Salad with chicken liver and pickles; a very tasty step-by-step recipe Salad with chicken liver and pickles - a very tasty step-by-step recipe This salad will go perfectly together...
Eggplant moussaka Eggplant moussaka Eggplant moussaka is the perfect savory dish for a feast with a large group. It is prepared immediately for everyone and served all on a large baking sheet....
Chokeberry liqueur Chokeberry liqueur Thursday, September 14, 2017 The unusually tasty homemade liqueur with chokeberry, which we will prepare now, does not necessarily need to be insisted on...
Dairy ice cream Dairy ice cream Recipes: 14 1. strawberries - 200 gr2. milk 4-6% fat - 500 ml. (I have 3.2% - 250 ml.)3. strawberry syrup - 500...
Chicken and mushroom pie made from puff pastry; recipe in the oven Chicken and mushroom pie made from puff pastry - recipe in the oven Pies made from ready-made puff pastry...
Mushroom caviar with tomato paste Mushroom caviar with tomato paste One of the best recipes for making homemade mushroom caviar with tomato paste. Having tried this caviar once, you will be more…
Pollock fried in a frying pan - the most savory and simple recipe for making Pollock fried in a frying pan - the most savory and simple recipe for making If you are a frequent visitor to my blog,…
Soups with fish meatballs Soups with fish meatballs Soup with fish meatballs water, potatoes, carrots, onions, peppers, salt, bay leaf, parsley (root), fish (fillet), butter, onion, egg,…
B-52 – a cocktail of brave aviators B-52 – a cocktail of brave aviators Now the B-52 cocktail is considered an integral attribute of club life; it is served in all reputable bars in the world. Next I will tell...
Options for making Calla lilies salad: recipes, photos, features Options for making Calla lilies salad: recipes, photos, features Calla lilies salad, a step-by-step recipe for which is presented in this review, has become widely widespread in comparison with…