Coconut cream for cake, recipe with photo

Coconut cream for cake, recipe with photo

Cakes are specifically those desserts that are very popular at various holidays and celebrations. But for the delicacy to be truly tender and tasty, you need to prepare the right cream for it. In this article we will tell you in more detail how to create coconut cream for a cake, according to ordinary recipes with photos, step by step, at home. The finished layer comes out indescribably airy and tender, and coconut shavings will give the cake an unusual exotic taste and smell.

Creamy milk mixture with coconut


  • milk 2.5% - 510 ml;
  • semolina - 3 spoons;
  • sweet sand - 145 g;
  • butter - 125 g;
  • 1st grade flour - 3 tablespoons;
  • coconut shavings - 210 g;
  • vanilla sugar - 12 gr.


  1. So, to prepare coconut cream for the cake, you need to take a couple of glasses of milk, pour this amount into a saucepan, and then bring to a boil over medium heat. As the milk base boils, sweet sand, as well as sugar and vanillin, are evenly added to it. Cook the mixture until the sugar grains dissolve.
  2. After this, the heat is reduced to a minimum, and butter is added to the composition; if this product is not at home, you can replace it with cream, in which case 410 ml of the product is taken. Mix everything again and bring to a boil.
  3. In the meantime, take three tablespoons of flour and semolina, combine the products in a separate container, and then pour them evenly into the milk mass. It is better to stir the milk base with a whisk to avoid the formation of lumps in the finished cream. This composition is boiled until the semolina is completely cooked, and then the cream is removed from the heat.
  4. If the mass is too thick, after cooling, you can pour the remaining milk into it and beat everything with a blender. The creamy mass goes back onto the stove and cooks, after boiling, for 5 minutes. Two hundred grams of shavings are poured into the seething mixture; if you want to get the most coconut mixture, then the amount of shavings can be increased slightly. The mixture must be constantly stirred so that the chips do not settle to the bottom of the container.
  5. This coconut cream for a cake, according to the indicated recipe, is allowed to cool for some time, and then it is whipped again to make the mass fluffy. The prepared mixture is used to cover light sponge cake layers. If this is necessary, then the cream is sent for storage in the refrigerator. This composition is stored for no more than 5 hours.

Milk-based cream with starch and coconut flakes


  • coconut shavings - 230 g;
  • powdered sugar - 395 g;
  • milk of the highest fat content - 1.3 liters;
  • 1st grade flour - 10 spoons;
  • soft butter - 610 g;
  • potato starch - 2 tablespoons.


  1. Judging by the number of goods indicated, you can understand that there should be quite a lot of finished cream, for this reason we should prepare a container for storing the finished product in advance. For production, starch and flour are taken, these products are mixed together in a separate bowl. Then, add milk to the indicated ingredients and mix everything with a whisk.
  2. The mixture is allowed to stand for about fifteen minutes, after which the container is placed on the fire and left to cook until it boils. As soon as the composition boils, add sweet powder to it and mix the cream well. Boil the milk mass for 5 minutes until the powder dissolves perfectly.
  3. Once this process is completed, coconut shavings are introduced into the still hot base, and then everything is mixed and the composition is allowed to cool. Once the cream has cooled, beat it with a mixer until thick. After cooling, add soft butter to the cream mixture and beat everything again. Place the cream mixture in the refrigerator for 40 minutes.

Creamy coconut milk base


  • cool coconut milk - 1 can;
  • powdered sugar - 2 tablespoons;
  • vanilla extract - 3 drops.


  1. In order to create coconut cream for the cake, according to this recipe with photo, you need to thoroughly cool a can of coconut milk. The product must be kept in the refrigerator for at least one day so that the finished composition comes out as the desired mixture.
  2. Also, for whipping, use only cool tools; for this reason, we will have to put the cup and whisk in the refrigerator for several hours. If the process is carried out with a mixer, then its attachments are placed in the chamber for 10 minutes. This is extremely important so that the base can retain its thick texture.
  3. In the meantime, coconut milk is taken out of the refrigerator, the jar is opened, and then the watery mixture is drained, leaving a thick sediment. It is the thick sediment that will be needed in order to create a creamy mass. The liquid does not have to mix with the sediment, so the draining process is carried out with extreme caution.
  4. Using a spoon, transfer the remaining coconut milk into a cooled bowl, and immediately begin the process of whipping the creamy consistency. This needs to be done within 3 minutes, during this period the mass will become airy. You need to beat this mixture evenly and smoothly so that no lumps are created in the consistency. Next, add sweet powder evenly to this mixture and add a few drops of vanilla extract. Do not stop the beating process so that the ingredients are thoroughly mixed.
  5. The creamy mass must be applied immediately after production; this composition cannot be stored. If there is a lot of coconut consistency, then some of it can be used to dress a fruit salad. This cream is used not only for making cakes, but also for the inside of cakes.
  6. If the shortcakes have not yet baked, but the creamy mass is ready, you can simply put the base in the refrigerator and beat with a whisk before adding. If desired, the essence can be replaced with regular vanillin. In addition to the base, add a spoonful of cocoa to create a coconut-chocolate cream, which is subsequently used to decorate the dessert.
Read also:  Cake Basket

Coconut cream in Balashikha

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Review: Econutrena Organic Coconut Cream – The most delicate and indescribably delicious coconut cream!

Hello dear friends, also users of the Otzovik website!

I adore coconut in all its forms, so I simply couldn’t pass up Econutrena coconut cream when I saw it in the Ivan Da online store.

I ordered this cream from the online store for the necessary products “Ivan Da”, the cost of a 300 ml container is 493 rubles. The product reached me safe and sound, despite its fragile packaging.

There was a first-opening control on the lid, for me this is a huge plus, especially when it comes to food and cosmetics.

The design of the container is attractive and laconic, but despite this, the packaging contains all the necessary information about the product and the manufacturer.

The shelf life of the product is 18 months.

Previously, I had taken coconut pastes for myself more than once, but I didn’t know that coconut could also be used to make cream. That’s why I was curious to try such a product.

The composition is impeccable, the cream is one hundred percent made from coconut pulp. There is nothing unnecessary or harmful here. The composition is very necessary and natural. This is what food products should be, capable of bringing benefits to our body, and not harming it with chemical compounds.

I can call the product dietary, even despite its decent calorie content. The cream is very satiating and it is impossible to eat a lot of it in one go (although it is so tasty), plus vegetable fats are easily absorbed in the body compared to animal fats. For me, such a product is perfect until lunch; it is during this period of time that my diet contains the largest amount of fat. And in the evening I prefer to eat lighter.

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Having opened the jar, I saw a rather solid mass, on top of which coconut oil separated in a solid layer.

The cream should not be eaten in this state; it must be heated in the microwave or in a water bath for 20-30 seconds, after which it must be carefully moved.

When warm, the cream mixes perfectly, resulting in a beautiful, uniform, medium-thick texture. But as soon as you put the cream in the refrigerator, it becomes thick again. And in this state I like to eat it best.

The smell is indescribable, sweet, juicy, coconut. Very, very tasty and appetizing.

In a watery form, the cream is perfect to use as a topping for pancakes, pancakes, pancakes, etc. And in a thick state, the cream is perfect for toast, bread, crackers, porridge, and even just eaten with a spoon, it’s incredibly tasty!

I store the cream in the refrigerator, but it’s so delicious that it won’t stay there for long.

Econutrena coconut cream amazed me with its taste; now this product will appear in my house more than once. I advise you to try it, it is extremely tasty and necessary!

Thank you all for your attention and for reading my review! Good mood and successful shopping for you

Why monkey faces would appeal to Cleopatra, or what the correct application of coconut cream can do for your skin

Often products for the care of children's and youth's skin have a coconut scent. A person who does not understand chemistry can imagine that the component that gives creams and milk this specific smell is added for the sake of a pleasant amber that evokes exalted emotions (Emotions are distinguished from other types of emotional processes: affects, feelings and moods) in almost all children. In fact, the oil “culpable” for the smell, extracted from the fruits of the coconut palm tree, not only emits a sweetish smell, but also contains a lot of benefits for sensitive skin, irritated or overdried by wind or age. That’s why the range of creams with coconut includes products for different age categories.

Historians say that Queen Cleopatra tried to take baths more often with the milk of young goats or donkeys. It gave the skin remarkable softness, velvety, brightened it, helped resist inflammation and healed microtraumas. It seems that if a lover of exotic procedures knew about all the peculiarities of the effect of coconut milk and oil on human skin, she would give the order to set up large plantations of palm trees, regardless of the difficulties of agricultural technology - in order to be able to arrange a font from coconut juice. Or, it’s hard to even imagine on what criteria, she recruited a large staff of nursing mothers at the palace so that they would express part of their own milk for the hygienic pleasures of the famous queen.

The fact is that coconut contains a lot of lauric acid - up to 50%. This component is also found in breast milk, which not only has enormous nutritional value, but also helps the child’s body resist various viruses and microbes. Therefore, the oil from these pseudo nuts absorbed into the skin improves its barrier functions and strengthens the overall human immune system. In addition, it has a relaxing effect on the nervous system. Indeed, it is somehow difficult to imagine a person having a nervous fit, smelling of coconut. Usually such an amber hovers over extremely complacent and balanced people.

Perhaps, specifically thanks to the use of coconut, most of the inhabitants of hot countries are constantly friendly and remain optimistic despite all turns of fate. Their skin, even though the southern sun is tough, retains its elasticity for a long time and quickly recovers from small cuts and scratches. So why not pamper our body with cosmetic products containing coconut, if we don’t even have to work on extracting valuable substances from it?

Beneficial effects of cream with coconut components

  • Perfectly protects the face from irritation due to wind and low temperatures.
  • It is perfectly absorbed and accepted by any skin type. Exception: personal immunity to coconut.
  • Confirmed anti-aging effect.
  • Chemical properties (inhibition of pathogenic microflora and wound healing effect) allow the use of cream instead of shaving foam.
  • Improves complexion and protects against UV (Ultraviolet radiation - electromagnetic radiation that occupies the range between the violet limit of visible radiation and X-ray radiation) burns.
  • Provokes regeneration processes.
  • Has a slight lifting effect.
  • Reduces swelling by draining lymph if the problem is caused by a violation of sleep patterns.
  • It eases the discomfort of ripening acne and prevents it from spreading to adjacent areas of the skin.
  • It counteracts the expansion of new rosacea networks and reduces the degree of manifestation of existing ones.

Coconuts are essentially drupes. Mature specimens can reach 2.5 kg in weight. Under a hard layer of countless fibers and a dense shell hides a snow-white, relatively elastic shell a centimeter wide. The well-known coconut milk is initially transparent, evenly - as the fruit ripens, it acquires a yellow color and becomes fattier in composition. This happens due to the gradual transition of some of the oils from the snow-white pulp into the liquid inside the fruit. The scientific name of the genus Cocos is combined with the Portuguese word “coco” - monkey. Three corresponding points on the tops of the fruits enhance the similarity of the drupes with the snouts of primates.

What chemical substances give coconut creams their healing and rejuvenating powers?

The lauric acid mentioned above is not the only valuable component of coconut products used by cream manufacturers in the manufacture of their own products.

  • Coconut palm oil contains approximately equal amounts of oleic and palmitic acids. The first helps fight subcutaneous fat deposits and excess water in tissues, the second restores metabolic cellular processes, stabilizing the state of the intercellular substance.
  • A small percentage of capric acid does not affect the quality of the action of this substance on the fungal flora - it intensively suppresses its vital activity, without worsening the condition of the treated tissue (The structure of tissues of living organisms is studied by the science of histology) .
  • Stearic and caprylic acids are “responsible” for the density of the epidermis and the measured saturation of cells with oxygen, respectively.
  • Vitamin B1 (a low-molecular organic compound of relatively simple structure, essential for all living things) normalizes the state of nerve fibers (an animal organ that serves to transmit important information for the body to the brain) and affects the properties of metabolic actions in the cells of the epidermis.
  • The presence of vitamin B2 simplifies the smoothing of the dermatological surfaces and increases their protective properties.
  • Vitamin E (a low molecular weight organic compound of relatively simple structure, essential for all living things) E improves the condition of capillaries, fights vascular mesh and reddish spots on the skin.
  • Potassium “watches” water-lipid metabolism and helps in the fight for a pleasant skin color.
  • Magnesium is needed to stabilize metabolic actions at the cellular level.
  • Iron is involved in the process of hematopoiesis and “busters” about saturating cells with oxygen.
  • Calcium is needed to maintain the protective functions of the skin.
  • Zinc normalizes the production of dermatological sebum and prevents the development of pathogenic flora.
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What problems can coconut cream help you overcome?

  • Hydration. When using in winter, you must follow the accepted recommendation: apply it to your face 40-60 minutes before going out into the cold.
  • Color smoothing.
  • Effective nutrition.
  • Lightening.
  • Elimination of areas of inflammation.
  • Some tightening of the contours.
  • “Erasing” traces of a tense or very fun night.

If the components of coconut do not cause allergic reactions in you, then a tube or jar of face cream can be placed not only on the shelf for cosmetic care products, but also in your home medicine cabinet. As a product that can be used if suddenly, for example, “Rescuer” or “Boro Plus” ends.

In which unusual ways to specifically use coconut cream for the face:

  • If you receive a small burn. But only after you cool the warped area to normal temperature. If there are blisters, especially burns of muscle and bone tissue (the structure of tissues of living organisms is studied by the science of histology) , only special medical products can be used!
  • When going out in the sun - if a special cream against UV (Ultraviolet radiation is electromagnetic radiation that occupies the range between the violet boundary of visible radiation and X-ray radiation) radiation is not available for some reason.
  • For rashes due to poor hygiene. But only after painstakingly cleaning the problem area with soapy water and then drying the area with a cardboard or ordinary towel.
  • For “pimples” with chapped skin.
  • For the prevention of fungal infections of the feet. After visiting the sauna, pool or beach, lubricating your feet with cream will not only moisturize the skin, but will also prevent it from being affected by any harmful spores.
  • As a reserve therapeutic agent for dermatological diseases, from time to time a care product has a more pronounced healing effect for eczema and dermatitis than pharmaceutical ointments. But with all this, it is necessary to use a high-quality product and be sure to perform an allergy test.
  • To care for the skin of the eyelids, neck, hands and the whole body - a high-quality cream can be used more extensively than the manufacturers advise. But when applied to the eyelids, it is necessary to avoid going beyond the eyelash growth zone. The mucous membrane of the eye reacts identically to any cream – with tears and redness.
  • To restore the softness of rough heels and heal cracks.

If the skin is oily, then during the hot season, ladies who want to have fair skin, but quickly tan in the sun, often have a problem: sunscreen creates a film and causes irritation, and without the product, the face quickly tans. A face cream with natural ingredients from coconut is able to perform two functions at once: prevent UV (Ultraviolet radiation - electromagnetic radiation that occupies the range between the violet boundary of visible radiation and X-ray radiation) rays from changing the color of the skin and immediately lighten it gently.

How to use coconut cream correctly

Despite its good absorption characteristics and the ability to dissolve clogging plugs in pores from accumulated secretions, the cream is used only for clean skin - a fairly ordinary wash. The product is applied in a thin layer, naturally, with clean fingers.

Can be used at night (that is, in the dark) . A cream with an annotation indicating that it is only for evening use can be used during the day - but this is when specialists do not recommend applying makeup.

The cream can provide the skin with strong anti-aging support. But even greater results are achieved by performing small gymnastics for the facial muscles before applying the product, which unsurpassably warms up the soft tissues (the structure of tissues of living organisms is studied by the science of histology) and causes increased blood and lymph flow in the body.

In what form is coconut used in creams?

Usually, refined or unrefined pseudonut oil is added to cosmetic fatty products. The second one has the most intense smell, but the cream with it requires special storage conditions - low temperature. Usually, they use any of the shelves on the refrigerator door for this.

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