Pea puree in a slow cooker

Pea puree in a slow cooker. Recipes for making pureed peas

We prepare pea puree in a multicooker Polaris, Philips, Supra, Panasonic, Moulinex, Redmond, Scarlet, Vitek, March and other models. You will need dry, yellowish (split) peas, crushed into two halves. It is more savory in the finished dish. Recipes for pea puree for a slow cooker are ordinary.

Pea puree in a slow cooker without meat: a step-by-step recipe for making peas

Ingredients for pea puree:

  • 2 measuring cups of peas;
  • 4 measuring cups of water;
  • salt and spices to taste.

How to prepare (cook) savory pea puree in a slow cooker? The method proposed to prepare pea puree is the most common of all. Even if you weren’t able to soak the peas overnight (that is, in the dark) , it won’t hurt you to cook pea puree in a slow cooker. By the way, cook peas soaked overnight (that is, in the dark) for 1 hour. First, sort through the peas to remove unnecessary inclusions (garbage).

Next, wash the peas thoroughly with cool water until the water is clear. Place the peas in the multicooker bowl. Add salt and spices to your own taste. Pour water and close the lid until it clicks. Use the menu key to set the “Extinguishing” program. Set the cooking time for pea puree in the slow cooker to two hours. Press the start key. After the beep, the dish is ready. Bon appetit!

Pea puree in a slow cooker with meat: recipe for making a pea dish step by step

Ingredients for pea puree with meat:

  • 250 g of meat (any kind);
  • 2 measuring cups of peas;
  • 4 measuring cups of water;
  • 2 tablespoons vegetable oil;
  • 1 carrot (small);
  • 1 onion (small);
  • salt and spices to taste.

Cut the meat into pieces. Pour vegetable oil into the multicooker. Turn on the “Baking” program. Fry finely chopped carrots and onions in hot oil. Add the meat and fry slightly more. Place the peas. Fill everything with water. Season with salt and pepper.

Switch the multicooker to the “Stew” mode. Switch by canceling the previous program with the “Off” key. Production time 2 hours. After the beep, the pea puree in the multicooker is ready. To prepare pureed pea soup in a slow cooker, add more water than the recommended amount. Bon appetit!

Pea puree in a slow cooker recipe video making

Quickly, without hassle - pea puree in a slow cooker. The most satisfying and ordinary recipes: pea puree in a slow cooker

Pea puree is tender and very filling; cook it in chicken broth and you will get a dietary dish.

Fry the onions with cracklings until they turn coffee-colored, and the food will compete with pork jelly in terms of calories.

As for the usefulness, it is worth keeping in mind that the protein contained in legumes is very close in composition to meat proteins, so you can, without disturbing your diet, replace meat dishes.

Pea puree in a slow cooker - general principles of production

• To cook pea puree in a slow cooker, any dry peas are suitable: whole or split. When choosing peas, it is worth considering that mashed potatoes from crushed ones will cook much faster than from whole ones.

• Before cooking, peas must be carefully sorted and washed in a colander under running water to remove small crumbs and soak, preferably in cool water. The soaking time is not critical, because the correctly selected multicooker program will allow you to boil the peas into puree.

• If for some reason the peas are not cooked enough, you can beat them with a mixer or blender until they become pureed.

• In the process of cooking pea puree, you can cook not only it in a slow cooker, but also cook cutlets on a steaming rack, and you can also replace them with sausages.

• You can prepare more than one dish from pea puree in a slow cooker; the sample includes a recipe for making a casserole with meat.

Pea puree in a slow cooker - “Pea”


• one glass of dry peas, halved;

• 50 grams of butter, natural butter.

• 400 ml of clean water, warm;

• carrots – 2 pcs. not very large;

• lettuce onions – 1 pc.

Manufacturing method:

1. Place the peas, washed under the tap until the water is clear, in a slow cooker and fill with warm, or better yet, hot water.

2. Cook, closing the multicooker lid, in the “Stew” mode for one and a half hours.

3. In a frying pan, in perfectly heated oil, fry medium-sized chopped onions until softened. Add coarsely grated carrots and continue to fry until tender amber color.

4. Add carrots fried with onions into the prepared pea puree, mix well, add salt and let the puree brew for about 10 minutes under a closed lid.

Read also:  Mashed Potatoes

Pea puree in a slow cooker with cutlets


• shelled peas – 250 grams;

• 300 grams of fresh pork or minced meat for cutlets;

• a head of sweet onion;

• a small piece of snow-white bread, stale;

• a teaspoon of coriander crushed in a mortar;

• slightly more than half a glass of milk.

Manufacturing method:

1. Soak the bread in milk for 5 minutes, squeeze well and twist with a meat grinder, together with well-washed and prepared meat (minced meat) and onions. Add salt to your own taste, add a little pepper and knead well, lightly beating the minced meat on the table. Form the cutlets and place them in a greased steaming tray from a multicooker.

2. Place washed peas in a cooking container, fill them with hot water (one and a half glasses), add coriander and pepper and, inserting a tray with cutlets, cook on “Stew” for at least 2 hours.

3. Add salt to the prepared pea puree, add oil and mix thoroughly.

Pea puree in a slow cooker with smoked brisket


• 500 grams of crushed peas;

• 200 grams of snow-white onions;

• 150 grams of smoked pork belly;

• 50 ml frozen vegetable oil.

Manufacturing method:

1. In the cooking bowl of the multicooker, setting the microprocessor to the “Frying” mode, fry the finely chopped onion until golden brown, add the pork, cut into small pieces, and fry everything together until the meat pieces are lightly browned.

2. Transfer the meat and onions to a separate bowl, and rinse the cooking bowl with warm water.

3. Place the peas in a dried container, fill with water so that it covers them by at least three centimeters. Set the duration on the control panel to 60 minutes, and the operating mode to “Soup” and cook the peas until the end of the set program.

4. If the peas have not absorbed all the water, drain it into a separate bowl, do not pour it out, it may be necessary.

5. Puree the peas with a blender; adjust the thickness with strained broth. Add heated roast, table salt and ground pepper (a small pinch), stir.

Pea puree in a slow cooker - “Spicy peas”


• crushed peas – 200 gr.;

• 400 ml of water or low-fat chicken giblet broth;

• 50 grams of purified sunflower oil;

• 150 grams of sweet onions;

• a small pinch of nutmeg powder;

• one tsp. chopped coriander;

• cumin (cumin, grains);

• quarter tsp. turmeric;

• third part tsp. ground dry ginger

Manufacturing method:

1. Sort dry peas from debris, wash well, and soak in cool running water for half an hour.

2. Pour a small amount of purified, odorless vegetable oil into the bowl, heat well in the “Fry” mode, add spices and fry without changing the mode for half a minute. Add chopped onion to the spices, add a little extra salt and fry it until half cooked, transfer to a separate bowl.

3. Place soaked peas in a clean cooking container and add filtered hot water. Cook in the “Beans” program for an hour and a half.

4. Open the lid, beat the contents of the multicooker, transferring it to a separate bowl, with a blender. Mix with onions fried in spices, put back into the bowl and keep the pea puree in the multicooker under a closed lid, on “Heat” for 10 minutes.

Pea puree in a slow cooker with pork ribs


• 250 grams of dry whole peas;

• half a kilo of pork ribs;

• one large carrot;

• a head of snow-white onion;

• three tablespoons (75 ml) sunflower oil.

Manufacturing method:

1. Cut the ribs into pieces and chop as needed. On the multicooker panel, set the “Baking” mode and fry the meat on both sides for 10 minutes.

2. Add carrots chopped into medium-sized narrow strips, chopped onion into half rings and continue frying for another 5 minutes.

3. Change the “Frying” mode to the “Stewing” mode, add pre-washed and slightly dried peas to the meat, pour in half a liter of hot filtered water. Cook for an hour and a half, the cooking time may be increased slightly if the peas are not cooked enough, it all depends on their properties.

4. Add salt; depending on the amount of fat released, you can either remove it or, on the contrary, “flavor” the puree with a piece of butter.

Casserole of pea puree in a slow cooker with meat


For puree:

• dry ground peas, green – 200 grams;

• 400 ml of water or lean, unsalted poultry broth;

Read also:  Quince pie

• 40 grams of butter, 72%.

For minced meat:

• 250 grams of meat;

• two heads of onions, snow-white.

• 80 grams of grated cheese, “Russian”;

• one tablespoon of breadcrumbs, white;

• three tablespoons of any fat.

Manufacturing method:

1. From the peas, in water with the addition of oil, cook the peas in a slow cooker as described in the “Pea Pot” recipe and cool until completely cool, putting the puree from the bowl into another suitable container.

2. Grind the meat and onions in a meat grinder, add ground pepper and salt and thoroughly knead the minced meat.

3. Separate half of the pea puree, spread it in an even layer on a cooking bowl greased with oil and sprinkled with breadcrumbs and grated cheese. Place the minced meat on top and the rest of the puree on top. Gently level, brush with scrambled raw egg and bake in the “Baking” mode for 20 minutes.

Pea puree in a slow cooker - tricks and useful tips

• It is best to soak and cook peas in filtered water; in hard tap water, the cooking time increases significantly, and the peas may not be cooked at all, no matter how long they are boiled.

• If you soak peas overnight (that is, at night) in cool water, then they are guaranteed to be mashed during production. In warm weather, to prevent the peas from turning sour, the water should be replaced with fresh water from time to time.

• If the peas are soft, but the puree does not come out, beat them with a mixer or mash them with a masher and beat well.

• Butter or any other fat should be added directly to the pea puree, and not during cooking, then the peas will cook faster.

• If instead of water when cooking, you pour mushroom broth or meat broth into the bowl, the taste of the prepared pea puree in the slow cooker will be the most intense. For the same purposes, you can add feta cheese or finely grated cheese.

• Adding garlic in slices, which is removed from the puree without stirring when ready, will make the puree fragrant.

• A dessert version of pea puree can be obtained by adding honey, sugar, dried fruit, whipped cream or jam to the “Pea”. This puree tastes quite good, but is intended for an amateur.

• Very special, at first glance, but at the same time delicious, serve lean pea puree with the freshest cucumbers and smoked, fatty fish, for example, horse mackerel.

• Ground coriander is the “beloved” spice of all legumes. And the pea puree is unsurpassedly flavored with a pod of hot, fresh (in no case dried) pepper. Place the whole pod with its surface intact on top of the pea mixture 10-12 minutes before cooking, the dish will absorb its smell.

• If you happen to cook pea puree with hare, be sure to add one or two pieces of dried cloves.

• If the puree has been left in the refrigerator for a couple of days and has thickened, use it to make... cutlets. You can also create this in a slow cooker.

Pea puree from a slow cooker

My husband really loves this simple dish. But due to the fact that peas are narrow things, they will either “run away” or burn. In general, you need to try so that the puree comes out the way you need! But with the advent of my multi-cooker assistant, this dish began to be prepared as if by magic - simple and easy!

Ingredients for “Multi-Cooker Pea Puree”:

  • Peas (dry, glass = multi-cup) - 3 cups.
  • Onions - 2-3 pcs.
  • Sunflower oil (for frying) - 100-150 ml
  • Water (cool + water for washing peas) - 6 cups.
  • Salt (to taste)

Production time: 100 minutes

Nutritional and energy value:

Ready meals
1688.5 kcal
52.2 g
103.2 g
140.4 g
100 g dish
70.4 kcal
2.2 g
4.3 g
5.9 g

Manufacturing characteristics in a multicooker:

Power: 490 Watt

Main program: Braising (90 minutes)

Additional program: Baking (40 minutes)

Recipe for “Multi-cooker pea puree”:

First of all, let's deal with the onions, because while they are fried, we will have plenty of time for the peas. Let's clean a couple of onion heads. Rinse it for greater cleanliness))) Next, cut it into fairly large pieces.

Pour oil into a multicooker saucepan. Turn on the “Baking” mode. You can immediately set it to 30-40 minutes (the onion will release a lot of juice, which should “evaporate”). Let the malitsa warm up well.

Now add chopped onion to the heated oil.
Fry the onion until golden brown (.). This is the main condition, because only golden onions are capable of emitting the smell that suits us.

Read also:  Caramel cream

Now, while the onions are frying, you need to take care of the peas.

We measure out the required amount. Let's sort it out. Rinse in running water until the water is clear.

Once the peas are washed, fill them with water. While our juicy onions are fried, the peas will swell slightly (and that’s all we need))).

Here you go. fried onion. Turn off the “Baking” mode. Transfer it from the multicooker saucepan. Let him now wait for his own turn))).

Now we transfer the slightly swollen peas (together with water) into the slow cooker.
Turn on the “Steam” mode. As soon as the peas boil, immediately change the mode to “Stew”. I set it to 1 hour. An hour later the peas are almost cooked. Pour it into a container that is comfortable for whipping (I put it in an aluminum saucepan). Beat with a blender until a suitable mixture is obtained, and again pour the homogeneous peas into the multicooker, add the fried onions and salt. “Stew” again for 30-40 minutes.

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March 31, 2017 viki-tori #

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June 29, 2015 Faina Rals #

May 29, 2015 L-lka2805 #

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April 18, 2015 CookYulka # (recipe creator)

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June 7, 2014 Ga-li-na2 #

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March 19, 2014 Elena Korotkova #

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How to deliciously cook pea puree in a slow cooker

In a slow cooker, all porridges and side dishes come out much tastier than those cooked in a saucepan on the stove. I don’t understand what this is connected to, maybe due to the clever maintenance of temperature when preparing a certain dish.

After all, milk porridge will never “run out” of the slow cooker, and pea puree in the slow cooker, the recipe for which I will now share with you, will not burn. The only negative is that all dishes take longer to cook in a slow cooker, but on the other hand, there is no need to stir anything and watch to see if the dish burns.

When buying pea cereals, I recommend choosing good quality ones. It must be free of debris inside the packaging (if you do not buy cereal by weight) and have a rich yellowish color.

I recommend using filtered water for making purees, not tap water. Moreover, there is not much of it needed. Regarding the proportions, I will carefully describe everything in the list of ingredients, which I will now move on to.

Read carefully the step-by-step recipe with photos, study all aspects and begin the manufacturing process. You will have a good dinner for the whole family.

Required ingredients:

  • peas - 1 faceted glass (200 grams);
  • water – 600 ml;
  • salt – 7 gr.

How to cook pea puree in a slow cooker

Wash the peas very well. I immediately put it in the multicooker bowl and rinse it a couple of times with water, draining it and pouring new water.

Now add 7 grams of salt. This is 1 level teaspoon.

Pour in filtered water.

This completes the main cooking process.

Now install a suitable program on the multicooker monitor, I have this program - Rice / Cereals, set the time to 1 hour 30 minutes. Click Start. Now you can safely do household chores and not even look under the lid of the multicooker, the cereal literally won’t burn.

After 1 hour 30 minutes, carefully remove the multicooker bowl and place it on the table.

Using a slow cooker spoon, stir and lightly crush the cereal. It will become like puree.

If you like, you can add butter to the finished puree, or you can fry onions and carrots in a frying pan and add them to the dish.

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