Step-by-step recipes for orange jam with zest and peel for the winter at home, with and without pectin

Step-by-step recipes for orange jam with zest and peel for the winter at home, with and without pectin

A sweet dessert with fruit pulp and light sourness, watery for pancakes and thick for pies and cakes - orange jam has a huge number of fans. And there are even fewer masters who can prepare truly tasty and fragrant confiture. At the same time, it was a resident of the northern country, Scotswoman Jenny Keiller, who first came up with the idea of ​​using oranges to make jam.

  • 1 Individualities of making orange marmalade
  • 2 Preparation of the main ingredient
  • 3 Recipes for making orange jam at home
    • 3.1 The usual recipe for the winter
    • 3.2 In a slow cooker
    • 3.3 With zest
    • 3.4 With butter
    • 3.5 With mint
    • 3.6 With agar-agar
    • 3.7 With pectin
    • 3.8 With lemon
    • 3.9 From oranges with peel
    • 3.10 With cinnamon
    • 3.11 With ginger
    • 3.12 With grapefruit
  • 4 Storage

For her newest dessert, she used unripe citrus fruits with peel and sugar.

Individualities of making orange marmalade

To cook this sweet and sour delicacy, you need to know the secrets of production:

  1. Oranges contain a lot of juice, which evaporates when cooked. To avoid this and get a huge amount of confiture, it is recommended to use thickeners during production: gelatin, pectin or agar-agar. This is how the jam comes out thickest.
  2. When using thickeners, you need to pay attention to their composition and advice from manufacturers. If they do not coincide with the recipe, then you should follow the advice given on the packaging of the gelling agent.
  3. To make the taste of orange confiture more intense or subtle, add cinnamon, cognac, ginger or other spices and products.

Preparation of the main ingredient

Before you start cooking citrus sweets, it is important to correctly prepare its main ingredient - oranges. It is no secret that traders apply wax to fruits to give them a more attractive appearance and extend their shelf life. Citrus fruits need to be carefully washed: first with cold tap water, then with boiling water and, finally, with water at room temperature using a hard lip. You can also use a special detergent to remove wax.

Another important point when preparing oranges is the elimination of the bitter taste, which is imparted by the snow-white layer located between the pulp and the skin. To prevent the jam from becoming bitter, you need to peel the citrus fruits and remove the layer, or put them in water for 24 hours to soak.

Recipes for making orange jam at home

Orange jam for breakfast is a good way to recharge your batteries. It is not difficult to prepare the product without the help of others, at home. There are a huge number of easy methods and recipes for confiture from “sunny” citruses to suit any taste.

The usual recipe for the winter

The housewife can quickly prepare orange jam for the winter. To do this you need to take:

  • 1 kilogram of unpeeled oranges;
  • 200 ml water;
  • 700 grams of sugar.

Wash the citrus fruits, remove the zest with a grater, cut the fruits, remove the snow-white veins, and remove the seeds. Scroll the pulp through a meat grinder. Pour water into the pan and place the resulting fruit mass, add the required amount of sugar. Let it simmer over low heat, and after boiling, reduce it. The mixture is cooked for 50-60 minutes. At this time, you need to stir it to avoid burning.

The finished jam becomes thickest and acquires a pleasant amber color. After removing it from the heat, you need to skim off the foam and pour it into sterilized jars. Leave the jam to cool, turning the container upside down.

Recipe Collection

Orange jam – 3 delicious recipes!

My friends, what could be more pleasant than breakfast with the freshest crispy bun and amber orange jam ?

There are many methods for making this delicious sweet.

Such jam with the skin, without the skin, with zest, grapefruit, lemon, peach, apple, sea buckthorn, nuts, with the addition of pectin, also with cinnamon, ginger and mint.

Naturally, eating any fruit, including oranges, is even more beneficial when fresh, but this is a seasonal product, so we will not miss the opportunity and will create a delicious, fragrant preparation that will amuse us all year round.

Orange jam is perfect for making various sweet baked goods - muffins, cookies, pies, croissants, cakes and pastries.

It is served with tea, cottage cheese dishes, porridges, and also with desserts and ice cream.

Orange jam perfectly strengthens the immune system, helps fight viral diseases and unsurpassedly improves your mood!

Now I will show you 3 delicious orange jam recipes prepared using different methods.



  • 1 kg peeled oranges
  • 1/2 lemon with peel
  • 500 g sugar
  • 10 g pectin

Pectin addition rate:


1 kg 500 g 10-20 g

1 kg 250 g 20-30 g


  • 1 kg peeled oranges
  • 1 lemon with peel
  • 1 kg sugar


  • 1 kg oranges with peel
  • 1 lemon with peel
  • 1 kg sugar

Orange jam – 3 delicious recipes – STEP-BY-STEP RECIPE

Let's start with the quickest and most common method - prepare the most necessary and least sweet orange jam with lemon and pectin.

Instead of pectin, you can use Quitin, Zhelfix or agar-agar.

Fruits must be thoroughly washed in warm water with a hard brush, doused with boiling water and wiped dry.

In this recipe, we will not need orange peels; we will make jam from the unblemished pulp.

But before that, before peeling the oranges, I recommend removing the zest from them, I have a separate video on my channel dedicated to citrus zest , from which you will learn how it can be prepared, stored and used, link -NVEBk

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This time I will not remove the zest, but will cut off the peel completely and make candied orange peels .

We peel oranges using any method that is convenient for you.

You can make cuts and remove the skin as usual, or cut it with a knife.

We cut the peeled oranges into small slices and, if there are seeds, we definitely remove them; I came across very sweet oranges without a single seed.

Sliced ​​oranges need to be chopped using a meat grinder, a regular or submersible blender.

I will grind them using an immersion blender, so I immediately put them in a saucepan in which I will cook the jam.

This is how we prepare all the oranges.

We do not peel the lemon, cut it into slices, be sure to remove all the seeds and cut into small pieces.

It is the lemon that will give a slight sourness to our jam and add its pleasant citrus note.

Before you chop everything, you need to weigh the peeled fruits so that you know how much sugar and pectin you will need.

You can grind the mass either until it is homogeneous or leaving small pieces - all at your discretion.

For any kilogram of cooked citrus fruits in this recipe there is from 250 g to 500 g of sugar, depending on the sweetness of the oranges and your taste preferences.

I take 500 g of sugar per 1 kg of fruit, although jam can be prepared using this method without any sugar at all.

The required amount of pectin will also depend on how much sugar you take.

For 500 g of sugar, the recipe contains 10 g of pectin; the most detailed proportions of fruit are indicated above.

In the meantime, I mixed sugar with pectin, pour it into the orange puree and mix well.

Place the pan on the stove and bring the mixture to a boil.

From now on, cook the mixture over medium heat, stirring continuously, for no more than 5 minutes.

And for those who like a light, pleasant citrus bitterness and to enhance the taste, smell and the most intense orange color, at this step you can add zest to the jam, which you previously removed from the skin.

By this time the containers should already be prepared, I have small ones, 200-250 ml in volume, as usual I washed them, sterilized them, and boiled the lids.

After 5 minutes of boiling, without turning off the stove, pour the boiling mass into the prepared containers, close them tightly and leave to cool at room temperature.

The jam is watery while it’s hot, but once it cools it will thicken, just like jam should.

In addition to regular use, orange jam prepared using this method is excellent as a marinade for meat and poultry.

For another recipe, we also peel the oranges in advance and take one lemon per kilogram of already peeled fruit, this time I will grind everything in a meat grinder.

We cut all the oranges into slices, remove the seeds if there are any, and literally do the same with the lemon, which is better to throw in with the peel, but I didn’t have one because... I needed the lemon zest for another recipe, and I didn’t leave the snow-white part.

I was lucky with the oranges; none of them had seeds, but with the lemon I had to tinker a little.

We pass the prepared citrus fruits through a meat grinder.

It doesn’t matter how you crush the citrus fruits, I just decided to show you that in both options the result will be similar.

Pour sugar into a saucepan with crushed fruits at a ratio of 1:1, equal to the amount of puree, equal to the amount of sugar, but not less than 700 g of sugar per 1 kg of fruit.

Mix the mixture and place it on the stove.

Bring the fruit-sugar mixture to a boil and simmer over low heat for an hour, do not forget to stir the mixture from time to time and the thicker it becomes, the more often you stir to avoid burning the jam.

If a fruit foam is created, collect it from the surface of the jam.

During this period of time, the mass will boil down perfectly and acquire a pleasant amber color.

While the mixture is cooking, prepare the containers - wash them, sterilize them, and boil the lids.

After an hour, without turning off the stove, pour the hot mixture into containers and close with lids.

Turn the jars upside down until they cool completely.

You can prepare orange jam not only by boiling it on the stove; for this you can use a multicooker in the “Jam” or “Baking” mode.

The jam that we cooked with pectin, after cooling, becomes significantly thicker, very fragrant, tastes pleasant, refreshing, and moderately sweet.

Its sunny color pleases the eye, and its catchy citrus scent will not leave anyone indifferent.

The amber-colored jam, which we boiled for an hour, is the thickest and richest, the taste is the sweetest and richest, actually orange honey.

But there is also one waste-free method for making orange jam that our family loves.

And to save your time, I made it in advance, because... it is actually no different from the second recipe except that the fruits are crushed in a meat grinder along with the peel.

This jam comes out very thick and of all 3 recipes it is the most fragrant due to the presence of citrus peels, which also impart a pleasant, light bitterness, as befits orange jam.

All three recipes for making orange jam are different in the method of preparation, the time spent and the final result, but any of them is good in its own way, the choice is yours!

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Using these recipes you can prepare not only orange, but also tangerine jam.

A jar of this amber treat will be a good gift for any gourmet.

You can store the jam until the next season either in a cold place or at room temperature.

If you have never made such a preparation , I recommend making it - the result will outshine all your expectations!

I wish everyone a pleasant tea party!

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Orange jam – 3 delicious recipes – VIDEO RECIPE

Orange jam: manufacturing methods - how to create orange jam without the help of others, quickly and easily

A catchy jam with a rich amber color and inimitable smell, made from new oranges, wins the hearts of housewives. This delicacy is absolutely easy to prepare. In this article, we will try to understand all the intricacies of making a dessert dish from oranges yourself.

There are quite a lot of methods for making citrus jam, but we have prepared for you a selection of the most successful and delicious recipes.

How to choose oranges

Fruits should be taken with thick, dense, smooth skin. Wrinkling of the surface is unacceptable, as well as the presence of dents, darkening and signs of rottenness. The color of the skin and the size of the fruit do not matter.

Fruit pulp can have different acidity. Some oranges are the sweetest, others are sour. Therefore, using the recipes below, the amount of sugar can be slightly varied either up or down, depending on the taste of the oranges.

Before cooking, the fruits must be washed in warm soapy water, then rinsed and wiped with towels.

Orange jam: recipes

Option number 1 - With pieces of fruit

A kilogram of oranges is washed, then any fruit is cut into four slices. The seeds are removed from them and cut into thin slices. The tenderloin is covered with 600 grams of sweet sand and lightly mixed. They do this very carefully to keep the pieces intact. Cover the container with candied fruits with a lid and leave at room temperature for a couple of hours. During this period of time, a fairly large amount of juice will be released from the oranges.

Place the orange pieces in the juice over medium heat and cook the jam for 25 minutes. The foam that forms on the surface is regularly removed with a spoon, and the mass is stirred.

Without waiting for the dessert to cool, it is poured into sterile dry jars and screwed on with lids.

Option No. 2 – With the introduction of a meat grinder

This version of making jam can be created with or without orange peel. In the first case, the finished jam will be slightly bitter.

We will tell you about an option for making jam from peeled oranges.

The fruits are washed and their skins removed. The pulp is separated into slices and cleared of seeds. Then the slices are crushed with a meat grinder. In this case, using a blender will be the least effective, because the partitions will not be able to grind well. The puree is weighed. For any 500 grams of fruit mass, take 300 grams of sweet sand. The bowl is placed on low heat and, with constant stirring, the crystals are completely dissolved. After this, cook the delicacy for 5 minutes and turn off the gas. The cooled product is boiled again for 5 minutes. There should be three or four such manipulations.

The main highlight: there is no need to cover the jam with a lid while it cools!

After the mass has been heated for the last time, it is packed hot into small prepared containers and covered with boiled lids.

Option No. 3 – With added water

The proportion of oranges, sugar and water is 2:2:1. Thus, per liter of water take 2 kilograms of fruit and 2 kilograms of sugar.

Oranges can be chopped into pieces, as in the first of the proposed recipes, or passed through a meat grinder. Water and sugar are added to the fruit mass. Place the jam on the fire and cook for 45 minutes on low heat. During this period of time, the dessert will thicken and be viscous.

The Delicious Recipes TV channel will tell you how to make jam in the microwave.

Flavoring additives for orange jam

Jam made only from orange is very tasty in itself, but to make preparations for the winter different, you can add various additives to the jam during the manufacturing process in the form of other fruits, fruit juice or spices.

The most popular in this case are orange jam with lemon, or jam prepared with the addition of ginger root and cinnamon.

The channel “I Wish You Live Like This” will tell you how to make orange-lemon jam with ginger.

Rules for storing orange preparations

Jam made from citrus fruits does not differ in storage technology from other winter preserves. The best location for jars with blanks is a cellar or basement. If you don't have a lot of jars of orange jam wrapped, you can store them in the refrigerator. The shelf life of the jam is 1 year.

The most delicious and worthy orange jam recipes

What could be tastier than orange jam generously spread on a newly baked pancake? Only two or three of these pancakes. You can't imagine a better breakfast - it will fill you with energy and a good mood for the whole day. If there is no such preparation among your supplies, we will try to create it at the moment using a method that is more convenient for you.

Read also the article: peach jam - ordinary recipes for the winter!

Method 1 - in a slow cooker

The method of making orange jam in a slow cooker is suitable for the busiest or least experienced housewives. We will only need to prepare the fruit for cooking and weigh all the ingredients, and the electric kitchen assistant will do everything else according to this program.

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The number of products is calculated for one liter jar of jam:

  • oranges – 5 large ones with narrow skin;
  • lemon - half medium in size;
  • sugar - by weight of peeled fruit in a one to one ratio.

To obtain a homogeneous mass, peeled fruits are previously pureed using a blender, meat grinder or food processor.

This orange jam recipe will take absolutely no time:

  1. First, carefully wash the fruit, remove a thin layer of zest from half a lemon and an orange and chop it with a knife.
  2. Peel the remaining fruits and cut them to your liking.
  3. We weigh the fruit mass along with the zest and fill it with the same amount of sugar. If the oranges are very sweet, it is better to reduce the amount of sugar slightly.
  4. Leave the mixture for several hours or overnight (that is, in the dark) so that the released juice dissolves all the sugar.
  5. Then we put everything in the multicooker bowl and turn on the “Baking” or “Jam” mode.
  6. We wait for the contents to boil and set the timer for half an hour. During this period of time we manage to sterilize the jars.

The finished jam is poured into jars while hot, because after cooling it thickens.

Method 2 – in a bread machine

It’s even easier to make orange jam in a bread machine, because the magic unit will even mix it itself. The main thing is that it contains the “Jam” program. We will need the following ingredients:

  • 3 large oranges;
  • 1.25 cups sugar;
  • 50 ml water;
  • 1/3 teaspoon citric acid;
  • 5 tbsp. starch.

We will provide the recipe for making orange jam with step-by-step photos for those who have not yet acclimatized with a bread machine.

We select three huge oranges and carefully wash them.

Peel them and cut them into pieces.

Place the chopped fruit in a bucket.

Add sugar.

Pour water.

Add citric acid.

Lastly, add starch and shake the bucket a couple of times to mix the contents. All that remains is to place the container in the bread maker and turn on the appropriate mode.

Typically, in bread machines, the jam cooking mode is designed for one hour and 20 minutes. The orange jam will be ready in an hour, so in order to preserve vitamins, the program can be paused earlier than expected.

After turning off the bread maker, the hot mixture is poured into sterilized jars and sealed.

Method 3 – in a saucepan, but from the skin

If in previous recipes we threw out citrus peels, then at the moment they will come in handy. Fans of orange peel jam claim that the boiled pieces of peel in it taste like marmalade. This preparation is perfect for the inside of pies, cheesecakes and cookies and the fruit layer for cakes. To make the dessert you need the following ingredients:

  • orange peels – 0.5 kg;
  • sugar – 0.75 kg;
  • water – 0.25 ml;
  • half a lemon.

Sort the peels and soak in cool water for a day, changing the water twice. Then drain the water and weigh the crusts. Sugar should be taken in a ratio of 1 to 1.5. Cut the crusts into strips 1 cm wide, and the strips into small cubes. The strips can be twisted rather than cut. The preserved bones are tied into a piece of gauze.

The seeds contain pectin, which allows the jam to thicken, so they can be used instead of starch.

The chopped crusts, together with a gauze knot, are poured with water and boiled for half an hour. After boiling, reduce the heat to low. During the cooking process, the mixture must be stirred with a wooden spoon. After half an hour, take out the bag with the seeds, add sugar and continue to boil the jam for another hour and a half over low heat. Before turning off the stove, squeeze the juice of half a lemon into the pan and stir. Place the prepared orange peel jam into unstained jars and roll up.

Method 4 – together with the skin

The peel of citrus fruits contains essential oils that give the fruit a scent and have a lot of necessary parameters. Let's try to make jam from oranges along with the peel. Such a product will bring more benefits and retain spicy notes. To make it you should take:

  • 350 g oranges;
  • 350 g sugar;
  • 100 ml water;
  • citric acid on the tip of a spoon.

Wash the fruits, cut into pieces and remove the seeds. Pass the oranges through a meat grinder. Place all ingredients except citric acid in a heavy-bottomed saucepan. Cook for about half an hour. Before finishing, add citric acid, stir again and turn off. Place the prepared orange jam into jars and seal.

Extreme method - with additives

It is possible and necessary to vary the orange flavor by adding various spices, nuts or other fruits to the jam. Let's look at the most unique additives:

  1. A cinnamon stick, a few star anise, cloves, a little aromatic and dark pepper will turn orange jam into a kind of thick mulled wine. This mixture warms perfectly and is very fragrant.
  2. Adding grated almonds at the end of cooking will give the jam a tart, nutty note.
  3. Half a teaspoon of cardamom and white pepper added to the jam will turn it into a special snack for cheese, brown bread with butter or salty crackers. The amount of sugar should be reduced by half.

Oranges are amazing fruits. They are unsurpassed when mixed with an abundance of a wide variety of goods, giving them a catchy, festive taste. Using a minimum of ordinary ingredients, you can prepare orange jam at home for all gourmets.

Orange, lemon and ginger jam - video

Burgundy orange jam - video

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