French-style meat in a slow cooker

French-style meat in a slow cooker. French meat recipes

We cook meat in French in a multicooker Polaris, Philips, Supra, Panasonic, Moulinex, Redmond, Scarlet, Vitek, March and other models - a very popular and tasty dish that can be prepared for a holiday. French meat recipes in a slow cooker are simple and tasty. The meat can be pork or beef. If you cook from pork, choose the juiciest part of it - neck, loin. Beef or veal does not have to have black color and yellowish fat. The meat should be elastic, not flabby.

French-style meat in a pork slow cooker: recipe for making the dish step by step

Ingredients for French meat:

  • 200-300 g medium fat pork;
  • 1-2 medium-sized onions;
  • 200 g hard cheese;
  • mayonnaise;
  • salt and pepper to taste;
  • parsley and dill.

How to cook savory French-style meat in a slow cooker? To make French-style meat in a slow cooker, it should be cooked. Wash the meat and dry with cardboard towels. Cut the meat into slices. You need to cut into layers across the muscle fibers. The thickness of the layer should not be more than 1 cm. Next, beat the resulting layers of meat with a kitchen hammer. First, wrap them in cling film to prevent splashes.

Season the chopped meat with salt and pepper to your own taste. You can sprinkle with spices if someone likes. Set aside and let it season with salt and pepper. Work on subsequent products. Chop the peeled and washed onion into half rings. Chop the parsley and dill with a knife. It will give the French-style meat in the slow cooker a special smell. Pass hard cheese through a coarse grater.

Pour vegetable oil into the removable form of the multicooker. Don't add too much because the pork will release its own fat as it cooks. 2 tablespoons will be enough. Place the layers of meat into the slow cooker. After beating, they grow in size. When laying out, there may not even be any gap left between the layers. This is even for the best.

Now place onion half rings on top of the meat. Fill this beauty with mayonnaise. The final layer is grated cheese. Distribute it sparingly over the surface. You can immediately add parsley and dill to the slow cooker with the meat or serve it as a garnish for the finished dish. Close the lid. Set the program to “Baking”. Leave the time at default (40 minutes). Press the start key.

In the middle of the process, after 15-20 minutes, open the lid and take a look. Sometimes 20 minutes of cooking meat in French in this mode is enough. It all depends on the quality of the meat. Chilled meat cooks quickly. And the taste is simply indescribable. After the sound signal, you can treat your friends and family to meat in French from the slow cooker. For the following French meat recipe, use beef. It will be very tasty.

French-style meat in a slow cooker with potatoes: step-by-step recipe

Ingredients for French meat in a slow cooker with potatoes:

  • 500 g beef (not very fatty);
  • 500 g potatoes;
  • 2 onions (3 are possible);
  • 300 g hard cheese;
  • greenery;
  • salt to taste.


Cut the beef into layers 1 cm wide. Brush with mild mustard or spices. Season with salt and pepper. Leave in the refrigerator overnight (that is, in the dark) to marinate. Those who are planning to cook right away can avoid marinating. Beat the meat. Season with salt and pepper. Pour 3 tablespoons of vegetable oil into the multicooker bowl. Place the meat. Distribute the chopped herbs.

Next comes a layer of onion chopped into half rings. Behind it is a layer of potatoes. Sprinkle a little salt on the potatoes and brush with mayonnaise. In advance, cut the potatoes into thin slices. Repeat layers. Dilute mayonnaise with water to reduce its fat content. Pour mayonnaise over everything. Top with a layer of grated cheese. Close the multicooker lid until it clicks. Set it to “Baking” mode. Default production time (40 minutes).

After the beep, leave the French-style meat in the multicooker in heating mode for 15 minutes. Or simply turn off the multicooker, and after 15-20 minutes enjoy the French-style meat from the multicooker. Bon appetit! Read recipes for a multicooker on our website Read the recipe for this dish in the oven here.

French-style meat with tomatoes in a slow cooker Polaris recipe video

French-style meat in a slow cooker

French-style meat in a slow cooker has no fundamental differences from meat cooked in the oven. Just as dressed up. And festively delicious. Only twice as fast.

Some will say that this is their family’s favorite festive dish, while others will share 10 recipes for making it every day. Well, here’s another French meat recipe for you.

French-style meat in a slow cooker is not much different from meat cooked in the oven, except that its crust is less crispy. But it's just as dressed up. And festively delicious. It just cooks even faster: it takes an hour in the oven, and almost half as much in the slow cooker.

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This French version of the meat recipe includes “everything at once”: the meat is “multi-cooked” together with mushrooms, tomatoes and potatoes. Obviously, you can't do without cheese and mayonnaise. I remember for those interested that if you cook according to all the rules, you need to use Parmesan and bechamel sauce. In addition, you can use homemade mayonnaise, which has an excellent “Russian” taste (the kind our mothers and grandmothers bought in stores), or sour cream mixed with mustard.


  • pork 200g
  • onion 50g
  • potatoes 400g
  • champignons 50g
  • tomatoes 50g
  • semi-hard cheese 50g
  • mayonnaise 1 tbsp.
  • vegetable oil 3 tbsp.
  • salt to taste
  • dark ground pepper 2 pinches

The multicooker Brand 502 was used in the preparation of the dish.


In order for the meat to cook in French in 30-40 minutes, you need to cut the pork into thin medallions across the grain.

*In order to thinly cut the meat, you can quickly put it in the freezer so that the piece “sets” slightly, or simply beat the medallions to a thickness of 0.5 cm. While you are preparing the other ingredients of the dish, add salt to the slices of meat; you can also season the meat beloved spices.

The champignons must be cleaned of films and the cut on the stem must be renewed.

Cut the mushrooms into thin slices, first cutting them in half along the stem, and then into longitudinal slices 0.5 cm wide.

Cut a small onion into thin half rings.

Cut off the stem of the tomato and cut into approximately similar round slices.

Grate the cheese on a small grater.

The potatoes need to be peeled and cut into thin slices; I use a vegetable cutter for this.

Pour 3 tbsp. l. vegetable oil into the multicooker bowl and place pieces of meat on the bottom.

Lubricate the meat with a thin layer of mayonnaise (I use a silicone spatula for this).

Then add a layer of onions,

which also needs to be “marinated” with mayonnaise. Thanks to this, the finished meat resembles the taste of barbecue.

Next, arrange the slices of mushrooms, while doing this, try not to go beyond the boundaries of the meat medallions, so that the small pieces do not burn.

The next layer is potato. Place the slices in one layer, lightly add salt and brush with mayonnaise.

And so, layer by layer, lay out all the cooked potatoes, which will become a tasty side dish for meat in French. Also grease the final layer with mayonnaise and season with ground black pepper or any other spices.

Place tomato slices on top of the potatoes and sprinkle with grated cheese. Set the “baking” mode for 40 minutes, although after half an hour you can check the readiness of the meat and potatoes.

Remove the finished French-style meat from the slow cooker using a spatula and serve, garnished in portions with herbs and slices of cherry tomatoes.

This is the warm crust that comes out - both for meat and potatoes - dietary, without “crisiness”.

French-style meat in a slow cooker - 6 recipes

Tender juicy meat under a bed of vegetables, sauce and cheese goes well with any side dish. It will decorate a festive table or amuse your family on a chilly weekday. The easiest way to cook meat in French is in a slow cooker. The most successful recipes for such a dish are presented below.

Traditional French meat recipe in a slow cooker

According to the traditional recipe for the treat under discussion, no vegetables are added to it. But a lot of hard cheese is consumed (160 g), and, not counting it: 450 g of pork, 3 huge spoons of mayonnaise, salt, 2 snow-white onions, granulated garlic, a mixture of peppers.

  1. The meat is washed, slightly dried, cut into thin layers and beaten with a special hammer.
  2. The onion is cut into small rings.
  3. The meat is placed in the bowl of the device, salted, sprinkled with garlic and a mixture of peppers, and generously greased with mayonnaise.
  4. Next, the onion is laid out in rings. If desired, you can also add mayonnaise to this layer.
  5. The layers are generously sprinkled with cheese on top.
  6. In the “Baking” program, the dish is prepared in 65 minutes.

Chicken with mushrooms

Chicken meat cooks much faster, so housewives who are limited in time should pay attention to this option. The goods that will be consumed are: 250 g of pork, onion, salt, 1 tomato, 70 g of semi-hard cheese, a large spoon of mayonnaise, a couple of pinches of ground pepper.

  1. Lightly beaten chicken slices are placed into the oiled bowl of the device. They are salted on top, peppered and greased with mayonnaise.
  2. Next comes a layer of coarsely chopped onions.
  3. Thin slices of mushrooms are sent next, which are also better to be salted and coated with sauce.
  4. Then thick slices of tomato are laid out. They need to be generously sprinkled with cheese, grated on a grater with the smallest cells.
  5. In the “Baking” mode, the dish will cook for 45 minutes.

If desired, you can place potato slices between the meat and onions. In this case, the side dish will not be useful. The finished treat is decorated with cherry tomato halves.

In a slow cooker with potatoes

To prepare the dish, you can use a multicooker of any brand. Redmond, Polaris, Panasonic and other options are suitable. From the goods taken: half a kilo of pork, onions, a large handful of cherry tomatoes, 4 potato tubers, salt, 4 huge spoons of mayonnaise, 80 g of hard cheese. Below is a detailed recipe for French meat with potatoes in a slow cooker.

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  1. From pieces of meat, it is better to choose a soft, tender neck with small layers of fat. With it you will get the most satisfying, fragrant dish. The pork is lightly beaten, cut into strips and seasoned with salt.
  2. The onion is peeled and cut into rings. If your family doesn’t like the obvious taste of this vegetable in a dish, you can create thinner slices.
  3. Potatoes are cut into thin slices.
  4. Meat is first sent to the bottom of the device’s container, then onions and potatoes. The last one is salted to taste.
  5. All that remains is to lay out the tomatoes cut into 3-4 pieces and the mayonnaise mesh.
  6. In the “Baking” mode, the dish is cooked for 55 minutes.
  7. 20 minutes before the dish is ready, a layer of cheese is poured on top of the dish, and the lid of the device is locked again. There is no need to stir the ingredients.

If you don’t have a cherry variety at hand, an ordinary tomato will do. This will not deteriorate the taste of the finished dish at all.

Quick recipe

In order for the pork in the dish under discussion to always come out soft and juicy, it requires appropriate preparatory preparation. For example, meat has to be beaten with a special hammer or marinated for a long time. If the housewife does not have time for such processes, you can replace the pork with minced meat. This will significantly reduce the overall production time. For a “French style” treat, quickly take: 420 g of mixed minced meat (preferably pork and chicken), 2 onions, 2 tomatoes, salt, 5 potatoes, 4 huge spoons of sour cream, 1 spoon of wheat flour, 280 g of hard cheese.

  1. The onion is chopped as finely as possible. You can even use a blender for this.
  2. The chopped vegetable is mixed with minced meat. The mass is salted and flavored to taste with various spices.
  3. The minced meat is placed in an even layer into the multicooker bowl, which has been previously greased with some oil.
  4. Potato slices are laid out on top of the meat layer. The peeled vegetable must be cut into very thin slices so that it can cook faster. Another method to speed up the process of preparing a dish is to use ready-made mashed potatoes instead of raw potatoes. This is especially important if the product is left over, for example, from yesterday’s lunch. You can boil it ahead of time or lightly fry it.
  5. The potatoes are also lightly salted, after which they are generously greased with sour cream mixed with flour.
  6. All that remains is to lay out the tomatoes and sprinkle all the ingredients with grated cheese. Tomatoes do not need to be peeled beforehand. You won't actually notice it in the finished dish.
  7. In the “Baking” program, the treat is prepared in 30 to 40 minutes (depending on the minced meat chosen).

With tomatoes

Tomatoes can be found in most recipes for this dish. And this is logical, because they add juiciness and freshness to it. Tomatoes of any variety are suitable. In addition to 3 large vegetables, you need to prepare: half a kilo of pork pulp, 5 potato tubers, salt, 180 g of any hard cheese, small carrots, a mixture of ground peppers, half a glass of full-fat sour cream or mayonnaise.

  1. The meat is painstakingly washed with running water, dried, cut and beaten. Next you need to marinate it in the consistency of sour cream/mayonnaise with salt and spices. It is enough for the meat to lie in the fragrant sauce for 10-15 minutes.
  2. Grease the multicooker bowl with oil using a paper towel or silicone brush.
  3. The marinated meat along with the sauce is placed in the prepared container. It is prepared in the “Baking” mode for 25 minutes.
  4. Potatoes are cut into thin slices, carrots are grated on a grater with the smallest meshes, tomatoes are cut into slices, cheese is grated on the smallest grater, onions are chopped using any method desired by the housewife.
  5. When the device beeps, the lid opens and the meat pieces are turned over to the other side. Carrots, onions, potatoes and tomato slices are laid out on top of them. Vegetables are salted.
  6. The outermost layer on any piece of pork should be cheesy.
  7. Then the treat is prepared for another 45 minutes in the same program mode.

Carefully remove the finished dish from the multicooker with a special spatula, place it in portions on plates and garnish with the freshest herbs.

With bechamel sauce

This delicate snow-white sauce often complements a wide variety of meat dishes. It also goes well with French-style treats. The main thing is not to skimp on spices in the process of making meat filling. It is best to take dry Provençal herbs. Other goods that will be consumed: half a kilo of fresh veal, 3 onions, salt, 280 g of hard cheese, 6 potato tubers, 70 g of butter, 2 tbsp. milk or cream, 2 huge spoons of snow-white flour, ½ tsp. nutmeg.

  1. The meat is washed, cut into pieces, beaten, and also marinated in a mixture of salt and seasonings. It must lie down for 15-20 minutes.
  2. You can prepare the sauce using a multicooker in the baking mode. First, the butter is poured into the container. When it melts, you can add flour and fry it for several minutes, stirring constantly.
  3. Then hot milk is slowly poured into the flour. It is important that no lumps are created in it.
  4. Next, salt and nutmeg are added to the sauce. The mass is mixed well and after a few minutes of cooking is poured into a separate bowl.
  5. The multicooker bowl is washed and greased again with oil (any kind will do).
  6. Pieces of cooked meat are placed in a container.
  7. On top are sliced ​​onions and thin slices of potatoes. The outermost layer is salted and sprinkled with spices.
  8. All that remains is to pour the prepared sauce over the treat and generously sprinkle with grated cheese.
  9. The dish will be baked in the same program for 65 minutes.
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The meat is served with an assortment of pickled vegetables.

French-style meat in a slow cooker. French meat recipes

We cook meat in French in a multicooker Polaris, Philips, Supra, Panasonic, Moulinex, Redmond, Scarlet, Vitek, March and other models - a very popular and tasty dish that can be prepared for a holiday. French meat recipes in a slow cooker are simple and tasty. The meat can be pork or beef. If you cook from pork, choose the juiciest part of it - neck, loin. Beef or veal does not have to have black color and yellowish fat. The meat should be elastic, not flabby.

French-style meat in a pork slow cooker: recipe for making the dish step by step

Ingredients for French meat:

  • 200-300 g medium fat pork;
  • 1-2 medium-sized onions;
  • 200 g hard cheese;
  • mayonnaise;
  • salt and pepper to taste;
  • parsley and dill.

How to cook savory French-style meat in a slow cooker? To make French-style meat in a slow cooker, it should be cooked. Wash the meat and dry with cardboard towels. Cut the meat into slices. You need to cut into layers across the muscle fibers. The thickness of the layer should not be more than 1 cm. Next, beat the resulting layers of meat with a kitchen hammer. First, wrap them in cling film to prevent splashes.

Season the chopped meat with salt and pepper to your own taste. You can sprinkle with spices if someone likes. Set aside and let it season with salt and pepper. Work on subsequent products. Chop the peeled and washed onion into half rings. Chop the parsley and dill with a knife. It will give the French-style meat in the slow cooker a special smell. Pass hard cheese through a coarse grater.

Pour vegetable oil into the removable form of the multicooker. Don't add too much because the pork will release its own fat as it cooks. 2 tablespoons will be enough. Place the layers of meat into the slow cooker. After beating, they grow in size. When laying out, there may not even be any gap left between the layers. This is even for the best.

Now place onion half rings on top of the meat. Fill this beauty with mayonnaise. The final layer is grated cheese. Distribute it sparingly over the surface. You can immediately add parsley and dill to the slow cooker with the meat or serve it as a garnish for the finished dish. Close the lid. Set the program to “Baking”. Leave the time at default (40 minutes). Press the start key.

In the middle of the process, after 15-20 minutes, open the lid and take a look. Sometimes 20 minutes of cooking meat in French in this mode is enough. It all depends on the quality of the meat. Chilled meat cooks quickly. And the taste is simply indescribable. After the sound signal, you can treat your friends and family to meat in French from the slow cooker. For the following French meat recipe, use beef. It will be very tasty.

French-style meat in a slow cooker with potatoes: step-by-step recipe

Ingredients for French meat in a slow cooker with potatoes:

  • 500 g beef (not very fatty);
  • 500 g potatoes;
  • 2 onions (3 are possible);
  • 300 g hard cheese;
  • greenery;
  • salt to taste.


Cut the beef into layers 1 cm wide. Brush with mild mustard or spices. Season with salt and pepper. Leave in the refrigerator overnight (that is, in the dark) to marinate. Those who are planning to cook right away can avoid marinating. Beat the meat. Season with salt and pepper. Pour 3 tablespoons of vegetable oil into the multicooker bowl. Place the meat. Distribute the chopped herbs.

Next comes a layer of onion chopped into half rings. Behind it is a layer of potatoes. Sprinkle a little salt on the potatoes and brush with mayonnaise. In advance, cut the potatoes into thin slices. Repeat layers. Dilute mayonnaise with water to reduce its fat content. Pour mayonnaise over everything. Top with a layer of grated cheese. Close the multicooker lid until it clicks. Set it to “Baking” mode. Default production time (40 minutes).

After the beep, leave the French-style meat in the multicooker in heating mode for 15 minutes. Or simply turn off the multicooker, and after 15-20 minutes enjoy the French-style meat from the multicooker. Bon appetit! Read recipes for a multicooker on our website Read the recipe for this dish in the oven here.

French-style meat with tomatoes in a slow cooker Polaris recipe video

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