Lasagna with cottage cheese

Macaroha - many bright and unusual flavor combinations

Lasagna with cottage cheese

  • 1 Lasagna with cottage cheese ingredients:
  • 2 Lasagna with cottage cheese and cheese recipe:

This recipe is perfect for an evening meal or a pleasant snack during the working day. Lasagna with cottage cheese and cheese has a fairly simple recipe. It takes no more than 30-40 minutes. Surely, this dish cannot be classified as dessert, but it is also suitable as a good substitute for morning sandwiches during breakfast. Since lasagna with cottage cheese and cottage cheese is prepared in the oven, we advise you to prepare it in advance, preferably in the evening, so that you can start the next day with a delicious breakfast.

Lasagna with cottage cheese ingredients:

  • Lasagna sheets - 6 pcs.
  • Cottage cheese - 500 gr;
  • Hard cheese - 300 gr;
  • Chicken egg - 2 pcs.
  • Milk - 400 gr;
  • Salt.

Lasagna with cottage cheese and cheese recipe:

  1. So, we will need a small bowl. We put cottage cheese into it, break 2 chicken eggs, add salt, and then mix everything.
  2. Next we need to grate the cheese on a medium grater (300 grams of cheese will be enough). As for the lasagna dough, you can boil it ahead of time, but since we will be baking it a little longer than usual, there is no need to soften the sheets.
  3. Now you need to prepare the baking dish. Lubricate it with oil beforehand so that the sheets do not stick to the bottom of the mold, and then lay out 2 sheets at the base. Visually divide the cottage cheese and cheese into 3 parts. Place a third of the cottage cheese with eggs on the sheets and sprinkle with 100 grams of grated cheese. Next, so that the dough is perfectly soaked in the oven, lightly pour 100 milliliters of milk on top. The next two layers repeat the first one. Dough, then cottage cheese, then cheese and a little milk.
  4. Place this lasagna in the oven for 30 minutes at 180°C. It is also worth making sure that the top layer of cheese does not burn. After the specified time has passed, remove the pan from the oven and let the dish cool for 5-7 minutes until the cheese sets.
  5. Before serving, we recommend garnishing the dish with a sprig of mint to give it an aesthetic appearance.

So, lasagna with cottage cheese and cheese is ready. Bon appetit. We would also like to recommend you milk noodle soup, which can be a good breakfast for you and your family.

Lasagna with cottage cheese


Lasagna sheets – 12 pcs.

Flour – 2 tbsp. (with a small slide)

Cinnamon - to taste

Butter – 1 tsp.

  • 191 kcal
  • 2 hours
  • 2 hours

Photo of the finished dish

Video recipe: Lasagna with cottage cheese

Step-by-step recipe with photos and videos

A dish of Italian cuisine, usually prepared with meat inside, and perhaps also a dessert. Cottage cheese lasagna has the same manufacturing principles, only instead of meat, vegetables and cheese we use cottage cheese, sweet milk sauce and various fruits and berries. Now let's prepare dessert lasagna from cottage cheese with the addition of apples and cinnamon. This dish will also serve as a complete breakfast or children's afternoon snack.

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For the inside you will need: two whole eggs, sugar to taste (2-4 tablespoons will be enough) and about half a kilo of cottage cheese - I took three whole packs, so it turned out a little more. The amount of inside depends on the amount of cottage cheese. Also, for a taste contrast, I used apples and cinnamon to fill the lasagna.

For milk sauce, take exactly half a liter of milk, yolk, flour and sugar, also to taste.

And, of course, you can’t do without special lasagna sheets. Take any - all will do, the main thing is to calculate in advance the required quantity and size for the shape in which you will prepare the dish.

First, let's prepare the sauce. To do this, put 400 ml of milk on the fire and bring to a boil.

While the milk is heating, combine one yolk (we won't need the white), two tablespoons of sugar and flour.

Mash the ingredients well with a fork or whisk.

Pour in the remaining milk.

Continue to grind until the mixture is homogeneous. If necessary, you can rub it through a strainer several times.

Pour the prepared sauce into the hot milk in a narrow stream, constantly stirring the liquid. Keep on low heat for a couple more minutes, also stirring. During this period of time the mass will thicken. Turn off the heat and stir for a few more minutes, after which we leave the sauce aside.

Let's prepare the filling. Combine cottage cheese, two eggs and the remaining sugar.

Stir until smooth.

Peel the apples and cut them into small cubes.

Boil the lasagna sheets until half cooked (3-5 minutes each).

We form lasagna with cottage cheese. Grease the mold with butter. Lubricate the bottom generously with sauce and place a layer of sheets on top.

Coat the sheets with sauce, moderately spread half of the curd inside and half of the apple cubes. Sprinkle everything with cinnamon to taste.

We repeat everything again: sheets, sauce, curd inside, apples and cinnamon. Then comes the top layer of lasagne sheets.

Cover it with the remaining sauce and sprinkle the surface with cinnamon.

Bake in the oven at 180 degrees for at least 40 minutes, until done. After 20 minutes of cooking, you can cover the mold with foil so that the top does not dry out. The lasagne sheets should be soft and easy to pierce with a knife.

Lasagna with cottage cheese and cottage cheese


4 reviews

For a long time I previously boiled dry lasagna sheets before baking, it took a lot of time and was very awkward, but at one point I used dry, uncooked sheets, added more water to the filling, and voila - a beautiful lasagna came out, with elastic, excellent prepared in layers during baking in the oven.

To ensure that the sheets are cooked properly and there are no dry edges, you need to adhere to the following principles:

1. The principle is the proportion: for 200g of unboiled sheets, add 250 ml of water + 200 ml of sour cream to the filling, exactly the amount needed so that the sheets can be saturated with liquid and cooked.
Cottage cheese also contains liquid, we do not take it into account; the juiciness of the cottage cheese is the juiciness of the inside as a whole.

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2. Dry sheets should be perfectly covered with a moistened interior, especially paying attention to the edges.
3. If possible, use egg lasagne sheets, they are even tastier than regular ones.

  • 12 pcs. dry lasagna sheets (better than egg ones) (total weight about 200g)
  • 700 g cottage cheese 9% fat
  • 300 g hard cheese
  • 200 g + 50 g sour cream 20% fat
  • 250 ml water
  • 2 tbsp. vegetable oil
  • 0.5 tsp salt
  • How to calculate the liquid for the inside?

    For 200 g of dry lasagne sheets, you will need 250 ml of water and 200 ml of sour cream. Then the lasagna sheets will cook perfectly and the lasagna will be juicy.

    Grease the mold with vegetable oil.

    Cover the bottom with a thin layer of sour cream (50 ml).
    This point is important because... Without sour cream, lasagna litas may stick to the bottom when baking.

    Do not lay the sheets overlapping, otherwise the lasagna will be very floury and more like a pie.

    Pay attention to the edges, they must be covered with the inside to cook perfectly.

    And again 1/4 of the inside.

    Alternate layers and filling.

    In total you should get 4 layers of sheets.

    • Snacks
    • Salads
    • Soups
    • 2nd courses
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    • Fish dishes
    • Pasta and macaroni
    • Unsweetened baked goods
    • Sweet pastries
    • Pancakes, cheesecakes, pancakes
    • Vareniki
    • Cutlets
    • Sandwiches
    • Dessert
    • Beverages
    • Sauces
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    Leave a review

    Reviews (4)

    Cuckoo, this recipe is just for those leaves that are usually boiled additionally. Due to the sufficient amount of water, they cook perfectly in the oven.

    Olga (creator), you have not yet indicated that lasagna sheets come in two types - for preparatory boiling and those that do not require this. This is a very important point, because the person who buys those that need to be boiled will follow your recipe and will spit at the acquired result.

    Curd lasagna

    Leafing through a culinary notebook...

    There is not a person in our family who does not adore dumplings with cottage cheese.
    But sculpting them is a very long process. Thanks to ready-made lasagna sheets, I prepare a dish that looks completely different, but tastes no different from the dumplings I knew from my youth.
    Isn’t that a “lazy” option?!
    Similarly, you can prepare lasagna with potatoes, meat, cabbage, etc.
    – based on the perfectly recognizable dumplings! Help yourself!

    Lasagne sheets – 14 pcs.

    Cottage cheese – 600 g
    Grated cheese – 150 g
    Milk – 0.75 l
    Cream (10%) – 1 box.
    (250 ml) Testicle – 1 pc.
    Sour cream - as needed
    Salt - to taste

    Flour – 1 tbsp.
    butter – 75-100 g Salt – to taste

    baking dish 28x28x6 cm (Pyrex)

    Place the curd in a bowl.
    Add salt to taste. Scramble the egg and pour into the cottage cheese.

    Add sour cream as needed so that the mixture has a medium consistency. Add grated cheese (you can add cheese or feta, to taste).

    Milk sauce:
    Melt half the butter in a heavy-bottomed saucepan.

    Knead until a smooth thick mass forms.

    Remove from heat.
    While stirring, pour in the milk evenly - in portions, after each stirring the mixture until the mixture is homogeneous (without lumps).

    At the end add cream. Salt to taste.

    Move the saucepan to the stove.
    Stirring, heat the sauce for 1-2 minutes.
    Add grated cheese.
    Add the remaining oil.

    Boil until thickening begins (without boiling) with the burner on low heat.
    As soon as the sauce begins to “brew”, remove from heat.

    Set aside, cover with a lid.

    Preheat the electric oven to 250 degrees.
    Assemble the lasagne from 3 layers of dough sheets and 2 layers of interior in the following sequence:
    Place a layer of lasagne sheets on the bottom of the mold - so that they do not overlap.

    Place half of the inside on top, spreading it out in an even layer.

    Lightly pour the sauce over the surface.

    Place a second layer of lasagna sheets, changing their direction relative to the previous layer.

    Lightly pour the sauce over the surface.

    Place the remaining filling.

    Drizzle lightly with sauce.

    Lay out the outermost layer of lasagne sheets, changing their direction relative to the previous layer.

    Pour over the remaining sauce so that the assembled lasagna is completely covered with sauce on all sides (pour in milk or boiled water along the sides of the mold as needed).

    Sprinkle the top with cheese.

    Bake for 20 minutes.
    in "bottom" mode. Then another 35-40 minutes.
    in normal mode at 200 degrees. – until cooked and golden surface. Remove from oven. Leave for 5-10 minutes to “strengthen”.

    Then serve, cutting into portions.

    Serve with sour cream or milk sauce - to taste.

    • The number of lasagna sheets and insides depends on the size of the baking dish.

    • Similarly, you can prepare sweet lasagna by adding sugar, vanilla (lemon zest), raisins (or dried apricots), and pieces of apples to the curd mass.

    Bon appetit!

    Lyudochka, this is a trick.
    Live forever and learn.

    Message Creator
    Lumana wrote:
    Similarly, you can prepare lasagna with potatoes, meat, cabbage, etc. – based on the perfectly recognizable dumplings!

    It didn’t even occur to me. I only cooked it with sauces, using tomatoes as a base.
    Thank you, financial invoice for the tip.

    Barbatsutsa wrote:
    Thank you, financial invoice for the tip

    Constantly - please.

    You understand that you are lazy. also moves us towards something new, sometimes very successful.

    Natalia_Burda wrote:
    We absolutely adore her.

    Natasha! We, too.

    Daenur wrote:
    Here's something delicious.

    Ilona! I can tell you a secret: everything is already in the past tense.

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