How to create the most delicious donuts in a frying pan from water and flour? Cooking simply and quickly

How to create the most delicious donuts in a frying pan from water and flour? Cooking simply and quickly

Delicious food doesn’t have to take a long time to prepare with a huge amount of goods. There are quite a few options for dishes and desserts that are simply prepared, do not require enough ingredients and require very little time.

The most delicious donuts can be baked in a matter of minutes. Main ingredients: wheat flour and plain water. A little yeast, a little salt and sugar are also added here.

Nothing else is needed, all that’s left is to mix and fry. But how tasty and fluffy they turn out!

Ingredients for donuts and their quantities

To make donuts you will need products in the following ratio:

  • Half a liter of warm water.
  • 4 cups wheat flour.
  • 2 teaspoons of sweet sand.
  • 20 g yeast.
  • 1 teaspoon salt.
  • Vegetable oil for frying.

Making the dough

You can knead the dough using different methods

You need to take a saucepan and put all the ingredients in it, not counting the yeast. Everything should be mixed, put on the stove, brought to a boil and turned off. Now the dough must cool to the temperature of fresh milk.

You need to add yeast to the cooled dough mass and knead a not very thick dough. You can immediately form donuts from it and place it in a frying pan with bubbling oil for frying.

This is how you can create it if you don’t have time to wait. But, for greater pomp of culinary products, the dough needs to stand warm for 2 hours. Then it will be especially airy and soft.

To save time, you can knead the dough in a larger volume and separate the required amount for one-time use. The rest of the mass must be wrapped in cling film or put in a plastic bag and put in the refrigerator.

There it can be stored quietly for 2 - 3 days. But later, when you want donuts, you won’t need additional time to make the dough. You will just need to take out the ready-made semi-finished product from the refrigerator and instantly prepare donuts for tea.

Pour warm water into a deep bowl, add yeast and dilute it. Then sweet sand and salt are added. Flour is sifted through a sieve and added evenly in small portions and mixed with a whisk.

After 10 minutes, knead the dough with your hands. Next, the dishes are covered with film and left warm for 30 minutes.

Now you need to prepare a wide plate, a baking sheet, or lay out a film and lightly grease the surface with oil. The donuts formed from the dough will be placed here.

Hands are lubricated with oil so that nothing sticks to them. You need to pinch off the required amount of dough with your fingers, form balls with your palms and place them in the prepared space. Now you can put a frying pan on the stove, heat the oil until it boils, and then fry it. The balls can be formed into flat cakes or rings.


The frying pan must be deep. You can use a cast iron Dutch oven. There are 2 frying methods.

Large quantities of oil are poured into a deep frying pan. When the fat begins to boil, donuts are dipped into it. When they turn brown, they are pulled out.

Another method involves preparatory frying in a small frying pan, lightly greased with oil, over low heat. Later, the donuts are fried over high heat in a larger volume of fat.

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Any housewife can try both methods and choose the one she likes.

What can you eat donuts with?

After frying, the products can be served immediately and eaten with tea. Donuts are delicious on their own; you don’t need to add anything to them. If desired, they can be eaten with jam, jam, or sour cream. It's a matter of taste.

Yeast donuts on water

I suggest making very tasty yeast donuts using water using this recipe. They turn out crispy on the outside (slightly reminiscent of shortbread) and soft on the inside. These donuts can be served dipped in sweet and sour syrup from fragrant jam, or sprinkled with sweet powder. Try making this pastry, my family loves these donuts!


Manufacturing process

Pour flour and yeast into a bowl and mix.

Heat the butter in a microwave oven or in a water bath until watery.

Add hot water to the oil (water temperature approximately 80 degrees) and immediately add to the flour with yeast.

Mix all ingredients with a spoon. The dough will begin to form a lump, at this time add sugar. Grains of sugar will seem to loosen the structure of the dough during kneading, which will make the dough similar to shortbread with a slight crunch.

Knead the dough until smooth and sugar dissolved. Place the dough in a bowl and let it rest for 30 minutes. The donut dough comes out smooth, dense and stiff.

After proofing, the dough will increase slightly in volume and become elastic. On a table sprinkled with flour, roll out the dough into a layer 5-6 mm wide.

Using a glass, we cut out the blank circles for our donuts.

In the center of each circle, use a bottle cap or a pastry syringe nozzle (as I did) to cut out the centers.

Cover the prepared donuts with a towel and let them sit for 15 minutes. From the indicated amount of ingredients you will get approximately 25-30 donuts (depending on the diameter of your glass).

At this time, pour vegetable oil into the frying pan and heat it well, there should be a lot of oil.

Let's create a moderate fire so that during frying the yeast donuts are perfectly fried on the inside and not just browned on the edges. Place the pieces in a frying pan and fry for 7-8 minutes.

From time to time we turn the donuts from side to side.

Fry until golden brown.

Remove the finished ruddy donuts from the pan and let cool slightly.

Dip the slightly cooled donuts into the jam syrup on one side and place on a plate.

Ready-made yeast donuts mixed with water are balanced in taste, slightly crispy on the sides and soft on the inside.

With these donuts, a pleasant homemade tea party is guaranteed!

Fried yeast dough donuts

Now I would like to share a proven recipe for airy and delicious fried donuts. I prefer the traditional version of making them, from yeast dough. This way the donuts turn out to be very fluffy, and besides, they have a taste that is very familiar from youth. Mind-blowingly delicious golden brown rings with a crispy crust - your family will be in ecstasy!

I prepare the dough without eggs, using dry yeast and milk, and for a lean version of donuts, you can replace the milk with warm drinking water.


  • 4 cups flour
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of dry instant yeast or 1 sachet (11 g)
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of sugar
  • 0.5 tsp salt
  • 1 sachet (1.5 g) vanillin
  • 0.5 cups vegetable oil (in dough)
  • 1.5 glasses of warm water or milk (you can use a mixture of water and milk)
  • sweet powder for sprinkling
  • frying oil
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Note: Most often I use fast-acting dry instant yeast; it is recommended to add it specifically to flour. There is no need to activate them separately in warm water. Be sure to check the label on the package of the yeast you are using!

First, mix all the bulk ingredients in a bowl: flour, yeast, vanillin, salt and sugar. I recommend sifting the flour to get rid of unnecessary debris. In addition, this way the flour will become more loose, so that the dough rises better and is more homogeneous and airy.

  • Pour in warm milk or water (or a mixture of both).
  • Then add vegetable oil.
  • Mix the dough. First, mix the ingredients with a spoon, and then move on to kneading with your hands or a mixer. The finished dough should not stick to your hands or utensils.
  • After kneading, the bowl of dough must be covered with cling film or covered with a clean towel and placed in a warm space where there are no drafts. After about 1.5 hours, the dough should have doubled in size.
  • It is necessary to knead it and put it on the rise again.
  • Now the dough should rise faster.
  • Place the finished yeast dough on a table sprinkled with flour, knead slightly and begin cutting the donuts. I like ring-shaped donuts better, and they cook even better this way. With round donuts, there is a greater chance that the dough in the middle will not cook through. Although, if you follow the frying tips, this doesn't have to happen. So, be guided by your preferences and choose the form option that you like best.
  • Roll out a layer approximately 1.5 cm wide. Using a round mold or glass, cut out circles and in the middle of each circle cut out another small circle. We collect the dough scraps together and roll them out again.
  • Leave the cut rings for 10 minutes to rise.
  • Meanwhile, heat the oil for frying. Choose a fairly deep frying pan, pour vegetable oil into approximately 1/3 of the frying pan and place it on the stove.
  • After our rings have risen slightly, carefully place them in heated oil and fry on one side first. It is necessary to fry over medium heat so that the donuts are moderately fried. Over very high heat, the crust will quickly set, but the dough inside will remain raw.
  • Then turn it over and fry the other side until golden brown. The easiest way to twist donut rings is with two forks.
  • First place the finished donuts on a paper napkin so that it absorbs excess oil. And only then transfer them to a dish and sprinkle with sweet powder through a strainer. You can also serve condensed milk, chocolate spread, or your favorite jam or marmalade with the donuts.

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    How to create the most delicious donuts in a frying pan from water and flour? Cooking simply and quickly

    Delicious food doesn’t have to take a long time to prepare with a huge amount of goods. There are quite a few options for dishes and desserts that are simply prepared, do not require enough ingredients and require very little time.

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    The most delicious donuts can be baked in a matter of minutes. Main ingredients: wheat flour and plain water. A little yeast, a little salt and sugar are also added here.

    Nothing else is needed, all that’s left is to mix and fry. But how tasty and fluffy they turn out!

    Ingredients for donuts and their quantities

    To make donuts you will need products in the following ratio:

    • Half a liter of warm water.
    • 4 cups wheat flour.
    • 2 teaspoons of sweet sand.
    • 20 g yeast.
    • 1 teaspoon salt.
    • Vegetable oil for frying.

    Making the dough

    You can knead the dough using different methods

    You need to take a saucepan and put all the ingredients in it, not counting the yeast. Everything should be mixed, put on the stove, brought to a boil and turned off. Now the dough must cool to the temperature of fresh milk.

    You need to add yeast to the cooled dough mass and knead a not very thick dough. You can immediately form donuts from it and place it in a frying pan with bubbling oil for frying.

    This is how you can create it if you don’t have time to wait. But, for greater pomp of culinary products, the dough needs to stand warm for 2 hours. Then it will be especially airy and soft.

    To save time, you can knead the dough in a larger volume and separate the required amount for one-time use. The rest of the mass must be wrapped in cling film or put in a plastic bag and put in the refrigerator.

    There it can be stored quietly for 2 - 3 days. But later, when you want donuts, you won’t need additional time to make the dough. You will just need to take out the ready-made semi-finished product from the refrigerator and instantly prepare donuts for tea.

    Pour warm water into a deep bowl, add yeast and dilute it. Then sweet sand and salt are added. Flour is sifted through a sieve and added evenly in small portions and mixed with a whisk.

    After 10 minutes, knead the dough with your hands. Next, the dishes are covered with film and left warm for 30 minutes.

    Now you need to prepare a wide plate, a baking sheet, or lay out a film and lightly grease the surface with oil. The donuts formed from the dough will be placed here.

    Hands are lubricated with oil so that nothing sticks to them. You need to pinch off the required amount of dough with your fingers, form balls with your palms and place them in the prepared space. Now you can put a frying pan on the stove, heat the oil until it boils, and then fry it. The balls can be formed into flat cakes or rings.


    The frying pan must be deep. You can use a cast iron Dutch oven. There are 2 frying methods.

    Large quantities of oil are poured into a deep frying pan. When the fat begins to boil, donuts are dipped into it. When they turn brown, they are pulled out.

    Another method involves preparatory frying in a small frying pan, lightly greased with oil, over low heat. Later, the donuts are fried over high heat in a larger volume of fat.

    Any housewife can try both methods and choose the one she likes.

    What can you eat donuts with?

    After frying, the products can be served immediately and eaten with tea. Donuts are delicious on their own; you don’t need to add anything to them. If desired, they can be eaten with jam, jam, or sour cream. It's a matter of taste.

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