Lagman with chicken: step-by-step recipe for making

Lagman with chicken: step-by-step recipe for making

Greetings to the readers of the magazine “In Your Own Home”. I have long wanted to cook lagman with chicken and share with you the recipe for a delicious chicken soup with state features. Now we will cook with love, diligently, at home.

Lagman is a very popular Central Asian national dish. Nowadays, due to the development of the Internet, it is becoming known to the whole world because it is a delicious dish that is easy to prepare and quickly fills you up.

For the first time I tried real lagman with different types of meat - chicken, beef, pork - on my honeymoon in Uzbekistan. This was a long time ago, but the taste of state dishes then simply shocked me, and their spiritual presentation was remembered forever. Since that time, I often prepare lagman at home with skill and serve it in the most beautiful kes, brought back then from Central Asia.

It is absolutely easy to cook lagman at home. Now we are preparing it using a traditional recipe, only instead of beef we will have chicken.

So, let's start cooking this wonderful national dish step by step. Let's prepare the chicken base, then in the Useful Tips section we'll look at how lagman noodles are made with chicken broth, and mix both parts when serving. It will turn out very tasty!


Step-by-step recipe with photos

Video recipe

Other recipes

  • With green beans

Add green beans to the fried chicken slices along with other vegetables: bell peppers, garlic, tomatoes. Place 2 tablespoons of tomato paste and add a little water. Greenish green beans look very good in a dish; they will make the dish even tastier; they need to be thoroughly washed and cut into pieces 3–4 cm long. The beans will dilute a fatty, heavy dish with herbal lightness and juiciness.

  • In a slow cooker

By cooking in a slow cooker, the housewife significantly saves time and energy. The taste of the dish will not change, and we will sit down to the table even earlier. It’s more convenient to cook in a slow cooker, so I often use it to make lunches and dinners. Lagman comes out great in a slow cooker, but the main thing is simple: just add all the ingredients for the chicken base and wait until it’s ready.

Then we pour this yummy over the separately cooked homemade noodles and begin the evening meal with the family.

Soup with mushrooms and vegetables also has its own national characteristics. If we use fresh mushrooms, they must be fried and added to the chicken base. If we put pickled ones, then it is necessary to create this at the very end of production. Mushrooms will add originality, richness to the taste, and give the soup a smell. How we constantly use a certain set of oriental spices that bring the soup to a suitable condition. The combination of vegetables, chicken, mushrooms, noodles, and spices makes the soup a perfect meal. This is divinely delicious!

I love cooking this version with potatoes, it turns out even tastier.

Making a state dish involves taking into account certain individualities. In Central Asia, chickpeas are constantly used in the kitchen (a legume with a beautiful yellowish color with an unusual pea taste, cooks very well, becomes soft and gives the soup richness and abundance).

If you cook with canned chickpeas, then put them in the dish at the very end; if you take dry chickpeas, cook them together with the chicken, so they have time to cook and become soft. I like to create pilaf with chickpeas, for example, but it’s especially good in lagman. Give it a try, you won't regret it.

  • With eggplants

If eggplants are added, then this is already an original dish. The noodles are generously filled with a chicken-vegetable base with eggplants, which are cut coarsely and make the dish more tender and jelly-like. This is quite tasty! Prepare it with eggplants, they will make the meal more satisfying and nutritious. I cook with eggplants during their ripening season and really love this version of lagman.

Useful tips

  1. To make our food, you can create homemade noodles without the help of others. But you can use a store-bought one, it will also be very tasty. I don’t recommend preparing state soup with spaghetti, because it will turn out completely wrong.
  2. It is very comfortable to cook in a cauldron, in a wok pan, or simply in a large saucepan with a thick bottom and walls.
  3. When making noodles, do not forget to salt them and sprinkle them with vegetable oil so that they do not stick together.
  4. Do not start cooking lagman if your kitchen does not have a full set of spices and oriental herbs.
  5. The soup should be served in the state Kese bowl (a large porcelain bowl) or simply in the deepest beautiful plates.
  6. It is necessary to treat yourself to lagman when it is hot; after all, it is a fatty dish and it is not so pleasant to eat it when it has cooled.
  7. The traditional version of lagman with chicken does not contain potatoes, but if you add them, you will get a European version of this tasty dish. Potatoes will soften the dish.
  8. Before cooking, wash and peel the vegetables thoroughly.
  9. If you use tomato paste in the recipe, first stir it in a small amount of water and only later add it to the contents of the pan, this will make it easier to stir.
  10. While the lagman base is bubbling on the stove, you can create homemade noodles. To do this, you need to beat an egg into the flour, add 100 grams of water, and knead the dough. Then roll it out into a narrow flat cake, roll it into a tube and carefully cut across it with a sharp knife so that long strips come out. After this, add water or chicken broth to a saucepan, add a little salt, bring to a boil and add the noodles. After 3-4 minutes, remove from heat and drain all liquid. Wash the side dish, add a little olive or vegetable oil to it.
  11. We cook the noodles separately so that they do not turn into a paste while they lie in the broth. It is boiled, sprinkled with vegetable oil so that it does not stick together, then laid out on plates. Pour the hot chicken base over the dish and serve immediately before it cools down.
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We prepared the national Central Asian dish with chicken in our own way, with love. We did everything according to the step-by-step recipe. We tried our best, so it turned out very tasty! Cook the same way, try to add noteworthy new ingredients and tell us about the result in the comments. On the pages of the magazine every day we share recipes of our favorite dishes and will be happy to find out about your preferences.

Chicken lagman

A very appetizing lagman made from tender chicken meat. This recipe, of course, is not traditional, because lagman is made from lamb or beef. But no one is stopping us from using chicken meat, which is completely accessible and no less tasty. The dish will impress all your loved ones. They will ask for more!

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  3. Chicken lagman

Ingredients and how to cook

ingredients for 4 servings or - the number of products for servings suitable for you will be calculated automatically!'>

tea spoon 5 ml
dessert spoon 10 ml
tablespoon 20 ml
cup 200 ml


Composition weight: 100 gr
105 kcal
Belkov: 10 g
Zhirov: 5 g
Carbohydrates: 6 g
Used: 48 / 23 / 29
N 50 / C 33 / B 17

Production time: 50 min

Step-by-step production

Step 1:

Prepare all the necessary ingredients. I use chicken fillet, but other parts of the chicken are also suitable, for example, drumsticks, thighs, quarters. I took 4 “nests” of noodles.

Step 2:

If necessary, defrost the chicken on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. Wash it, dry it with cardboard towels, remove films and excess fat. Cut into pieces. I made them not very small and oblong.

Step 3:

Peel the onions. Wash it and the knife with cool water so that when cutting the onion juice does not irritate the mucous membrane of the eye. Cut the onion into small cubes.

Read also:  Recipe for side dish for chicken hearts

Step 4:

Carefully wash the carrots, peel and cut into thin slices, strips or cubes, as you prefer.

Step 5:

Also wash the bell pepper, cut it in half, and remove the center and seeds. Cut into small cubes.

Step 6:

Wash juicy, fleshy tomatoes. Make cross-shaped cuts on the surface of the tomatoes, pour boiling water over them and leave for 1-2 minutes. Drain the water. Remove the skin with a knife.

Step 7:

Pour vegetable oil with the highest smoke point into the pan. Reheat well. Place the chicken slices and fry them over moderate heat on all sides until a light golden crust forms. Salt the meat to your own taste. Do not fry for too long so as not to dry out the fillet. Transfer chicken to a plate.

Step 8:

Now fry the cooked vegetables. First, sauté the onion until transparent, then the carrots and pepper. Fry vegetables until soft. Stir.

Step 9:

Finally, add the tomatoes to the vegetables, reduce the heat and simmer for a few more minutes.

Step 10:

Add tomato paste and add a little boiled water. Stir everything and simmer for another 2 minutes over low heat. Finally, add salt to taste.

Step 11:

Place the fried chicken in a deep saucepan with a thick bottom (you can use a casserole) and pour the tomato-covered vegetables over it. If there is not enough water, add a little water. Taste for salt. If necessary, add salt and pepper. You can add other seasonings that you like at your discretion. Bring the contents to a boil, reduce heat to low and simmer for about 10 minutes.

Step 12:

Boil water in a saucepan. Add salt, add noodles and boil. Read the instructions on the package for cooking times. If you use pasta “nests,” then be sure to add a teaspoon of at least some vegetable oil to the water where it is boiled.

Step 13:

Remove the noodles with a slotted spoon, drain and place on a plate. Top with vegetable gravy and chicken. You can sprinkle chopped herbs (dill, cilantro, parsley) on top. Delicious lagman with chicken is ready! Serve immediately before the dish has cooled. Bon appetit everyone!

Lagman can be supplemented with other seasonal vegetables, for example, zucchini, eggplant, green beans.

You can prepare the chicken and vegetables ahead of time, cool and freeze in separate airtight containers. Products can be stored for 3-4 months at a temperature of -18 degrees. Thaw food on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator.

Lagman with chicken

Would you like to experience a dish with an inimitable taste and smell? Prepare lagman with homemade noodles according to our recipe! Country chicken and vegetables will fill it with great flavor, and spices will add an oriental note. Let's cook and enjoy!

Ingredients for Lagman with Chicken:

Meat and vegetable part

  • Chicken - 1 piece
  • Onions - 2 pcs.
  • Carrots - 1 pc.
  • Potatoes - 2 pcs.
  • Sweet pepper - 2 pcs
  • Tomato – 5 pcs
  • Chili pepper - 1 pc.
  • Garlic - 1 piece
  • Water – 600 ml
  • Vegetable oil – 50 ml
  • Sweet paprika - to taste
  • Star anise - 1 piece
  • Coriander - to taste
  • Zira - to taste
  • Dark pepper - to taste
  • Salt - to taste

Noodle dough

  • Wheat flour / Flour - 500 g
  • Chicken egg - 3 pcs
  • Water – 100 ml

Nutritional and energy value:

Ready meals
4589 kcal
344 g
122.1 g
534.9 g
100 g dish
108.5 kcal
8.1 g
2.9 g
12.6 g

Recipe for “Laghman with chicken”:

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November 21, 2019 Danilova Lena #

November 20, 2019 Irushenka #

November 20, 2019 yugai59 #

November 20, 2019 Kuss #

November 20, 2019 zhuklarisa1012 #

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Diet lagman with chicken

A very tasty and wonderful soup based on the Central Asian dish lagman, only with chicken - the most dietary option compared to the usual one, requiring the least amount of time to prepare, but this is no less exciting. To save time when making this chicken soup, you can use ready-made noodles, for example “nests”.

  • Total cooking time – 0 hours 50 minutes
  • Active cooking time – 0 hours 35 minutes
  • Cost - very economical
  • Calorie content per 100 g – 100 kcal
  • Number of servings – 3 servings

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How to cook Lagman with chicken


  • Chicken – 500 g
  • Carrots – 1 pc.
  • Onions – 1 pc.
  • Bell pepper – 1 pc.
  • Tomato – 1 pc.
  • Noodles – 150 g
  • Tomato paste – 3 tbsp.
  • Broth – 1 l
  • Vegetable oil – 4 tbsp.
  • Salt - to taste and spices


Prepare all ingredients. Wash the vegetables thoroughly.

Cut the chicken meat into small thin pieces and fry in a frying pan with hot vegetable oil until cooked. At the end of cooking, salt the meat.

It doesn’t matter what part of the chicken is suitable for making soup, but it is better to use parts with bones (breast, legs, legs) - from them you can cook broth, which will then be needed for the upcoming soup.

Cut the onion into medium cubes.

Cut the carrots into flat squares.

Cut the bell pepper into squares. The introduction of bell peppers of yellowish, orange or greenish color will add spectacularity and appetizing to the soup.

Carefully transfer the finished chicken meat into a separate container, leaving in the pan the oil and juice that was formed during the process of making the chicken.

Add chopped onions and carrots to the pan with oil and chicken juice. Cook over medium heat for 4-5 minutes.

Add bell pepper and cook for a few more minutes.

Peel the tomato - to do this, place it in boiling water for a minute, and then in a container with ice or very cool water. Cut the tomato into medium cubes.

Add chopped tomato and tomato paste to the pan with vegetables (you can also use tomato ketchup). Add a couple of ladles of chicken broth or water. Salt and add spices. Cook for 5-7 minutes over low heat.

Return the cooked chicken meat to the pan with the vegetables and simmer for another 4-6 minutes over low heat. Transfer the contents of the frying pan to a separate pan, dilute with hot chicken broth until the soup becomes thick.

Boil water in a saucepan, add salt and add 1 tbsp. vegetable oil. Add nest noodles (3-4 pcs) and boil until done.

Place the prepared noodles on a plate.

Place vegetables with meat and broth on top of the noodles, garnish with herbs and serve.

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