Development of wine production from rose hips

Development of wine production from rose hips

Vitamins (a group of low-molecular organic compounds of relatively simple structure and varied chemical nature) and other substances found in rose hips strengthen the immune system, restore metabolism and improve the elasticity of blood vessels. We will look at how to make rosehip wine at home. The result will be not only a tasty drink, but also a necessary drink in limited quantities.

Only huge ripe red fruits are suitable for making wine. First, the berries must be carefully sorted, removing rotten and moldy ones. Even one spoiled berry can spoil the entire batch of wine. The containers must be completely clean and dry; otherwise, the wort may become infected with pathogenic microbes and mold.

The freshest, dried and even frozen rose hips of any variety are suitable (May, needle, Fedchenko, Daurian, etc.), there is no fundamental difference. As a last resort, first the fruits are thawed and dried, then according to the recipe.


  • rose hips – 3 kg of new berries (dried – 2 kg);
  • sugar – 3 kg;
  • water – 10 l.;
  • unwashed raisins (fresh grapes) – 100 gr.

Rose hip wine recipe

1. Crush the fruits with a rolling pin. If you use dry berries, cut them in half. You don't have to remove the bones.

2. Mix 2 liters of water and 2 kg of sugar in a saucepan, boil, simmer over low heat for 5 minutes, stirring constantly and skimming off the snow-white foam. Cool the finished syrup to a temperature below 30°C.

3. Add rose hips, sweet syrup, the rest of the water (8 liters), crushed unwashed grapes or raisins to an enamel (plastic) container with a wide neck. The last ingredient contains feral yeast needed for fermentation.

4. Stir, tie the neck with gauze and place the container in a black, warm (18-25°C) space for 3-4 days. Stir once a day.

5. If signs of fermentation occur (foam, hissing, sour smell), pour the mixture into a fermentation container (fill to a maximum of 2/3 of the size) and install a water seal (a rubber glove with a hole in the finger to remove carbon dioxide). Place the bottle in a dark place at 18-29°C. During the fermentation period, it is very important to maintain a measured temperature.

Water seal designs for wine, mash and beer

6. After 7 days, filter the wort through cheesecloth to separate the pulp (solid part). Add the remaining sugar (1 kg) to the fermented juice and install the water seal again.

After 4-6 weeks, the water seal will no longer gurgle (the glove will deflate), sediment will appear on the day, and the wine itself will become noticeably lighter. This means that active fermentation has ended and it is time to move on to the next step.

If fermentation does not stop 50 days after the start of production, so that bitterness does not arise, the wine must be drained from the sediment through a straw and left to ferment under a water seal or a glove under the same conditions.

7. Drain the fermented young rosehip wine through a straw into another clean container. It is important not to touch the sediment on the day. If desired, add more sugar to taste or fix with vodka (alcohol) in an amount of 2-15% of the size.

Fill storage containers to the top so that there is no contact with oxygen. Close the lid tightly (or install a water seal), transfer to a black, cold (5-16°C) space for aging.

8. After 2-3 months, drain the wine from the sediment into the prepared bottles, then seal it tightly with stoppers. Store in the refrigerator or basement. If the temperature is maintained at 10-16°C, the shelf life is up to 2 years.

As a result, 7-8 liters come out. homemade rosehip wine with a strength of 11-13 degrees. The drink has an amber color, a fruity smell and a slightly tart taste.

Rosehip wine at home

Rose hips can be called a storehouse of vitamins and essential microelements. Its medicinal properties are used in pharmacology, cosmetology, and cooking. Mineral elements and vitamins (a group of low-molecular organic compounds of relatively simple structure and varied chemical nature) improve the general condition of the body and act on individual organs and systems.

Good to know: rose hips are rich in various tanning substances, flavonoids that improve blood composition (the internal environment of the human and animal body) , vitamin (a low molecular weight organic compound of relatively simple structure, necessary for all living things) C strengthens the immune system, and decoctions from berries perfectly cleanse the kidneys and the whole the body as a whole. It contains vitamins (a group of low molecular weight organic compounds of relatively simple structure and varied chemical nature) of group B, also A, E and K.

But there is an area of ​​rosehip implementation that almost everyone is not even aware of. This is the production of wine drinks based on its berries. Rosehip wine has a wide range of properties. With moderate consumption of the drink, the composition of the blood (the internal environment of the human and animal body) , blood vessels are cleansed, and the current tone increases.

Rose hip wine

Berry selection

When making wine drinks from rose hips, you first need to prepare the raw materials. You can take the freshest berries, but wine made from dry rose hips is no less tasty and healthy. It is best to collect fruits in dry and clear weather, after frost. At the same time, the fruit remains dry and unstained. We pick the berries together with the sepals and stalk, trying not to destroy their body itself. After collection, the collection must be sorted out and cleaned of dirt. If desired, rose hips can be dried and the already dried fruits can be used to make wine.

Take only ripe fruits that are bright red in color and without visible blemishes.

After preparing the berries, you can begin making the drink. There are a huge number of recipes for homemade rosehip wine, which use yeast for sourdough, various additives, for example, raisins or, specifically, grapes. To obtain fermented drinks based on this healthy berry, you can use not only fresh, but also dried raw materials.

Making a drink from new berries

The process of producing such wine at home is not particularly complex. But the result will amuse you - the low-alcohol drink has a pleasant amber color, and the taste is reminiscent of southern wines - Serbian, Hungarian.

For wine you will need:

  • dried or fresh rose hips – 2-3 kg;
  • sweet sand – 3 kg;
  • water – 10 l.;
  • juice of 1 lemon or tartaric acid (citric acid will also work);
  • raisins or fresh grape material for fermentation effect – 100 gr.
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To stimulate fermentation, you can also use special wine yeasts and enzymes, which can be purchased in specialized stores.

To obtain an extraordinary wine, which some connoisseurs consider second only to grape wine, you need to follow the instructions below.

Making wine from new rose hips

  1. Separate the stalks and grind the berries with a mortar. There is no need to remove seeds from the fruit.
  2. In an enamel pan, heat 2 liters of water, then add 2 kg of sweet sand, lemon or citric acid. Bring to a boil, reduce heat and heat the syrup for another 5-7 minutes, stirring constantly and making sure to skim off the foam. Then turn off and cool the syrup to 30C.
  3. We take a container with a wide neck and combine the ingredients in the following order - first crushed berries, then cooled syrup, add the rest of the water (8 liters) and at the end throw in a handful of raisins so that our wine begins to ferment. Be sure to stir the wort!
  4. We tie the neck with clean gauze and place it in a warm space for about 3-4 days. Don’t forget to stir the contents at least once every 24 hours.
  5. When foam or a hissing sound appropriate for fermentation appears, the mixture must be poured into a large bottle, flask or other fermentation container. Fill the bottle approximately 2/3 full and install a water seal. This could be a glove with a hole to remove carbon dioxide or a balloon.
  6. We leave the mixture in a dark place for 1 week, while maintaining the temperature from 18 C to 29 C. Throughout the fermentation period, we monitor the temperature conditions.
  7. We expect approximately 7 days. We strain the purchased wort through cheesecloth in order to separate the rosehip seeds and raisins. Add the rest of the sweet sand (1 kg) and again put the glove on the neck of the bottle. We wait from 1 month to 6 weeks. As we notice that the glove has deflated and the sediment has sunk to the bottom, and the wine material has noticeably become lighter, this means that the active fermentation process has ended and you can proceed to the next step.
  8. At this step, it is necessary to separate the resulting wine from the sediment on the bottom using a silicone tube or rubber hose, trying to prevent flakes from getting into the finished product. You can add a little sugar for a harmonious taste or fix it with alcohol at the rate of 10% of the total amount of wine.
  9. Fill the containers into which the young wine was poured to the top and seal tightly so that there is no contact with air. We put everything into a cold black space for aging. If sugar was added at the previous step, you should reinstall the water seal or glove.
  10. After 2-3 months, when the wine is completely ready, it must be strained again, bottled and hermetically sealed. When pouring, we try to ensure that the sediment that remains after fermentation does not get into the finished wine, otherwise it will acquire bitter notes.

Almost all amateurs in the field of home winemaking are wondering whether it is necessary to separate the pulp from the infused juice or whether it is possible to leave the berries before final processing? So, no distinctive taste features are noticeable, therefore, if desired, the pulp can be left to ferment together with the wort. The finished wine has no significant differences in taste.

Good to know: aging wine not only brightens the drink by precipitating impurities, but also makes it possible to create a more intense taste. For wines made from rose hips, the short aging period is 60 days, the best is 6 months.

As a result of the actions outlined above, you will get about 7 liters. a drink that has a sour taste with slightly tart notes, which can be stored in a dark and cold room for up to 3 years. Almost all lovers say that wine acquires its real taste only after being stored in a bottle for a year and a half.

Wine made from dry or frozen rose hips

The manufacturing process itself does not differ from the actions during home production of wines from the freshest berries, but you will need to return dry or frozen raw materials in advance.

Frozen fruits should be thawed at room temperature and slightly dried. It is easier to obtain juice from such initial raw materials than from new berries.

Soaking dry rose hips

Dried rose hips should be washed in advance and soaked in warm water for 12 to 24 hours.

Next, you need to sort out the berries, remove possible inclusions of litter, leaves, sepals and other foreign objects. Foreign impurities will lead to noticeable bitterness in the taste composition, and the wine will lose its best properties.

Proportions when using dry raw materials:

  • 1-1.5 kg of dried fruits;
  • 9-10 liters of clean water - filtered, well, artesian;
  • 1.8-3 kg;
  • citric acid 10 gr. or juice of 1 lemon;
  • wine yeast or raisins (grapes).

As in other home winemaking recipes, in ours neither raisins nor grapes are allowed to be washed - wild yeast found on the surface is responsible for the fermentation process.

For frozen fruits, the proportions from the traditional recipe are suitable.

Other acts are completely similar to those indicated in the previous section. We prepare the wort, leave it to ferment, and filter it. And later – aging and bottling.

Fortified wine made from dry rose hips goes well with meat snacks, and the dessert version is more suitable with cheeses, vegetables and sweets.

Exciting double fermentation recipe

This option is closer to the work of professional winemakers. To get a wine worthy of a festive table, take as a base a traditional recipe - rosehip wine, which is carefully described above.

The aspect of double fermentation is that the process is divided into two steps that take place at different temperatures.

  1. 1st – the prepared wort is poured into a fermentation container with 75% sugar. A water seal should be installed and placed in a space with a temperature of 20-25 degrees for a period of 1-2 weeks.
  2. Subsequent - after the primary fermentation, we filter the wort, removing the pulp or its remains and place it again in the fermentation vessel (previously carefully washed). At this step, add the remaining sweet syrup. The fermentation temperature does not have to exceed 15 degrees. It is necessary to remove the wine from the sediment and filter it no less than after 3 months.

Fermentation of rosehip wine at home

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Then we drain the sediment again very carefully. If the wine is still cloudy, which is logical due to the high pectin content, it will need to be further clarified. For rosehip wine materials, gelatin is the ideal fining agent.

This wine requires long-term aging when bottled - at least 1.5 years, but the result is worth it.

Rosehip wine: 3 recipes at home

Rosehip is a common and undemanding crop. You can often see how, closer to winter, a huge number of bushes remain unclaimed. We propose to correct this situation and prepare an extraordinary wine from rose hips. At the same time, you can eat both the freshest and dried/frozen berries.

They also make tincture and liqueur from rose hips.

  • 1 Traditional recipe for rosehip wine
  • 2 Recipe for wine from frozen rose hips
  • 3 Recipe for wine from dried rose hips

Traditional rosehip wine recipe


Fresh rosehips – 3 kg (dried – 2 kg)

Unwashed raisins (fresh grapes) – 100 g

Preparation method

Crush the fruits with a rolling pin. If you use dry berries, cut them in half. You don't have to remove the bones.

Prepare sweet syrup (2 liters of water + 2 kg of sugar) and cool it to below 30°C.

In a container with a wide neck, add rose hips, sweet syrup, the rest of the water (8 liters), crushed unwashed grapes or raisins. The last ingredient contains feral yeast needed for fermentation.

Stir and tie the neck with gauze. Then place the container in a black, warm (18-25°C) space for 3-4 days. Stirring once a day.

If signs of fermentation occur (foam, hissing, sour smell), pour the mixture into a fermentation container (fill to a maximum of 2/3 capacity) and install a water seal.

Now you need to put the bottle in a dark place at 18-29°C. During the fermentation period, it is very important to maintain a measured temperature.

After 7 days, filter the wort through cheesecloth to separate the pulp (solid part). Add the remaining sugar (1 kg) to the fermented juice and install the water seal again.

After 4-6 weeks, the water seal will no longer gurgle (the glove will deflate), sediment will appear on the day, and the wine itself will become noticeably lighter. This means that active fermentation has ended.

If fermentation does not stop 50 days after the start of production, so that bitterness does not arise, the wine must be drained from the sediment through a straw and left to ferment under a water seal or a glove under the same conditions.

Drain the fermented young rosehip wine through a straw into another clean container. It is important not to touch the sediment on the day. If desired, add more sugar to taste or fix with vodka (alcohol) in an amount of 2-15% of the size.

Fill storage containers to the top so that there is no contact with oxygen. Close the lid tightly (or install a water seal), transfer to a black, cold (5-16°C) space for aging.

After 2-3 months, drain the wine from the sediment into prepared bottles, then seal it tightly with stoppers.

Store in the refrigerator or basement. If the temperature is maintained at 10-16°C, the shelf life is up to 2 years.

Recipe for wine from frozen rose hips


Frozen rose hips – 2 kg

Preparation method

Peel, wash, freeze-torn rose hips, place in a bottle, pour warm sweet syrup, close with a fermentation stopper and leave for about 3-4 weeks.

Then drain the liquid, strain, bottle and place in a cold space to mature for approximately 6 months. The longer the wine sits, the tastier it will be.

Attention! From the remaining rose hips, from which the infusion has already been drained, you can make another wine. To do this, you need to fill it again with the same amount of syrup as the first time, but the least sweet.

Recipe for wine from dried rose hips


Whole dried rosehips – 1 kg (or 500 g crushed)

Sugar – 1 kg sugar

Preparation method

Place the prepared rosehip in a bottle and fill it with sugar. To prevent the fruit from floating, place gauze at the base of the neck.

Cover the bottle with gauze and keep in a cool place. After the rapid fermentation has stopped, strain the wine, filter through cotton wool or coarse cloth (a medical system of cells and intercellular substances united by a common origin, structure and functions) , pour into a clean and dry bottle so as not to affect the sediment.

In conclusion, I would like to add that if you found a recipe for wine made from rose hips, but didn’t find anything sensible, it’s not just like that. After all, rosehip leaves do not have any outstanding features to make any kind of wine from them.

Instead, we recommend making wine from tea rose petals.

Is there an error or do you have anything to add?

How to make rosehip wine at home using a regular recipe

Rose hips contain in their composition simply a tremendous amount of vitamin C (vitamins are a group of organic substances combined by chemical nature, united on the basis of their absolute necessity for a heterotrophic organism as an integral part of food) C, which makes them a most valuable component both for medicine and for healthy eating. Exemplary housewives manage to use rose hips to make jam, marmalade, marshmallows, marmalade, paste, jelly, compote, kvass and even sweets.

But rosehip wine deserves special mention because it has a wonderful aroma, amazing taste and gorgeous purple-red color. Among connoisseurs of generous drinks, this alcohol is considered an emblem of {romantic} meetings. In addition, this alcohol becomes simply irreplaceable in the winter, when it is time for colds.

I urge you to quickly put everything aside and figure out together how to create rosehip wine at home according to ordinary recipes that are easily accessible to anyone.

Recipe for wine from the freshest rose hips

The presented version of production is ordinary and virtually indistinguishable from the accepted technology for creating other fruit and berry alcoholic drinks. This recipe is adapted to the ability to make rosehip wine at home without adding artificial yeast, all ingredients are only natural.

The table shows the proportions of ingredients per 20 liters. tasty and healthy rosehip wine, the strength of which ranges from 11 to 14 revolutions.

List of components

Ingredients quantity
fresh rose hips 9 kg
unwashed raisins 330 g
granulated sugar 9 kg
spring water 30 l
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Manufacturing process

  1. We sort through the rose hips very carefully, putting aside rotten, unripe, limp or moldy berries.
  2. Crush the fruits using a wooden rolling pin and place the resulting mass in a suitable enamel or plastic container.
  3. In a separate pan, mix 6 liters. water and 6 kg of sweet sand.
  4. Place the container on the fire and boil the mixture after boiling for about 5-7 minutes with constant and intense stirring. Don't forget to skim off any foam that has formed.
  5. Cool the syrup naturally to a temperature of at least 32 degrees.
  6. Pour the cooled syrup into the berry pulp, add the rest of the spring water and unwashed raisins.
  7. Stir the wort and cover it with gauze, folded in advance in several layers.
  8. We send the vessel to a warm, black space, protected from drafts. The room temperature does not have to be below 19 degrees. Once a day, stir the wort with clean hands, submerging the pulp that has floated to the surface into the water.
  9. When a slight hissing, sour aroma and foam appear, pour the mixture into a fermentation bottle, filling it no more than 75%.
  10. We install a water seal and leave the wort to ferment in the same warm place.
  11. After one week, filter the liquid through a gauze filter to get rid of the pulp, the hard part of the wort.
  12. Pour the purified fermented juice into a clean container for the upcoming fermentation.
  13. Add the remaining sugar there, mix and install the shutter.
  14. After about 5-6 weeks, fermentation should end, then we pour the fermented young drink into another container using a hose or straw. It is very important not to stir up the sediment; if this happens, then repeat the purification of the alcohol through a gauze filter.
  15. We fill the container to the very neck, then seal it hermetically with a tight lid and send it to a cold space with a temperature no higher than 14 degrees.
  16. We are waiting for the wine to fully mature, which usually lasts 2.5-3 months. During aging, sediment will appear, and when the layer thickness reaches 3-5 cm, you need to immediately get rid of it by pouring the alcohol into an unstained vessel.

Dry rosehip wine recipe

Lovers of semi-sweet wine will really like the finished product made according to this recipe with the addition of dried figs and citric acid. The taste of this drink differs from the previous version in that spicy and citrus notes are clearly felt in it, and the smell amuses with its rich bouquet.

A similar combination of ingredients allows you to prepare a medicinal drink that has a positive effect on metabolism, increasing the body’s overall resistance to colds and other diseases.

List of components

Ingredients quantity
dried rose hips 1 kg
citric acid 1 pinch
granulated sugar 610 g
spring water 9.3 l
wine yeast 5 g
dried figs 800 g

Manufacturing process

  1. Cut the dry rosehip in half and mix it with dried figs.
  2. In a separate bowl, boil three liters of spring water, then pour the prepared dry mixture with hot liquid.
  3. Cover the container with gauze (the combination of various and interacting tissues form organs) and leave the mixture to infuse for 24 hours.
  4. Now it’s time to prepare the sweet syrup. To do this, pour 6 liters into a suitable saucepan. water and bring it to a boil. Pour in 600 g of sweet sand and boil the mixture over low heat until the grains of extreme sand are completely dissolved.
  5. Mix the syrup with the tincture and leave it in this form for another day.
  6. In the meantime, prepare the mixture: pour wine yeast into 300 ml of water and add 10 g of sugar.
  7. Mix the resulting mixture, cover with gauze and leave for at least 12 hours.
  8. After 24 hours, add the mixture to the berry infusion, mix and leave to ferment in a warm room under gauze for one week. Be sure to stir the wort 1-2 times a day.
  9. We drain the fermented wort from the sediment and pass it through a cotton and gauze filter.
  10. Pour the purified liquid into a fermentation bottle and install a water seal.
  11. We place the wort for the upcoming fermentation in a warm, draft-free room, where the temperature is not lower than 18 degrees.
  12. Once the fermentation is over, we separate the fermented drink from the sediment, pour it into an unstained vessel and send it to a cold space for ripening.
  13. Ripening lasts several months, the shortest period of which is 8 weeks. During aging, drain the wine from the sediment from time to time.

We store mature alcohol in glass bottles in a cool place.

Recipe for frozen rosehip wine

This is the easiest method of making rosehip wine. This method is popular among beginners in winemaking or those who do not want to tinker with wine a lot. The prepared alcoholic drink has a decent mild taste and a light, pleasant aroma.

Old people are advised to use it in small doses - it helps improve digestion, helps disperse blood (the internal environment of the body, formed by liquid connective tissue. Consists of plasma and formed elements: leukocyte cells and post-cellular structures: erythrocytes and platelets) , preventing the development of cardiovascular diseases diseases.

List of components

Ingredients quantity
frozen rose hips 2 kg
granulated sugar 2 kg
spring water 5 l

Manufacturing process

  1. Place the frozen fruits in a suitable bowl and check them for the presence of putrid, spoiled berries. Then we leave them in a warm room, allowing them to defrost naturally.
  2. In a separate bowl, mix water and sugar and prepare sweet syrup over low heat.
  3. Cool the syrup to room temperature, then mix it with the defrosted berries.
  4. Pour the resulting mixture into a fermentation bottle, install a water seal and leave the wort to ferment in a warm place for about 3-4 weeks.
  5. When the wort has fermented, filter the liquid and bottle the wine.
  6. We send the young drink to mature in a cold space for about six months.

Rosehip wine recipe video

I suggest you definitely watch several videos presented by professional winemakers, who will demonstrate the entire process from start to finish, and also give a lot of useful tips and advice.

Video No. 1. Here the master will teach you how to make wine from dry rose hips and tell you how easier it is to create it at home.

Video No. 2. In this video, an experienced winemaker presents his method of producing wine from the freshest rose hips and shares his experience in choosing suitable fruits and correctly carrying out the fermentation process.

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