Cherry compote for the winter: step-by-step recipe for making

Cherry compote for the winter: step-by-step recipe for making

Greetings, dear readers of the magazine in Your Own House! Now I will share with you a recipe for cherry compote. In canned form, this berry actually does not lose the necessary parameters and taste properties if it is subjected to minor heat treatment. Compote is considered the best option for preparing for future use. Put as many berries as possible into the jar, and it will turn out fragrant and tasty.

Sweet cherries are even sweeter than cherries, so the amount of sugar per 1 liter of water should not exceed 350 g. This drink is considered the best of the stone fruits, since the pulp of these berries is quite elastic and compacted, which prevents it from softening after cooking.


How to make cherry compote

Video recipe

Benefits and harms of the drink

  1. Cherries contain microelements: fluorine, iron, copper, manganese, zinc and macroelements: calcium, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium.
  2. Improves digestion and increases appetite. Cherries are quickly absorbed and do not overload the digestive system.
  3. It has tonic and astringent qualities.
  4. Useful for rheumatic diseases.
  5. Helps avoid vitamin deficiency.
  6. Strengthens the heart muscle (Designed to perform various actions: body movements, contraction of the vocal cords, breathing) and regulates the heart rate, reducing the possibility of developing cardiac disorders.
  7. Improves the condition of spastic colitis, accompanied by sluggish peristalsis, arterial hypertension, liver and kidney diseases, and atony of the intestinal tract.
  8. Has a diuretic and anti-edematous effect.
  9. Accelerates metabolism and prevents metabolic disorders.
  10. Reduces the risk of disruptions in the functioning of the nervous system. People who often consume compote are better able to cope with stressful situations and nervous (related to bundles of nerves) shocks, and are less likely to experience apathy, depression, and insomnia due to the content of B vitamins and nutrients.
  11. Activates the production of collagen in the body, improves the condition of the dermatological surface, reduces the risk of developing pathologies of joints and connective tissue (The structure of tissues of living organisms is studied by the science of histology) .
  12. Removes toxins from the body (Ancient Greek toxin (toxikos) - poisonous - poison of biological origin) , radioactive substances and toxic substances.
  13. Helps to recover more quickly after surgery, intellectual fatigue, and excess physical activity.

It is not recommended to consume cherry compote for people with stomach ulcers, high acidity, diabetes, or those prone to allergic reactions. It can also aggravate the condition of hypotensive patients, as it lowers blood pressure.

Useful tips

  1. Choose ripe fruits. It would be better if they were just plucked from the tree. Before making, place them in cool water to maintain rich color.
  2. If you are using pitted cherries, I recommend attaching a date tag to the jar. Such preparations can be stored for no more than 1 year, since the seeds contain a harmful substance - amygdalin glycoside, which will pass into the drink.
  3. If after seaming you find bubbles on the surface of the compote, it means that the lid was not wrapped properly. If you saw this right away, you can scroll through it again. If a deficiency is detected after some time, I recommend boiling the compote and drinking it.
  4. After seaming, do not forget to twist the jars and cover them with a cloth (A collection of different and interacting tissues form organs) .
  5. When washing jars, do not use foaming agents, because they are difficult to wash off the glass surface and can reduce the shelf life of the drink or cause fermentation.

5 extraordinary options

  • With apples

A simple and tasty option that always pleases adults and children. For production you will need: cherries, apples, tarragon, citric acid, sugar, water, lemon balm. To add zest to the compote, use a cinnamon stick. It mixes well with these fruits, and the drink comes out fragrant and very rich.

Both berries will ripen almost immediately, so finding them won’t be too difficult. This tasty drink will amuse both adults and children. For production you will need: cherries, strawberries, water, citric acid, sugar. We need citric acid as a natural preservative. When you roll up the jars, I recommend shaking them slightly so that the sugar doesn’t end up on the surface.

A unique option that will amaze your loved ones. Just take cherries, sugar, mint, citric acid. After seaming, be sure to check the jars for tightness by turning them on their side. Cool the drink in a room at room temperature and store in a dark, cool place for no more than 1 year.

  • From cherries and apricots

A summer drink made from seasonal July delicacies: sweet cherries, sour cherries and apricots. All components of the recipe do not overlap each other’s tastes and combine perfectly into a single harmony. To make it, you need to take the above fruits, sugar and water. During boiling, be sure to skim off the foam, as it collects debris and insects.

  • With dark currants

A fragrant drink that warms you on cool evenings. In addition, it perfectly relieves thirst and dulls the feeling of hunger. You can serve it with any dessert or just like that. For production you will need: cherries, strawberries, dark currants, sugar, water and mint sprigs. Before adding mint to the compote, be sure to thoroughly wash it under running cool water. After the mixture has boiled, filter out the mint and discard.

Read also:  Apple jam in a slow cooker


In the article, we learned how to prepare cherry compote, what ingredients you can use to vary the composition, and how many calories are in the drink. Cherry is not only a tasty, but also a very necessary berry. It supports the immune system and has a beneficial effect on virtually all body systems.

Nutritionists advise eating berries fresh, but in the summer you can also take care of preparing them for the winter. They will amuse you with a pleasant smell and indescribable taste, reminding you of sunny summer days.

Do you make cherry compote? Tell us about your own favorite options in the comments!

Prepare aromatic cherry compote for the winter - it's really quite simple!

Sweet cherries and strawberries open the berry season. Have you already eaten your fill of fleshy, juicy, elastic berries? Consider that summer was not in vain! Let's now make a few jars of cherry compote for the winter - a fragrant, wonderful, refreshing drink. This preservation is very undemanding - you can even store it in your apartment, right in the kitchen cabinet, but away from the stove and heaters. Since cherries themselves are quite sweet, citric acid is often added to compotes with them. Although, if you look at it, she has a double or even triple role! It not only smoothes out the cloying, but also slows down the fermentation process and also improves the color of the product. How's that for you? Instead of artificial lemon, by the way, you can use natural acid - lemon juice, sliced ​​​​lemon or orange.


  • Savory cherry compote for the winter - the most common recipe (proportions for a 3 liter jar)
  • We prepare Bulgarian cherry compote for the winter without sterilization in 1 liter jars
  • Canned compote of yellowish (snow-white) pitted cherries - no need to sterilize
  • Recipe for compote of cherries and cherries with apples - rolled up with sterilization
  • Sweet and sour compote of reddish (black) cherries and apricots - a refreshing breath of summer
  • How to prepare cherry compote with lemon and mint leaves - tasty and simple
  • Frozen cherry compote in a slow cooker - you can drink it right away or save it for the winter
  • The right cherry compote without sugar - perfect preservation with low calorie content
  • Assorted berry compote of strawberries, cherries and currants - an excellent combination of flavors
  • Video recipe

Cherry compote is prepared for future use using various methods. The most common is the double-fill method. It is necessary to pour boiling water over the berries, and then drain the water and cook sweet syrup from it, refill the jars and preserve. There is also a truncated version (for lazy people like me) - without draining the water. And if you like to sterilize canned food, there is a recipe for you too.

Savory cherry compote for the winter - the most common recipe (proportions for a 3 liter jar)

For production you will need:

  • cherries (pink, reddish, dark) – 700-1000 g;
  • water – 2.5-2.8 l;
  • sugar – 1 glass;
  • citric acid – 0.5 tsp.

Cooking photo {instructions} on how to close it for the winter:

  1. Since this manufacturing method involves only one pouring with the next seaming, it is necessary to sort out the cherries very painstakingly. Throw away any fruits with crushed or rotten sides. Pour water over the berry and let it “swim” for a few minutes. Place in a colander and tear off all the tails.
  2. Thoroughly rinse the jars using baking soda or detergent. You can sterilize over steam, but this is not necessary, because the berries placed in it are non-sterile. Therefore, it is quite easy to warm up the jars so that the glass does not burst from a sudden temperature change. Dump the prepared cherries into jars. To make the compote saturated, a three-liter bottle must be filled at least a third of the size. You can add half or all the way to the top - as you like. On average, this is about 0.7-1 kg of berries.
  3. Pour sugar into hot water. Stir and put on the stove. Cook the syrup after boiling for 3-5 minutes.
  4. And add citric acid to the jars. Firstly, it will prevent the compote from fermenting. Secondly, it will help you get a great color. And, in the end, it will give a slight sourness, because cherries actually don’t have it.
  5. Pour syrup into the jars to the very top, immediately seal, turn over, and wrap.

Allow the preserved food to cool for 1-1.5 days, put it in the cellar or pantry. Please note that canned compote with seeds can only be stored for 1 year.

We prepare Bulgarian cherry compote for the winter without sterilization in 1 liter jars

Ingredients for 1 liter:

  • cherries – 200-300 g;
  • sweet sand - 300 g for any drained liter of water.

Step-by-step recipe for quick production:

  1. Rinse the jars and rinse with boiling water. If you really want to, you can sterilize it. Fill approximately halfway with sorted, washed and dried cherries. This compote can be rolled up with or without seeds. With the second twisting method, canned berries can be used in winter to make cakes, pies, dumplings and other dishes.
  2. Boil water and pour it into jars up to the neck. Cover with clean (boiled or wiped with alcohol), dry lids. Let stand for 15-20 minutes.
  3. During this period of time, the cherries are blanched (steamed), and the water turns light pink. Drain the liquid into a saucepan, measure its size (with a liter jar or find it with a scale) and add sugar at the rate of 300 g/1 l.
  4. Bring the syrup to a boil over moderate heat, simmer for 2-3 minutes. Pour back into the jars, being careful not to get it on the walls. Seal with screw-shaped or tin lids under the machine. Turn the canned food over to check its density. Then you can put the lids on top again. Wrap in a warm blanket for additional pasteurization. Take the cooled jars to the cellar. Can also be stored in an apartment.
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The compote comes out sweet and concentrated. It is recommended to dilute it or add ice before use.

Cherry compote for the winter - time-tested recipes

Our late cherries have already ripened - fragrant, dripping with juice, so beautiful that it’s a pity to pick them and eat them! But endless rains and flying bands of field thrushes force them to quickly dispose of the harvest. It won’t be possible to stretch out the pleasure so that you can eat it for at least a week. Either it will burst from the water, or all that will be left of it are the seeds on the stalks after the birds attack. Therefore, it is urgent to prepare cherry compote for the winter.

Early cherries are also suitable for making compote. Most often it is combined with strawberries - it turns out tastier. And the later one is good as a solo ingredient. She is completely self-sufficient and does not ask for any “backing vocals.” Although it can be completely combined with apricots, peaches, certain varieties of early apples, and cherries.

Compote is made from cherries of any color - reddish, yellowish, snow-white, “red-sided”. The main requirement for raw materials is that the cherry must be elastic, undamaged, and not worm-free. And if there are uninvited guests, then before production you should soak the berries in a saline solution. The living creatures will float to the surface in fear and should be removed with a slotted spoon.

Compote is prepared with different contents of cherries. Some people prepare it for the fragrant water, while for others the most important thing is the cherries themselves.

Let's get to work. First I give you a recipe, brought from Donbass 30 years ago by my friend. Using this method, compote is prepared not only from cherries, but from all berries and even from huge tassels of elastic grapes.

Cherry compote with pits for the winter - a regular recipe without sterilization

Ingredients for making sweet syrup

  • Two liters of water.
  • 320-420 g sugar (about 2 glasses).
  • 2-4 g of citric acid.

How to cook

  1. Prepare the container - rinse thoroughly using regular soda or mustard powder, rinse well, sterilize using any of your usual methods.
  2. Sort through the cherries, select for rolling the compote only completely whole, not wrinkled, without damage or signs of spoilage. Remove the stalks, if any remain, wash well.
  3. Fill the jars a third full.
  4. Prepare the syrup and boil it.
  5. Pour into jars from the top, immediately roll up the boiled lids, and place upside down.
  6. Cover the jars with warm clothes. And pile on top - use an old coat, blankets.
  7. Leave until cool.

My comments

  • This method allows you to preserve the taste of new berries.
  • It is justified to prepare compote from the freshest cherries for the winter without sterilization in containers of at least 3 liters.
  • In fact, they prepare assorted cherries and strawberries in the same way. Take fruits in any ratio.

Cherry compote with sterilization

If you make a compote with a predominant content of berries, then there will not be very much syrup in it. Such a product must be sterilized to avoid spoilage during storage. This drink is prepared from berries with and without seeds. In the first case, you should prepare a syrup of 35% concentration (350 g of sugar per 650 g of water). In the 2nd case, prepare sweet syrup of 50% concentration (500 g of water for 500 g of sugar). A 1 liter jar requires approximately 300-350 ml of syrup. For any liter of syrup, add 1 g of citric acid.

How to roll up

  1. Sort through the raw materials, select only the highest quality berries for processing. Rinse in several waters, tear off the stems and remove the seeds (if you cook without them).
  2. Pour cherries almost to the top into sterilized jars.
  3. Create a syrup of suitable concentration. Pour hot syrup (60°C) over the cherries. Place sterilized lids on the jars.
  4. Place in a container with water heated to 70°C for sterilization. At the bottom of the pan you can place a wooden plank or a clean cloth folded a couple of times (a medical system of cells and intercellular substance, united by a common origin, structure and functions) .
  5. Sterilize 1 liter containers at 100°C for 30 minutes (with seeds) or 20 minutes (without seeds).
  6. Screw tightly, place upside down and cool as quickly as possible, but not in a draft.
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My comments

  • Using this technology, it is justified to roll compote in 0.7-1 liter jars.
  • In winter, put pitted cherries from compote in pies, cakes, various desserts and simply eat them as if they were fresh.

Compote using two-time pouring technology without sterilization

Ingredients for a three-liter jar

  • 1.8-2 kg of cherries (approximately).
  • 1-1.2 liters of water.
  • 1 cup of sugar.
  • 2 g citric acid.

How to cook

  1. Pour the cherries prepared using the above method into jars almost up to the neck.
  2. Boil water, pour it into jars to the top of the neck, and add sterile lids. Let it sit like this for 10-12 minutes.
  3. Pour the water into the pan. The most convenient way to do this is through gauze secured to the jar with an elastic band or a holey lid.
  4. Put sugar and citric acid in water, heat the syrup to 100°C, boil for 1 minute.
  5. Pour in so that the syrup overflows through the neck of the container.
  6. Immediately roll it up, turn it upside down, wrap it in something warm and leave it like that until the compote has completely cooled down.

Recipe for pitted cherry compote for baby

If you decide to make compote from fresh or frozen cherries for your baby, then you should definitely cook it without seeds. After all, the baby can choke on them. A homemade drink is even healthier than store-bought juices and carbonated drinks filled with “chemicals” and sweeteners. It has only one drawback - a huge sugar content, which is certainly harmful. Therefore, we will cheat and prepare the compote in a saucepan so that we can drink it at the moment, completely without sugar. When the compote has cooled, we sweeten it with watery honey (if the baby is not allergic to it) or add a small amount of sugar, like in tea.

How to cook

  1. We sort and select high-quality berries for the compote, remove them from the stalks, carefully rinse them in water, and remove the seeds.
  2. Boil clean water, add the fruits to it, bring to a boil again, remove from the heat and leave the drink to brew in the pan.
  3. Pour into cups or glasses and add sugar or honey to taste.

We slowly reached the end of our current meeting. Naturally, you can prepare compote from the freshest cherries in a saucepan so that you can drink it right away, throughout the entire season of this delicious berry given to us. But in the summer it is better to simply eat any fruits fresh, and prepare compotes for the winter.

In our house, it is customary to open the first jar of some kind of compote with a huge content of fruits for the New Year. Most often it is cherry, pear or apricot compote. For me, this “greetings from a warm summer” tastes better than any cake. Well, the kids really love to “peck” the most delicious berries.

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Cherry compote

A recipe for quickly making compote for long-term storage.

Ingredients for Cherry Compote:

  • Cherries
  • Sugar - 1 cup.
  • Citric acid - 0.5 tsp.

Production time: 120 minutes

Number of servings: 10

Nutritional and energy value:

Ready meals
915.4 kcal
0 g
0 g
229.3 g
91.5 kcal
0 g
0 g
22.9 g
100 g dish
398 kcal
0 g
0 g
99.7 g

Recipe for “Cherry compote”:

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  • Reviews

June 11, 2017 lenaus_1 #

October 16, 2016 Zhmenka II #

June 11, 2015 yni #

July 4, 2014 round # (recipe creator)

July 18, 2013 Chaika2 #

June 25, 2013 TatyanaF #

June 3, 2013 Iruska27 #

May 30, 2013 Tpnchik #

May 30, 2012 TatyanaF #

June 21, 2016 vojtovich62 #

June 25, 2011 Margarita-tm #

June 25, 2011 round # (recipe creator)

June 25, 2011 Margarita-tm #

June 25, 2011 round # (recipe creator)

June 21, 2016 vojtovich62 #

July 3, 2010 mysj19 #

July 4, 2010 round # (recipe creator)

July 5, 2010 mysj19 #

July 5, 2010 round # (recipe creator)

July 6, 2010 mysj19 #

June 21, 2016 vojtovich62 #

July 2, 2010 Irina66 #

July 2, 2010 SvetikZam #

July 2, 2010 kenzzzo #

July 2, 2010 Elvyrka #

July 2, 2010 Bacirubati #

July 2, 2010 round # (recipe creator)

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