Three successful recipes for drinking tinctures with mint on vodka (alcohol, moonshine)

Three successful recipes for drinking tinctures with mint on vodka (alcohol, moonshine)

To make homemade mint tinctures, you need fresh or dried peppermint leaves. Remove the stems and roots in advance, as these parts give off bitterness. Collect mint away from roads and other sources of pollution. It is better to use young plants picked before flowering. Dried mint (prepared independently or purchased at a pharmacy) requires three times less than indicated in recipes.

Vodka, ethyl alcohol diluted with water to 40-45% and well-purified moonshine (sweet, grain, fruit) are suitable as an alcohol base.

When stored away from direct sunlight, the shelf life of all prepared drinks is up to 3 years, but it is better not to keep it for longer than a year, as the taste may deteriorate over time.

Traditional mint tincture

The most common option without additional ingredients in the composition, but requires a long infusion. Sweetness can be adjusted to taste.


  • mint (fresh) – 50 g;
  • vodka – 0.5 liters;
  • sugar – 50-150 g (optional).


1. Place mint leaves (without stems) in a jar and lightly crush with a rolling pin.

2. Pour in vodka and stir. Close tightly. Leave for 45 days in a dark room at room temperature. Shake once every 5 days.

3. Strain the prepared mint tincture through cheesecloth and lightly squeeze out the leaves.

4. Taste it. If desired, add sugar, stir, then leave for another 5-7 days in a tightly closed container.

5. If sediment or turbidity occurs, the drink can be filtered through a layer of cotton wool. Strength – 32-38%.

Instant mint tincture with vodka

The drink will be ready in 3 days, but the smell is not as rich and the strength is lower than in the first recipe.


  • vodka – 0.5 liters;
  • water – 150 ml;
  • fresh mint – 65 g;
  • sugar – 2 tablespoons.


1. Chop the washed mint leaves into small pieces and place in a saucepan. Add sugar, mix. If the mint is fresh, leave for 30 minutes so that the leaves release their juice.

2. Boil water in a separate container. Pour boiling water over mint. Cover with a lid, leave for 3 hours, then strain through cheesecloth.

3. Mix mint extract and alcohol base in a jar for infusion. Close tightly.

4. Leave for 3 days in a dark place at room temperature.

5. Drain off the sediment (if any). Sweeten with sugar if desired.

With additional aging, the taste improves. Strength – 32-35%.

Lemon-mint tincture

A savory, fragrant drink with a slight sourness that helps increase appetite.


  • vodka – 1 liter;
  • mint (fresh) – 120 g;
  • lemon – 3 pieces;
  • sugar – 250-400 gr.


1. Rinse the lemons and dry with a cardboard towel. Cut off the zest from every fruit - the yellowish part without the snow-white pulp, which causes bitterness.

2. Chop mint leaves into pieces.

3. Place the zest and mint in a jar for infusion, add lemon juice squeezed from the peeled fruits. Pour in vodka (alcohol, moonshine), stir.

4. Close the jar hermetically and place it in a dark, warm space for 10 days. Shake once a day.

5. Strain the mint tincture through 2-3 layers of gauze. Add sugar to taste, stir.

6. Leave for another 5-7 days. Pour the finished drink into bottles and close tightly. Strength – 25-30%.

I followed the first recipe, but insisted it not for 45 days, but 10, and shook it not once every 5 days, but every day. At first I tasted it without sugar, the smell was mint and cut grass, but the taste was just very powerful bitterness, unpleasant, tasteless. Later I added syrup and tasted it again, and the smell and taste remained the same.

Try adding unsweetened vodka, maybe you got some mint.

Tell me, in the photo, mint tinctures are usually rich green in color. What I get is a yellow-brown product. I do it in the dark. Are there any tricky but harmless methods to improve the color of tinctures?

The color depends on the type of mint; the tinctures are almost always yellowish.

Add lemon balm; it won't affect the taste.

In general, for 0.5 drinks - I took mint and oregano, 2 branches each, the mint was a little sluggish, but from the country.
Lemon zest, chopped and scored with a knife. 1 medium slice of lemon, cinnamon 1/6 teaspoon, sugar 2-2.5 teaspoons depending on which spoon. Mash all the mint and lemon, add to the alcohol, then add all the ingredients evenly. And one more thing, if you have alcohol and not vodka, which is better - brew strong dark tea, let it cool slightly and top it up with water, 60% water and 40% tea. Use store-bought water, I used Kubai. Since there was no time at all, but I really wanted to try it, the tincture was infused, so to speak, for 2.5 hours! 40 minutes of them in the freezer. There is still enough for the drink to come out tasty if you first mash it all, cut the zest and mash the lemon. It is necessary to take normal mint and oregano, the taste of alcohol could not be removed, in principle, it was not mind-blowing in a couple of hours, but it became significantly less. The taste is quite pleasant, and the smell is simply quite good, there is no alcohol. Now about the effect of this drink, the strength was around 35 degrees.
very quickly calms down, does it pleasantly and together with intoxication. A wave of calm and relaxation rolls in. We finished with 5 “servings” in a good mood and a great desire to plop down on the sofa, not from the huge amount of alcohol we drank, although we planned to sit longer. Pleasant effect, not suitable for noisy feasts. But in the evening it’s “just what the doctor ordered”, more pleasant feelings than unpleasant ones. The tincture is normal (2 hours in total), the main thing is excellent ingredients and appropriateness of consumption. I would say that its effect is more like a remedy for nerves. Drinks deliciously. There are a lot of manufacturing options, but in my opinion, it’s better not to overexpose it - there’s no point in keeping it for months, it will be bitter, but the smell will be mint. Additional “vitamins (a group of low-molecular organic compounds of relatively simple structure and varied chemical nature) ” to taste, the drink lacks tannins, for this purpose tea was added as their fastest source.
Oak can probably help, if you don’t overdo it. Overall, probably a ladies' drink.

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Mint tincture: 5 recipes at home

Mint tinctures are drinks not only to amuse the soul, they have medicinal qualities. Mint has a distinct fresh smell, calms the nervous system, relieves migraines, has expectorant properties, and is used as a choleretic and diuretic.

Fundamentally! Mint tincture is contraindicated for people with hypotension and varicose veins. With frequent use, it reduces male potency. Drink the drink without zeal or excess.

Also made from mint: liqueur, syrup

  • 1 Tips before starting
  • 2 Mint tincture with vodka
  • 3 Mint tincture with moonshine
  • 4 Mint tincture with alcohol
  • 5 Mint tincture with lemon
  • 6 Spicy mint tincture

Tips before the start

It is best to use Peppermint or Garden (Spearmint).

The roots and trunks of the plant impart bitterness, so do not use these parts.

If you want the drink to not transform from greenish to brown for as long as possible, keep it in dark glass bottles.

Collect the freshest mint during the flowering period, away from roads, in ecologically clean places.

Mint tincture with vodka

Manufacturing time – 50-52 days.

Shelf life: 1 year in a dark, cool place.

If desired, the sweetness of the drink can be adjusted independently by decreasing or increasing the amount of sugar.

List of ingredients

Fresh mint – 50 g

Preparation method

Place mint leaves in a jar and crush with a rolling pin.

Pour vodka over them and mix the contents.

Close the jar tightly with a lid and place it in a black space to infuse at room temperature for 45 days.

Shake the container once every 5 days.

Filter the drink through cheesecloth and squeeze out the leaves.

Add sugar and stir thoroughly.

Leave for another 5 days in a dark, warm place.

Next, filter the tincture and pour it into an unusual bottle.

Mint tincture with moonshine

Manufacturing time – 32-35 days.

For the recipe, use perfectly purified high-quality moonshine 40% -45%.

List of ingredients

Peppermint – 30 g

Fresh or dry barberry berries – 4 tbsp. l.

Honey or sugar - 2 tbsp. l.

Water – 100-150 ml

Preparation method

Wash and dry the mint.

Finely chop the leaves and place in a jar.

Mash the barberry berries in a mortar with a rolling pin.

Pour them into a container with mint and pour moonshine.

Place the container with the consistency in the black space to infuse for 30 days at a temperature of 18°C-20°C.

After a suitable time has passed, strain the liquid through a thick gauze filter.

Prepare regular syrup from water and sugar. Then cool it to room temperature.

Pour the syrup into the jar with the infusion and mix well.

Place the jar with the contents in the black space for another 2-5 days.

Filter the tincture through cheesecloth and bottle.

Mint tincture with alcohol

Production time – 10 days.

List of ingredients

Dried mint 30-40 g

Preparation method

Place the mint in a jar and add alcohol.

Place on a sunny windowsill to steep for 3 days.

After the appropriate time has passed, filter the liquid through a cotton-gauze filter.

Slowly, stirring constantly, pour the alcohol-mint infusion into the hot syrup.

Pour the mixture into a container.

Place in a black space to stand at room temperature for 7 days.

Filter again and store cool.

Mint tincture with lemon

Production time – 15-17 days. The drink has a slight sourness and improves appetite.

List of ingredients

Fresh mint – 120 g

Sugar – 250-400 g

Preparation method

Rinse the lemons and dry them with a cardboard towel.

Cut off the zest from the fruit, leaving only the yellowish part (the snow-white part imparts bitterness)

Grind mint leaves.

Place them with the zest in a jar and mix thoroughly.

Squeeze juice from peeled lemons.

Pour it into a jar.

Pour vodka into the container and mix everything well.

Seal the jar hermetically and place it in a warm, dark space for 10 days.

Shake the liquid once a day.

Then strain the infusion through a gauze filter.

Add sugar and mix thoroughly.

Hide the container with the contents for 5-7 days in a black space at room temperature to settle.

Filter the drink and pour into a beautiful container.

Spicy mint tincture

Production time – 2 weeks.

List of ingredients

Dried peppermint – 100 g

Dill seeds – 40 g

Juniper berries – 12-15 g

Preparation method

Pour mint, dill seeds, juniper berries and cinnamon into a jar.

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Fundamentally! You can only use common juniper berries, which are often found in wild areas. Fruits of other species are considered poisonous and it is better not to experiment with them.

Mix the contents and add vodka.

Close the container tightly and place it in a black, warm space for 2 weeks.

After time, filter the liquid.

Store in a cool place.

Is there an error or do you have anything to add?

The best recipes for mint tincture with moonshine

Almost all lovers of homemade moonshine value it not only for its “intoxicating properties,” but also for its beneficial properties. Moonshine (and other homemade alcoholic products) derive their healing properties from the ingredients used in their production. One of them – mint – gives the drink not only a pleasant taste, but also saturates it with a huge number of positive parameters.

What are the benefits of mint drinks?

When making moonshine, mint is one of the most popular products. This plant is undemanding to conditions and is found wherever there is land and watering. Apart from moonshine, you can use it to make cocktails, tinctures, balms, and liqueurs. There are more than 25 types of mint in nature, but the most common are aromatic, pepper and field mint.

To produce mint tincture on moonshine, you can use dried or fresh leaves. You should not use trunks or roots - they will give the drink a bitter aftertaste.

It is recommended to collect the preparation before flowering, so as not to lose in taste and quality.

The beneficial effects of mint on the human body include:

  • calming effect on the nervous system;
  • decrease in pressure;
  • improving the functioning of the urinary system;
  • choleretic effect;
  • detoxification;
  • improved expectoration of sputum;
  • help with migraines.

The plant must be stored away from sunlight. When using dried mint leaves, you need even less of them than new ones.

Traditional mint tincture

The most common time-tested recipe. No unnecessary ingredients will be needed, and in the end the taste of the drink will be bland.

To make the tincture you will need:

  • 50-60 grams of mint;
  • 100-150 grams of sugar;
  • half a liter of moonshine or vodka.

For this recipe, it is better to use the freshest leaves. The infusion of the product lasts about 50 days, and then is stored for up to a year in a dark, cold place.

How to prepare mint tincture using moonshine - step by step:

  1. Place the leaves in a non-stick container, crush and grind them.
  2. Add moonshine (or vodka) to the resulting porridge, mix everything, cover and set aside for 40-45 days.
  3. Shake occasionally for a week.
  4. Strain the purchased mixture.
  5. Add sugar to taste.
  6. Store for another 5-7 days in a dark place.

If sediment remains, it should be removed with a filter or gauze. On average, the strength of such a drink will be 30-36 degrees.

From dried leaves

If you don’t have the freshest mint, but you really want to enjoy the drink, you can use supplies. To make this recipe you will need a liter of moonshine and 15 grams of leaves.


Soak mint leaves in boiling water. A water bath can also be used for this purpose.

  • Wait 20 minutes and mix the resulting mass with moonshine.
  • Close the lid and let it brew.
  • Filter through several layers of gauze. Can be consumed.
  • The drink will be stronger than its own freshest “colleague” - about 50 degrees.

    You don’t have to throw away the processed leaves - just dry them and put them back into storage, so that they can later be used as “recycling material”.

    Swift Tincture

    The production of mint tincture using moonshine can be accelerated up to 5 days. For the sake of such production speed, you will have to sacrifice the taste, smell and strength of the drink.


    • half a liter of moonshine;
    • 150 ml water;
    • 2-3 tablespoons of sugar;
    • 60 grams of fresh mint.


    1. Grind the mint, add sugar and let the juice come out.
    2. Pour boiling water over it and let it brew for half an hour.
    3. Filter with gauze.
    4. Mix the resulting liquid with alcohol.
    5. Leave in a dark place for 3 days.
    6. Discard sediment and add sugar as needed.

    The resulting drink will have a strength of 30-35 degrees.

    Mint tincture with honey

    This recipe will appeal to lovers of low-alcohol treats. Usually the strength of tincture with honey does not exceed 20 degrees. This drink can be prepared quickly and easily.


    5 l. moonshine;

  • 20 grams of salt;
  • 500 grams of honey;
  • 250 grams of mint.
  • How to cook:

    1. Separate the mint leaves from the stems, wash and dry.
    2. Mix with salt (do not grind!)
    3. Add honey.
    4. Add moonshine.
    5. Leave for 2 hours.
    6. Distill and pour into containers.

    The tincture must be stored in a place away from direct sunlight. You can use any kind of honey: the freshest and already crystallized. It is recommended to take moonshine with a strength of up to 45 degrees.

    Mint tincture with lemon added

    According to the recipe, it will take 10 to 15 days to make such a tincture.

    To get a drink made from aromatic grass with beneficial qualities, you need:

    • liter of moonshine;
    • 150 grams of fresh mint;
    • 3 lemons;
    • 300-400 grams of sugar.

    Cooking process:

    1. Wash the lemons and remove the zest without the white layer.
    2. Grind the leaves.
    3. Mix mint and lemon peel.
    4. Add moonshine.
    5. Squeeze lemon juice into the mixture and stir.
    6. Store for 10 days in a warm place under an airtight seal.
    7. Remove sediment and add sugar to taste.
    8. Store in a dark space for 6 days.

    The result is a tasty low-alcohol drink with a strength of up to 25 degrees.

    Video recipe for tincture with mint and lemon

    Mint tincture with barberry

    This product is especially popular among lovers of savory alcohol.

    Tincture with barberry can be stored in the refrigerator for a year without losing the desired properties.

    Required for production:

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    liter of moonshine;

  • 30 grams of fresh mint;
  • 4 tablespoons of barberry berries.
  • Manufacturing method:

    1. Wash the leaves, dry on a towel, cut into small pieces and place in a deep container. Better, made of glass.
    2. Mash the barberries with a rolling pin and add to the mint. You can use both fresh and dry fruits.
    3. Pour in the moonshine. It is important to use purified liquid.
    4. Cover with a lid and place in a cool, dark space for 1 month.
    5. Filter the purchased composition. If you need the mildest taste, you can add 1 tablespoon of sugar or honey, having previously made a syrup from them.
    6. Pour into containers and let steep for another 2 days.

    Due to the long infusion, the drink will turn out strong, but barberry berries will soften the taste.

    Tincture with currant leaves

    Will be necessary:

    • 3 liters of moonshine;
    • 1 kg sugar;
    • half a liter of water;
    • 4 handfuls of mint leaves;
    • the same number of black currant leaves.

    Prepared as follows:

    1. Place mint in a container and add alcohol.
    2. Let it brew for 3 days in a dark, warm place.
    3. Add currant leaves and sugar as needed.
    4. Filter the liquid.
    5. Pour into bottles, close and store in a dark, cool place.

    Apart from the sense of taste, currant leaves give the drink a corresponding green color.

    So, mint is a real godsend for moonshine. It can act as an independent ingredient or in combination with other additives. The leaves of this herb will add a refreshing uniqueness to the taste of moonshine.

    Video recipe for herbal tincture of thyme and mint

    Mint tincture

    I REALLY love mint, but I can’t help it, it grows without any use, it’s just a pity. We are already making syrup and drink from mint, it’s time to try a stronger drink!

    Ingredients for Mint Tincture:

    • Mint (fresh) - 50-80 g
    • Sugar - 400 g
    • Water (better) - 1 cup.
    • Alcohol (vodka) - 0.5 l

    Nutritional and energy value:

    Ready meals
    1616.5 kcal
    1.9 g
    0.2 g
    402.8 g
    100 g dish
    230.9 kcal
    0.3 g
    0 g
    57.5 g

    Recipe for mint tincture:

    First, let's discuss “raw materials”.
    You can take 0.5 liters of vodka - I do not agree with the statement that you need to take the cheapest vodka for the tincture - the better the raw materials, the better the final result.
    Or take alcohol - honey alcohol (at the pharmacy) 100 ml and dilute with purified water, I did 100 ml per 1 liter of water - so that it doesn’t turn out very strong.

    50-80 g of mint is approximately 15-18 sprigs 20-30 cm long.

    Grind the mint and add alcohol.
    Let it brew, the color of the water will change, I let it sit for about 3 hours.
    But you can, of course, not remove the leaves for much longer)))

    Strain the liquid from the petals and pour into a container in which to infuse.

    Dissolve sugar in water and add to the tincture.

    Leave to infuse for 3-4 weeks.

    You can try it in 2 weeks.

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    September 3, 2018 mila berezka #

    August 26, 2017 sveta yps #

    January 13, 2017 Grandma Care #

    January 8, 2016 daha18 ​​#

    January 11, 2016 a-lesa # (recipe creator)

    August 26, 2014 Mamita SI #

    August 26, 2014 a-lesa # (recipe creator)

    February 1, 2014 Gurov #

    August 23, 2011 dolphy #

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    July 20, 2011 Tanya-O-511 #

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    July 20, 2011 a-lesa # (recipe creator)

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