How to cook rassolnik: traditional recipe with barley and pickles 7 types of other recipes

How to cook rassolnik: traditional recipe with barley and pickles + 7 types of other recipes

Rassolniki began to be brewed in Rus' since the 15th century. In those days they were called kalya; the cucumber brine in the soup could be replaced with citric acid. A distinctive feature was the addition of lamb or calf offal, as well as poultry liver and kidneys.

Now kalya is a slightly acidic soup with fish. But rassolnik has become a frequent guest on the table since the times of the Russian Union, and to this day people love to cook it in public catering. Who doesn’t remember school soup with barley and finely grated pickles? This is a playful and tasty dish.


There are a huge number of options on the theme of pickles, including a vegetarian soup and a first course cooked with meat instead of giblets. But it is the traditional recipe that arouses particular enthusiasm. It is prepared with pearl barley; the better the grain, the tastier the soup will be.

Traditional pickle recipe

Before serving, sprinkle with chopped herbs. This could be dill, parsley, young green onions. Some people prefer to season the soup with sour cream and garlic and even unsweetened yogurt. Aspects of serving and dressing are up to your personal preferences.

Video recipe

Other pickle recipes

If you have eaten your fill of the traditional first course, you can amuse yourself and your family with delicious soup doughs.

  • Rassolnik Leningradsky

Specifically, during the period of the USSR (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, also the Soviet Union - a state that existed from 1922 to 1991 in Europe and Asia), chicken, fatty fish and mushrooms were removed from the soup ingredients. To replace the calorie content, hearty pearl barley came instead. It has an incomparable taste. This pickle is certainly prepared with beef on the bone.

Another difference from the classics is the addition of several types of peppers: peas, aromatic and ground. A tablespoon of tomato paste will also come in handy. It must be added to vegetables when they are simmering in a frying pan before adding to the pan.

It is curious that Leningrad rassolnik differs in the geometry of the potato cut. When choosing pearl barley for cooking soup, you need to cut the potatoes into cubes. And if you decide to cook with rice, then cut the tubers into strips.

  • Rassolnik with rice

This dish is perfect for those who don't like pearl barley. Another convenience is that the rice does not need to be soaked. This means that you will spend a minimum of time preparing the soup.

For meat broth, you can use not only beef, but also poultry and pork. Any meat goes well with rice. Please note that poultry will cook even faster than beef. If you take meat on the bone, the broth will be the richest.

  • Rassolnik with millet

Instead of pearl barley, you need to add 2-3 tablespoons of millet. There is no need to soak it, just wash it thoroughly in cool water. And you will find a step-by-step soup recipe first in the article.

Another unusual ingredient is salted tomatoes. It comes out very tasty with soaked greenish tomatoes. They must be cut into strips together with pickled cucumbers and simmered in sunflower oil or water for about 20 minutes. Then add it to the boiling soup.

  • Rassolnik with kidneys

You can often hear that grandmothers and great-grandmothers cooked pickle not with meat, but with offal. This soup differs in taste from meat soup, acquiring a specific note. Try cooking the first dish with beef kidneys.

  • Rassolnik without meat

This soup is suitable for vegetable eaters who are also fasting. The dish comes out filling and very tasty. Vegetables can be sautéed or added raw to the pan. Try to cook both ways.

And vegetarian can also intrigue a child who doesn’t like meat. Since the soup contains a lot of vegetables and the necessary grains, such a lunch will completely replenish the body’s need for calories and necessary substances.

Useful tips

The tips below are suitable for any type of pickle.

  1. It is better to soak pearl barley in cold water. As a standard from last evening. If you decide to cook the soup spontaneously, then at least 2-3 hours in advance.
  2. For pickle, it is better to take lean meat. The calorie content is fully compensated by the cereal. And the taste with lean meat is even subtler.
  3. It is better to sprinkle the pickle with herbs and chopped garlic at the very end of cooking or just before serving.

To soak pearl barley or not?

Every housewife prepares pearl barley in her own way. It can be soaked the day before cooking the soup, filled with hot water for a couple of hours, or boiled in a separate pan and later added to the broth. This is a tasty and necessary cereal, which at home has only one drawback - it takes a long time to prepare.

If you do not want to waste time on pre-soaking, you will have to cook the pearl barley for about 50-90 minutes. There is no universal advice on time, as it depends on the type of cereal. Readiness can be determined by the swollen and soft mixture; however, barley does not have to be mushy.

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Would you like to cook your cereal faster? Then wash it well until the water is clear, gently rub the grains together to remove the husk. Then fill with water for three hours. After soaking, the cooking time is usually reduced from 90 minutes to an hour; some varieties are cooked in half an hour. It is usually recommended to cook pearl barley from bags for 45 minutes.

How to replace pearl barley in pickle sauce?

You don’t have pearl barley on hand or not many family members like its taste, but still want to make pickle? Vegetables and meat alone will not be enough; you need to find a substitute for cereals. Pickled cucumbers go well not only with pearl barley. Let's look at the more popular options.

Yes, it is organic not only in kharcho. The rice perfectly balances with other ingredients, cooks quickly and does not affect the color of the soup. It can be served raw or cooked in the first dish. In addition, rice will help your dish from over-salting, as it will take on the lion's share of the salt.

  • Barley grits

This is a universally suitable option, since the egg is cheap, cooks quickly and tastes good. It does not particularly affect the satiety of the dish, so it is suitable for those who like light soups.

  • Cereals

Oatmeal is rarely added to pickle soup, but you should try this recipe. Flakes enhance the taste of the dish and make it healthier. Hercules cooks very quickly, so don’t leave the pan forever. Choose flakes that are designed for regular cooking; the rest may completely fall apart.

Which pickle recipe is the most delicious for you?

Rassolnik, recipes

Rassolnik is a regular Russian soup with pickled cucumbers. True, more than 100 years ago, rassolnik was called not only a soup, but also a pie with an interior made from offal, meat or fish with spices, seasonings and pickles.

Auguste Escoffier, in his own Culinary Guide, written at the end of the 19th century, suggested preparing pickle soup based on chicken broth with the addition of cucumber brine, finely chopped pickles, parsley roots and celery. This soup needed to be cooked for approximately 40 minutes, thickening at the end with yolks whipped with cream. Tender minced chicken dumplings were added the pickle as a side dish

The predecessor of the Russian rassolnik was most likely the ancient dish kalya - a cucumber brine soup with cucumbers, beets and meat, widespread in Russia in the 16th–17th centuries. During Lent, kalya was prepared only with fish (necessarily fatty) and caviar: “Barskaya” kalya was cooked from salmon with lemon, from white fish (beluga, stellate sturgeon, kaluga) with plums, or from sterlet with cucumbers.

One of the ancient kalia recipes is very reminiscent of pickle with kidneys : the kidneys are blanched, cut into slices, fried turnips and carrots are added, everything is boiled together and at the very end add pickles. The dish should turn out semi-liquid. It was prepared and served in clay pots.

But the real pickle, most likely, was born in the kitchen of some inventive innkeeper no earlier than the beginning of the 19th century. This is precisely why rassolnik is never found in ancient cookbooks, but rassolnik, along with solyanka, fish soup and botvinya, could be found in virtually any tavern menu of the 19th century. The possible origin of pickle can also explain the abundance of recipes.

The only indispensable ingredient in pickle soup is pickles. They are peeled and seeded, cut into cubes and simmered in a small amount of broth or water. Everything else is at your discretion. Brave experimenters can try replacing the cucumbers with pickled milk mushrooms - the result will be a very tasty soup.

The pickle is usually filled with chopped and sauteed onions (onions or leeks) and chopped snow-white roots (parsley, celery, parsnips), carrots, and from time to time - potatoes, cereals (pearl barley, buckwheat, rice) and cabbage. Some cooks add tomato to the pickle .

The broth for pickle can be anything - veal, beef, chicken. There are recipes for pickle soup with piglet. For fish pickle, Russian cookbooks recommended taking 2-3 varieties of fresh fish (whitefish, sturgeon, pike perch, ruffe) and one variety of salted fish (stellate sturgeon, white fish, sturgeon and beluga), while the salted fish was cooked separately, and the broth was poured out. You can prepare a fish pickle using fish broth, but without pearl barley, and when serving, put pieces of boiled fish on a plate.

the pickle – just add more brine to it.

The rassolnik should be served with sour cream and the freshest black bread, unleavened puff pastries with liver, pies with fish. And don’t rush to put it on the table - like most seasoning soups, it needs to brew a little and “finish.”

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The best pickle recipes

The eternal Russian first course is meat soup with cereals, which is usually prepared outside of the vegetable season. You can prepare pickle soup using several methods, for specific details, see below in the selection of the best methods, in our opinion.

Rassolnik with smoked sausage

Even if you are not a pickle lover, this soup will not leave you indifferent. Smoked sausages give pickle a special smell and piquancy.

Fish pickle is a good dish for the whole family. According to this recipe, you will get not only the necessary, but also a very tasty pickle with an indescribable smell.

Rassolnik with kidneys

You can prepare a faithful pickle with kidneys and pearl barley according to this recipe. It is important to observe all cooking conditions and the sequence of adding ingredients.

According to the traditional recipe, Leningrad rassolnik is prepared in meat broth without meat. Try it, you will be left in ecstasy from this thick and rich pickle.

Pickled cucumber pickle

A wonderful pickle of rich reddish color. Moreover, it is very tasty and necessary.

Learn to prepare pickle sauce according to a traditional recipe. This soup could totally become your family's favorite first dish.

Thick and rich pickle with meat in a fragrant meat broth. Everyone will love this delicious homemade soup.

Rassolnik with chicken

Try this indescribably delicious pickle made with fragrant chicken broth with spices and herbs.

Prepare rassolnik according to this unusual recipe with oatmeal. You will be pleasantly surprised by this unique pickle with a tender mixture.

Rassolnik soup with barley

Prepare rassolnik with barley when you are tired of ordinary borscht and soups. This tasty and healthy dish is very popular in Russia, where it comes from.

Dressing for pickle sauce

Enjoy this fragrant pickle in the winter. To do this, you just need to heat a jar of pickle dressing, mix with broth and boiled potatoes.

A very tasty pickle recipe. Rich meat broth with vegetables and cucumber pickle will pleasantly surprise you and your loved ones will enjoy it.

Rassolnik in a slow cooker

Thanks to the multicooker, you can prepare a delicious pickle with meat without having to stand at the stove for half a day. Give it a try and this soup may become a favorite in your family.

Pickle made from new cucumbers

Usually pickles are used in pickles. To make this Lenten pickle, you need the freshest cucumbers and half an hour of free time.

Rassolnik with rice

Usually rassolnik is prepared with pearl barley.

Rassolnik for the winter with pearl barley

Be sure to stock up on this tasty and healthy soup for the cool winter using this recipe. It only takes 20 minutes to prepare pickle soup from the preparation given to us!

Rassolnik with pearl barley

Recipe for pickle with barley and chicken hearts. It will turn out very tasty, and you don’t need a lot of time or culinary experience to prepare it.

Rassolnik for the winter

Treat your family to the freshest pickle soup in the winter. To do this, you just need to dilute the pickle from the jar with broth or water!

Rassolnik is a popular dish in Russia due to its unique and inimitable taste. Your family and loved ones will appreciate this soup.

  • Borscht
  • Broths
  • Milk soup
  • Okroshka
  • Rassolnik
  • Fish soups
  • Solyanka
  • Soups
    • Frisky soup
    • Pea soup
    • Mushroom soup
    • Diet soup
    • Chicken soup
    • Summer soups
    • Meat soup
    • Vegetable soup
    • Noodle soup
    • Soup with smoked meats
    • Potato soup
    • Canned soup
    • Sweet soups
    • Meatball soup
    • Cheese soup
    • Soups for kids
    • Soups without meat
    • Bean soup
  • Soups – puree
  • Kharcho
  • Cool soup
  • Cabbage soup

FOODideas (food ideas) is a website dedicated to the art of cooking at home, which contains the best recipes for culinary dishes with photos and detailed step-by-step instructions, especially so that you can prepare any, even the most complex dish at home. You can also read our recipes in our Yandex Zen channel - Foodideas Zen

Traditional rassolnik: recipe with barley and pickles

Hi all! If you found this article, it means that we are now making soup together with you. Traditional rassolnik is one of the rich soups that are so popular here in the cool season. We will create it, as usual, with pearl barley. But from time to time they cook it with rice, and even with buckwheat.

Such soup with pickled cucumbers began to be prepared in Rus' back in the fifteenth century, only then did it bear the name kalya. Absolutely, previously, all sorts of offal went into such a soup - pork or beef kidneys, for example. At the moment, the main thing is to cook it on the basis of any piece of meat on the bone.

You can use any kind of meat, or prepare a vegetarian pickle without any meat at all. An indispensable ingredient of the dish is pickled cucumbers. It will be great if you have so-called barrel-salted cucumbers. If not, then you can change it with pickled ones.

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Rassolnik soup with barley and pickles - step-by-step recipe

This manufacturing option has been familiar to most of us since our youth. This is my husband's favorite soup. So, I cook it quite often, but we don’t get bored with it.

It turns out special due to the brine, tomato and spices. And the fat content and richness of the dish depends on what kind of meat you take. A very suitable lunch for a hungry man.

We will need:

  • Piece of beef or pork on the bone - 500 g
  • Pearl barley - 120 gr.
  • Pickled cucumbers - 4 pcs.
  • Cucumber brine - 0.5 cups
  • Potatoes - 3 pcs.
  • Carrots - 1 pc.
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Tomato paste - 2 tbsp. l. (or two medium tomatoes)
  • Vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Coriander, bay leaf, salt, garlic, hot pepper pod - to taste
  • Water – 3 liters


1. You need to boil the barley in advance. Wash it a couple of times first. Then fill it with a glass of water and place it on the stove. After boiling, cook over low heat for approximately 15-20 minutes. Do not forget that you must always keep an eye on the cereal. To prevent her from running away, open the lid slightly.

2. Wash the meat and put it in a saucepan in which the whole stew will be cooked. Pour in water and bring to a boil. Skim off the foam and cook for 30-40 minutes over medium heat. Cooking time depends on the type of meat chosen. For example, pork cooks faster than beef. Naturally, you can also use poultry.

Readiness can simply be determined by how easily the pulp is separated from the stone.

3. In the meantime, you can prepare the vegetables. Wash them and clean them. Cut the carrots into narrow strips, cut the onion and cucumbers into small cubes (1cm side).

Quite often I hear in extreme times that it is better to cut the carrots directly, rather than grate them. Cucumbers, by the way, can also be chopped into strips, like carrots - at your discretion.

4. Chop the potatoes into randomly shaped pieces.

Cooking frying for soup

5. First place the carrots in a heated frying pan with vegetable oil. There is no need to roast it to a coffee color. Let it cook for three to four minutes, stirring occasionally to prevent it from burning.

6. Next, add the chopped onion to the pan. Fry for another 5 minutes, without forgetting to stir.

7. As soon as the onion becomes transparent, dump the chopped cucumbers there. Let them soften slightly and exchange taste and smell with the rest of the ingredients.

8. Lastly, add tomato paste or chopped tomatoes. And now we pour in the cucumber pickle.

Traditional rassolnik involves adding brine. But, if you don’t like sour soup, then this is not necessary.

Mix everything thoroughly and let it simmer for another 5-7 minutes.

As a result, the frying should turn out to be an appetizing color, thick and fragrant. Now you can remove it from the stove and put it aside for now, we’ll return to it a little later.

9. The meat is already cooked, remove it from the broth and leave it to cool on a plate.

10. Pour the prepared pearl barley and potatoes into the pan. Bring to a boil and cook for approximately 10 minutes. In the meantime, cut the meat into small, randomly shaped pieces.

11. Now add the roasted and chopped meat to the soup, as well as the necessary spices, not counting the garlic. Stir and cook for another 5 minutes. It's time to salt the stew.

12. Remove the hot pepper and add garlic to the pan. It needs to be passed through a press or simply finely chopped. This is such a rich and thick soup.

And finally, you can remove it from the heat and let it brew for a while under a tightly closed lid.

Serve in portioned plates, with sour cream and chopped herbs.

Video on how to prepare traditional rassolnik at home

I would also like to recommend you a recipe for such beef soup. The video from Natalia Kalnina very clearly shows all the stages of production.

Composition of goods:

  • beef on the bone - 500 gr. (or any other meat, preferably on the bone)
  • cucumber pickle - 150 ml.
  • pickled or pickled cucumbers - 3 pcs. or 200 gr.
  • potatoes - 400 gr.
  • onion - 1 pc. one carrot
  • pearl barley - 70 gr.
  • tomato paste - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • salt, bay leaf and other seasonings - to taste
  • water - 4 l.

This is a homemade pickle.

Try both options and decide which one suits your taste better. And I say goodbye until the next delicious recipes. Thank you to everyone who cooked with me now!

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