Bounty candies at home

Bounty candies at home


Coconut flakes – 100 g

Butter – 30 g

Sweet sand – 40-50 g

Milk chocolate – 200 g

  • 480 kcal
  • 1 hour
  • 2 hours
  • 3 hours

Photo of the finished dish

Step-by-step recipe with photos

To make Bounty sweets at home, the following ingredients will be useful.

Place a small saucepan or saucepan on the fire, pour in the cream, add butter.

Add sweet sand. The amount of sweetener can be adjusted to your own taste.

Simmer the mixture over low heat until the sugar and butter are completely dissolved. Do not bring to a boil.

Remove from heat, add coconut flakes.

Stir the mixture thoroughly, add vanillin for flavor, and cool.

Place the mixture in a suitable mold so that the layer of coconut consistency is no more than 2 cm high, compact it tightly. It is better to lay cling film underneath. Cover the top of the workpiece with film and place in the freezer for 30 minutes.

After a while, remove the frozen coconut layer from the freezer, then from the mold. Carefully divide it with a knife into rectangular shapes.

Give any bar your hands the correct shape so that they look like unique Bounty candies. Place the candies in the refrigerator for 1 hour, then in the freezer for another hour.

After a while, start preparing the chocolate. Break the chocolate bar into pieces, place it in a small container, and melt the chocolate in a water bath. To make the chocolate mass more elastic, you can add 1 tbsp. vegetable oil, preferably without aroma.

Remove the coconut bars from the freezer. Dip any specimen into chocolate using a fork, pour the chocolate on top with a spoon, covering the sides of the bars. Do everything very quickly, as the chocolate hardens instantly on cool bars. Carefully place the chocolate covered bars on film.

Place the chocolates back in the freezer for 30 minutes to allow the chocolate to harden.

Candies “Bounty”

per serving

At home, you can make very tasty sweets from coconut flakes, condensed milk and chocolate. Homemade Bounty candies, prepared with love, are even tastier than store-bought ones.

Products (for 16 servings)
Milk chocolate – 3 bars
Condensed milk – 200 g
Coconut flakes (unsweetened) – 300 g

How to make Bounty candies at home:

Combine coconut flakes with condensed milk.

Mix well until smooth.
To realize that the inside of the candy is ready, you need to take a slightly prepared mass and try to form a ball or bar out of it - the mass must keep its shape. If the coconut flakes separate, you need to add more condensed milk.

Take 1 tbsp.
spoon of the finished coconut mass, form a bar or ball and place it on a baking sheet (or tray) covered with parchment. We make such preparations for Bounty candy bars from the entire mass. Place in the freezer for 30 minutes.

Melt the chocolate in the microwave or in a water bath.

Dip coconut candy blanks into melted chocolate, dip/dip chocolate on all sides.
Carefully, using a spoon and knife, place them again on the parchment. Place the Bounty candy bars in the refrigerator so that the chocolate completely hardens.

Homemade Bounty sweets are ready. Bon appetit!


39 thanks 1
Julia Wednesday, May 06, 2020 13:45 #

For this amount of chips and condensed milk, 2 chocolate bars of 100g each are enough if you add 50 ml of milk when melting.

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“Bounty” at home

Recipe from: Julia M.

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Remarkable Bounty candies, made from just a few ingredients, are now available to anyone and everyone to make at home!

Who doesn’t love “Bounty” as much as I love them? The blue lagoon, a coconut falling from the height of a palm tree and breaking as if in slow motion, and the slogan “Heavenly pleasure” pleasantly touched me as a child... Now, raising two children, I am a scrupulous mother, weeding out products with a large list of conditionally edible ingredients. And I embody my love for sweets and my own family in homemade sweets, for example, in these. Go ahead - get creative!

Bounty composition:


  • 120 g coconut flakes
  • 15 g cocoa butter (you can use coconut or butter)
  • 2 tbsp. l. watery honey
  • 1-2 tbsp. l. lemon juice or a pinch of vanilla (optional, for lovers)
  • plain chocolate bar
  • 30 g cocoa butter
  • 4 tsp. watery honey
  • 50 g cocoa powder or carob (or 60 g grated cocoa)
  • 1 tbsp. l. milk powder (optional, for milk chocolate)

How to create a Bounty at home - recipe with photo:

  1. First we will prepare the “body” of the candy. For the inside, throw in a third of the coconut flakes whole, grind the rest in a coffee grinder until it becomes flour. Add honey and cocoa butter melted in a water bath to the shavings. Mix thoroughly until the crumbs are moist.

Coconut flakes + honey + oil

Option 1: melt the chocolate in a water bath. I usually use homemade, but from time to time I take fructose in the hypermarket, in the section for diabetics. You can take an ordinary one.

Option 2: melt cocoa butter in a water bath, add honey, mix well, add sifted cocoa powder (and milk powder if you prefer milk chocolate) and mix again. I recommend cooking the glaze itself in a water bath to prevent it from thickening too early.

Making homemade chocolate glaze

Heavenly pleasure is guaranteed, bon appetit!

Julia M. recipe creator

Delicious recipes with step-by-step photos:

Reviews and comments (21) for the entry “Bounty at home”

Julia, cool stuff! There’s a smell of New Years in the air :)
I’ve just finished fiddling with the inside and prepared it in molds, tomorrow I’ll be dipping it into homemade chocolate
. Only I always use the freshest coconut and, of course, coconut oil in the filling to enhance the taste, well, it was absolutely “heavenly pleasure”

thank you, Nastya!
yes, you can do that) the recipe is adapted for mass use and I completely agree with you in experiments with exotic ingredients

Nastya, I also have the freshest coconut lying idle. Please tell me how to create a “Bounty” from it.

And questions for Yulia, the creator of the recipe: I don’t have cocoa butter, but I do have homemade butter. Will it work for frosting? And how long does it take to prepare?

Ekaterina, You first need to cut the coconut and separate the flesh from the shell.
The snow-white pulp has such a thin brown skin, in principle, you can do with it. But I peel it off with a knife, so the inside comes out more tender. Then I place the snow-white pieces of pulp in a blender and bring everything to a very small and homogeneous state. And then coconut oil and honey. True, my proportions are different :)
I didn’t make it with butter, because I always make a raw food version of bounty.

Thanks for the addition! I like your focus on very healthy sweets - maybe that’s why you are one yourself.

Nastya, thanks for the answer! Can you also write down your proportions for these sweets? I constantly grate the coconut on a small grater (together with the brown skin, which is left behind in the cookies later). The recipe uses shavings that are already dried and can be ground into flour. What about the freshest coconut?

Hello, Ekaterina!
It will be suitable for glaze, but you won’t get straight chocolate, but glaze will work just fine. Like Nastya, I prefer live chocolate, but I can always give hints on variations on the theme. It is prepared absolutely quickly - you need to melt the butter, add sifted cocoa powder or carob, and stir. It’s not enough to wait until the mixture cools down and add honey (if you’re cooking in a water bath, you don’t need to wait). And you can cover the candies.

Julia, thank you for the clarification! We live in the provinces, here we have never heard of cocoa butter or coconut oil in stores. And high-quality homemade oil is always at hand. That's why I asked about using it in the recipe.

You wrote to divide the shavings into three parts! Grind two into flour, and the third into ordinary shavings?

I didn’t write to divide it into three parts. “...throw one third of the coconut flakes whole, grind the rest in a coffee grinder to flour” In other words, 2/3 (75%) are ground.

The New Year's experiment was a success on the 2nd try. Store-bought coconut flakes turned out to be drier than in the recipe, so I had to add more honey and coconut oil, I even thought about just adding a little water for greater plasticity. There were also difficulties with the glaze - I added carob, but it got crumpled and it was impossible to break it with either a paddle or a spoon. I did it in a water bath over low heat. The glaze with cocoa turned out great, although there wasn’t enough for almost 3 candies. And another important point that I didn’t take into account is to put the finished candies on foil to cool. I just put them on a plate, and I had to pick them out with a knife, and because the candies were a little dry on the inside, they fell into small pieces. We all liked the taste, so I will create more bounties, taking into account my mistakes.

Bounty candies at home: recipe with photos

Bounty sweets are a heavenly pleasure that can now be experienced at home. To do this, it is enough to try at least one of the presented recipes and be sure that everything will certainly work out.

Bounty candies the most popular recipe

Homemade bars taste just as good as store-bought ones. And not many ingredients are needed to make them:

  • 300 g milk chocolate without inside;
  • 200 g coconut flakes (snow-white);
  • 200 ml cream (20%);
  • 50 g butter;
  • 2 tbsp. l. snow-white sugar.

Main stages of production:

All the cream is poured into a deep saucepan and placed on low heat. When they heat up slightly (but do not boil), a piece of butter is added to the container. You need to wait until it melts completely and then add sweet sand. It is important to stir the cream constantly so that nothing burns.

Coconut shavings are carefully added to the acquired mass. In some variants, instead of snow-white, multi-colored candy is used, but this will have a different taste, different from Bounty candy.

Everything is painstakingly mixed so that a mass comes out, somewhat reminiscent of boiled rice.

Place a sheet of baking paper on a cutting board or silicone mat. The coconut inside is laid out on it and a square is formed from it. The board is placed in the cold (for example, in the freezer) for at least 60 minutes.

After the designated time has passed, the frozen mass is taken out of the refrigerator and you need to start making bars from it as quickly as possible. To do this, the coconut “dough” is first cut into rectangles of similar size, and then rounded corners are formed by hand.

The candies are again laid out on paper and placed in the refrigerator for one hour. If you don’t create this or get the sweets ahead of time, they will simply fall apart.

Milk chocolate (2 or 3 bars, depending on how thick the top layer is) is heated in a water bath. It must be stirred constantly so that nothing burns. If the purchased mass comes out very thick, it is recommended to dilute it with 2 large tablespoons of refined oil.

The bars are taken out of the cold one at a time and placed in a huge bowl of melted chocolate. Afterwards they need to be turned over with a toothpick. And it’s convenient to remove them from the plate itself with a fork, because all the excess chocolate will be removed through the cloves.

The last time the Bounty candies are laid out on baking paper and sent to a cool space. It is best if they stay in the refrigerator the whole night (that is, in the dark) , and after a few hours they will be ready to eat.

Fundamental point! Outside the refrigerator, the bars begin to melt after 20-30 minutes, and at high temperatures even faster. And this must be taken into account in order to avoid unpleasant situations.

The Bounty candy recipe couldn't be simpler

Bounty candies can be prepared in different ways at home. The presented option is considered one of the easiest and most affordable.

Here are the ingredients you will need:

  • 200 g chocolate (bitter);
  • 1 package of snow-white coconut flakes;
  • ½ can of condensed milk.

Main stages of production:

All the necessary components are taken out of the refrigerator in advance. You need to make sure that nothing is forgotten, because there will be no ability to distract yourself from cooking.

Coconut shavings are poured into a deep, comfortable container. Condensed milk is poured into it evenly (this is very important). The mass must be thoroughly mixed and made sure that it sticks together perfectly. In some versions, more condensed milk is needed than indicated in the recipe.

After painstaking kneading, oblong bars are formed. You can create this using two huge spoons, but it is best to sculpt it with your hands. The candies are laid out on a flat plate so that they do not touch each other and go into the freezer for 15 minutes.

During this period of time, you need to have time to melt all the chocolate in a water bath. It is also acceptable to use a microwave oven, but the taste of chocolate may change in this case.

A baking tray or large cutting board is covered with clean baking paper. The bars are removed from the freezer and alternately dipped in chocolate. Place them on paper and place them in the refrigerator or on a cool balcony for at least 15 minutes.

That's all. After this, Bounty candies can be served with tea. Almost all guests will not even realize that this is a homemade recipe and not an “insignificant fake.”

Bounty for kids with love

Savory coconut candies that literally won't hurt your sweet tooth if you don't eat them all at once. And here’s what you need to prepare them without the help of others:

  • 150 g chocolate (dark or milk);
  • 100 g coconut shavings (fresh or store-bought);
  • 100 g of cream of any fat content;
  • 50 g sweet sand;
  • 20 g butter (butter).

Main stages of production:

  1. Cream is poured into a small container, and then sugar and a piece of butter are added. The saucepan is placed on the smallest setting.
  2. Everything is heated and stirred constantly until the sugar and butter are completely dissolved. After this, the pan is removed from the heat to avoid boiling.
  3. Coconut flakes are added. There is no need to pour it all in at once - you need to act evenly and mix the resulting mass well.
  4. Take a plastic bowl approximately 13x13 cm in size and line it with cling film. Carefully pour the future candy filling into it and, if necessary, level the surface with a spoon. The container must be placed in the freezer for at least half an hour.
  5. After the designated time has passed, remove the filling from the mold by carefully pulling the edges of the cling film. You shouldn’t rush, so as not to accidentally turn anything over.
  6. Using a sharp knife, divide the filling into small rectangles and carefully form rounded edges. But this may not be possible if there is no special desire.
  7. Melt the chocolate in a water bath on the stove. Don’t forget to stir the melting mass so that nothing burns. This can really ruin the taste of the chocolate. If necessary, you can add a couple of tablespoons of milk or refined oil.
  8. Place the cooled bars alternately on a fork and dip into the chocolate. For convenience, the candy is poured on top with a spoon.
  9. Almost finished Bounty candies are placed back onto film (or baking paper) using a knife and placed in the refrigerator for 20-40 minutes.

The time spent in the cold can be extended. This will not make the taste of the bars any worse, and the sweets themselves will not melt in your hands so much and not so quickly.

Dietary version of homemade bars

This recipe for Bounty sweets will appeal to those who dream of losing weight, but cannot deny themselves a little helplessness. And here are the ingredients you will need for this:

  • 30 g coconut flakes;
  • 10 g gelatin;
  • 8 g cocoa;
  • boiling water;
  • Sugar substitute is added as desired.

Manufacturing stages:

  1. Cocoa is poured into a cup and poured with a small amount of boiling water. Everything is carefully mixed and brought to a mixture of thick sour cream. If desired, a sugar substitute is added specifically at this step. After this, the glaze must cool completely.
  2. During this period of time, the inside is prepared. Coconut flakes are mixed with gelatin and sweetener. Everything is mixed and 100 ml of boiling water is poured. Everything is mixed again, but until the gelatin dissolves. Set aside for a while until the mixture cools down.
  3. We carefully grease the candy molds with chocolate so that there are no “snow-white spots”.
  4. After this, the cooled coconut mass is moderately distributed into molds and placed in the refrigerator (or better yet, in the freezer) for at least an hour.
  5. After the designated time has passed, all that remains is to take the homemade Bounties out of the molds and serve.

You can eat 6 bars at a time and not harm your figure and health. And this is what is needed just before the swimming season. And now, all that remains is to prepare delicious sweets and amuse your family with a healthy and tasty treat.

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