Beef liver fried with onions in a frying pan

Beef liver fried with onions in a frying pan

Making beef liver in a frying pan is an art. If you underexpose it, you will end up with a virtually raw product; if you overexpose it, your household will use knives to saw off the “rubber sole.” But you shouldn't be afraid. You just have to learn a few little tricks and there will always be a juicy, fragrant and very healthy dish on the table.

General rules for making fried liver with onions

As is clear, the fresher the product, the tastier the dish prepared from it will be. This theorem also applies to beef liver. Therefore, it’s worth starting with the fact that it is better to use the freshest liver for frying. But this is still a perfect option. Usually, our housewives have to work with frozen products. Hence the rule: before starting production, the liver must be thawed. Almost all housewives prefer to do this not completely, so that the offal is easier to cut, but this is incorrect. It’s better to wait until the liver is completely defrosted to prepare it for cooking.

Thawed beef liver must be washed with cool water. After this, you need to remove all the films from it, remove the veins and places you don’t like. Then the offal should be cut into portions. Experienced experts advise creating this so that the thickness of each piece is approximately 1 cm.

The cut offal should be soaked for half an hour.
To do this, you can use cool water, but the finished dish will be much tastier if you pour milk over the liver. As for the frying process itself, you need to put the liver in a frying pan in already heated oil. The offal is fried quickly. Usually this process takes no more than 8-10 minutes. That's actually all the tricks. Now we can talk specifically about the methods of making fried beef liver with onions.

Liver fried with onions in flour breading

The easiest way is to fry the liver with onions, previously rolling the offal pieces in flour. To make this ordinary dish you will need the bare minimum of goods:

  • beef liver – 600-800 g;
  • onion – 1-2 heads;
  • flour and vegetable oil - 4 tablespoons each;
  • milk or water - for soaking the liver;
  • salt and ground pepper - to taste.

Cut the onion into large half rings and fry in vegetable oil for 3-5 minutes. Roll the liver, cut into pieces and soaked in milk, in salted and peppered flour and place in a frying pan with the onions. After 5 minutes, turn the offal pieces over, cover the pan with a lid and continue cooking for another 5 minutes. You can serve fried beef liver with onions with any side dish, although rice and potatoes are good variations. In general, this dish also goes very well with pasta.

Flour-breaded liver (recipe modifications)

The above is the most common method for making pan-fried beef liver with onions. But different chefs prepare this dish in different ways.

The second most popular method is separate frying. In this case, first the liver is fried in a frying pan and placed on a plate, and then the onion is fried in the same oil until tender. At the final step, the products are combined in the frying pan given to us and fried together for a few more minutes.

By the way, the onion can be fried either in splendid isolation or together with carrots shredded on a large grater. In this case, you need to fry the vegetables until they are completely cooked and only after that add the already fried liver to them.

Liver chops with onions

Not many people understand, but beef liver makes beautiful chops. And you can also fry them with onions. For such an unusual lunch/dinner you will need:

  • beef liver – 500-600 g;
  • onion – 1-2 heads;
  • flour and vegetable oil - 4 tablespoons each;
  • eggs – 1-2 pcs.;
  • milk or water - for soaking the liver;
  • salt and ground pepper - to taste.

Place the pieces of liver, cut in advance and already soaked in milk, on a cutting board, cover with cling film and lightly beat. Pour flour into a bowl, add pepper and salt, stir. Break the eggs into another bowl and beat until a fairly stable foam forms.

Just like in the previous case, cut the onion into half rings and fry in oil for 5 minutes. Roll any piece of liver in flour, dip in beaten eggs and roll in flour again. Place the offal in a frying pan and fry for 4-5 minutes under the lid, then turn it over, cover it again and hold for another 4-5 minutes. That's it, the delicious dish is ready.

Just like in the first recipe, you can fry the onions separately after making the liver, and then mix both products and simmer together for 2-3 minutes.

Fried liver with onion sauce

Just frying the liver with onions is easy. But the dish can be created most uniquely if you cook the liver immediately with sauce, and with onion sauce. To do this you need to prepare:

  • beef liver – 500-600 g;
  • onion – 1-2 heads;
  • flour – 100 g;
  • milk or cream – 200 ml;
  • butter – 50 g;
  • vegetable oil – 4 tablespoons;
  • milk or water - for soaking the liver;
  • salt and ground pepper (black and reddish) - to taste.

Pour vegetable oil into a frying pan and melt the butter in it. Roll the already prepared (peeled, chopped and soaked in milk) liver in previously salted and peppered flour. Place the offal pieces in a frying pan and fry for 2-3 minutes on each side. Place the finished liver in a bowl and cover with cling film.

Cut the onion into thin half rings and fry in a frying pan in which the liver was fried for about 6-7 minutes. After this, you need to add salt and pepper to the onion. Then add flour to the pan, mix well with the onion and fry for a few more minutes. At the end of this operation, pour cream into the pan. Stir the sauce and simmer over low heat until thickened.

You can pour the purchased sauce over the liver, already laid out on plates, or you can put pieces of offal in the sauce and simmer for another couple of minutes.

Fried liver with onions Stroganoff style

This fascinating recipe also involves making liver in a special sauce. Culinary connoisseurs can see that the purchased dish is very reminiscent of the world-famous beef stroganoff. This is true. It’s not for nothing that this recipe also contains the surname Stroganov. The following products will be useful for such a dish:

  • beef liver – 500 g;
  • onion – 2-3 heads;
  • flour – 1 tablespoon;
  • sour cream – 300-350 g;
  • tomato sauce – 1 tablespoon;
  • vegetable oil – 3 tablespoons;
  • milk or water - for soaking the liver;
  • salt and ground pepper (black and reddish) - to taste.
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Prepare the liver using the method described at the very beginning of the material. After this, the offal needs to be cut into long (3-4 cm) cubes with a cross section of 1*1 cm. Fry the liver for 5 minutes in hot vegetable oil. At the end of cooking, the product must be salted and seasoned with pepper.

Fry the flour in a dry frying pan until light brown in color and pour into a separate bowl. Then, in the frying pan given to us, fry the onion half rings in a small amount of oil. Place the products prepared using this method into a frying pan with the liver and mix thoroughly. After this, add sour cream and tomato paste there. Stir the dish again and simmer covered over low heat for about 15 minutes.

Fried liver with onions and potatoes

Liver with onions is already delicious in itself. But it becomes even tastier if served with a side dish. You can use boiled rice, pasta or mashed potatoes as this. But you can create it differently by preparing fried liver with onions along with a side dish. And the best option here would be potatoes. Obviously, pieces of liver must be properly prepared before heat treatment, as described above. Well, to make this dish you need to get out of the bins:

  • beef liver – 300-400 g;
  • onion – 1-2 heads;
  • potatoes - 4-5 tubers;
  • vegetable oil – 2 tablespoons;
  • milk or water - for soaking the liver;
  • salt and ground pepper (black) - to taste.

Cut the beef liver soaked in milk in advance into cubes, as for beef stroganoff. Peel the potatoes and also cut them into bars, a la French fries. Cut the onions into half rings.

Place the liver in a frying pan with hot oil and fry for several minutes.
During this period of time, the product needs to be mixed a couple of times. After the designated time, place the potato wedges into the roasting pan. You need to fry the products together until the potatoes acquire a nice golden crust. After this, add the onion to the frying pan, fry for a few more minutes, and then reduce the heat to low and cover the frying pan with a lid. Fry the ingredients until the potatoes are completely cooked, stirring occasionally. At the very end, the dish should be salted and sprinkled with pepper. Bon appetit!

Beef liver fried with onions

Stir-fried beef liver is a savory and comforting dish that comes together in minutes. It is an excellent substitute for meat products, allows you to replenish the iron supply in the body, and when properly prepared it comes out juicy and tender.

Previously, we have already posted a recipe for making savory and juicy beef liver pancakes. If you want to cook the liver even faster, just fry it in whole pieces in a frying pan. It will be no less tasty!


  • Beef liver – 1200 g
  • Onion (large) – 1 pc.
  • Flour (for dredging) – 4 – 6 tbsp. spoons
  • Vegetable oil - for frying
  • Salt - to taste
  • Ground pepper - to taste

Calorie content


Step 1

Pre-soak the liver in water or milk for 1 – 2 hours.
Then the excess bitterness will leave it. Next, we clean the liver from films and veins and cut into pieces. Sprinkle the liver with salt and ground pepper. Set aside. By the way, if the liver is a little old, it is better to cover it with cling film and lightly beat it on a board.
To remove the film, you can place a piece on a cutting board and pick up the edge of the film. Next, holding the knife perpendicular to the board, you need to drag the film between it and the board.

Step 2

Peel one large onion and cut into half rings.

Step 3

Pour oil into a frying pan, heat it and add the onion. Fry the onion until it becomes soft. Place the onion in a separate plate.

Step 4

Pour flour into a plate and roll pieces of liver in it.

Step 5

Add a little more vegetable oil to the frying pan in which the onions were fried. Heat it up and place the pieces of liver in flour.

Step 6

Fry the liver for 3 – 5 minutes on each side until golden brown.
There is no need to overcook it, otherwise the liver will become hard. It is easier to monitor the degree of liver roasting by piercing the thickest piece with a knife. When the ichor has finished secreting, the liver must be removed.

Step 7

Place the liver on a plate and sprinkle with fried onions.
If you cook the liver in one go, you can turn off the stove and add the onion directly to the pan with the liver. Next, you need to cover the frying pan with a lid and let the liver sit and soak in the smell of onions. You can serve beef liver with a side dish of mashed potatoes, buckwheat or pasta. It turns out very tasty!

Small tricks

To remove the specific taste and smell of liver, you can soak it in water or milk for 1 to 2 hours beforehand. If you take frozen liver, defrost it directly in water.

It is better to beat off the old liver by placing it on a plate and covering it with cling film. Pieces should also be cut with a width of no more than 1 - 1.5 cm.

Films and ducts must be removed, otherwise the liver will be hard.

You can check the readiness of the liver by piercing it with a knife. When the ichor finishes flowing out, the liver is ready. This usually takes 6 – 10 minutes.

Step-by-step recipe for making fried beef liver with onions

Beef liver is a popular and incredibly necessary product. It is called the queen of offal due to the colossal concentration of vitamins A and B12 (iron). It has a lot of protein and not enough cholesterol (Insoluble in water, soluble in fats and organic solvents.) . The main thing is not to lose all these useful characteristics during the manufacturing process. Now we will learn the usual recipe for making juicy beef liver in a frying pan.

How to cook soft beef liver in a frying pan according to a step-by-step recipe


Beef liver 600 g
Flour 0.5 tbsp.
Large onion 1-2 pcs
Salt pinch
Sunflower oil for frying 0.2 tbsp.

How to choose beef liver

Liver is sold in 2 types: fresh chilled and frozen . Fresh chilled liver is healthier, but it can be stored for no more than 3 days. In summer, this period is reduced to 6 hours. So in the hot season it is better to choose frozen offal.

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The freshest liver, first of all, must be examined and smelled. Its smell is actually neutral, slightly sweet, sour or pungent, indicating a spoiled offal. The correct color is light brown or slightly red.

The most necessary liver from a young animal. The brighter and lighter the surface, the more tender and soft the product will be. If the liver crunches when cut, it has already aged and will be the hardest. It depends on the age of the animal how long it will take to fry the beef liver in a frying pan, and whether it will need to be soaked in milk beforehand.

Frozen offal is more difficult to select . A huge amount of ice glaze, crystals and ice crumbs indicate that it has been frozen and thawed. There is no longer any usefulness in it.

Thawed liver is the softest and most friable. But it must maintain integrity and under no circumstances become separated. Signs of a stale offal: it is simply ground into a paste, crushed like a sponge, and breaks at the slightest touch. It is better to avoid goods with brownish, yellowish or even orange spots - they indicate that the animal was unhealthy, and during cutting, bile got onto the surface of the liver and will taste bitter. It is better to completely throw out such products.

Step-by-step production

  1. Cut 2 onions into rings of medium thickness or half rings if the onion is very large.
  2. Pour 0.2 cups of sunflower oil into the frying pan and place onion rings in an even layer over the entire bottom of the frying pan. Place the frying pan on the fire and heat it well.
  3. Wash 600 g of liver and remove excess water from the surface with a cardboard towel. Cut into small strips up to 1 cm wide. Hard veins and ducts must be cut out.
  4. Pour 0.5 cups of flour, a pinch of salt into a small bowl and mix everything.
  5. Place several pieces of liver in flour and roll so that the flour covers the entire surface.
  6. Immediately place the pieces into the frying pan.

How to serve this dish

Place the fried liver on a large plate along with the onions. Sprinkle chopped herbs, sesame seeds, dark cumin on top. Place green onion arrows and lettuce leaves nearby.

If you like liver and gravy, this dish goes well with potatoes in any form: mashed, fried, baked in foil or simply boiled in pieces. Fried beef liver is also mixed with porridges: buckwheat, wheat, rice. Bean lovers eat it with bean or green pea puree.

Video recipe for making fried beef liver with onions

The creator of the video explains how to fry beef liver in a frying pan so that it remains soft and juicy.

Subtleties of making beef liver fried with onions

Almost all housewives refuse to cook beef liver fried in pieces according to traditional recipes, because it ends up dry, hard and bitter. Here are a few tips from the chef, thanks to which the dish will probably turn out juicy, tender, 100% cooked and not burnt.

  • Beef liver often has bitter membranes . It will be easier to remove them if you immerse the whole washed liver in warm water for a few minutes. After this, put the product on the board, create a cut along the edge, pry the film with your finger and carefully peel it off over the entire surface. Create the same thing on the other side.
  • Be sure to remove everything, even the smallest ducts . For this you will need a sharp knife and caution when working with it.
  • If you come across the liver of an adult animal, it is better to soak it in milk . Dip the finished portioned pieces completely into cool milk for 30-40 minutes, then remove and dry with a cardboard towel. If there is no milk on the farm, you can use baking soda: sprinkle a thin layer on any piece, and after an hour, wash everything well in running water. It is necessary to salt the dish at the very end of frying.
  • The liver will be tastier if, before frying, you dip the pieces in boiling water for a minute, then remove them and wash them in cool water. After this, fry as usual.
  • Cream or sour cream provides additional taste and juiciness to the dish . They are added at the stage when the liver stops bleeding, otherwise the color of the gravy will be spoiled.
  • Ideally, the liver is mixed with onions . If you like spices, you can combine it with rosemary, allspice, basil, mint or sage. But any spices must be used in moderation and with caution.
  • How much beef liver is cooked in a frying pan depends on the size of the pieces and the properties of the offal itself. But, in any case, the overcooked product comes out dry, and a huge amount of salt at the very beginning of frying will confiscate all the water.
  • Walnuts will help create a restaurant dish . They must be very crushed and mixed with flour. In the consistency given to us, roll the pieces of liver and fry.

Useful tips

Offal is a tasty, cheap and often dietary food. Here are some easy and quick recipes.

  • Chicken gizzards in a slow cooker will not only save precious minutes, but also preserve all the vitamins (a group of low-molecular organic compounds of relatively simple structure and varied chemical nature) and beneficial microelements of this fascinating offal.
  • The recipe for chicken hearts in sour cream is so simple that even an inexperienced housewife can cook them. But household members will literally appreciate this hearty and tasty delicacy.
  • The right recipe for making pork kidneys will help free this offal from the nasty aroma.
  • Liver cake can be prepared for a gala table or amuse your household with a delicious dish for dinner.

How to fry beef liver with onions so that it is soft and juicy

This product is rich in microelements, vitamins and fats. As for beef liver, it is very nutritious. It contains a lot of iron, which is needed for the formation of our blood (the internal environment of the human and animal body) . It is also useful for our nervous system, it has vitamins (a low molecular weight organic compound of relatively simple structure, necessary for all living things) A, B.

This product is also low in calories, 100 g contains 170 kcal. In order to prepare liver without destroying vitamins (a group of low-molecular organic compounds of relatively simple structure and varied chemical nature) , you need to choose a manufacturing method: stewing or cooking for a short amount of time.

Now I will tell you how to fry beef liver with onions, so that it is soft and quite juicy, using several methods.

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Naturally, this ingredient also has its drawbacks. It is harmful for people who suffer from problems with the cardiovascular system, high cholesterol levels (Insoluble in water, soluble in fats and organic solvents.) . In this case, it is worth supervising its use. Beef liver contains less cholesterol (Insoluble in water, soluble in fats and organic solvents.) and more vitamins than pork liver. It is recommended to eat it once a week.

How to fry beef liver with onions so that it is soft and juicy in sour cream


  • Beef liver - 800 gr.
  • Sour cream (15-20%) - 250 gr.
  • Onions - 2 pcs.
  • Salt - 1.5 teaspoons
  • Pepper - to taste

Manufacturing method:

1. We wash the liver, cut out the walls of the vessels that are inside, they are not chewed and we do not need them in the dish, cut them into small strips. If desired, you can remove the top film.

Tip: To easily cut the liver, do not defrost it completely

2. Peel the onion and chop it into half rings. Heat a small amount of vegetable oil in a frying pan and fry the onion. Add a little salt and a little pepper to it. Simmer the vegetable until golden brown.

3. Now we send the liver to it, add the remaining salt and pepper and fry over high heat for about 5 minutes. Reduce the heat and add sour cream. Mix thoroughly and let the products simmer in sour cream for another 5 minutes.

This is how easy it is to prepare the most tender and melt-in-your-mouth dish; you can use mashed potatoes, boiled pasta and almost anything else as a side dish. Bon appetit.

How to fry beef liver with onions and gravy


  • Onion - 2 pcs.
  • Carrots - 1 pc.
  • Liver - 1 kg.
  • Sunflower oil - 4 tbsp. spoons
  • Sour cream (20%) - 500 ml.
  • Flour - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • Salt - to taste

Manufacturing method:

1. Peel and rinse onions and carrots. Chop the onion finely and grate the carrots on a large grater. We wash the liver, remove excess and cut into cubes.

2. Fry the vegetables in heated sunflower oil; after 10 minutes of sautéing, they are ready. And in another frying pan at this time we will fry the liver, also for 10 minutes.

3. Then we transfer the frying to the liver and fry until the moisture evaporates, then add 500 ml. 20% sour cream. Mix everything thoroughly, add 2 tbsp. spoons of flour, salt to taste and simmer for 15-20 minutes under a closed lid.

The dish comes out tender according to this recipe and melts in your mouth. Bon appetit.

Fried beef liver in milk


  • Liver - 400 gr.
  • Onion - 1-2 pcs
  • Milk - 50 ml.
  • Salt, pepper - to taste
  • Flour - 50 gr.

Manufacturing method:

1. We clean the liver from films as much as possible, now we cut it into portions that are comfortable for you and roll them in flour.

2. Shake off excess flour and place the liver on a clean saucer. We wait until the oil heats up and fry.

3. After 5-7 minutes, you can add finely chopped onion, sprinkle with all your favorite spices and pour in a glass of milk.

4. After everything boils, cover with a lid, reduce the heat and simmer for half an hour until cooked.

The sauce comes out very tasty; you can add 1 more glass of milk during the process. Bon appetit.

How to cook fried beef liver in a marinade with soda


  • Beef liver - 600 gr.
  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • Garlic - 1 clove
  • Sweet sand - 1 teaspoon
  • Salt - 1 teaspoon
  • Soda - 0.5 teaspoon
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Vegetable oil - for frying
  • Flour - for breading

Manufacturing method:

1. Wash and dry the liver, remove the film and cut into large pieces. Break an egg into a bowl, add salt, sugar, soda, squeeze out the garlic and whisk thoroughly. Throw the workpiece into the marinade, cover with cling film and leave to marinate in the refrigerator for 2 hours.

2. Fry the peeled onion, cut into half rings, in a small amount of vegetable oil and place on a plate.

3. Roll any piece in corn or regular flour and fry on both sides until golden brown, in a frying pan where the onions were fried.

4. When the liver is ready, cover it with onions, cover with a lid, reduce the heat to low and keep for 5 minutes.

You can check readiness by cutting a piece; if there is no pink inside, then it’s ready. Bon appetit.

How to properly fry beef liver without flour so that it comes out soft


  • Liver - 500 gr.
  • Onions - 250 gr.
  • Salt - 1-2 teaspoons
  • Ground dark pepper - 0.5 teaspoon
  • Vegetable oil - for frying

Manufacturing method:

1. We wash the liver and clean it of films. Cut into cubes of uniform thickness and add a little salt.

2. You need to take half as much onion as the main ingredient. Peel and cut it into half rings. Pour oil into a frying pan and heat it, add the liver and fry over high heat, do not forget to stir constantly.

3. Once the liver has lightened, add the onion and fry together, pepper, a little more salt is needed, because these two ingredients have a sweetish taste.

Taste to see how the moisture evaporates and the onion almost melts and turns brown, remove from heat. Follow the beam. Bon appetit.

Recipe for fried beef liver in a frying pan in mayonnaise


  • Liver - 600-700 gr.
  • Onions - 1-2 pcs.
  • Mayonnaise - 100 gr.
  • Vegetable oil - for frying
  • Salt, dark ground pepper - to taste

Manufacturing method:

1. Pour boiling water over a piece of liver and remove the film. After hot water it will become light and will fall off on its own. Cut into pieces approximately 2 by 2 cm.

2. Peel the onion and cut into cubes, fry in vegetable oil. After the vegetable begins to turn yellow, add liver to it.

3. Fry quickly, focusing on the presence of blood (the internal environment of the human and animal body) when piercing. If we hold it too long, it will become hard. Salt and pepper to taste. Reduce the heat and pour mayonnaise into the pan, mix well, cover with a lid and simmer for 5-7 minutes.

That's all the beautiful food is ready. Quick and tasty, prepare a side dish, buckwheat, rice right away, or serve as an independent dish. Bon appetit.

I hope that melon recipes will be useful for you.

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