How to cook compote from frozen berries: proportions and cooking time

How to cook compote from frozen berries: proportions and cooking time

Have a nice day, dear readers! In winter, savory compotes made from new, but frozen berries will help replenish the lack of vitamins. Such drinks can be created using various methods and from various ingredients.

You can use any berries, and the drink will still be very healthy. For flavor, you can add fruit zest, orange or lemon juice to the drink.

Spices include cinnamon, mint, vanilla and cloves. Now let's find out how to make compote from frozen berries.

Individual manufacturing

First, let's figure out how to properly prepare a tasty and necessary compote from frozen fruits and berries. With all this, no special preparation is required. Most often, the product is consumed unfrozen.

From time to time you can keep the berries warm for a while so that they produce juice.

How long to prepare the drink depends on the following reasons:

  1. The size of the pan is important. For 3-4 l. 10-15 minutes is enough if the fire is strong, but if it is weak, then more time will be needed.
  2. Compote from berries such as strawberries, sea buckthorn or raspberries should be cooked after boiling again for approximately 4-5 minutes.
  3. If the berries with a thick skin are gooseberries or currants, then it will take 10-13 minutes.
  4. The compote must be cooled to tolerably hot water.
  5. If you use the berries without defrosting, the production time will be approximately 1.5 hours.

To preserve the maximum of the necessary parameters, you need to put the berries last. Before putting the berries in the container, you can add citrus fruits and various spices.

Most often, the recipe has the usual proportions. For the drink you will need 500 grams of berries, a glass of sugar and 3 liters of water.

If the berry is sour, then the amount of sugar can be increased.

Secrets and tips

It is better to use raw materials for production that are prepared independently for the winter. In this case, the berries need to be dried and thoroughly washed.

Then you need to put cling film on the bottom of the container, then the berries and again the film. After this, cover the lid and wrap it with cling film.

This approach will protect the berries from the accumulation of excess water.

You should also use these tips:

  1. Juice is squeezed out of a lemon or orange, and then the quarters are thrown into the compote.
  2. Before adding the berries, you can add two spoons of vanilla or a vanilla pod. It is also worth adding 2-3 cinnamon sticks.
  3. 2-3 peppercorns and 4-5 cloves will give the drink a special taste.
  4. If you are preparing a drink for a child, try adding honey instead of sugar, but it is better to add it when the product has cooled.
  5. As an option for a holiday, you can add a little rum, red wine or mulled wine to such a compote.

How to cook berries?

As we have already learned, there is no need to defrost the berries before cooking, because a lot of healthy juice will be released.
That’s why most often a frozen product is immediately thrown into a boiling liquid. From the dishes you need to prepare a colander, a saucepan, a knife, a cutting board and gauze. Chilled compote is served in wine glasses and glasses.

Ordinary recipes

Let's look at various recipes from cherries, currants or raspberries.

Easy recipe

To make it you will need 500 grams, 2.5 liters of filtered water, a glass of sugar and orange zest.

You should prepare it like this:

  1. Pour water into a saucepan, add sugar and bring to a boil.
  2. Then add frozen raspberries, currants, cherries or blackberries to the water.
  3. To add a light citrus scent, add zest to the drink.
  4. After boiling, turn the heat down and leave it on the stove for another 5 minutes.

Now let the drink sit for another half hour. After this, it can be poured into a decanter and cooled in the refrigerator.

Compote in a slow cooker

To create compote in the Redmond slow cooker you will need 100 grams of frozen strawberries, cherries and currants, 6 tablespoons of sugar and 2.5 liters of water.
Oh, so it is necessary to prepare:

  1. Berries should be removed from the freezer and the required number of berries should be measured.
  2. Pour sugar and pour water over the berries.
  3. Then close the lid and set the steam function.
  4. Strain the finished drink through cheesecloth or a colander.

Recipe with apples

You can create a tasty drink with the addition of apples. For this you will need 3 - 4 pieces, 200 grams of frozen berries, half a glass of sugar, 30 ml of lemon juice and 3 liters of water.
Here are the main manufacturing stages:

  1. Wash and peel the apples.
  2. Cut them into slices.
  3. Pour water over the fruit and put on fire.
  4. Bring to a boil and cook for another 10 minutes.
  5. After this, add the berries and lemon juice.
  6. Cook the mixture for another 10 minutes, and then turn it off and leave to cool.

Spiced drink

To prepare the compote you will need 500 grams of berries, 150 grams of dried mint, 1.5 tablespoons of sugar, a teaspoon of cinnamon and 2.5 liters of filtered water.
The manufacturing process includes the following steps:

  1. First, put the freshest mint in a saucepan and cover with hot water.
  2. Frozen berries need to be transferred to a colander, and then washed and dried.
  3. Then add them to the mint infusion. After this, add ground cinnamon, sugar, place the container on low heat and cook for 10 minutes.

When you remove the pan from the heat, cover the dish with a lid and leave for 30 minutes.
After this, the compote can be strained through a sieve. How long to brew the drink depends on the products used and the size of the container.

I hope you will need my recipes. If you have your own secrets for making a wonderful drink, write in the comments.

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Until next time, dear readers!

Frozen berry compote - the best recipes. How to truly and deliciously prepare compote from frozen berries.

Frozen berry compote - general manufacturing principles

Frozen berry compote is a universal drink that can be brewed at any time of the year. To make it, they take a variety of frozen berries: cherries, strawberries, raspberries, cherries, black or reddish currants, gooseberries, blackberries, blueberries, sea buckthorn, etc. Compote does not require long-term cooking, because the boiling process destroys vitamins (a group of low-molecular organic compounds of relatively simple structure and varied chemical nature) and useful substances. Usually frozen berries are placed in sweet syrup and boiled for about 5 minutes. You can also put them in cool water and cook after boiling for 5-6 minutes, then add sugar.

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Sugar is used as a sweetener; it can also be replaced with fructose. From time to time, lemon or orange juice or zest of these fruits are added to the frozen berry compote for smell and taste. For spices, you can add vanilla, cinnamon, mint, cloves, nutmeg, cardamom, etc. From time to time, frozen berries are boiled into a compote together with the freshest apples. You can add a little liqueur, cognac or liqueur to the finished drink - a good option for a party.

Compote of frozen berries - preparation of goods and utensils

There is no need to defrost the berries to make the drink, because a lot of juice will be released and, accordingly, a lot of vitamins will be lost. Although in some recipes, frozen berries are placed in a bowl, slightly defrosted and placed in boiling water along with the released juice. But most often the frozen mixture is immediately thrown into boiling water or syrup.

From the dishes you will need a large saucepan, a colander, a knife and a cutting board (for the recipe with apples) and clean gauze for straining. The cooled and strained compote is poured into a tall transparent decanter and served in ordinary glasses or wine glasses.

Frozen berry compote recipes:

Recipe 1: Frozen berry compote

This frozen berry compote is cooked in sweet syrup. You can take any frozen berries: cherries, black currants, strawberries or blackberries, or even better - an assortment of frozen berries.

Required ingredients:

  • Half a kilo of frozen berries;
  • One and a half to two glasses of sugar;
  • 2-2.5 liters of water.

Manufacturing method:

First you need to prepare the sweet syrup for the compote. Take a huge saucepan and pour all the sugar into it. Then add water and place the pan on the stove. Bring to a boil over low heat, stirring continuously. After boiling, add frozen berries to the syrup. Gently stir the compote, cover with a lid and cook for 10-13 minutes over low heat. There is no need to cook the compote for a long time, otherwise all the vitamins (a group of low molecular weight organic compounds of relatively simple structure and varied chemical nature) .

Recipe 2: Compote of frozen berries with lemon

This frozen berry compote will perfectly relieve thirst and refresh. Lemon gives the drink a slight, pleasant sourness, and if you want a sweeter drink, you can use orange instead of lemon. The berries can be any: cherry, strawberry or currant.

Required ingredients:

  • Half a kilo of frozen berries;
  • Half or one glass of sugar;
  • Water – 2-2.5 liters;
  • Lemon (orange).

Manufacturing method:

We take a huge five-liter pan and fill it with water so that it fills 2/3 of the size. Squeeze the juice from half a lemon into a clean bowl. Boil water in a saucepan. Add sugar evenly and pour in lemon juice. Stir everything vigorously until the sugar dissolves. Let the water boil again and add the frozen berries. After boiling, reduce the heat, cover the pan with a lid and cook the frozen berry compote for no more than 5 minutes. Leave the finished drink to steep for half an hour, then strain into another container and leave to cool.

Recipe 3: Frozen Berry Compote with Cinnamon and Mint

Cinnamon gives the drink a pleasant spicy taste, and mint gives it coolness and freshness. Mint can be taken fresh or dried. Any fruit is suitable for making a drink.

Required ingredients:

  • 100-150 g mint (dry or frozen);
  • Half a kilo of frozen berries;
  • A glass and a half of sugar;
  • Two - two and a half liters of water;
  • Cinnamon.

Manufacturing method:

Brew mint with hot water in a saucepan and leave to steep for 8-10 minutes. Place the berries in a clean container and leave to thaw. After 10 minutes, put them together with the juice in mint tea. Add cinnamon and sugar to the mixture and cook the compote for about 10 minutes over medium heat. The time of production must be judged by the dissolution of the berries. Leave the finished compote of frozen berries to infuse and cool.

Recipe 4: Compote of frozen berries with orange zest

Orange zest gives the frozen berry compote a pleasant bitterness and a fresh citrus smell. To make the drink, it is better to take assorted frozen berries: cherries, currants, blackberries, strawberries, etc.

Required ingredients:

  • Frozen berries – half a kilo;
  • Orange zest;
  • Water – 2.5 liters;
  • Sugar – 0.5 – 1 glass (to taste);

Manufacturing method:

Pour water into a large saucepan, add sugar and bring to a boil. Stir until the sugar is completely dissolved. Then put the frozen berries in the pan and add the orange zest. After boiling again, reduce the heat and cook the frozen berry compote for minutes. Turn off the heat, cover the pan with a lid and leave the drink to cool and infuse. If desired, the cooled compote can be strained.

Recipe 5: Frozen berry compote with fresh apples

This compote of frozen berries and apples can be cooked at any time of the year. In the summer, the drink relieves thirst, and in the winter, it fills the body with vitamins and microelements.

Required ingredients:

  • Apples – 3-4 pcs.;
  • Mixture of frozen berries – 200 g;
  • Half a glass of sugar;
  • Lemon juice – 30 ml;
  • Water – 3 liters.

Manufacturing method:

Wash the apples, peel and cut out the seeds. Cut the apples into slices. Fill the apples with water and put on fire. Bring to a boil, add sugar and cook for about 10 minutes. Then put the frozen berries in the pan and pour in lemon juice. Cook the compote for another 10 minutes, then turn off the heat and leave to cool. If desired, the compote can be strained.

Frozen berry compote - secrets and useful tips from the best chefs

To make compote with frozen berries, it is not recommended to use duralumin pans, because the acids in the berries react with the alloy and form compounds that turn into compote. In addition, a drink cooked in such a saucepan loses a huge amount of vitamin C and minerals.

Read also:  Cherry compote

How to cook compote from frozen berries

Some people like strong tea, others treat themselves to a cup of coffee. But these drinks are strictly not recommended for children. Well, it’s not very useful for adults to drink tea all day long. In your home kitchen you can prepare drinks that are rich in vitamins. These are freshly squeezed juices, berry fruit drinks, bread kvass, rich jelly.

The menu can also be varied by compote, which is very useful at any time of the year. And it's not difficult to prepare. In the summer, the freshest gifts from the garden or vegetable garden are used, and in the winter, supplies from the freezer are used. Any housewife certainly understands a few secrets on how to cook compote from frozen berries so that everyone will like it. These tips are collected right here in one place.

The best raw materials for compote

Frozen berries are an ideal raw material for making delicious compote. They are prepared in the season when they are one hundred percent ripe. Before storing them, you need to sort them out, removing any twigs or leaves. Also, the harvested berries are washed and dried. An exception is made for raspberries, which do not like contact with water.

You can freeze virtually everything that belongs to this group for compote:

  • blueberries;
  • currants;
  • raspberries;
  • blackberries;
  • gooseberry;
  • blueberries;
  • cranberries;
  • strawberries;
  • strawberries

Depending on the region, honeysuckle, sea buckthorn, grapes, cherries, and cherries are frozen. You can also send quite unusual gifts of nature to the chamber for storage: viburnum, rowan (reddish and black), barberry, rose hips. Residents of the northern regions can prepare cloudberries for the winter; in the middle zone they enjoy irga and mulberries.

Attention! During the harvesting period, it is not allowed to collect the fruits of plants that you do not know. Among such finds there may be wolf's bast, crow, lily of the valley, nightshade, which are considered very poisonous.

How to freeze berries for compote

When freezing berries that will later be used to make compote, you want to preserve vitamins (a group of low-molecular organic compounds of relatively simple structure and varied chemical nature) . In cold conditions they are not actually destroyed, but it must be taken into account that repeated defrosting worsens the properties of the product. There are various methods for harvesting berries:

  • portioned in small containers completely without sugar;
  • in portions as a whole, sprinkling with sugar;
  • ground with or without sugar;
  • assortment of several types.

To freeze berries, special bags or containers are used. You can scatter the berries on trays or trays, freeze them, and later pour them into a bag. It’s so easy to separate the required amount for cooking.

What kind of compote to cook for children and adults

It would seem that it might be easier than to cook compote in just a couple of minutes if there are quite a few frozen berries in the refrigerator. There is no need to rush; first you need to find for whom it is being brewed.

  • Kids usually love sweet vitamin drinks. For them you can prepare raspberry, blueberry, cherry compote.
  • To strengthen the immune system, a fragrant drink of sea buckthorn, blackcurrant, rosehip, lingonberry, cranberry is suitable.
  • During the period of viral infections, it is better to often prepare drinks based on raspberries, cranberries, and lingonberries.

Berry compotes can be given to children from 10 months. This tasty drink must be introduced very carefully, accustoming it to any type of berries. The first to be introduced into the children's menu are currants, cherries, and blueberries. Caution must be exercised when adding blackberries, cranberries, and grapes. Only after a year is it allowed to brew strawberry, sea buckthorn, and gooseberry drinks.

Berry combination

The easiest way is to cook compote from 1 type of frozen berries. You can quickly prepare blueberry, cherry, raspberry, grape or any other compote for lunch or afternoon tea. The ability to experience different tastes for those who love assorted dishes is greatly expanded. A striking color and unusual smell are achieved by mixing several types of berries. When making assorted berries, you need to consider:

  • It is better to grind berries with thick skin in a blender in advance;
  • It is better to make berry sets from those types that require the same cooking time;
  • To berries that have dull juice, it is better to add a handful of colored fruits.

The main rule when combining several types of berries is to obtain a harmonious taste. Raspberry-strawberry, cherry-currant, blueberry-strawberry compote will never disappoint. But sea buckthorn, cranberry, lingonberry, rosehip drinks are quicker for everyone.

The main rules of cooking: useful tips

You can cook the compote either in an ordinary saucepan or in a slow cooker. When choosing dishes, you need to take into account that the berries are rich in acid. It is not allowed to cook them in an aluminum container. The drink turns out tasteless and has a bitter color. An enameled or copper pan is considered impeccable.

Useful tips that have been tested by housewives:

  • You can cook berry compote using either sweet syrup or plain water;
  • There is no need to defrost the berries before placing them in water;
  • sugar is added to taste;
  • It is necessary to boil the berries after boiling, taking into account the thickness of the skin: raspberries, strawberries, blueberries - 5-7 minutes, cranberries, lingonberries, rose hips - up to 15 minutes;
  • To cook a compote that does not lose vitamins (a group of low-molecular organic compounds of relatively simple structure and varied chemical nature) , you need to cover it over low heat.

To improve the taste, you can add pieces of frozen fruit, lemon or orange zest, cinnamon, and mint to the berry compote. You can create the most healthy drink by replacing sugar with equally sweet honey, which is added after the compote has cooled. The drink will get an extraordinary taste if you pour a spoonful of cognac or liqueur into each cup. But such a treat is recommended to be served only to adults.

Recipe for making homemade compote from frozen berries

I always want to move quickly from theory to practice or to the stove to cook homemade compote from frozen berries, which will not only relieve thirst, but also lift your spirits. For production you will need:

  • berries (mixture) – about 1 kg;
  • water – 3-4 l;
  • sugar - to taste.

The manufacturing procedure is simple, but you need to follow the technology:

  1. Frozen assorted berries are transferred from the bag to the pan.
  2. Add the required amount of cool water (it is better to let it sit before use or filter it).
  3. As soon as the liquid boils, add sugar, close the lid and boil for 5-7 minutes.
  4. Let the drink brew for at least 20 minutes under a tightly closed lid.

This freshly prepared compote is great to drink when hot. Before serving, you can strain the purchased broth through a strainer. It will be no less tasty after it cools down. Should be stored in the refrigerator, covered with a lid.

Read also:  Classic tomato soup recipe

Berry compote is one of the most necessary drinks, which is simply prepared from frozen berries in advance. Knowing all the secrets of production, it’s easy to amaze the family by serving this simple drink, which some people still ignore and replace with tea or coffee. And if chilled compote with ice cubes and berries is poured into beautiful glasses, it will decorate a festive feast.

How to cook compote from frozen berries: proportions and cooking time

Have a nice day, dear readers! In winter, savory compotes made from new, but frozen berries will help replenish the lack of vitamins. Such drinks can be created using various methods and from various ingredients.

You can use any berries, and the drink will still be very healthy. For flavor, you can add fruit zest, orange or lemon juice to the drink.

Spices include cinnamon, mint, vanilla and cloves. Now let's find out how to make compote from frozen berries.

Individual manufacturing

First, let's figure out how to properly prepare a tasty and necessary compote from frozen fruits and berries. With all this, no special preparation is required. Most often, the product is consumed unfrozen.

From time to time you can keep the berries warm for a while so that they produce juice.

How long to prepare the drink depends on the following reasons:

  1. The size of the pan is important. For 3-4 l. 10-15 minutes is enough if the fire is strong, but if it is weak, then more time will be needed.
  2. Compote from berries such as strawberries, sea buckthorn or raspberries should be cooked after boiling again for approximately 4-5 minutes.
  3. If the berries with a thick skin are gooseberries or currants, then it will take 10-13 minutes.
  4. The compote must be cooled to tolerably hot water.
  5. If you use the berries without defrosting, the production time will be approximately 1.5 hours.

To preserve the maximum of the necessary parameters, you need to put the berries last. Before putting the berries in the container, you can add citrus fruits and various spices.

Most often, the recipe has the usual proportions. For the drink you will need 500 grams of berries, a glass of sugar and 3 liters of water.

If the berry is sour, then the amount of sugar can be increased.

Secrets and tips

It is better to use raw materials for production that are prepared independently for the winter. In this case, the berries need to be dried and thoroughly washed.

Then you need to put cling film on the bottom of the container, then the berries and again the film. After this, cover the lid and wrap it with cling film.

This approach will protect the berries from the accumulation of excess water.

You should also use these tips:

  1. Juice is squeezed out of a lemon or orange, and then the quarters are thrown into the compote.
  2. Before adding the berries, you can add two spoons of vanilla or a vanilla pod. It is also worth adding 2-3 cinnamon sticks.
  3. 2-3 peppercorns and 4-5 cloves will give the drink a special taste.
  4. If you are preparing a drink for a child, try adding honey instead of sugar, but it is better to add it when the product has cooled.
  5. As an option for a holiday, you can add a little rum, red wine or mulled wine to such a compote.

How to cook berries?

As we have already learned, there is no need to defrost the berries before cooking, because a lot of healthy juice will be released.
That’s why most often a frozen product is immediately thrown into a boiling liquid. From the dishes you need to prepare a colander, a saucepan, a knife, a cutting board and gauze. Chilled compote is served in wine glasses and glasses.

Ordinary recipes

Let's look at various recipes from cherries, currants or raspberries.

Easy recipe

To make it you will need 500 grams, 2.5 liters of filtered water, a glass of sugar and orange zest.

You should prepare it like this:

  1. Pour water into a saucepan, add sugar and bring to a boil.
  2. Then add frozen raspberries, currants, cherries or blackberries to the water.
  3. To add a light citrus scent, add zest to the drink.
  4. After boiling, turn the heat down and leave it on the stove for another 5 minutes.

Now let the drink sit for another half hour. After this, it can be poured into a decanter and cooled in the refrigerator.

Compote in a slow cooker

To create compote in the Redmond slow cooker you will need 100 grams of frozen strawberries, cherries and currants, 6 tablespoons of sugar and 2.5 liters of water.
Oh, so it is necessary to prepare:

  1. Berries should be removed from the freezer and the required number of berries should be measured.
  2. Pour sugar and pour water over the berries.
  3. Then close the lid and set the steam function.
  4. Strain the finished drink through cheesecloth or a colander.

Recipe with apples

You can create a tasty drink with the addition of apples. For this you will need 3 - 4 pieces, 200 grams of frozen berries, half a glass of sugar, 30 ml of lemon juice and 3 liters of water.
Here are the main manufacturing stages:

  1. Wash and peel the apples.
  2. Cut them into slices.
  3. Pour water over the fruit and put on fire.
  4. Bring to a boil and cook for another 10 minutes.
  5. After this, add the berries and lemon juice.
  6. Cook the mixture for another 10 minutes, and then turn it off and leave to cool.

Spiced drink

To prepare the compote you will need 500 grams of berries, 150 grams of dried mint, 1.5 tablespoons of sugar, a teaspoon of cinnamon and 2.5 liters of filtered water.
The manufacturing process includes the following steps:

  1. First, put the freshest mint in a saucepan and cover with hot water.
  2. Frozen berries need to be transferred to a colander, and then washed and dried.
  3. Then add them to the mint infusion. After this, add ground cinnamon, sugar, place the container on low heat and cook for 10 minutes.

When you remove the pan from the heat, cover the dish with a lid and leave for 30 minutes.
After this, the compote can be strained through a sieve. How long to brew the drink depends on the products used and the size of the container.

I hope you will need my recipes. If you have your own secrets for making a wonderful drink, write in the comments.

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Until next time, dear readers!

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