Sprat soup in tomato sauce: a simple and tasty recipe

Sprat soup in tomato sauce: a simple and tasty recipe

Greetings to all readers! Now we’ll learn how to cook sprat soup in tomato sauce according to our grandmothers’ recipe. I’ll tell you how to quickly prepare an ordinary, simple dish from canned food so that it turns out very tasty.

For those who don't eat meat, this is a good method to make an exciting, savory soup. It is boiled in water, considered a light meal and made from vegetables that are always on hand.

Naturally, it is better to cook from new goods, but in certain circumstances, for example, on a hike, you can eat soup from canned fish. Or when we are at the dacha, it’s raining and we want to warm up quickly. We go into the kitchen pantry, take a can of canned food specially stored for this option, and cook a good reddish soup. Everything is very simple, and most importantly, fast!


Traditional recipe

Video recipe

Other recipes

  • Sprat cabbage soup in tomato sauce

Any housewife knows how to cook cabbage soup, both lean and in meat broth, but not everyone knows that they can also be prepared from canned soup with tomato. Boiled vegetables go well with fish, and the main ingredient of cabbage soup is cabbage. Try it, it will turn out delicious and special. I often prepare this particular option.

  • Sprat borscht with tomato

It is cooked like regular lean vegetable borscht, but at the end of cooking, canned tomato is added. The dish acquires tomato sourness and fishy taste. It will turn out very tasty, cheap, and at the same time you can amaze the whole family with a new, special taste of borscht. Due to the fact that there is no meat in borscht, the dish immediately moves into the category of economical ones. This version of borscht must definitely be prepared in order to vary the diet.

  • From salted sprat

After the potatoes are cooked until half cooked, add the salted sprat, cut into pieces. Add other ingredients. Be careful when adding salt when cooking salted fish. This dish goes great with rice or pearl barley.

  • In a slow cooker with barley

Canned tomato soup can be easily prepared in a slow cooker. It comes out faster this way. It’s very tasty if you create soup with barley. Due to the pressure, it will have time to boil until cooked. Everything else is according to the traditional recipe. If the multicooker has a frying mode, then fry the vegetables directly in it, and if there is no such mode, we use a frying pan. When ready, open the multicooker, add spices and herbs, then close and simmer for another 2-3 minutes.

  • Sprat soup with tomato and vegetables

Sprat soup in tomato is a good fish soup. You don’t need to go fishing, you can just buy economical canned goods and cook a quick soup. Add more vegetables: onions, carrots, potatoes, cabbage, celery. Garnish with herbs: it will turn out delicious and wonderful.

Useful tips

  1. If you add fresh tomatoes, it will definitely taste better. They appropriate the tomato taste.
  2. To increase calorie content, you need to cook it in meat or fish broth. If you cook it in water, you get a lean dish.
  3. Potatoes can be cut into cubes or slices, the taste will not change. Whichever cut you like best, use that one.
  4. It is better to grate the carrots on a large grater, then saute them so that they cook faster.
  5. I do not recommend cooking for a long time, otherwise all the beneficial substances will be lost, because all the vegetables are finely chopped and therefore cook faster.
  6. Before adding rice, you need to wash it well.
  7. Rice takes quite a long time to cook, so if you need to reduce the cooking time, use vermicelli.
  8. Canned fish is ready to eat; it does not need to be cooked for a long time, so add them at the end of cooking.
  9. After the soup is cooked, let it rest and steep for 10 minutes. It is better to wrap the pan with a towel.
  10. This dish is best served with rye bread or crispy croutons.
  11. Dishes with canned fish are usually low in calories, to correct this, add butter.
  12. If you add cabbage and beets to the other ingredients, you will get an excellent borscht.
  13. Try to create a hot, cool fish soup in the summer. It is prepared on the basis of okroshka, then sprat is added. I guarantee the originality of taste.
  14. I advise you to take canned food of the highest quality, so as not to spoil the taste of the dish and avoid unpleasant consequences.
  15. It will turn out delicious with any cereal: rice, pearl barley, millet, lentils, buckwheat, beans. Only the production time changes.
  16. The fish can be laid out completely or mashed with a fork.
  17. Before serving, you need to put a spoonful of good sour cream right on the plate, it tastes better.
  18. Place a plate with parsley, dill, and green onions on the table. They go great with our soup.
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Soups with canned fish are always fast and tasty. Especially if you know how to cook them, following certain ordinary rules: add canned food at the very end, let the soup brew, use the freshest vegetables. That's it, success is guaranteed. Inexpensive and tough! I hope you enjoyed it? Cook with pleasure according to our recipe, share your impressions in the comments.

VEHA-BOBR › Blog › sprat soup in tomato sauce... USSR (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, also the Soviet Union - a state that existed from 1922 to 1991 in Europe and Asia) . beaver recipe

Comments 160

I’ve been wanting to make a mess for a long time after reading your recipes, although I once ate something similar from saury, but what the hell is it? Thanks for the recipe, I’m attaching a photo of my own, updated version)) it’s time to “soak up the broth” for the soup

Thank you Misha and during Lent it’s the best!

Once I cooked it, I was in a hurry and didn’t have time to cook anything harsh. Nowadays, household members sometimes demand Russian soup (or soup from dad’s youth).

Yes, the soup that you want at times...))

Yes, nostalgia from youth! Only I, I remember, added more millet.

we have no millet...

THANK YOU for the sprat soup! It turned out unsurpassed!

I tried such a good soup! It’s been a while... I’ll cook it now!

Yesterday we cooked sardines, we’ll also try sprat)))

I eat a tomato sauce without bread,
I have only debts behind my soul...
Two or three days of desires for wages are
critical days for guys.

a jar of reddish sprat for lunch
in a nearby store the basis of the consumer basket,
a reverent object of nostalgia.

I carry it home like a banner,
Like the once proud reddish flag,
I don’t understand any other food like this,
So that it’s both tasty and practically for the same.


In the crumpled jar given to us is our strength,
In it is our hope and citadel,
this food a mass grave

We grew up with her and matured,
We went through adversity with her, Crimea and Rome,
We are not afraid of currency shoals,
With this our people are invincible.

If you haven't entered, just pass by!
There are no more funds until payday.
I bring a jar of sprat to my beloved,
1st, 2nd. Our lunch.

The best sprat in jars is Baltic. The jar is blue and reddish. They still sell it here. Sorry I can’t insert a photo

Sprat soup in tomato sauce - recipes for delicious canned soup

If you want to feel nostalgic about the recent Russian past, cook clique soup in tomato sauce. Remembering the past, at the same time you will get an authoritative first course, saving a lot of time. You can make salads from these famous canned goods and serve them with any side dish. Soup is a wonderful invention for busy housewives, as it can be prepared in one or two minutes, and other products can be found in any refrigerator.

I remember my student days, when after scholarships they immediately bought several cans of their favorite canned food. We knew that we would certainly be full, and the budget would not suffer much. To this day I remember with pleasure those crazy times. In my selection there are a couple of recipes just from there, from my youth. Others found their way into my records in various ways. But all are tested and approved with a high score.

[ok] Attention! When buying containers, be sure to look at the production date. Excellent fresh sprat is prepared in autumn and winter. In the summer there is no poutine, so frozen fish is canned.[/ok]

Canned sprat soup in tomato sauce with vermicelli

You can make a simple version using canned potatoes with potatoes, but it won’t be very satisfying. I suggest adding vermicelli, which will make the soup rich.

  • A jar of sprat.
  • Potato.
  • Bulb.
  • Vermicelli (pasta) – a handful.
  • Spices, salt, bay leaf, celery root, sunflower oil.
  1. Let the water boil. Wash and peel the potato tubers. Cut into strips or huge cubes.
  2. Finely chop the onion and sauté in oil.
  3. When the potato tenderloin is almost ready, add the vermicelli. Cook the soup until the goods are completely cooked.
  4. Add sauté and spices. Next, remove the sprat from the jar. Stir and adjust the taste for salt.
  5. Let the dish boil vigorously, turn it off, hold without opening the lid for 5 minutes, let the soup brew.

Bean soup with sprat - a delicious recipe

Beans go well with all canned fish, you can see this if you cook a very tasty first course.

  • Canned snow white beans – ½ can.
  • Canned fish in tomato - a jar.
  • Bulb.
  • Potatoes – 4 tubers.
  • Flour - small spoon.
  • Oil, salt.
  • Water – 1.5 liters.
  1. Boil water, add coarsely chopped potatoes. Add salt to the broth and cook until the potatoes become soft.
  2. Fry the flour in a dry frying pan, pour in the oil, add the finely chopped onion. Sauté until lightly browned.
  3. Open the jar of sprat, divide the fish into the smallest pieces. Place in a saucepan.
  4. Immediately add the beans and let the broth boil.
  5. Discard the sauté and boil the soup again. Let it brew and serve. The greens are placed directly on the plate.
Read also:  Cheese pancakes without eggs

Sprat soup in tomato – recipe with rice

  • Sprat in tomato sauce - a regular jar.
  • Rice groats - a handful.
  • Potato.
  • Onion.
  • Carrot.
  • Bay leaf, salt, pepper.
  1. Pour rice into cool water and let it cook.
  2. At the same time, peel the potatoes and cut into strips.
  3. Rub the carrots with large shavings and chop the onion. First fry the onion tenderloin until transparent. Then add carrots. Sauté until beautifully golden.
  4. Test the rice for doneness. He must be tough. Place potato tenderloins. Wait for it to cook, add sauté.
  5. Remove sprat from the jar and divide large fish in half.
  6. Add spices, let the dish boil vigorously. Turn off the burner, hold the soup without opening the lid for about 10 minutes. Then help yourself. When serving, place sour cream and herbs in plates.

[ok] Attention! In addition to rice, the soup can be cooked with buckwheat, millet, and pearl barley. But pearl barley must be soaked in advance.[/ok]

Sprat soup in tomato sauce with buckwheat

  • Carrot.
  • A jar of sprat.
  • Buckwheat – 70 gr.
  • Bulb.
  • Potato tubers – 3 pcs.
  • Greens, salt.
  • Water - liter.

Peel the potatoes and cut into large pieces.

  1. Pour water into the pan. Bring to cook over high heat.
  2. Pour washed buckwheat into boiling water and reduce heat to low power. Cook for a quarter of an hour.
  3. Wash the peeled carrots and chop into strips. Chop the onion into cubes. Fry by first placing the onion in the frying pan, then the carrot sticks.
  4. Add roasted vegetables, bay leaves, and sprat to the pan.
  5. Simmer the soup for about 5 minutes, turn off the burner. Cover the soup with a lid and leave to steep for a quarter of an hour.

How to cook fish pickle from sprat

Pickle fish is not for everyone, but the tomato sauce adds a pleasant sourness to the dish. Try it, what if you like it?

  • Pickled cucumbers – 3 pcs.
  • Sprat - jar.
  • Potatoes – 2-3 pcs.
  • Carrot.
  • Seasonings, sour cream, salt, herbs.
  1. Put the water to boil.
  2. Cut the cucumbers into small cubes, place in a separate small saucepan, and cover with water. Let it cook. After boiling, reduce the heat.
  3. When the water boils in the main pot, place the potatoes cut into strips into it.
  4. Fry carrots and onions.
  5. Transfer to the broth when the potatoes are completely cooked. Immediately remove the canned food and cucumbers from the container.
  6. Be sure to taste the salt. If it’s not enough, add a little cucumber brine.
  7. Sour cream and herbs are added to the plate.

How to cook cabbage soup with sprat

If you don't like pickle soup, cook cabbage soup from the freshest cabbage.

  • Water - liter.
  • Cabbage – 200 gr.
  • Sprat - jar.
  • Carrot.
  • Potatoes – 3-4 pcs.
  • Green onions - a couple of feathers.
  • Salt, parsley, butter.
  1. Shred the cabbage, peel the potatoes, cut into cubes.
  2. Place vegetables in a pot of bubbling water.
  3. After boiling, cook for a quarter of an hour over low heat.
  4. Sauté onions and carrots.
  5. First put the fried vegetables in the cabbage soup, then, when they boil, add the sprat.
  6. When serving, sprinkle the soup with chopped green onions, parsley, and sour cream.

Video recipe for soup from sprat canned in tomato in a slow cooker with barley

Keep a good recipe with a step-by-step story about making a delicious soup in a slow cooker. Barley takes longer to cook than other cereals, so if I want to cook soup, I always use a useful assistant. Bon appetit!

Common and noteworthy recipes for sprat soups in tomato sauce

Sprat in tomato is perhaps the most popular and widespread type of canned fish. We usually use it as a snack, spread on bread straight from the jar. But our mothers knew how to prepare several dishes from such sprat. For example, a light, tasty and satisfying soup. It is so easy to make that even a beginner in cooking can do it.

Regular soup with sprat in tomato

A small set of goods, little time - and the freshest hot soup on the table!

  • 2 cans of canned food “Sprat in tomato sauce”;
  • 7 potatoes;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 5 black peppercorns;
  • 5 bay leaves;
  • 70 g butter;
  • salt, pepper mixture - to taste.

Vegetables, spices and sprat in a tomato - everything you need to make a tasty, hearty soup

Be sure to make sure that the sprat is fresh.

    Cut the peeled potatoes as desired, wash them and place them in a pan with water. Place on medium heat.

Let the chopped potatoes boil

Make a stir-fry for the soup

Place the roast in the soup and add spices

Add sprat last

Let the soup sit before serving

The freshest onions will perfectly complement the soup with sprat in tomato

If you wish, you can add cereal or vermicelli to this soup. For example, rice or buckwheat should be added 10–15 minutes before the end of cooking (almost immediately after the potatoes begin to boil). It takes 3-5 minutes for the vermicelli to cook, so it must be added together with the sprat.

Video recipe for sprat soup

Rassolnik from sprat in tomato

If you have canned fish in tomato sauce at your disposal, then you should definitely try creating a fragrant, rich pickle from them!

  • 1 can of sprat;
  • 1 onion;
  • 3 medium-sized pickles;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 3–5 potatoes;
  • fresh herbs, spices, salt, sour cream - to taste.

If desired, you can add a little rice. I always cook pickle soup with rice, and less often with pearl barley. But in this case, you need less potatoes: the grains boil well, and the pickle can turn out to be quite thick. Yes, almost everyone loves thick soups, but it’s better not to let them turn into porridge. Rice must be added 10 minutes before making the soup.

  1. Boil water and put chopped potatoes in it. While it is cooking, simmer the cucumbers cut into small pieces in a small saucepan on the adjacent burner. Fry onions and carrots in a frying pan.
  2. The potatoes are already cooked. One by one, put the roast, cucumbers and sprat into it. Stir and taste for salt. If you find it necessary to add salt, add a little cucumber brine.
  3. Pour the pickle mixture into plates, add sour cream and chopped herbs.

Be sure to add sour cream to the pickle when serving.

By the way, it is not necessary to simmer cucumbers in a saucepan. Grate them on a large grater and simmer together with onions and carrots.

Cabbage soup with sprat in tomato

We are not used to the combination of boiled cabbage and canned fish. But believe me, these cabbage soup turns out to be very tasty. In addition, this is a very economical option, which will cost less than cabbage soup with meat, and will cook faster.

  • 200 g white cabbage;
  • 150 g sprat in tomato;
  • 4 potatoes;
  • 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil;
  • 1 liter of water;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1 tsp. salt;
  • 5–6 sprigs of parsley;
  • 3-4 green onions.

Boil water in advance.

    Peel and dice the potatoes. Finely chop the cabbage. Place the vegetables in a pan of boiling water and cook over medium heat for about 20 minutes.

Prepare the potatoes and cabbage and cook them for about 20 minutes

For frying, cut the onions and carrots into small cubes

The cabbage soup is almost ready

Be sure to add chopped herbs and sour cream

Soup with sprat and pearl barley in a slow cooker

If you have a slow cooker at home, be sure to try making this soup in it. It will be useful for you:

  • 2 cans of sprat in tomato;
  • 1–2 potatoes;
  • 150 g boiled pearl barley;
  • 1 tomato;
  • 1–2 cloves of garlic;
  • 0.5 l of water;
  • 1 onion.

To ensure the soup cooks quickly, boil the barley ahead of time. But make sure it doesn't get completely boiled. First, soak the cereal overnight (that is, in the dark) , then cook for 60 minutes, and after that you can start preparing the soup.

In a slow cooker you can simply prepare soup with sprat in tomato and barley

  1. Chop the onion and garlic, chop the tomato. Place them in the multicooker bowl along with the butter. Cook on the “Fry” program for 5–7 minutes.
  2. Add potatoes and pearl barley, cover with water. Season with salt and pepper. Set the “Soup” program and cook for 10–15 minutes. When the multicooker turns off, add chopped herbs and sour cream.

Sprat soup with pearl barley

We have presented for you several easy, but exciting and varied recipes for sprat soup in tomato sauce. Naturally, there are many methods for making such soups. Probably you know them too. Share with us in the comments how you prepare sprat soup in tomato. Bon appetit!

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