Ordinary traditional recipes for airy crumpets

Ordinary traditional recipes for airy crumpets

For those who love the freshest homemade baked goods, we recommend making crumpets; the traditional recipe will be a good dessert for dinner or as an independent dish with tea, coffee or milk. The advantage of airy donuts is their warm mixture, which remains airy for a long time and does not go stale. The delicacy is prepared in a hurry. After molding, the products are fried in a large amount of vegetable oil. Therefore, crumpets should be placed on paper napkins, which will absorb excess fat.

Often, donuts and crumpets are confused. Usually it's the same treat. But donuts are made round, and crumpets have a hole in the middle - although this difference is conditional! Donuts are served with jam, condensed milk, butter or sour cream. If desired, they can be sprinkled with sweet powder, cinnamon, and covered with glaze. Donuts do not necessarily have to be round. They can be created in the shape of bears, snails, cats. In this case, children will certainly like the baked goods and will eat them in a matter of minutes.

Airy crumpets: traditional step-by-step recipe with photos

Traditional crumpets are prepared on the basis of milk, kefir or curdled milk without various entrails. They are certainly fried in vegetable oil. It is better to roll out the dough 1 centimeter wide. If the dough is thinner, it will not rise and the products will be flat and unappetizing. There is no need to skimp on sugar. It is he who gives the products a beautiful golden color. But everything must be in moderation.

In order for the dough to be fried inside, the vegetable oil must be heated. Products are growing in size. Therefore, they should not be laid out very tightly. First, you need to lay out a few pieces and test them after frying to make sure the dough is ready. After the donuts lie on a cardboard towel, they must be lubricated with ordinary water. This simple manipulation will allow them to remain soft and airy longer.


  • Milk – 200 ml;
  • Chicken eggs – 3 pieces. All you need is the yolks!
  • Sugar – 1.5 tablespoons;
  • Wheat flour – 300 gr;
  • Fresh yeast – 25 g;
  • Creamy
  • e oil – 30 g;
  • Salt – a couple of pinches;
  • Vegetable oil - for frying.

Airy crumpets: traditional step-by-step recipe with photos

Manufacturing method:

  1. The milk needs to be slightly heated in the microwave. It should be slightly warm, not hot;
  2. Place the freshest yeast in the milk and let it dissolve. After this, add sugar and stir the mixture, let it ferment slightly at room temperature. The procedure takes about 20-25 minutes;
  3. Melt the butter and let it cool. Then mix it with the yolks. The mass should be homogeneous and resemble cream;
  4. When the yeast is suitable, mix it with the creamy yolk mass;
  5. Mix flour with salt and sift several times. We make a depression in it, after which we begin to carefully pour in the watery fraction;
  6. Knead soft, elastic dough. After this, cover it with a towel and leave it warm for 1-1.5 hours so that it rises and rises. The yeast base definitely needs to stand. After this, knead the dough again, and then roll it out 1 centimeter wide;
  7. Using special molds we make blanks. You can use an ordinary glass and cut a hole with a bottle cap or a glass;
  8. Place the finished buns on a table sprinkled with flour and let them rise for 15-20 minutes;
  9. Heat the vegetable oil in a frying pan with deep sides; it should cover our donuts by half! You can check the readiness of the oil with a drop of water, adding which you will hear a crackling sound;
  10. Fry the buns on each side until golden brown;
  11. Place the products on a paper towel and then serve.

Sprinkle the donuts with sweet powder or cinnamon, dip in honey or sweet syrup, spread into 2 parts and blot with jam - any serving option is appropriate. Air baked goods are good without the help of others without various additions! This recipe is used by the British. It is time-tested and considered one of the best in home cooking.

Yeast-free crumpets: a traditional step-by-step recipe for the drink

In fact, there are two traditional recipes for making donuts. The first one is yeast, we saw it above. The second one is yeast-free, we’ll talk about it below. This recipe can also be considered lean. The only thing is that it contains vodka, which will make the finished dough tender and indescribably tasty!

The finished dish can be given any shape. It is important to realize that there must be enough vegetable oil in the frying pan - it will not interfere with the finished donuts, but on the contrary, it will allow the dough to rise better. You should not leave the stove while making crumpets. Otherwise, another culinary masterpiece could be ruined!


  • Drink – 350 ml;
  • Flour – 500-600 gr. The final amount depends on the type of flour. You may need a little more or less;
  • Soda – 1 teaspoon;
  • Vegetable oil - 3 tablespoons for dough and for frying, as needed;
  • Vodka – 1 tablespoon;
  • Drinking water – 1 glass;
  • Salt and sugar - to taste. The amount of these components depends on what the crumpets will be served with. It is better to create them neutral in taste so that they can be combined with different additives.

Yeast-free crumpets: a traditional step-by-step recipe for the drink

Manufacturing method:

  1. We start making crumpets by sifting the flour. Repeat the function 2 times;
  2. Add a pinch of salt, sugar to taste and soda to the drink. With the assistance of kefir and soda, a reaction will begin - air bubbles will be created on the surface;
  3. Add water to the kefir; pour it in carefully;
  4. Then, little by little, we begin to add flour, stirring thoroughly each time so that there are no lumps;
  5. When the base becomes flexible, add vegetable oil and begin to knead it with your hands. It should be elastic and slightly stick to your hands;
  6. After kneading, leave the dough for 30-40 minutes. He needs a little rest;
  7. Then stir the dough again and roll it out into a layer of 1 centimeter, cut out the products;
  8. Fry the donuts in hot oil on all sides and place on a paper napkin.
Read also:  Fried pies with jam

There is a recipe for dough for airy buns made with cottage cheese. To knead the dough you will need 150 grams of full-fat cottage cheese, a glass of flour, 1 chicken egg, a teaspoon of soda, sugar and salt to taste. The ingredients are mixed into a dough; before adding soda to the mixture, it must be quenched with vinegar. The crumpets are fried in the same way as in previous recipes.

If you want to create a savory snack, you can sprinkle the donuts with grated cheese. It will turn out very tasty and satisfying. If desired, the buns are baked in the oven. In this case, they don't turn out so greasy. This baking option is suitable for those who want to treat themselves to something tasty, but are not allowed to eat fatty foods. Baked crumpets can be served with garlic butter. To make it, you need to take 3 tablespoons of unrefined olive oil and mix with 4 cloves of garlic, passed through a press. Let the oil sit and then grease the finished baked goods with it.

Donuts with milk - 7 recipes

Donuts with milk are a tasty and nutritious dish that is easy to make. They are perfect for breakfast or homemade tea. You can make crumpets of any shape (from ordinary flat cakes to diamond shapes). This dish is served with hot tea, cocoa, milk or compote.

Donuts with sour milk

In order to make crumpets with sour milk, you will need:

  • liter of sour milk;
  • a couple of huge l. sweet sand;
  • 2 teaspoons each of table salt and soda;
  • 7 tbsp. flour;
  • sweet powder (to taste);
  • 1 teaspoon each of vanilla and ground cinnamon.


  • First, knead the dough; to do this, carefully mix sugar with cinnamon, salt, soda and vanilla.
  • Then pour in the milk and begin to add flour in small parts, mixing the ingredients.
  • Leave the mixed flour mixture in a warm place.
  • After the dough has increased 2-3 times, you need to treat your hands with vegetable oil and roll it into a wide “sausage”, which should be cut into several pieces of equal size.
  • Create a cut in the center of each piece of dough.
  • Next, place the formed pieces on a hot frying container with oil.

  • Fry on both sides until an appetizing golden crust appears.

Tip: Before creating the crumpet dough, it is recommended to sift the flour, which will help achieve the airiness and lightness of the finished product.

Quick recipe

To make this quick recipe you will need the following ingredients:

  • a pair of eggs;
  • 0.2 l vegetable oil;
  • 3.5 huge l. sweet sand;
  • half a teaspoon each of table vinegar and soda;
  • 1 tbsp. flour;
  • a small pinch of salt;
  • 4 tbsp. l. sour cream.


  • Beat eggs with sour cream, sugar and salt with a mixer.
  • Then you need to add soda, slaked with vinegar, and carefully mix the ingredients.
  • Next, add flour in small portions, kneading the dough.
  • The resulting flour mass should be rolled out to a width of no more than 7 mm and cut into several diamond-shaped pieces.
  • Place the pieces on a well-heated frying pan with oil.
  • Cook over moderate heat until golden brown on both sides.

Sprinkle the fried donuts with sweet powder and serve.

Donuts with milk, fried in a frying pan

In order to make crumpets with milk, fried in a frying pan, you will need:

  • 1 tbsp. milk;
  • 1 incomplete teaspoon of table salt;
  • testicle;
  • 1 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • 2.5 tbsp. flour;
  • 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil;
  • 1 teaspoon dry yeast.


  • First you need to dilute the yeast in slightly heated milk.
  • Then add sugar, butter, salt and egg. Beat all ingredients with a mixer.
  • After this, add flour and knead the dough.
  • Cover the resulting mass with a clean cloth (the combination of various and interacting tissues form organs) and leave for 60 minutes.
  • After this time, cut the dough in half, cutting each half into 6 equal parts.
  • Then, from the pieces of dough, you should form balls, from which you should roll into flat cakes no more than 3 cm wide.
  • Next, place the pieces sparingly in a hot frying pan with oil.

  • Fry on both sides at moderate heat until golden brown.

Tip: To eliminate excess oil, it is recommended to spread the finished fried product over a cardboard surface.

Dough recipe without yeast

To produce donuts without yeast, you need to prepare the following products:

  • 1 tbsp. milk of the highest fat content;
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder;
  • 3 tbsp. flour;
  • a couple of eggs;
  • vegetable oil;
  • 0.1 boiled water;
  • 4 huge l. Sahara;
  • half a teaspoon of vanilla;
  • 25 g butter.


  • Beat the eggs with vanilla and sugar until the bulk component is completely dissolved, then add slightly warmed butter.
  • Then you need to pour in warm milk and carefully mix the products.
  • Add water and stir again.
  • After this, add the flour combined with baking powder in small portions, stirring.
  • We begin to knead the dough, which should be homogeneous and not stick to your hands. It is permissible to add flour (if necessary), but do not overcrowd the mixture with this component.
  • Divide the resulting flour mass into several similar parts, then form each into a different shape (ball, donut).
  • Place the pieces in a well-heated frying pan with oil and fry until done on both sides.
Read also:  Buckwheat soup without meat recipe

Fried crumpets mix perfectly with regular and boiled condensed milk.

Airy donuts with milk

In order to make puffed crumpets with milk, you need to prepare:

  • ½ l milk;
  • 1 teaspoon of dry yeast;
  • 0.6 kg flour;
  • half a teaspoon of salt;
  • vegetable oil;
  • 3 huge l. Sahara.


  • First you need to heat the milk, then add sugar, 0.25 kg of flour and yeast.
  • The ingredients must be thoroughly mixed and stored in a warm space for half an hour.
  • After time, add the remaining flour, add some salt and knead the dough.
  • The resulting flour mass must again be placed in heat for 60 minutes.
  • After an hour, heat the frying pan with oil.
  • Pinch off a piece of dough, roll it into a ball, make a hole in the center with your finger, slightly pull the edges and place it in a frying container. To prevent the dough from sticking, it is recommended to coat your hands with vegetable oil.
  • Do the same with the remaining flour mixture.
  • Fry the crumpets until cooked on both sides.

The dish, sprinkled with sweet powder, is served with cocoa, compote, tea or milk.

Cooking without eggs

To make a recipe without eggs, the following ingredients will be useful:

  • 0.3 l milk;
  • 85 g butter;
  • 1 incomplete teaspoon of salt;
  • vegetable oil;
  • 0.45 kg flour;
  • 1 incomplete art. l. dry yeast.


Grandmother’s donuts “Taste of youth”

- what does it smell like? asked the daughter, waking up after a nap - this is the smell of her mother’s youth. sweet.. vanilla.. such a unique smell of grandma’s crumpets. and immediately want to close your eyes. and now you already feel like a little girl who runs to the smell of baking... and grandmother’s hands hold out a piece of the most delicate bun and a cup of fragrant tea. and all this is taken for granted in childhood. and only years later you begin to truly appreciate those unforgettable and happy moments of youth... frisky and delicious crumpets... with raisins or just like that. soaked in homemade sour cream and sugar. just 15 minutes and an excellent tea pie is ready

Curd donuts

The freshest cottage cheese pastries for tea drinking, which can safely be classified as “in a hurry”.

Donuts-pinwheels on kefir

Fast, tasty, accessible. These donuts turn out to be very airy and children really like them. In our village, such donuts were baked using homemade yogurt; we called them “tararushki”. I bake round donuts from this dough when the bread is finished, as well as pies. The dough will be the most airy if you add 2 tablespoons of sour cream.


I offer the usual recipe for crumpets for breakfast. They prepare quickly and will amuse your loved ones. The donuts are light, tender, and plump. When frying covered over medium heat, they bake very well, remain fluffy and do not settle. Not bad with honey or jam. I came across the recipe on the Internet. Many thanks to the creator.

GOST crumpets

“I wanted to eat something - something not bad, from my youth. A bagel gone forever into the past. Or even a harmful donut with sweet powder. In Leningrad he was called a donut. On Bolshenny Prospekt on the Petrogradskaya side there was a crumpet shop, and, returning from school, we stopped and looked through the window at how the crumpets floated on a conveyor belt, were later swept with an iron spatula into a vat of bubbling oil and floated out on the other side, already ruddy, plump, just like those in front of them. Well, it’s impossible to resist. And the merchant will sprinkle them with sweet powder already in a bag. He rashes, and you tell him at the level of thoughts: more, more rash...” Having come across these lines from Tatyana Tolstoy, I really wanted those Leningrad crumpets from crumpets, the recipe was found in the presentation of Anna Kalmykova. And as she claims, the recipe is very close, the taste is the same! And that means you need to try!

Mommy's crumpets

In childhood, we affectionately called these flatbreads “dumplings”, we grabbed them hot, just removed from the frying pan, burning our fingers, savoring any piece just like that, without anything. Times have changed, we have long since become adults, but this recipe has remained among the most beloved until now and has helped us out more than once.

Meat “From Pyshki” in a slow cooker

I came up with this recipe and manufacturing technique myself, especially for this competition)). The meat comes out very tender and juicy. This dish can be served on any formal table. Help yourself.

Donuts in Italian “Tigelle”

These flatbreads are very easy to prepare and they can completely replace bread if you have run out of bread and haven’t had time to prepare it! These crumpets, or tigelle in Italian (also known as crescentina modenese), come from the town of Modena and take their name from clay discs between which dough was once pressed and placed on fire. Currently, they are baked either in a special double frying pan, which allows you to press the cakes and fry them on both sides (like a waffle iron), or in a regular frying pan with a non-stick coating. with or without the addition of butter! And they eat such flatbreads by cutting them in half and filling them with any kind of meat and sausage cuts, cheese, and herbs! They are usually eaten by grinding lard with garlic and rosemary in a blender, and spreading this fragrant mixture on the tigella.

Read also:  Roast chicken in a slow cooker recipe

Grandma's donuts

This is a recipe from my youth, this is a memory of how deliciously our grandmothers and mothers cooked. This is that good, comfortable and beloved recipe, the recipe that each of us probably has. The donuts turn out to be simply indescribably fluffy, flaky and airy. Grandma always layered it with lard, not margarine or butter, so it comes out much airier and the layers are more pronounced. And I served crumpets with jam and honey, or with cracklings, or simply with soup. You can simply cook such crumpets with soda, but they will turn out not so fluffy, soft and airy, but more elastic. Happy Maslenitsa to everyone, friends.

Donuts “Baby”

Dedicated to all lovers of cottage cheese baking! Not a drop of butter, just the most delicate cottage cheese and yeast dough! The entire process from mixing to serving takes 45 minutes. The result is shaggy, melt-in-your-mouth crumpets! From the magazine “Recipes for Encore”.

Donuts . Pyshkas are special fluffy flatbreads made from yeast or other dough, as a result of frying which the products turn out bubbly and fluffy.

Donuts can replace ordinary bread for breakfast or lunch. They can be served as savory pastries with jam, syrup, condensed milk at the table for tea drinking.

It’s convenient to take baked donuts with you on the road or to the office for lunch during working hours; you can put them in your child’s school for a snack.

Donuts are usually fried in animal fat or vegetable oil. 2nd is better.

The dough for crumpets can be ordinary yeast dough, consisting of flour, 1-2 eggs, dry yeast, salt, a small amount of sugar, milk or water. Or the dough for such baking can be mixed with flour, kefir of any fat content with the addition of eggs, a pinch of salt and baking soda.

Both types of dough must be kneaded well. Then a piece is separated from the dough, which should be rolled into a sausage. The dough sausage must be cut into pieces and rolled out into any size. But not thinly, otherwise the crumpets will not be fluffy.

Next, it’s very important to heat the vegetable oil in a frying pan, reduce the heat to medium, add the crumpets and fry them on both sides until golden brown. Place the baked goods on a dish and serve immediately to the table for tea.

Types of dough such as dumplings, unleavened, puff pastry, and puff pastry are not suitable for baking donuts. Donuts can also be fried in a multicooker bowl using the “baking” (“frying”) mode with vegetable oil added to the bowl.

Milk donuts fried in a frying pan recipe with photos without yeast

Sweet donuts are a dessert familiar to almost everyone since youth. They are sprinkled with sweet powder, fruit entrails are added inside and a topping is used when serving. Rosy on the outside and tender on the inside, children especially like them. In addition, such crumpets are a great option for breakfast.

Secrets of air dough for crumpets

In order for the dough to come out tender and airy, you need to use some secrets of its production:

  1. It is better to use warm water and milk for the dough; room temperature is a good option;
  2. The contents of the chicken egg are added separately. With all this, the yolk is ground with sugar, and the white is whipped into a fluffy foam;
  3. If you use carbonated mineral water instead of water, the dessert will turn out porous and fluffy;
  4. The dough will become airier if you sift the flour and replace the baking powder with soda slaked with lemon juice.

With just four simple rules, you can make soft, melt-in-your-mouth donuts.

Donuts made with milk without yeast

Milk donuts are just as easy to make as traditional ones. But crumpets with milk added to the dough have the most tender taste.

For milk buns you need:

  • a glass of milk, at least 3.5% fat. You shouldn’t take less, otherwise the taste of the crumpets will not be creamy enough;
  • sifted flour - three glasses;
  • water – 100 ml;
  • eggs – 2 pcs;
  • sugar – 4 tablespoons;
  • butter – 25 g;
  • vegetable oil for frying;
  • baking powder - teaspoon;
  • vanillin - half a teaspoon.

It will take the same amount of time to make: about 45 minutes.

The calorie content is slightly higher and amounts to 123 calories per donut per 100 g.

  1. Beat eggs with sugar and vanilla, add warm butter;
  2. Pour milk at room temperature evenly, stirring the mixture thoroughly;
  3. Add warm water, stir;
  4. Pour in the flour and baking powder in small portions, making sure the consistency is uniform;
  5. The dough should not stick to your hands. You can add a little more flour as needed;
  6. Form a base for donuts in the form of balls, bagels or bagels;
  7. Fry in vegetable oil until cooked;
  8. Ready-made sweet donuts mix well with condensed milk, both boiled and regular.
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