Yeast pancakes; how to bake pancakes with yeast Yeast pancakes - how to bake pancakes with yeast Is the first pancake lumpy? Completely optional! We take a proven recipe and start in a good mood...
Jellied pork tongue: 3 step-by-step very tasty photo recipes Jellied pork tongue: 3 step-by-step very tasty photo recipes Undeniably, a dish with an unusual design and inimitable taste, a favorite of the solemn...
Dumplings with mushrooms Dumplings with mushrooms Dumplings with wild mushrooms for dough: flour – 450g; water – 210 ml; testicle – 1 pc.; salt – 1/2 tsp; For…
Clafoutis with cherries or cherries Clafoutis with cherries or cherries. French dessert recipe. French Clafoutis with cherries cannot exactly be called a pie or casserole. It's faster…
Pizza with processed cheese Pizza with processed cheese Using this recipe you can easily prepare a very tasty, fragrant pizza with processed cheese. The result of production will pleasantly surprise you...
Photo recipe for an exotic salad with squid and pineapple Photo recipe for an exotic salad with squid and pineapple A salad with squid and pineapple can fully be called a “tropical” dish. And all because...
Pancakes with sour cream Pancakes with sour cream For Maslenitsa, I suggest trying a recipe for pancakes with sour cream. Sour cream makes pancake batter special. Savory? Very! Just instant pancakes. Pancakes for...
Soup with meatballs and noodles Soup with meatballs and noodles Ingredients Minced pork – 230 g Ground black pepper – to taste Onions – 1 pc. Vegetable…
Pancakes (traditional recipe) Pancakes (traditional recipe) Save I cooked Rate Print Usually, the most delicious pancakes are not made from expensive goods, but cooked correctly, according to the traditional recipe. Manufacturing Description:...
Pancakes with salmon and cream cheese Pancakes with salmon and cream cheese Ingredients Flour – about 1 cup Milk – 2 cups Salt – 1 pinch Vegetable oil…