Cold pickled cucumbers for the winter (with mustard)

Cold pickled cucumbers for the winter (with mustard)

I’ll tell you how easy it is to create barrel cucumbers in jars with a nylon lid. I have three-liter ones, you don’t need to take less, you can take more. The cucumbers turn out vigorous, crispy, simply authentic, and they take a couple of minutes to cook. It is better to take small specimens. When I found a recipe, I came across options with fermentation in a saucepan, replacing the brine, boiling again, you need to stand in a warm place, drain, and later transfer. But they don’t do that in a barrel, do they? And last year they gave me a hint - a recipe for cold pickling for the winter with mustard. He's wonderful!

  • 1.7-1.8 kg of cucumbers;
  • 2 heaped tablespoons of salt;
  • 1 heaped spoonful of dry mustard.

Additionally, garlic, horseradish leaves, currants and cherries, dill, peppercorns, all in random quantities, will be useful.

Manufacturing method

Place all the washed greens in three-liter jars, throw in garlic cloves, 1-2 pieces are enough. You can put everything to a minimum. Leave a piece of horseradish leaf to cover the top of the cucumbers later.

Wash the cucumbers. There is no need to cut off the noses and tails if you do not want to speed up the salting process. We put them in jars tightly, but do not fill them to the very top, as when marinating. Only up to the beginning of the neck, you can see the level in the photo. Cover with a horseradish leaf.

Pour in two heaping spoons of salt, add a heaping spoonful of dry mustard, and throw in peppercorns. We simply place all this on top of a horseradish leaf.

Pour in cool, unboiled water. It can be from a filter, from a tap or from a source. As you pour the salt and mustard will go inside, don’t rush it.

We close it with a nylon lid, shake it and put it in the basement. Be sure to place a tray, for example, an old bucket or basin, because liquid can penetrate during fermentation.

You can taste the cucumbers in a month, but they last well until spring, they turn out vigorous and sour. Mustard serves as a preservative and prevents mold from appearing. Unfortunately, I don’t yet have photos of ready-made cucumbers using the cold method, there are no old ones left, the newest ones are in the process of fermentation.

Cold cucumbers with mustard

How to pickle cucumbers for the winter under a nylon lid? The recipe is for those who have a cellar (not suitable for apartment storage).

Now we will prepare the cucumbers using the cold method, under a nylon lid. In addition to the usual set of herbs for pickling, we will add powdered mustard. What does mustard do? It makes the brine stronger, improves the taste of cucumbers, adds crispness and piquancy to them. It also acts as an antiseptic, preventing the growth of bacteria.

Cucumbers are barrel-like, crispy, and prepared in jars. The best container for pickling is a 3-liter jar - all proportions in the recipe are given for it.


  • cucumbers - how many will go into a 3 liter jar?
  • salt – 3 tbsp. l.
  • currant leaf – 3-4 pcs.
  • cherry leaf – 4 pcs.
  • horseradish leaf – 1 pc.
  • horseradish root – 1-2 cm
  • shiritsa grass – 1 pc.
  • dill – 3-4 umbrellas
  • garlic - 4 teeth.
  • mustard powder – 1 tsp.


There is no need to rinse the jars; there is no need to sterilize them. Wash the cucumbers thoroughly, soak in cool water for 3-4 hours (change the water several times during this period of time). Soaking will make them crispy.

Place greens for pickling cucumbers, garlic, horseradish root at the bottom of the jar - everything in the photo goes into one 3-liter jar (this time I salted the cucumbers in 1.5-liter jars, so then I divided everything in half).

Fill the jars tightly. Large specimens are usually placed at the bottom, and then smaller ones, so that there are no huge voids.

Pour salt into the jars - 3 level tablespoons for each 3-liter jar. Take regular rock salt, non-iodized.

Fill the cucumbers in jars with cool water - in the standard, this is well water, just collected, very, very cool, almost ice-cold. If there is no well, you can fill it with clean water, but you need to cool it first and put it in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.

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And finally, add 1 teaspoon of mustard (some housewives put more, but then the taste of mustard is felt even stronger).

Cover with a tight nylon lid. Place in a basin or deep bowl where the brine will drain during fermentation. Leave the jar of cucumbers at room temperature for 2 days (the room temperature should not be higher than 23-25 ​​degrees).

During the fermentation process, foam will appear under the lid, and some of the brine will flow out - this is a common occurrence.

After two days, transfer the jars to the cellar for storage. The sample can be taken after 3 months.

Cucumbers like barrels with mustard in jars for the winter (crispy and extremely tasty)

Now I would like to share one of my favorite cucumber recipes. They are prepared in a three-liter jar with the addition of mustard and turn out special and crispy. Everything is done using the cold method, without vinegar or sterilization, and tastes like true barrel cucumbers. At the moment, cucumbers are ripening en masse, harvesting is in full swing. If you want crispy, tangy, and extremely savory vegetables, try this recipe. They are perfect for porridge, pasta, potatoes, meat, pickle soup and Olivier salad.

In winter, such vegetables go out with a bang. Prepare while it's in season. If you have made this recipe before, please share how you like it. And if you haven’t cooked it, then try it, we, for example, really like it.

I don’t prepare a lot, because I make various preparations, I want to test and prepare everything, and there is not much space for storing preserved food. But I prepare this preparation every year.

Spicy, savory, and fragrant, they will be a good snack and addition to any dish.

Cucumbers with mustard as barrels in jars for the winter

Despite such a well-stocked supply of goods that are needed, everything is prepared easily and simply. By preparing these vegetables you will have a good addition to a side dish or meat dish.


  • Cucumbers (how many will fit into a three-liter jar)
  • 2-3 dill umbrellas
  • 2-3 leaves of horseradish
  • 2-3 oak leaves
  • 2 cherry leaves
  • 2 dark currant leaves
  • 2-3 bay leaves
  • 5-6 dark peppercorns
  • 2 peppercorns
  • 3 cloves of garlic
  • 1 hot pepper (optional)

For the brine you will need:

  • 2 liters of water
  • 4 full tablespoons salt
  • 2 tablespoons dry mustard powder

In the recipe, I indicate the products per one three-liter jar; if you are preparing 2-3 containers, then you need to take 2-3 times more ingredients and goods for the brine.

I fill the unstained bottle with spices. I don't sterilize jars, I just wash them well.

If you have a summer house or your own plot, you can use vegetables and herbs from the garden; if you buy cucumbers at the market, then you can also buy herbs for pickling cucumbers there.

They are sold in bunches, the bunch immediately contains various leaves (cherry, currant, dill, together with twigs).

My husband jokingly calls these bunches “brooms.” They look like tied brooms. Write below whether you sell such spices and whether you buy them.

Because we don’t grow cucumbers, I buy all this from the market. I also buy garlic and hot peppers. I always have peppercorns and bay leaves and use them for different dishes.

This recipe contains oak leaves, they give strength to the cucumbers, and are an indispensable product, but if you don’t find them, you can cook without them.

I cut the garlic into 2 or 4 parts, it all depends on the size. Chopped garlic will give a good smell. But add bitter pepper as desired.

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It is better to take cucumbers that are smooth, dense, not limp, not bitter, without dents or damage. You can wash and soak the vegetables in cool water for 2 hours.

There is no need to cut vegetables on both sides; if you want, or are used to it, then do it as you are used to. My mother never cut cucumbers when she fermented, and I don’t cut them either.

It’s better to fill it tightly, at the same time we place the large ones down, I try to place the medium ones in the middle, and towards the narrowing of the neck the jars are small, because there is not enough space, and the jar needs to be filled one hundred percent.

I add aromatic peppercorns, dark pepper, and bay leaves, I find it more aromatic and tastier. I try to pack the vegetables tightly so that there are no huge voids.

Now we are preparing the brine. Fill with bubbling brine. It is prepared at the rate of two full tablespoons of salt per 1 liter of water. You need to take rock salt. Extra and iodized salt is not suitable.

Fundamentally! A three-liter jar takes more than 1.5 liters of brine, it all depends on how tightly the cucumbers were packed.

Therefore, in order to have enough brine, I take 2 liters of water. Ordinary purified water. I take 4 tablespoons of salt, full spoons.

Pour water into a saucepan, add salt, stir, bring to a boil and boil for one minute. It is important for us that the salt dissolves completely.

Fill the cucumbers with bubbling brine, I emphasize, bubbling brine. To prevent the jar from bursting, you need to put a spoon or an iron knife so that there is contact with both sides of the jar.

Pour in a narrow stream, being extremely careful so as not to get burned, because the water is hot.

Fundamentally! Pour hot brine over the vegetables!

Fill to the top, cover with a nylon lid and leave at room temperature for 2 days, without needing to place it in a cool or warm space. Leave in the kitchen and store for 2 days at room temperature.

On day 2, a light foam will appear during the fermentation process. The foam can be removed with a spoon. You can also place a plate under their jars, just in case, because during the fermentation process a little brine may be released and flow down the jar.

After 2 days, add two tablespoons of mustard powder to the jar.

Cover again with a nylon lid, shake the jar slightly, and leave for another 5-6 hours at room temperature.

After 5-6 hours, I pour the brine into the pan.

I put the pan on the fire, boil for a couple of minutes, it is important for us that the brine boils perfectly. The fire can be created medium or small.

I pour hot brine over the cucumbers. Again, so that the jar does not burst, I place a spoon, it is important for us that it touches the jar on both sides.

I do not boil or sterilize containers for this recipe. I washed the metal lid well, poured boiling water over it, and left it in a bowl.

After I poured the brine, cover it with a sterile lid and roll it up with a key. For this recipe, I use mustard not in grains, but in powder. The brine comes out cloudy due to the fact that everything was bubbling; when it cools and stands, the mustard will settle to the bottom of the jar.

I don't wrap jars of cucumbers. Let the pickled cucumbers and mustard cool down at room temperature.

After cooling, I store it in a cold place. This workpiece can be stored in an apartment, but the best storage space is a basement (cellar).

Try to cook according to this recipe, the cucumbers turn out amazing, and everyone who has tried such pickled cucumbers at least once demands the recipe.

This recipe differs in that it does not contain vinegar, only salt, water, and mustard. The vegetables come out like they come from a barrel, you know, pickled cucumbers in a barrel, they remind you of something. Naturally, from a barrel, this is from a barrel.

My grandmother had two wooden barrels, in one she salted cucumbers, and in the other, tomatoes, this is something, the taste is stunning. It’s clear that these are vegetables in jars, but in some ways they taste like grandma’s pickles.

Read also:  Homemade stew

They are perfect for 100 grams and will serve as a good snack for any winter holiday. Make preparations, try, experiment. Successful preparations for you!

Pickling cucumbers with mustard for the winter using the cold method

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Pickling cucumbers is one of the methods to prepare the product for the winter. How to properly and deliciously pickle a product in a cold way: carefully in this article.

  • Selection and preparation of cucumbers
  • Cold pickling of cucumbers with mustard
    • Ingredients
    • Step-by-step {instructions} for manufacturing
  • Individual storage options for cucumbers
  • Additional tips

Selection and preparation of cucumbers

When pickling for the winter, it is important to choose and prepare the fruits correctly, so as not to be disappointed with the result later.

Rules for selecting cucumbers:

  1. Pickling varieties differ in their thick skin, which can be easily pierced with a fingernail.
  2. The skin is not smooth, but lumpy, with black spines.
  3. When squeezed, the fruit should be elastic.
  4. The best vegetable size is 10–12 cm in length (it is more convenient to place in jars).
  5. The perfect option is slightly unripe vegetables: they are the sweetest and juiciest, with dense pulp without voids. Such specimens will be the crispiest.
  6. Specimens that are very twisted, damaged, or with suspicious spots on the skin are rejected.
  7. The skin must be green without yellowing.
  8. Before salting, vegetables must be soaked for about 12 hours in cool water.
  9. If you want quick salting, the tails are either trimmed or pierced.

Cold pickling of cucumbers with mustard

The cool method of making pickles differs from the hot method in that the product is prepared without the process of sterilization and the addition of vinegar.


For a 3 liter container, the number of cucumbers is taken according to the capacity, the quantity and composition of spices:

Step-by-step {instructions} for manufacturing

  1. Cooked vegetables are placed in jars, layered with spices (bottom, middle, under the lid).
  2. Garlic is placed with whole cloves.
  3. To make brine, stir salt in water until completely dissolved.
  4. Fill the jars with filling up to the shoulders and leave covered with gauze for fermentation for 2 days.
  5. Then the salty liquid is drained, boiled, cooled and poured back into the jars.

The products will be ready in approximately 30 days.

To prepare lightly salted vegetables, use the same recipe with minor differences:

  1. The ends along the edge of the fruit are trimmed.
  2. Press the garlic with the flat side of the knife blade. Do not use mustard: garlic is enough for spiciness.
  3. For salting, use a wide and deep pan.
  4. Salt water is poured over the surface of the fruit and placed under pressure.
  5. Vegetables will be ready in 3 days.

Individual storage options for cucumbers

Cold pickled cucumbers are not stored in the apartment. Products are transferred to a basement or cellar for storage. The room must be dry, temperature from +3°C to +7°C. The opened jar is stored in the refrigerator. If the container does not fit in size, the vegetables must be transferred to a comfortable container and filled with brine.

Lightly salted product is stored only in the refrigerator on the bottom shelf.

Additional tips

Making any dish has its own subtleties.

There are several secrets that will make the pickling taste excellent and have a long shelf life:

  1. Water for brine is of great importance. The best option is to take it from natural sources; otherwise, use bottled or filtered water. Ordinary water from the city mains is saturated with impurities that affect the taste and safety of the product.
  2. A large amount of salt is recommended, without adding iodine or magnesium, otherwise the vegetables will soften.
  3. The best proportion of salt to the number of cucumbers is about 6% of the number of fruits for small specimens, not more than 9% for large fruits.
  4. To speed up the fermentation process, fresh white cabbage leaves are added to the products.
  5. Mold that appears on the surface must be removed. In the standard, the brine is drained and freshly prepared is added.
  6. To avoid mold, add pieces of horseradish root under the nylon lid or mustard seeds.

Virtually no feast is complete without pickles. It’s not difficult to prepare a tasty dish; the main thing is to follow the proportions and technology, and also take into account some tips.

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