix with the curd mass. Place in a greased pan and bake for 30-35 minutes at 180 degrees.

I cooked it and tried it. Delicious, fragrant. I didn’t and don’t count calories. On the one hand, we remove flour, eggs and sugar completely.

On the other hand, three bananas - nutritionists may be against it, they say there is a lot of sugar, high in calories. But I don't think so. It is a product of nature.

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Banana pulp contains a huge amount of useful substances: beta-carotene, pectin, vitamins (a group of low-molecular organic compounds of relatively simple structure and diverse chemical nature) B1, B2, B6, C, PP, also potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, fluorine , phosphorus and sodium, fructose and fiber. Look at the monkeys who eat bananas all their lives - are they fat?!

How do you think? Can this recipe be called dietary? I'm waiting for your explanations.

5 recipes for dietary cottage cheese casserole without flour

The benefits of cottage cheese casserole

Dietary cottage cheese casserole without flour is one of the most necessary. It is perfect for both children and people with digestive problems. This dish will become an irreplaceable item on the menu of a person suffering from hepatitis, because, in fact, it is a very light dietary dish. Low-calorie cottage cheese casserole is also good for those who adhere to the Kremlin diet (Diet is a set of rules for human consumption of food) .

One title - cottage cheese casserole takes us back to distant childhood; this is a dish that should definitely be returned to your diet.

Dietary cottage cheese casserole can serve as an independent dish or as a light dessert.

Diet casserole recipes:

All recipes are easy to make and do not require any special time or money, nor any culinary skills. The ingredients are ordinary: cottage cheese, eggs, drink and raisins. All! In order to vary the dish, some add prunes and dried apricots to it.

The calorie content of cottage cheese casserole is very low - only 90 Kcal per 100g.

As is clear, dietary cottage cheese casserole plays an important role in the development of the child’s body. Cottage cheese is rich in calcium, protein and is one of the best products in terms of its nutritional properties, and raisins are a storehouse of mineral salts, vitamins and organic acids. Therefore, this is an ideal recipe for little children under the age of even one year.

Options for making dietary cottage cheese casserole

Nowadays, a huge number of recipes are used for making cottage cheese casseroles without flour. But the main ingredients are usually similar for everyone: cottage cheese, eggs. By the way, when making this dish, you can add to the dough not only fruits, which have become classic for cottage cheese casserole, but also vegetables, first of all pumpkin.

To make a low-calorie cottage cheese casserole you will need:

  • 2 testicles,
  • 250 g cottage cheese,
  • 2 tablespoons low-fat kefir,
  • 2 teaspoons sugar (or to taste)
  • a handful of raisins.

Beat the eggs, mix 250 g of cottage cheese with 2 tablespoons of kefir. Then combine the two masses into one and add sugar and raisins. You can also use apple, prunes or dried apricots.

Place the curd mixture into a greased pan and place in the oven for 30-40 minutes. This casserole can be prepared very simply in a double boiler. To do this, make sure that the kit includes a special bowl for rice, casseroles and other watery goods.

Recipe for dietary cottage cheese casserole in a slow cooker

    Low-fat cottage cheese (3 packs

600 grams)

  • Snow-white yogurt / sour cream 15%
  • 1 testicle
  • Sweetener / fructose (to taste)
  • Semolina (5 tablespoons)
  • Fruits/berries (to taste)
  • Mash the cottage cheese well with a fork or using a blender. Add an egg, yogurt or sour cream (

    4 tablespoons), sweetener/fructose (

    5 tablespoons), semolina (

    4-6 tablespoons), and mix thoroughly. You can add any fruits or berries to taste, but remember that because of them, the cottage cheese casserole may turn out to be liquid and not dense, because fruits and berries give up a lot of water.

    After kneading a homogeneous dough, you need to put it in a bowl. Dietary cottage cheese casserole in a multicooker turns out very well in the baking mode. Lightly grease the multicooker bowl with oil so that the casserole does not burn, and spread the dough sparingly. Close the lid, turn on the baking mode for 50 minutes, and go about your business.

    Dietary cottage cheese casserole with pumpkin

    • pumpkin pulp - 300-400 g
    • cottage cheese - 200 g
    • eggs - 3 pcs
    • apple 1 piece
    • sugar (can be without it) - up to 0.5 cups,
    • raisins - a handful,
    • salt - a pinch,
    • a bag of vanilla sugar, optional.

    And chop the pumpkin and apple or three of them on a large grater and add other ingredients to them. Add sugar to taste; when you add 0.5 cups, the casserole comes out quite sweet, so it’s important to take into account the sweetness of the pumpkin. Mix everything well until smooth. We put the resulting dough into a mold (mine is 19 cm in diameter) and bake in the oven at 180C for about 30 minutes. Let it cool slightly in the oven and later put it on a dish.

    Curd casserole with dried apricots and raisins

    • Low-fat cottage cheese – 500 g
    • Testicles – 4-5 pcs. (depending on size)
    • Sugar – 1 tbsp. (you can use its substitute)
    • Dried fruits or fruits - to taste
    • Soda - a pinch

    Beat the whites with sugar. Combine the yolks with mashed cottage cheese, a pinch of soda, steamed dried fruits or pieces of fruit. Stir the curd mass. Carefully combine the cottage cheese and egg whites, place in a greased pan and bake at 190-200 degrees for 25-30 minutes.

    Dietary cottage cheese casserole with cheese and herbs

    • Cottage cheese – 250 g
    • Testicles – 2 pcs.
    • Drink – 2 tbsp.
    • Soda – 0.5 tsp.
    • Low-calorie cheese – 100 g
    • Bran – 2 tbsp.
    • Chopped greens

    Beat the eggs in a bowl, add to the grated cottage cheese and stir well. Quench the soda in kefir, add to the curd mass along with bran, grated cheese and finely chopped herbs. Pour the resulting mass into a silicone mold. Bake the casserole at 180 degrees for 35-40 minutes. If you wish, you can add a cheese crust - to do this, 5 minutes before cooking, sprinkle the casserole with a small amount of grated cheese.

    Curd casserole with yogurt, pear and banana

    Since this recipe uses sweet fruits, sugar may not be added.

    • Low-fat cottage cheese – 250 g
    • Yogurt – 30 ml
    • Testicle
    • Banana
    • Pear

    Puree the banana. Combine it with cottage cheese, eggs and yogurt. Beat with a blender. Peel and core the pear, cut into cubes, and place in the curd mixture. Transfer the dough into a silicone mold (it must be lightly greased) or into an iron mold (grease it and sprinkle with breadcrumbs). Bake the casserole in the oven for 40 minutes at 180 degrees or in the microwave with a lid (it will take 5-6 minutes at 100% power). If cooking in the microwave, leave the dish in the microwave for another 10-15 minutes.

    Dietary cottage cheese casserole is loved for its speed of production and a huge number of options for experimentation. This dish requires a minimum of goods and only half an hour of time, which is a significant argument for busy housewives.

    In addition, low-calorie cottage cheese casserole is a dietary, very tender and tasty product that is ideal as a light dinner if you really want to enjoy it late in the evening without harming your figure. If you care about your own figure, then we recommend the Maggi curd diet.

    Dietary cottage cheese casserole in the oven - 5 recipes with photos step by step

    Cottage cheese casserole in the oven is one of the most necessary dietary dishes. Suitable for children, as it promotes the proper development of the child’s body. Cottage cheese contains a lot of calcium and protein; it is one of the best nutritional products. Adding raisins to it further increases the value of the product, enriching it with mineral salts, vitamins and organic acids. All this makes cottage cheese casserole an ideal dish for little children.

    Read also:  Curd triangles

    Simply eating cottage cheese in its natural form every day will get boring and not many people will like it. A delicious dietary casserole that is prepared quickly and simply, while still containing a small amount of calories, would be an excellent choice.

    Dietary cottage cheese casserole in the oven

    We present to your attention a recipe for making a tender and delicious dessert from cottage cheese, which does not use butter and flour at all and does not add sugar. The sweet taste is provided by adding berries to the casserole.

    Manufacturing time – 1 hour 15 minutes.


    Manufacturing process

    Your diet casserole is ready. Can be served. Bon appetit!

    Casserole with apples

    We offer you a quick and simple recipe for making this tasty dietary dish. We will cook it with the addition of apples. The calorie content of this casserole is very low.


    • Cottage cheese 1% fat – 250 g.
    • Chicken egg – 1 pc.
    • Apples – 2 pcs.
    • Low-fat drink – 3 tbsp. l.

    Manufacturing process:

    1. Place the indicated amount of cottage cheese in a bowl and add a chicken egg to it. Using a fork, mash the cottage cheese until smooth.
    2. Pour a low-fat drink into the purchased cottage cheese dough and stir it with the cottage cheese.
    3. Wash the apples, peel them, cut them into large slices and remove the core and seeds. Grate the apples on a coarse grater.
    4. Add the grated apples to the curd dough and stir.
    5. Place the dough in a baking dish.
    6. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees and bake your dish for 40 minutes.

    It turned out very tasty. Bon appetit!

    Dessert for health – casserole with pears

    Using this recipe, you can prepare a cottage cheese casserole with the addition of new pears to the dough. Pears will give the dish a special smell, taste, beautiful and appetizing appearance. Try to cook.


    • Pears – 5–6 pcs.
    • Cottage cheese – 500 g.
    • Sour cream – 3 tbsp. l.
    • Testicles – 2 pcs.
    • Vanilla sugar – 1/2 tsp.
    • Semolina – 5 tbsp. l.
    • Soda – 0.5 tsp.
    • Sugar – 3 tbsp. l.

    Manufacturing process:

    1. Wash the pears and chop them into medium slices, removing the core and seeds. We leave a few pieces for dessert decoration.
    2. Place the required amount of cottage cheese and sour cream in a deep container.
    3. Add sugar and baking soda to them and mix well.
    4. In a separate bowl, using a mixer or blender, beat the chicken eggs.
    5. Add the eggs to the cottage cheese and beat again with a mixer.
    6. Add semolina to the purchased curd dough and mix with a spoon.
    7. Add chopped pears to the dough.
    8. Sprinkle the dough with a little salt, add vanilla sugar, and according to your own taste, you can add a little cinnamon.
    9. Grease the baking dish with a small amount of vegetable oil.
    10. Place the curd dough in the mold and arrange the pear slices nicely on its surface.
    11. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees.
    12. Place the pan with the dough in the oven and bake the dish for 40 minutes.

    You have created a wonderful and very tasty casserole with pears. Enjoy your tea!

    A surefire casserole - cottage cheese and semolina!

    The main secret of this tasty dish is the use of semolina instead of flour in the production, which significantly reduces the calorie content of the dish without changing its taste. The recipe is easy.


    • Low fat cottage cheese – 0.5–0.6 kg.
    • Semolina – 5 tbsp. l.
    • Egg – 3 pcs.
    • Sugar – 3 tbsp. l.
    • Vanilla sugar – ½ tsp.
    • Low-fat sour cream or milk - 1/2 tbsp.
    • Raisins or candied fruits to taste.

    Manufacturing process:

    1. Place the cottage cheese in a bowl and mash with a fork until smooth, so that there are no lumps left.
    2. Break the eggs into the cottage cheese and mix everything well.
    3. Add the required amount of semolina to the cottage cheese.
    4. Gradually pour milk or low-fat sour cream into the dough and mix the dough again.
    5. Add sugar to the dough according to your taste.
    6. Add vanilla sugar and soaked and washed raisins or candied fruits to the curd dough.
    7. Grease the baking dish with a small amount of vegetable oil or butter.
    8. Place the purchased curd dough into the mold.
    9. Preheat the oven to 170 degrees.
    10. Place the mold with the dough in it for 45 minutes.

    Your cottage cheese casserole is ready. Can be served. Enjoy your tea!

    Nutritionist approved: cottage cheese and apricot casserole!

    We offer you a recipe for the most delicate airy curd dessert, a prerequisite for good taste is the use of high-quality and fresh cottage cheese and new apricots with almonds for the production.


    • Fresh apricots – 1 kg.
    • Low-fat cottage cheese – 0.5 kg.
    • Yogurt – 150 ml.
    • Sugar – 100 g.
    • Butter – 40 g.
    • Semolina – 3 tbsp. l.
    • Testicles – 3 pcs.
    • Zest of 1 lemon.
    • Baking powder – 2 tsp.
    • Salt – 1 pinch.
    • Coarsely ground almonds – 2 tsp.

    Manufacturing process:

    1. Pour boiling water over the freshest apricots, then cool water and remove the skin.
    2. Cut the apricots into medium pieces, removing the pit.
    3. Rub the cottage cheese for the casserole through a sieve and place in a deep container.
    4. Add butter to the cottage cheese, keeping it at room temperature to soften, add salt and sugar.
    5. Pour the required amount of natural yogurt into the cottage cheese.
    6. Grind the lemon zest and also add to the cottage cheese.
    7. In a separate small bowl, mix semolina and baking powder. Add chopped apricots and mix everything.
    8. Add the resulting mixture to the cottage cheese and mix gently.
    9. Grease a baking tray or other baking dish with vegetable oil and sprinkle the bottom with some chopped almonds.
    10. Place the curd-apricot dough in a mold and sprinkle the surface with almonds. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees and cook the casserole for 1 hour.
    11. Cool the finished casserole slightly, sprinkle with a small amount of sweet powder as desired and decorate perfectly with almond slices.

    Can be served. Bon appetit!

    Dietary recipes for cottage cheese casserole, traditional and noteworthy options for losing weight

    Diets (Diet is a set of rules for human consumption of food) are not a constantly unvaried diet. People who adhere to them can vary their diet with savory dishes. One of them is a dietary cottage cheese casserole. This fermented milk product is recommended both for weight loss diets and for nutrition for various diseases. This is a healthy, nutritious dish, and by properly preparing a casserole from it, you can also make it very tasty.

    Why is this dish useful in dietary nutrition?

    Cottage cheese is healthy, it is recommended to include it in the diet of children who are unhealthy with diseases of the digestive system. Those who want to lose weight should not give up this product either. You just need to choose a low-fat one. The main ingredient for a dietary cottage cheese casserole should have a fat content of 1 to 5%.

    The highlight of this dish is that the cottage cheese is exposed to low temperature, so all its beneficial characteristics are preserved. In addition, it turns out to be a tasty delicacy that even those who do not like fermented milk products like.

    Read also:  Yogurt cupcake

    What are the benefits of cottage cheese?

    This is a necessary dietary product. It contains a lot of easily digestible protein, which is immediately used in the construction of muscle tissue (the structure of tissues of living organisms is studied by the science of histology) and in cell regeneration. That is why it is so useful for gastritis, peptic ulcers, liver and gallbladder diseases. It contains a lot of lactic acid microbes that improve the functioning of the intestinal tract.

    Thanks to a large amount of B vitamins, also A, D and C, it is useful for strengthening the immune system, normalizing blood pressure, and improving the functioning of the heart and blood vessels. But it is especially valuable due to its high calcium content.

    The usefulness of casseroles

    The casserole is classified as a dietary dish because the calorie content when prepared according to the traditional recipe is only 90 kcal. If apples are added, it drops to 60 kcal, with pumpkin - 75 kcal. This dish is nutritious, but contains only 3% carbohydrates, so it can be consumed when losing weight. It quickly fills you up and helps you withstand dietary restrictions.

    How to properly prepare dietary cottage cheese casserole?

    The main ingredients of this dish are cottage cheese and eggs. Other ingredients are added depending on the recipe and personal preference. Most often, dietary casseroles are prepared in the oven on a baking sheet. But you can create it in a double boiler or slow cooker. This way it turns out to be even the most dietary, because you don’t need to use oil.

    How to choose ingredients?

    The main component of a low-calorie dietary cottage cheese casserole is low-fat cottage cheese. It is not recommended to take low-fat, because without fat calcium will not be absorbed and the product will lose its beneficial characteristics. Therefore, fat content must be chosen from 1 to 5%.

    It is better to take industrially produced cottage cheese, because homemade cottage cheese will be very fatty. The product must be grainy, crumbly, and homogeneous. It is not recommended to receive it in packs, pastes or curds.

    You can prepare a dietary cottage cheese casserole in the oven without flour, semolina and sour cream, then it will turn out to be the most low-calorie. Instead, use oatmeal and line the baking sheet with parchment paper. Sugar can be replaced with dried fruits, honey or stevia.

    Additionally, it is recommended to add fruit. Then the dish will turn out to be the most healthy and rich in vitamins. This dessert is perfect for breakfast or dinner. And if you cook it with vegetables and herbs, you get a nutritious lunch on a diet.

    Manufacturing principles

    There are several rules for making dietary cottage cheese casserole in the oven. Following them will help create the most delicious and healthy dish:

    • It is better to wipe or beat the cottage cheese;
    • eggs are absolutely necessary, but you can only use the white, you need to beat it as long as possible;
    • To make the dish fragrant, add vanillin;
    • if the cottage cheese is very dry, you can mix it with kefir or yogurt;
    • add fruits, berries, vegetables - this will make the dish the most low-calorie;
    • After switching off, do not immediately take it out, wait until it cools down;
    • must be served with jam, honey, jelly.

    Traditional recipe for dietary cottage cheese casserole in the oven

    It is usually made in the oven with semolina and raisins. For 0.5 kg of cottage cheese the following ingredients are needed:

    • 2 testicles;
    • 2 tbsp. l. semolina;
    • 2 tbsp. l. Sahara;
    • 1 tbsp. l. butter;
    • a packet of vanillin;
    • a handful of raisins.

    Beat the egg whites, it is better to use a blender, but you can also use a whisk. Add other products, mix well. Place on a greased baking sheet and bake at 200°C for half an hour until golden brown.

    Recipe for dietary cottage cheese casserole in the oven without semolina

    To make a dietary casserole, you need to give up the use of semolina and butter. The amount of sugar also needs to be reduced. You will need to mix cottage cheese with 2 tablespoons of low-fat kefir, beat 2 eggs separately with a spoon of sugar. You can only take whites. Later mix all the products, add the previously soaked raisins.

    How to prepare dietary cottage cheese casserole in the oven according to other recipes?

    Various additives are used for this dish. To reduce calorie content, you can not grease the pan, but line it with parchment paper. You need to bake for half an hour at a temperature of 200 0.

    With apples

    This is a tasty low-calorie treat. By choosing the right ingredients, you can eat it even while losing weight. You will need:

    • 500 g cottage cheese;
    • sour apple;
    • 3 eggs, only whites possible;
    • 3 spoons of oatmeal;
    • 2 tbsp. l. yogurt;
    • 2 tbsp. l. Sahara.

    With pumpkin

    Pumpkin is very useful in dietary nutrition. It is low in calories and is recommended for weight loss. Dietary cottage cheese casserole is made from only 3 ingredients:

    • 400 g grated pumpkin;
    • a pack of cottage cheese;
    • 2 testicles.

    You can add sugar, salt, vanillin, raisins.

    With carrots

    A delicious dietary cottage cheese casserole in the oven will be made with carrots. For 200 g of cottage cheese you need one grated carrot and 1 egg. Dried fruits, walnuts, and vanillin are added from time to time.

    With vegetables

    You can vary your diet with unsweetened casserole. It is suitable for lunch on any diet. The following products will be required:

    • 200 g cottage cheese;
    • onion;
    • 1 tomato;
    • boiled cauliflower;
    • half a bell pepper;
    • a tablespoon of bran;
    • 1 protein;
    • clove of garlic.

    Grate the cottage cheese and mix with the whipped egg white. Add chopped vegetables and spices.

    Recipes for dietary cottage cheese casserole in a slow cooker

    In a slow cooker, this dish comes out airy and tender. Children really like this dish.

    With the traditional method, for 500 g of cottage cheese you need:

    • 2 testicles;
    • a glass of kefir;
    • 4 tbsp. l. semolina;
    • 2 tbsp. l. butter;
    • vanillin;
    • berries or fruits.

    Pour kefir over semolina and leave to swell. Beat the eggs separately and mix with the rest of the ingredients. Add semolina and pieces of fruit. You can take any: bananas, apples, pears, peaches, apricots, kiwi. Place in a multicooker pan and turn on the “pie” or “baking” mode for 45 minutes. After turning off, do not remove the dish for another 20 minutes.

    With oat flakes

    To make the casserole the most dietary and suitable for weight loss, it is necessary to exclude semolina, drink and oil. For 200 g of cottage cheese you will need 1 egg, 100 g of oatmeal, dried apricots for sweetness and vanillin. You can replace the flakes with oatmeal or grind them in a coffee grinder in advance. Bake in a slow cooker for 40 minutes.

    Dukan diet casserole recipe

    Dietitian Dukan is popular for his diets. But apart from them, he developed a huge number of dietary recipes, completely suitable for those who want to lose weight. Diet casserole according to Dukan's recipe can also be used for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (the gastrointestinal tract is the digestive system of the organs of real multicellular animals, designed for processing and extracting nutrients from food) , because it is prepared in a double boiler.

    You need to take the following products:

    • 500 g cottage cheese;
    • 3 testicles;
    • 2 tablespoons starch;
    • 3 tablespoons of powdered milk;
    • 10 g sweetener;
    • vanillin.

    Beat the whites until a stable foam is obtained. Mix cottage cheese, yolks and all other products, carefully fold in the whites.

    Cottage cheese casserole is a delicious dietary dish. You can actually eat it with any diet. After all, cottage cheese is a necessary protein product that you should not give up.

    IMPORTANT! Informational article! Before use, you need to consult a specialist.

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