10 delicious sandwiches for a gala table

10 delicious sandwiches for a gala table

Ordinary and delicious snacks with cheese, cod liver, sprats, tomatoes, crab sticks and other ingredients.

1. Sandwiches with sprats, eggs and fresh cucumber


  • 1 tablespoon vegetable oil;
  • a few slices of bread;
  • 1–2 testicles;
  • 2–3 tablespoons of mayonnaise;
  • salt - to taste;
  • ground black pepper - to taste;
  • several sprats;
  • 1 cucumber.


Heat oil in a frying pan. Fry the bread on both sides until golden brown and cool. Hard-boil the eggs, cool and peel.

Lubricate any slice with mayonnaise. Grate the eggs on a small grater, add salt and pepper. Place them on bread.

Place sprats on sandwiches. Cut the cucumber into very thin strips. Put them on skewers so that the “Christmas trees” come out. Stick skewers into the fish and bread.

Try other options

  • 8 delicious sandwiches with sprats that will become your favorites

2. Sandwiches with cod liver and tomato


  • 3 tablespoons vegetable oil;
  • a few slices of bread;
  • 160 g canned cod liver;
  • 1–2 tomatoes;
  • salt - to taste;
  • no matter what kind of greenery is for decoration.


Heat oil in a frying pan. Brown the bread on both sides and cool. Drain excess oil from the liver and mash it with a fork. Cut the tomato into thin circles or slices.

Spread any piece of bread with cod liver, and place 1-2 pieces of tomato on top. Salt and decorate the sandwiches with herbs.

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3. Sandwiches with feta and reddish caviar


  • 130 g feta;
  • ground black pepper - to taste;
  • several sprigs of dill;
  • a few slices of bread;
  • 100 g reddish caviar.


Mash the feta with a fork. Add pepper and chopped dill and stir thoroughly. Spread the bread with cheese mixture. Place reddish caviar on top of any sandwich.

Prepare ‍

  • 9 delicious sandwiches with reddish caviar that you want to try

4. Sandwiches with sprats, tomato, egg and lemon


  • 2 testicles;
  • a few slices of bread;
  • 1–2 tomatoes;
  • ¼–½ lemon;
  • 1 tablespoon mayonnaise;
  • several sprats;
  • a few sprigs of parsley - for decoration.


Boil the eggs hard, cool and peel. Place the loaf on a baking sheet and dry in an oven preheated to 200 °C for 3-4 minutes.

Cut the eggs and tomatoes into thin slices, and the lemon into slices. Grease the cooled bread with mayonnaise. Place a piece of tomato, egg and lemon on it. Place sprats on top and garnish with parsley.

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5. Sandwiches with avocado, cheese, egg and reddish fish


  • 1 testicle;
  • 1 processed cheese (weighing 90 g);
  • ½ avocado;
  • 1 teaspoon lemon juice;
  • 1 tablespoon of mayonnaise or natural yogurt;
  • salt - to taste;
  • ground black pepper - to taste;
  • a few slices of bread;
  • 100 g lightly salted reddish fish;
  • no matter what kind of greenery - optional, for decoration.


Boil the egg hard, cool and peel. Grate the egg, cheese and avocado pulp on a small grater. Add lemon juice, mayonnaise or yogurt, salt and pepper and stir.

Distribute the resulting mass over the bread. Cut the fish into small slices and place on sandwiches. If desired, sprinkle them with herbs.


  • 10 delicious sandwiches with reddish fish that will be the first to disappear from the table

6. Sandwiches with crab sticks, eggs and capers


  • 2 testicles;
  • 200 g crab sticks;
  • 1 tablespoon capers;
  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice;
  • 3 tablespoons of mayonnaise;
  • salt - to taste;
  • ground black pepper - to taste;
  • a few slices of bread;
  • no matter what kind of greenery - optional, for decoration.


Hard-boil the eggs, cool and peel. Grate them and crab sticks on a small grater. Add lemon juice, mayonnaise, salt and pepper and stir.

Spread the mixture over the bread. If desired, sprinkle the sandwiches with chopped herbs.

Pamper your loved ones

  • 10 exciting salads with crab sticks

7. Sandwiches with herring, tomato and onion


  • 1–2 tomatoes;
  • 1 onion;
  • 120–150 g salted herring;
  • several slices of rye bread;
  • 2 teaspoons mustard;
  • a few green onions.


Cut the tomato and onion into slices, and the fish into portions. Cut round slices from the bread using a cookie cutter.

Spread the bread with mustard. Place a slice of onion and tomato and a piece of herring on each piece. For reliability, you can fix it with skewers. Sprinkle the sandwiches with chopped onions.

Write it down in your cookbook ‍

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8. Sandwiches with crab sticks, cheese and pineapple


  • A few slices of bread;
  • 2–3 cloves of garlic;
  • 100 g hornbeam sticks;
  • 50 g hard cheese;
  • 1 processed cheese (weighing 90 g);
  • 100–150 g canned pineapple + for decoration, optional;
  • salt - to taste;
  • several olives - optional, for decoration.


Lightly brown the bread on both sides in a dry, hot frying pan. Rub with garlic and cool.

Grate the crab sticks and cheese on a small grater. Add pineapple, cut into small cubes, and salt and stir.

Spread the crab mixture onto the bread. If desired, garnish the sandwiches with pieces of pineapple and olives.


  • How to peel and cut a pineapple: step-by-step {instructions} with video

9. Sandwiches with tuna, eggs, cheese and olives


  • 3 testicles;
  • a few slices of bread;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • 180 g canned tuna;
  • 1 processed cheese (weighing 90 g);
  • a handful of olives;
  • a few lettuce leaves.


Boil the eggs hard, cool and peel. Dry the bread in a dry hot frying pan on both sides. Rub with garlic and cool too.

Drain the oil from the tuna and mash with a fork. Grate the cheese and eggs on a small grater. Cut the olives into small pieces or circles. Mix the prepared ingredients.

Place a lettuce leaf on any slice of bread. Place fish mixture on top.

Pamper yourself

  • 10 delicious salads with canned tuna

10. Sandwiches with tomatoes, bell peppers and basil


  • 2 tomatoes;
  • 1 reddish bell pepper;
  • 2 teaspoons balsamic or table vinegar;
  • 5 tablespoons of olive oil;
  • a few slices of bread;
  • salt - to taste;
  • a few sprigs of basil for decoration.


Remove skins and seeds from tomatoes. Cut the tomato pulp and pepper into small pieces. Add vinegar and 2 tablespoons of oil to them, stir and leave for 10 minutes.

Brush the bread on all sides with the remaining butter. Place on a baking sheet lined with parchment and place in an oven preheated to 200°C for approximately 7 minutes. The bread should be browned.

While the bread slices are still warm, place them on top of the vegetable mixture. Salt it if desired. Garnish the sandwiches with basil leaves.

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Sandwich recipes are not limited to a slice of bread with sausage, cheese or butter. There are a huge number of recipes for this common popular snack. There are open and closed sandwiches: for closed ones, take several slices of bread, between which the filling is placed. For breakfast, hot sandwiches that are cooked in the oven or roaster are especially good.

Sandwiches with avocado and poached egg

A simple but delicious breakfast with the right ingredients will be a pleasant start to the day. Avocados and eggs are a source of complete proteins and fats, and Borodino bread will add fiber and B vitamins to the diet. The time spent on making this is tomorrow.

Sandwich with herring milk

If you come across salted herring with milk, then do not rush to throw it away. If you add pickled onions with a boiled egg and place them on toasted bread, you will get a good snack. The recipe for sandwiches with salted herring milk can be changed.

Beetroot appetizer with garlic

We offer to prepare an ordinary vitamin appetizer of beets with garlic in a unique presentation. You can use whatever bread you like for toasting. In general, making the snack will take no more than 15 minutes.

Cookie sandwiches with cheese

Even novice cooks will find space in the kitchen and a recipe they can handle. What could be simpler than sandwiches made from ready-made cookies with butter and cheese? Just remember to take the butter out of the refrigerator in advance so that it has time to warm up slightly.

Sandwich with sprats and lemons

They say that the most common way to improve your mood is to eat something tasty. Would you like some sandwiches with sprats? And in order to somehow vary the well-recognized recipe, let’s change it slightly by adding a slice of juicy lemon. Both usefulness and taste. .

Sandwich with herring caviar, pickled onions and sour cream

A very ordinary recipe for small, tasty tartine sandwiches with herring caviar, pickled onions and eggs. To soften the salty taste, thick sour cream is placed on toasted dark bread, and a chopped egg is sprinkled on top of the entire system. In the end, for.

Pizza on baguette with tomatoes and mozzarella cheese

There is no prep or dough required for this pizza recipe. Its base is yesterday's baguette, which has become slightly stale, but at the same time remains just as tasty. For the inside of the pizza on a baguette, I chose tomatoes and two types of cheese - mozzarella and semi-hard. In the r.

Tartines with reddish fish and avocado

Usually simple sandwiches are prepared from reddish fish as an appetizer, but it’s much more interesting to serve tartines like these. The recipe is not more difficult, but, you must admit, they look much more interesting and so on.

Sandwich with herring and fragrant butter

A recipe for a cool snack with herring is an ideal option for those housewives who are limited in time. For a festive feast, you can quickly prepare an ordinary, tasty appetizer with herring, reminiscent in taste of traditional mincemeat. It's not a secret.

Canapes with herring and avocado

The combination of salted herring with avocado seems strange only at first glance, but once you try it, I’m sure you’ll literally want to repeat it. Because it's really tasty. The creaminess of the exotic avocado adds softness to our native herring, without pretending.

Ceremonial sandwiches with sausage, cherry tomatoes and mozzarella

Sandwiches prepared according to this recipe will be a good decoration for any festive table. Well, they are prepared very simply and from affordable goods. .

Sandwiches with reddish fish, cream cheese and cherry tomatoes

Colorful appetizers always look unsurpassed on a formal table. Appetizing triangles of snow-white bread with reddish fish are an ideal option for those who do not like to spend a long time in the kitchen. Just a couple of minutes in the middle of the ladle spoons and on the plate.

Sandwiches with reddish caviar

What if someone doesn’t understand how to make sandwiches with reddish caviar? There is no such thing as a recipe, there is a sequence of actions and tips on how to create a tastier snack without wasting unnecessary effort on preparation. and of course, choose good caviar, with whole and...

Summer sandwiches with fried zucchini

Summer is not only a time for vacations, but also for new gastronomic solutions. Sandwiches with fried zucchini do not require much time to prepare, and the ingredients are very ordinary. Shall we try? .

Roast toasts with zucchini and sausages

If you spend a little more time preparing breakfast than usual, then during zucchini season you can even make zucchini toast. The recipe for hot toast is simple: everything is cut into slices and layered. The zucchini, of course, is first fried.

Tuna sandwiches

You can create such a sandwich with canned tuna, eggs and arugula for breakfast, take it with you on the road, in the office or on a picnic. A small amount of time for its preparation, ordinary but very appetizing ingredients make it an easily accessible snack.

Sandwiches with sprats, cucumber and eggs

There are a huge number of recipes for sprats sandwiches, and any of them deserves attention. I suggest making sandwiches from dark bread with slices of the freshest cucumber and sprats. Be sure to fry the bread so that the finished sandwich has an appetizing crunch. .

Scrambled eggs in bread with ham and cheese

The recipe for scrambled eggs with ham and cheese, baked in a slice of loaf, will help in making a unique alternative to ordinary breakfast sandwiches. The idea is ordinary - to combine an ordinary sandwich with an ordinary scrambled egg. Nutritious breakfast plus not bad infusion.

Sandwiches with sprats and avocado

There are many recipes for sandwiches with sprats, and each one is good in its own way. For example, instead of a cucumber, you can take a ripe avocado, cut it into slices, or create a puree from the pulp, which is moderately distributed over a toasted piece of bread and put the shp on top.

Sandwiches with herring on black bread with mustard butter

A recipe for a fun sandwich with lightly salted herring, fresh vegetables and a spread of butter with mustard and herbs. In addition, for spiciness, add a little reddish salad onion, previously pickled, to any sandwich.

Croissants with cheese, crispy bacon and fried egg

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Sandwiches with reddish fish and avocado

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Healthy sandwiches with avocado and cheese

In recent years, proper nutrition has become increasingly popular, and traditional dishes are being replaced by healthy analogues. It would seem difficult to imagine a sandwich as low-calorie. But supporters of a healthy lifestyle give nourishing and tasty food.

Frisky sandwiches with herring

This simple and frisky recipe for sandwiches with herring will appeal to almost all housewives. Just a couple of minutes and a hearty treat will be ready! In addition to lightly salted herring, hard-boiled eggs and fresh herbs will come in handy. And don’t be lazy to dry the slices of hl.

10 most delicious sandwich recipes

Not enough people understand that the discoverer of the sandwich (or sandwich) was a British gentleman - the 4th Earl of Sandwich Montagu (1718-1792). The Count had a passion for card games, and he did not like it very much when he had to be interrupted due to hunger in order to have dinner.

One day, while playing bridge, Sandwich felt hungry and called a servant. He ordered to bring him some bread and beef, and when the servant completed his task, the count invented a sandwich, putting beef between two slices of bread. Since then, the quick snack has become very popular.

There is nothing easier than making a sandwich; they come in a wide variety: with salmon, chicken, sausage, etc. A sandwich is not only a quick dish for breakfast, but also an opportunity to pamper your guests with something tasty by placing the appetizer on the formal table in a nice salad bowl.

If you want to change the usual sausage sandwiches for something exciting, our most delicious sandwich recipes with photos will help you with this.

10. Sandwiches with sprats, eggs and cucumbers

Do you like sprats ? Great. Then buy more at the store, so that the sandwiches prepared according to the recipe will pleasantly surprise you!

Prepare 10 slices of snow-white bread (you can create less or more, it all depends on your goals) in a toaster (if you don’t have one, lightly fry the bread in a small amount of butter). Boil 1 egg and then chop it finely. 2 or 3 pickled cucumbers into oval circles.

Well, now we’ll form sandwiches - grease any slice with a small amount of mayonnaise, sprinkle eggs on top, and put a cucumber on the side. We put one fish on the other side.

Tip: the taste of almost everything depends on mayonnaise. Choose “Ryaba”, “Sloboda”, “Kalve” - these mayonnaises are included in the list of the best, according to consumer reviews.

9. Sandwiches with eggs and pickles

If you don’t like sprats, you can omit them and make sandwiches with fried onions and egg spread .

First, let's prepare the ingredients: cut up the bread (take half a baguette - you'll get about 8 slices), 1 onion, 3 sprigs of dill. Boil 2 eggs until tender, and fry a finely chopped onion until soft. We do the same with baguette slices - lightly fry them (without oil - this is important!)

Take garlic and rub any cooled slice with it. Chop the eggs and combine with dill and onion, adding 2 tablespoons of mayonnaise, mix. You can pepper it to taste.

Place the loaf slices on a plate, place them on an egg spread, and place a slice of pickled cucumber .

8. Sandwiches with cream cheese and garlic

The best choice for sandwiches is not an ordinary loaf, but a baguette - many sandwiches come from it, and besides, it has the most stylish shape. Using this recipe we will prepare the most delicious sandwiches with processed cheese .

Cut the baguette and dry the slices briefly in a frying pan (without oil). Boil 2 eggs and then grate them. Cheese – 1 pc. We also grate it (it’s best to work with cool cheese, so it’s better to keep it in the freezer).

Combine eggs with cheese, add garlic - 1 clove crushed. and pour in mayonnaise (2 tablespoons, but you can add more depending on your own taste), mix the mass. Spread any slice and sprinkle with parsley.

7. Sandwiches with smoked sausage and tomatoes

These sandwiches will most likely become your favorite, because they can be eaten with tea, a cup of fragrant coffee or other drinks. You can take any bread (but we still recommend a baguette).

We cut the loaf diagonally and grease any slice with mayonnaise. Place thinly sliced ​​tomato on sandwiches, and place hard cheese cut into squares on top.

The last touch is smoked sausage . Place it on top of the cheese. We can finish the recipe here, but we will go further - heat the sandwiches in the microwave for 1 minute (if you don’t have a microwave, then the snack can be sent to the oven for 5 minutes). The cheese will melt and make the sausage sandwiches even more delicious.

6. Sandwiches with sprat

Sandwiches with sprat are a good snack. Because we will be using eggs, choose the best variety - the yolks should be bright yellow and juicy. In order for the eggs to be perfectly cleaned, they must be boiled in salted water and immediately after boiling, pour cool water over them for a while.

We clean 40 g of sprat, remove the entrails, remove the backbone and cut in half. Eggs - 4 pieces, shelled, cut in the same way - in half. Grease the baguette slices with butter, first place the sprat on them, then half the egg. We decorate any sandwich with a greenish onion. If you wish, you can lightly pepper the sandwiches.

5. Sandwiches with champignons and bell peppers

Sandwiches that taste like pizza are just a godsend! They are suitable for both a light snack and a formal table.

Finely chopped champignons - 250 g, stew in a frying pan with 2 bell peppers , diced, and 30 g of dill (it is very important to add water - 30 ml, and do not forget about salt - add to taste).

70 g. Grate Russian cheese. Now we lay out slices of kefir bread - 400 g on a baking sheet covered with parchment. Lubricate the inside of any one and sprinkle with cheese. Bake for 3 minutes at 180 degrees.

For reference: if you don’t have time to prepare kefir bread, replace it with a regular loaf.

4. Sandwiches with crab sticks

We all know and love salad with crab sticks - let's try corn in combination with sticks in a different way. Let's prepare delicious sandwiches.

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Boil 1 egg, chop 100 g of crab sticks. We either grind these two products in a blender or pass them through a meat grinder (in general, if you have neither one nor the other, then simply chop the products as finely as possible).

Add sour cream to the mixture - 2 tbsp. spoons, salt to taste, and then mix. We spread the spread on slices of wheat bread, decorating the appetizer with canned corn and parsley sprigs (or dill, whichever you prefer).

3. Chicken and bacon sandwiches

Sandwiches are the lightest and quickest type of breakfast - you can get enough of them. Make more, because bacon and chicken sandwiches are delicious!

Cut 60 g of raw smoked bacon into squares and fry over low heat until crispy. We transfer the bacon to a separate bowl, and in the frying pan given for us, then fry 300 g of chicken fillet (essentially cut it in such a way that flat pieces come out). Fry the fillet until done.

Wash and dry 30 g of basil leaves, chop finely, and then mix with large sea salt - 1 g. Grind the basil to a pulp (you can use a blender). Add 2 tbsp to mayonnaise. spoons of mayonnaise and mix.

Take rye bread and cut it into pieces about 1 cm, dry it in a frying pan. On any one we distribute basil with mayonnaise. Place chicken fillet on top of the sauce, pickled gherkins cut lengthwise on top, reddish onion cut into half rings, and sprinkle bacon on top.

2. Sandwiches with salmon and reddish caviar

This festive appetizer will be the first to leave the table, because almost everyone loves sandwiches with caviar . For the recipe we need 70 g of salmon and 50 g of reddish caviar.

We wash the bunch of parsley, and after drying, finely chop it (if you don’t have a dryer for the greens, you can just put the greens on a towel and leave for 15-20 minutes). Using a glass, cut out mugs from a snow-white loaf.

Next is the fun part - grease the sides of the loaf with butter, and then “roll” the circle of the loaf over the dill. We also grease the top of the loaf with oil (the main thing is not to overdo it), put lightly salted salmon on top of one half of the loaf slices, and reddish caviar on the other half. Rest assured, this exciting appetizer will not go unnoticed!

1. Garlic sandwiches with herring, cucumber and eggs

Sandwiches with herring, cucumbers and eggs differ in that the bread is rubbed with garlic. The snack comes out very fragrant and crispy, let's quickly start the manufacturing process to enjoy!

Boil 4 eggs until tender, and then grate them, fillet 400 g of herring (in other words, remove the bones, head, tail, cut into pieces - approximately 2.5 cm wide). 3 teeth Squeeze the garlic through a garlic press. Dry 6-7 slices of bread in a frying pan (adding a little drain of oil), but do not turn over.

Place the bread on a plate. Rub the fried sides of the bread with garlic. Finely chop the parsley - 40 g, and then mix it with the eggs and add a little salt. Adding 3 tbsp. Mix spoons of mayonnaise, and then apply the spread to the fried side of the bread.

Place 2 pieces of herring on each slice. We also put the fresh cucumber, cut into slices, on the bread (or you can put them first, and then the herring). Decorate with parsley leaves.

How do you like the sandwiches? We hope that you like our recipes and that you will enjoy preparing mouth-watering snacks using them!


Delicious sandwiches - recipes for ordinary sandwiches and for a festive table

A sandwich is bread and butter, which could be simpler and quicker to make.

The most varied, quickly prepared for breakfast and special, wonderful in rich and varied execution for a formal table as an appetizer.

Sandwiches are the most democratic dish you can imagine. We spread butter on the bread, put a narrow plastic sausage on top and breakfast is ready for tea, and if you roll a piece of sausage into a rosette and put half an olive next to it, you can put it on the festive table.

Here you will find a variety of recipes and options for sandwich snacks with different sausages, meat, fish, vegetables and fruits.

Everything you can imagine, and if you also dream up, the number of different delicious sandwich masterpieces will increase many times over.

Try cooking, experiment and get creative. Bon appetit!

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