Quick cherry and apricot jam recipe

Quick cherry and apricot jam recipe


Cherry 300 g. 49
Apricots 200 g. 38
Sugar 200 g. 374
Water 100 ml.

Step-by-step recipe for making Quick cherry and apricot jam with photos

And the sweetness is prepared like this:

    Wash the apricots, cut them, remove the pits, cut the apricot halves into slices.

Wash the cherries, do not remove the pits.

Next, let's move on to the syrup. Pour water into the container, add a little sugar, boil the contents, the sweet crystals should dissolve.

Place the apricots and cherries into the hot syrupy liquid, stir using a wooden spatula, and then boil the contents and cook over low heat for 5 minutes.

  • Quickly pour the hot sweetness into containers, cool, and store in a cold room. That's all, the frisky cherry and apricot jam is ready!
  • Video recipe: Quick cherry and apricot jam

    Cherry jam with pits for the winter

    You can also pamper your family with indescribably tasty and fragrant cherry jam with pits. In winter, your household will happily enjoy the homemade sweets given to us over a cup of tea!

    So, in order to prepare a delicacy according to this recipe, you will need:

    cherry-1 kg.;
    sugar-1.5 kg;
    water-300 ml.

    And the sweetness is prepared like this:

      Remove the stems from the berries, rinse, and transfer to an enamel container.

    Next, pour water into a clean saucepan, add sugar, and boil the syrup.

    Pour the resulting syrup mixture over the cherries, boil everything together, and then set aside for 3 hours.

  • Thus, boil and cool the delicacy 3 more times. After extreme cooking, pour the sweetness into glass containers, roll up the lids, cool and place in a cold storage room. That's all, the jam is ready!
  • Cherry and apricot jam: various recipes

    All gourmands and simply lovers of savory desserts are invited to make cherry-apricot jam, in which the berries are complemented by fragrant apricot slices.

    Recipes for such jam can be very different: five-minute jam, jam and the most delicious - Tsarskoe or Royal.

    It’s worth preparing jam from cherries and apricots for the winter in order to transform ordinary tea drinking in cold weather into a real holiday.

    Choose the method you like for making cherry and apricot jam and enjoy its magical taste in the winter.

    Quick cherry and apricot jam in syrup

    • cherry – 300 g
    • apricots – 200 g
    • sugar – 200 g
    • water – 100 ml

    How to cook five-minute apricots and cherries:

    1. Wash the apricots under running water and remove the pits by cutting them in half. Cut each apricot half again so that the slices come out.

    2. Wash the cherries and leave them with the seeds.

    3. For the syrup, pour water into a saucepan and add sugar.

    4. Place on the fire and stir until the sweet sand is one hundred percent dissolved. Bring to a boil.

    5. Place cherries and apricot slices into the boiled syrup. Stirring with a wooden spatula, bring the berries and fruits to a boil.

    6. Reduce heat and cook apricot and cherry jam for 5 minutes.

    7. Place the hot jam into jars for five minutes and roll up the lids. Or store in unstained jars under nylon lids in a cool place.

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    Apricot and cherry jam recipe

    • 1 kg cherries
    • 1 kg apricot
    • 2.5 kg sugar

    How to make apricot-cherry jam:

    1. Wash the apricots, remove the pits and cut them into squares or slices.

    2. Add 500 g of sugar to the chopped apricots and stir well until they release juice.

    3. Wash the cherries and remove the seeds, reserving the juice, which is useful for cooking the syrup.

    4. Add the juice released from the apricots and add the remaining sugar.

    There should be at least 750 ml of water, if less, then add water to the previous size.

    5. Boil the syrup, pour it over the fruits and berries and let stand for 3-4 hours.

    6. Later put on fire and cook for 2 minutes. Leave the jam in this form overnight (that is, in the dark) .

    7. During the day, sterilize the jars and cook for another 5 minutes, stirring occasionally, until the apricots become soft.

    8. Pour into jars and seal with lids.

    Cherry jam with apricots Royal

    • 1 kg of fruits
    • 1 kg sugar
    • 1-1.5 glasses of water

    The royal recipe for apricot jam with cherries:

    1. Blanch large apricots in water for 1-2 minutes at 85-90°C, then quickly cool with cool water.

    2. Remove the seeds, break them up and remove the kernels.

    3. Also remove the seeds from the cherries and put apricot kernels in the cherries, and place the berries in the apricots. Weigh the workpieces.

    4. Prepare a bubbling syrup, pour it over the fruit so that they are one hundred percent covered and leave for 8-12 hours.

    5. Then cook for 5-7 minutes over low heat, again stand for 8-12 hours. For the 3rd time, cook the apricot and cherry jam until ready.


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    Apricot jam with cherries

    Thursday, July 28, 2016 17:02 + to quote book

    This recipe for apricot jam came about by chance. I had a small amount of apricots, some room in the pan and a small amount of cherries. The result was very pleasing with its color, smell and taste. Excellent apricot jam with cherries.

    pitted apricots – 2 kg;
    pitted cherries – 500 gr.;

    1.5 kg.
    yield - 2.6 liters of jam.

    Apricots need to be washed, broken in half and pits removed. The cherries also need to be washed and the pits removed.

    Next, you need to place apricots, cherries and 1.3 kg in a large saucepan or other container in which you will cook the jam. Sahara. Apricots and cherries need to be poured into the pan in several stages in order to sprinkle them well with sugar. Toss the apricots and cherries in sugar for 6 – 8 hours. During this period of time, cherries and apricots will release a lot of juice, which will allow them to cook in their juice.

    You need to cook the jam over low heat, stirring occasionally and without covering with a lid. At first, when the jam boils, it will foam. About 10 minutes after boiling, you need to scoop the jam into a spoon, cool and test, if it is very sour, then add the remaining sugar. While stirring, the jam should be cooked over low heat until the foam disappears. In time it is approximately 30 minutes. During this period of time, the apricots will be one hundred percent boiled and will be almost as expected, and the cherries will remain intact.

    The finished jam should be poured into unstained jars and sealed with sterilized lids.

    Bon appetit!
    Recipe from Olya
    From the issue of 07/12/2016 newsletter Latest recipes from SamVari.ru

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    Tags: how to make jam apricots cherries for future use preparations canning

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    Apricot jam with cherries

    • Preparing Ingredients
    • Manufacturing process
    • Making jam
    • Video on the topic

    Prepare a sleigh in the summer, or rather, prepare jam. After all, this particular delicacy is associated with comfort, drinking tea with the family and the most delicious medicine. On cool winter evenings, sweet tooth lovers will definitely appreciate these preparations. One has only to imagine how the whole family gathers in the kitchen, the smell of warm tea and jam from your favorite berries, and your mouth is already watering. We bring to your attention the most playful recipe for apricot and cherry jam.

    Preparing Ingredients

    For production of 0.5 l. apricot jam with cherries will be useful for you:

    • 200 grams of cherries;
    • 300 grams of apricot fruits;
    • 200 grams of sugar;
    • 100 ml water.

    To make more jam, calculate the proportions based on the suggested ones.

    When preparing, rinse the apricots under cool water. We make vertical cuts to divide the fruit in half, this will make the process of removing the seeds easier. After removing the kernels, cut each half again. As a result, every apricot should yield four slices. We also wash the prepared cherries with water; there is no need to remove the pits.

    Manufacturing process

    To make jam we need syrup. To do this, pour 100 ml of water into the pan, add all the sugar and mix thoroughly. In the next step, place the pan on the stove and reduce the heat to low. Cook the syrup until the sugar is completely dissolved, stirring constantly. At the end of the process, add cherries and apricots. When the acquired mass boils, set it aside for 5 minutes and remove from the stove. Our assortment is ready. All that remains is to pour it into suitable containers, let it cool and send it into a cold space.

    Making jam

    For the longest possible storage, the jam can be rolled up. There are two methods of seaming: using tin lids and a seaming machine and using nylon lids.

    To implement the first method, you need to create the following:

    1. Wash the jars well with baking soda.
    2. Sterilize them in a microwave or oven.
    3. Boil the lids for 5 minutes.
    4. Pour the jam into jars up to the neck.
    5. Cover them with lids and roll them with a special machine.
    6. Turn the jars over and wrap them in something warm, for example, a blanket.
    7. After 4 hours you can send it to storage (preferably to black space).

    The second method of rolling up cans is the most common and consists of the following:

    • Wash and sterilize the jars in the same way. as in the first method.
    • Place the water together with the lids on the stove, and immediately turn it off after boiling, otherwise they will be damaged.
    • Fill the jars with jam a little below the neck level and sprinkle with sugar about 1-1.5 cm wide.
    • Close the lids and store in a cool place (if possible in the refrigerator).

    Now you understand that making jam is not difficult, and the main thing is that the whole process will not take much of your time. In addition, in terms of taste, it will literally surpass purchased options, because you have put a piece of your soul and your love into it, which your family and friends will definitely appreciate. Bon appetit.

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