Tomato juice

Tomato juice

Eggplants in tomato juice with peppers and onions

A wonderful salad for the winter. Nice snack. My wife did it, and I took a camera and decided to post it here.

Frozen tomato juice

I offer the option of preparing juice (with pulp) from tomatoes for the winter, without any cooking or twisting. I looked through the search and, frankly, was taken aback that there was no such option for the recipe. This option is suitable for any housewife – both beginner and experienced. You can use this juice when cooking borscht, vegetable soup, stewing potatoes, and in sauces.

Smazhenka with minced meat and tomato juice

I became acquainted with this dish about six months ago by accident, when my husband and I were driving around the town looking for New Year's gifts for our relatives. We drove and drove, as usual for half a day, and worked up a voracious appetite. We stopped in for a snack at a bakery, and there, in the window, amidst a mass of other baked goods, I was attracted by these. I don’t even understand what to call it – either mini-pizzas or open pies. And the title “LUBRICANT”. Somewhat Old Slavonic in my opinion, and very melodic. We bought them to try and the taste was simply wonderful!! I asked the girl-saleswoman in the culinary department, what kind of word is this outlandish? It says this is Belarusian “pizza”. Arriving home, I immediately rushed to the Internet - and it’s true! I began to find different options for this wonderful pastry - and there are a million options! Either with sausage, or with meat, or with anything! This dish has taken root in my family!

Chicken wings marinated in tomato juice

So I decided to post a recipe for wings that I have used more than once. One might say, time-tested.

Tomato juice pie with potatoes and bacon

A catchy, fragrant pie. You can create the filling according to your own taste.

Snack dumplings made with tomato juice

These are all-purpose crumpets; they can be prepared both sweet and savory. Very tasty!

Tomato juice

This has been my favorite juice since I was a teenager. But only last year I found a recipe for homemade tomato juice on the Internet. Can't compare with store bought.

Canned cucumbers in tomato juice

And a snack and a drink.

Eggplant in tomato juice

This recipe didn't seem very good to me at first. But. I quickly changed my worldview after I tried it)))

Light cookies with tomato juice

Light, crispy, sweet and spicy cookies with tomato juice. Another quick and easy recipe from a protracted dough.

Tomato juice . Tomato juice is a very tasty and nutritious vegetable juice, which is equally good both on its own and as part of various dishes. Homemade tomato juice, which does not contain preservatives or any other harmful additives, is especially useful. This juice can be prepared both in a juicer and in a slow cooker. In this case, you will also need a meat grinder or juicer. True, after using a meat grinder, you will also have to use an iron sieve - this will help free the pureed mass from seeds.

Homemade tomato juice is prepared from ground tomatoes - it is first filtered and then heated to 85 degrees. A simple recipe for making tomato juice is to obtain it from tomato paste, which is simply diluted with the required amount of water.

Freshly prepared tomato juice can be safely served with various main courses - it mixes especially well with fish or meat. And it is usually stored in the refrigerator (if it is not canned juice).

Almost all housewives take great pleasure in preparing tomato juice for the winter, pouring it into carefully washed and sterilized jars. Often, certain fruits or other vegetables are added to such juice: apples, pumpkins, cucumbers, etc. Various spices are also used no less intensively, which make the taste of tomato juice even more interesting and brighter. With all this, the amount of salt, sugar and spices in it can be varied at your own discretion.

In order for tomato juice to be successful in all respects, for its production you need to take fleshy, juicy and slightly overripe tomatoes. As a rule, about a liter of juice comes out of one and a half kg of such fruits. And before you start preparing the juice, all tomatoes should be washed well and the stems and spoiled areas should be removed from them.

Tomatoes are endowed with a truly unique property that can be used by the rarest vegetables - their beneficial properties do not decrease during heat treatment, but, on the contrary, only increase!

Systematic consumption of tomato juice will do a good job in a variety of dilemmas with the intestinal tract, heart or nerves. This juice unrivaledly helps to restore the metabolic processes occurring in the body, which makes it a particularly coveted product for all representatives of the fair sex who dream of saying goodbye to excess weight as quickly as possible. And for smokers, tomato juice will help prevent emphysema!

How to prepare tomato juice at home. The most common and necessary recipe

Brief content:

Tomato juice at home - how to prepare very tasty tomato juice for the winter

Have a nice day dear readers!

I suggest that you not stop, but start stocking your winter supplies again. And today we produce tomato juice. I think everyone is familiar with this drink, and not by hearsay. For me personally, this is the taste of youth, when my grandmother spoiled us with reddish juice. That's exactly what we called him back then. And the most important thing is that the taste of such a preparation can be completely different. Starting from the fresh version and ending with sweet, salty and even sharpened flowers in the taste.

Another fundamental advantage of this drink. Owning any electrical equipment, such as a juicer or meat grinder. You can prepare a similar dish in no time. With the least amount of time and effort, the result is a natural decoction.

Despite all the positive properties, we missed another equally important point.

Tomato juice, I’m talking specifically about natural juice, prepared at home with your own hands. So, it’s rich in a huge amount of minerals and vitamins. And this type of drink is dietary, therefore, it contains only 18 calories.

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Cooked tomatoes release even more lycopene when heated. Which greatly increases their level of usefulness.

There are a huge number of necessary reasons for tomato broth. Still, I would like to highlight the most important ones:

Rich in minerals and vitamins;

Contains sugars that replenish our energy costs;

Thanks to its antioxidant content, it slows down the aging process.

Despite all these advantages, remember that for every benefit, there will be its own harm. For example: you should not overdo it with the amount of juice you drink; no more than 2 glasses a day. Consumption on an empty stomach is prohibited. It contains acids that can corrode the stomach. And most professionals still recommend drinking an unsalted drink; it is considered much healthier.

How to prepare tomato juice for the winter at home

Well, are you ready to start making delicious and natural juice? I decided to start with the traditional version of cooking. This particular recipe is what my family uses year after year.

The whole secret and love for this drink is its ease of production. And one more plus, when there are a lot of tomatoes, you need to put them into action. Now, if you have encountered a similar situation, I suggest you get down to business...

This amount of ingredients will yield 3 liters of finished juice.

Salt - 1 tbsp

Sweet sand - 2-3 tablespoons

If you end up wanting a salty drink. Then add 1 liter of juice, 1 teaspoon of sugar and 2 teaspoons of salt.


1. Let's start washing the main ingredient - tomatoes. Afterwards, cut any fruit into two parts and remove the stalks from both sides. Then cut into medium-sized slices. You can chop it, our task is to make sure a piece fits into the hole in the juicer.

By the way, in this case, tomato varieties can be completely different; we do not place any emphasis on a specific type. I would like to please you that in this case, overripe vegetables are also excellent. Just a big request, be sure to clear away the rotten places. It will be luck, I don’t recommend counting on it. This can affect not only the taste, but also storage.

2. Now that the tomatoes are prepared, you can move on to the next process. We prepare a juicer, you can use a meat grinder. And carefully skip the entire mass of peeled vegetables.

Pour the resulting juice into the pan; it is better to use deep dishes. So, during cooking, foam will be created on the surface, and it may even rise if it is not removed during cooking.

Place the tomato mixture over medium heat and bring to a boil. Add salt and sugar to taste. In almost a few minutes, foam will begin to appear. Be sure to remove it with a spoon.

Continue cooking the juice for 15-20 minutes. You can stir from time to time. If the tomatoes are very bubbling, the gas must be reduced to low.

3. Remove the finished juice from the heat. Pour the drink into the prepared jars. This needs to be done very carefully.

If you plan to save the juice until spring, and prepare it for the winter. Then be sure to sterilize the glass container. We do the same with lids.

Remember old grandmother's advice? To prevent the jar from cracking when filling with hot juice, you should put a tablespoon in it. Simple and straightforward, but this action will protect you from additional work.

Close the spilled drink tightly or roll up the lids. Turn it upside down and put it in a warm space under the blanket. Store in this state until completely cooled.

Afterwards you can put the finished juice in the pantry or cellar. This dish tastes sweetish; if you are not satisfied with this option, you need to reduce the amount of sugar.

Although, for example, my mother has loved tomatoes with sugar since she was young. Because tastes are different, you still have to adjust the recipe to suit yourself.

Tomato juice for the winter at home - very tasty and simple recipes

Tomato juice is very popular in our country. Midsummer is exactly the time when tomatoes ripen at the dacha. Sometimes their collection is so secure that you don’t even know what to do with them. If you have already preserved tomatoes in their juice, with garlic, various sauces and even tomato paste, prepare this necessary drink for the winter. Naturally, you can buy it in the store, but cooked at home is even tastier. Moreover, it is prepared very simply.

For production, it is better to use mature, ripe fruits of juicy, fleshy varieties, freshly picked from the bush. I’ll also immediately note that to make 1 liter of a healthy drink you will need approximately 1.5 kg of tomatoes.

Tomato juice is very useful. And this is logical, because it contains so many essential vitamins and minerals. Lycopene occupies a special place. This is the most powerful antioxidant; among other vegetables, it has a greater ability to quench free radicals that cause cell damage. Excessive damage to them contributes to the development of diseases of the cardiovascular system, Alzheimer's disease and various cancers. And lycopene also protects the body from the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays, pesticides, and various toxins.

Tomato juice for the winter at home - a regular recipe using a juicer

If you have an ancient Russian juicer, then this will be the best solution for making juice. This device is an attachment to an ordinary manual meat grinder. But it has a mesh that allows you to peel the tomatoes and remove seeds and produces a ready-made liquid of a homogeneous mixture. And the cake (the remaining seeds and peel) remains virtually dry. In a modern electronic juicer, it’s probably not possible to do this, since quite a lot of water remains in the pulp.


Step 1. Wash the tomatoes thoroughly, remove their stems and warped areas, cut them into pieces so that they can be crushed comfortably.

Step 2. Pass the tomatoes through a juicer.

Step 3. We don’t need the resulting cake; we can throw it away. Pour the homogeneous liquid into a large saucepan, put it on high heat and bring to a boil. As soon as the liquid begins to boil, reduce the heat, add salt to taste (although this is not necessary) and cook at low simmer for 10 minutes. During the cooking process, remove the foam from the surface with a strainer or spoon.

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Step 4. As soon as foam stops appearing on the surface, the juice is ready. Pour it hot into sterile jars and immediately roll it up.

Turn over to check for density, wrap in a thick blanket and leave until the cans cool completely.

A very tasty recipe for tomato juice without sterilization

I offer a simple recipe for a tasty drink that can be prepared quickly and without sterilization. You can store such preservation both in the basement and in the kitchen in a cabinet. The drink turns out to be very tasty, you can simply drink it, receiving a decent dose of the necessary vitamins. Or use it for making borscht, gravy, etc.

Only one tomato is needed for production.

Step 1. Wash the tomatoes, if they are huge, then cut them into pieces and put them through a juicer. If it is not there, then through an ordinary meat grinder.

Step 2. Rub the resulting tomato mass through a sieve.

Step 3. Pour the mixture into a large saucepan, put it on the fire and bring to a boil. During the boiling process, remove the foam.

Step 4. As soon as the juice begins to boil, pour it hot into clean jars, cover with a lid and immediately roll it up with a seamer.

Step 5. Turn the rolled up jars onto the lid, wrap them in something warm and leave them like that until the jars have cooled completely.

Prepared in this way, the drink retains more of the necessary substances.

How to prepare tomato juice for the winter at home

Usually, when preparing tomato juice, no spices are added to it. This recipe differs from previous ones in that they are added for taste. Try to prepare it this way too, maybe you will like this drink too, and you will prepare it only according to this recipe.


  • Tomatoes – 15 kg
  • Dark peppercorns – 1 tbsp. l. with a slide
  • Allspice – 1 tbsp. l.
  • Bay leaf – 4 pcs.
  • Clove inflorescences – 1 tsp.
  • Sugar
  • Salt

From this amount you will get 9.5-10 liters of tomato juice.

How to create

Step 1. Wash the tomatoes, cut them into pieces and grind them using a meat grinder.

Step 2. We rub the resulting mass through a fine iron sieve. To do this, place a small portion of the tomato mass in a colander and rub it through a sieve with a spatula. The juice passes through the holes perfectly, and little pulp remains in the sieve. Do this until you have wiped the entire mass.

Step 3. Pour the resulting mass into a huge saucepan and place on fire. As soon as the juice boils, add spices to it: bay leaf, allspice and peas and cloves. Then add 1 tsp for any liter of drink. sugar and 0.5 tsp. salt. And leave it to simmer for another 15-20 minutes.

Step 4. Use a small strainer or slotted spoon to catch all the spices from the pan; they are not needed in the finished drink. They already gave off their own smell during the cooking process.

Step 5. All that remains now is to pour the finished juice into sterilized jars or glass bottles, for example, milk bottles. Immediately seal with boiled lids.

Homemade tomato juice with pulp

Any tomato juice involves separating the seeds and skin from the tomato. If this cannot be done using an auger juicer, there is still one method. He's also quite ordinary.

Step 1. Wash the tomatoes, cut them into pieces, and put them in a baking bag.

Step 2. Place the sleeve in the oven at a temperature of 150ºC. As soon as the tomatoes boil, and this can be seen through a transparent bag, they are taken out, transferred to a saucepan and crushed in a blender while hot.

After this, the tomato mass can be rubbed through a sieve to remove the remaining seeds and skin.

Step 3. Place the pan on the stove and bring to a boil. At this time, add salt and sugar to taste, and 1 tsp. vinegar.

Step 4. As soon as the juice boils hot, pour it into clean containers.

This drink can be stored for up to 2 years. But it turns out so tasty that it is drunk even earlier than the indicated period.

Savory and simple tomato juice recipe

There are many methods for making tomato juice. The difference lies in the extraction from the tomato using different devices. The next stages (cooking and sealing in sterilized containers) are not very different from each other. Some people add spices right away, while others add them to the drink before drinking it.

I present to you another fascinating recipe for making tomato juice at home. To make it according to this recipe you will need:

  • Tomatoes – 4 kg
  • Sweet bell pepper – 500-600 g
  • Bay leaf – 3 pcs. medium size
  • Salt – 3 tsp. no slide

TOP 10 best tomato juice recipes for the winter at home

Tomato juice for the winter, prepared at home, is consumed not only as a necessary and tasty drink, but also as an indispensable ingredient in the production of culinary masterpieces. In the summer, any housewife strives to make light preparations so that with the onset of cold weather she will have on hand a vitamin-rich red liquid used for stewing vegetables, fish and even meatballs.

Specificity of making tomato juice for the winter

Preparing homemade natural tomato juice will not take much time even for a novice housewife. You can either close it freshly squeezed or boil it for a couple of minutes. There is no need to cook the product for a very long time, since such a procedure will kill some useful substances and vitamins (a group of low molecular weight organic compounds of relatively simple structure and varied chemical nature) . But if you boil it before preservation, you can significantly extend its shelf life. In addition, such a drink easily retains its characteristics in the cellar for up to 2 years. Freshly squeezed product is not stored for long and only in the refrigerator.

Preparing vegetables and containers

Tomato juice can be prepared from all tomatoes, but the most delicious drink comes from the burgundy sweet varieties. The main condition is that the tomatoes must be perfectly ripened. Unripe fruits impart excess acidity and bitterness to the drink. Salad varieties contain very little juice. The final product from overripe fruits is also not of the best quality, but tastes identical to sour tomato paste.

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Housewives advise calculating the required amount of drink using a ratio of 1:1.5. This means that to obtain 1 liter of drink you will need 1.5 kg of tomatoes. It is recommended to combine the ingredients and prepare the juice in enamel, glass or clay containers.

How to properly prepare tomato juice at home

There are many options for preparing tomato juice for the winter. Housewives experiment from year to year and add new ingredients, but some of them prefer only tried and tested successful options that have managed to gain popularity.

Regular recipe via juicer

The easiest way to make a tomato drink at home is with a juicer. For this you will need:

  • mixture of salad and regular burgundy tomatoes - 15 kg;
  • table salt - to taste.

Wash the tomatoes and cut into slices as necessary, then pass through a juicer. Place the purchased drink in an enamel pan on the fire and bring to a boil, then add salt and cook for some more time. For this preservation, a burning twist can be used.

With blender

Making tomato juice with the use of a modern blender is much easier even for an inexperienced housewife. Components required:

  • slightly overripe tomatoes (De Barao type variety) - 6 kg;
  • salt - 50 g;
  • basil greens - to taste.

Scald the washed tomatoes with boiling water and remove the skin. Grind the pulp using a blender and then pass through a sieve. Pour salt into the resulting mass and add basil, then put it on the stove and boil, stirring occasionally. After a couple of minutes, you can pour it into the prepared container and close it.

Through a sieve, without adding sugar and salt

This preparation requires little more time and effort, but the result is worth it. To make juice, you will need 14 kg of large tomatoes; it is advisable to choose a sweet and sour taste. Cut the tomatoes into several pieces and pass through a meat grinder. After this, pass the resulting mass through a sieve, and if necessary, also through gauze folded in 4 layers. Bring the drink to a boil and preserve after 7 minutes.

Through a meat grinder

This method of making juice will appeal to those gourmets who love to consume it together with pulp and seeds. The following components will be required:

  • large tomatoes - 9 kg;
  • salt - to taste;
  • bay leaf - 2 pcs.;
  • ground red pepper - 5 g.

You will need to remove the skin from any washed tomato, so it is better to scald them with boiling water. After this, pass the pulp through a meat grinder, add salt and spices and put on fire. Boil the juice, hold for 20 minutes, and then pour into the prepared container and roll up.

In a juicer

Modern housewives can afford to prepare the desired tomato juice in a juice cooker. To do this they will need:

  • tomatoes - 4 kg;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • salt - 0.5 tbsp. l.

Cut the washed tomatoes into pieces and place them together with the rest of the ingredients in the upper part of the juicer. Pour water into the lower bowl. The tomatoes need to be stirred every 10 minutes, checking at the same time for the presence of water in the lower bowl. As soon as all the juice has been released, it is put on fire, boiled and rolled up.

In an autoclave

This device allows you to save a lot of time on making tasty and healthy tomato juice. You will need 15 kg of ripe tomatoes, which are painstakingly washed, cut into pieces and boiled in a saucepan until a homogeneous mass is formed. After this, the resulting mass is ground through a kitchen sieve and brought to a boil again, after which the juice can be rolled up and placed in an autoclave for future sterilization. The pressure is maintained at 3.2. In these conditions, the jars are kept for 15 minutes.

Recipe with bell pepper

To swirl 3 liters of delicious tomato juice, you will need:

  • ripe reddish tomatoes - 4 kg;
  • bell pepper - 0.6 kg;
  • bay leaf - 1 pc.;
  • allspice - 3 peas;
  • sugar - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • salt - 2 tbsp. l.

Pass the washed tomatoes and peppers through a juicer (remove the seeds from the peppers first). Place the spices in a fabric bag and place them in a saucepan with juice. As soon as the mixture boils, add sugar and salt, and then simmer for another 15 minutes. and canned.

With basil

To prepare not only the necessary, but also fragrant tomato juice, you will need:

  • ripe tomatoes - 5 kg;
  • basil - 5 sprigs;
  • salt and sugar - to taste.

The washed tomatoes are passed through a juicer or meat grinder, basil, sugar and salt are added. The resulting mixture is boiled for 15 minutes. and canned.

With celery

Savory and unusual tomato juice comes out with celery. To make it you will need:

  • ripe tomatoes - 1 kg;
  • celery - 3 petioles;
  • ground dark pepper - 1 tsp;
  • salt - 1 tbsp. l.

Cut the washed tomatoes into 4 parts, chop the celery into pieces, and then pass everything through a juicer. Add spices to the purchased product, boil everything and pour into the prepared container.

Tomato juice with garlic

The necessary, tasty and unusual preparation comes from the following ingredients:

  • ripe tomatoes of your favorite variety - 11 kg;
  • cinnamon - 3 tsp;
  • sugar - 0.5 kg;
  • salt - 170 g;
  • garlic cloves - 6 pcs.;
  • vinegar - 275 ml;
  • ground red pepper - ½ tsp;
  • allspice - 25 pcs.;
  • cloves - 5 buds;
  • nutmeg - to taste.

Pass the washed tomatoes through a juicer. Boil the purchased juice and simmer over low heat for 30 minutes. After this, add salt and sugar, hold for another 10 minutes and add other spices. After 15 min. You can pour it into containers and roll it up.

Upcoming storage

Tomato juice retains its characteristics and the beneficial microelements it contains for 2 years. It should be stored in a dark, cool room with low humidity (for example, in a cellar, basement or pantry).

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