Rug with jam; the most delicious and ordinary recipes A gingerbread with jam - the most delicious and ordinary recipes From time to time I realize that I got carried away with the preparations, and then...
Dandelion Wine Dandelion Wine Dandelion Wine To Walter A. Bradbury, not an uncle or cousin, but certainly a publisher and friend. The morning was quiet...
Chocolate and nut cake Chocolate and nut cake The most famous and irreplaceable dish for dessert among housewives is considered to be chocolate cake with nuts. It is quite simple to follow the recipe, it requires a small amount...
Step-by-step recipes for orange jam with zest and peel for the winter at home, with and without pectin Step-by-step recipes for orange jam with zest and peel for the winter at…
8 recipes for tender and thin pancakes 8 recipes for tender and thin pancakes Prepare them with milk, kefir, sour cream or water, with apple and even without flour. 5 secrets...
Lasagna Lasagna “Lazy” Lasagna I recommend everyone to try this “lasagna”! Fast, simple, tasty, satisfying and cheap! Lasagna Warm and amazingly delicious! Baked rolls “Hello Lasagna” Not lasagna, but...
Oatmeal cookies Oatmeal cookies To make oatmeal cookies, use the most ordinary oatmeal, not instant, but the most “solid” version. Oatmeal cookie recipes vary from each other...
Recipes for glazed PP cheese curds | Only ordinary ingredients Recipes for glazed PP cheese curds | Just ordinary ingredients Glazed cheese curds are one of the favorite desserts of those with a sweet tooth. He is chosen and almost...
Pies with liver “Russian” Pies with liver “Russian” How to prepare your childhood memoirs? Very simple. This story should begin like this: “in the last decades of the last century...” It sounds, naturally, impressive!...
Pies with liver, eggs and cheese Pies with liver, eggs and cheese Moder: Moders Pies with liver, eggs and cheese Svetik+++ » Sat Oct 02, 2010 7:44 pm…