How to prepare the correct and necessary kvass at home - all recipes

How to prepare the correct and necessary kvass at home - all recipes

Friends, how are you doing in the summer?

For some reason it decided to linger here, it’s only +10 outside, and you can’t feel the heat at all.

It’s sad, but hoping for the best, I decided to make kvass at home ☺

I collected a lot of fascinating information about him and decided to write this post.

So now I’ll tell you how to create delicious kvass and share exciting recipes ☺

From this article for us you will learn:

Kvass at home - recipes for making it

How is kvass useful?

Why kvass specifically?

Taste, usefulness, availability - the main answer. Traditions also play an important role: for Russia, kvass is actually state pride.

Many centuries ago it was quite strong, but historians believe that thanks to the emergence of alcohol and vodka, the Slavs’ attitude towards kvass changed; kvass makers did not pursue strength, but focused on taste variations.

The proven usefulness of kvass is based on the fermentation process and yeast, as well as vitamins (a group of low-molecular organic compounds of relatively simple structure and varied chemical nature) and minerals of the initial goods from which kvass is made.

Like a drink, kvass is the result of lactic acid fermentation, and accordingly is able to help with various digestive and gastric disorders, restores metabolism and digestion, and the resulting acids cleanse the body, removing toxins (Ancient Greek toxin (toxikos) - poisonous - poison biological origin) , pathogenic cells, waste.

Medicinal characteristics of kvass:

  • It also helps with enterocolitis, obesity, eating disorders, and gastritis with high acidity.
  • But the main thing is that if you make kvass according to a traditional recipe, with yeast, then the enzymes and amino acids contained in yeast fungi destroy the microbial cells of almost all pathogens.
  • Therefore, this drink is directly indicated for all inflammatory and purulent effects, also for nervous (an animal organ that serves to transmit information important for the body to the brain) atrophies, dysfunction of the pancreas, and diabetes.
  • The tonic and nutritional characteristics of kvass have also been confirmed, therefore it is used as a food product in hospital conditions, during and after illnesses, for a general increase in tone and performance, for nervous (an animal organ that serves to transmit information important for the body to the brain) and physical exhaustion , intoxication.

Another fascinating property was studied by a Russian scientist: virtually any bacteria in kvass die, which is why in epidemiologically unfavorable areas, in conditions of natural disasters, this is the least dangerous drink.

Why is it better to prepare kvass at home?

Kvass is simply prepared both industrially and at home.

Both at the moment, and in the Russian Union, kvass barrels were an emblem of summer, freshness, quenching thirst, but specifically barrels forced us to consider the drink not the most “pure” and healthy.

Without control, they were not properly dried and washed; accordingly, plaque and dirt on the walls became simply unsafe.

Kvass bottled at production seems to be of the highest quality, but, unfortunately, the industrial process and carbonation do not make it healthier or tastier.

That’s why almost everyone returned to making their own kvass; there are a huge number of options!

After all, it can be prepared from different types of flour and bread, you can use non-cereal products like beets and sea buckthorn, and add different fruits, berries, and herbs to add flavor.

Recipes for making homemade kvass

To get your specific drink, experiment!

Well, I will share several main recipes for homemade kvass.

Kvass at home from sourdough starter

  1. The most common method of getting sourdough is to mix yeast, flour (preferably rye) and sugar: for a three-liter jar of future kvass I take three tablespoons of flour and sugar and a spoonful of yeast.
  2. Pour warm water, mix thoroughly and wrap for half an hour.
  3. After this, add the starter to the jar with the liquid from which you will make kvass.
  4. The concept of “sourdough” is quite arbitrary, even if you don’t prepare it specifically, everything that you combine in a container with yeast is in fact the starter and the fermentation process.
  5. The first liquid is usually drained later, and what remains becomes the starter for subsequent portions.

Bread kvass - delicious recipe

Usually we are talking about kvass made from crackers.

  • Bread, dried in the oven until dark, must be filled with warm water, and after a few hours, strain and add the finished sourdough.
  • Stir, cover the container with gauze and leave to infuse for a day at room temperature.

A slightly different variation, without unnecessary actions:

  1. Pour boiling water over flour or crackers (the traditional version is rye), leave for several hours, strain and add sugar and yeast. There is not much yeast, I usually add one tablespoon per three liters.
  2. Let it ferment in a warm place for about a day.
  3. This rye kvass is especially rich in vitamin B, it is useful for people with liver problems, it perfectly stimulates the production of gastric juice, relieves thirst and enriches the diet.
  4. It’s great to add raisins to bread kvass; they impart a pleasant flavor color.

For more information on how to prepare kvass at home, watch this video recipe

Beet kvass - a regular recipe

It has a rather specific taste and has a cleansing effect, acting on both the intestinal tract and the liver.

  1. Grate the beets and simmer until slightly soft.
  2. Then add water to the top and bring to a boil (I take approximately 500-600 grams of beets for three liters of water).
  3. The broth needs to be allowed to brew and cool.
  4. After this it is filtered
  5. Add 100 grams of sugar, a handful of rye crackers and a teaspoon of dry yeast.
  6. That's it, let him wander. After straining, the drink is ready.

Oat kvass - a delicious recipe

Most often I prepare this particular kvass.

Oats have become a permanent part of our home, because they help alleviate even acquired difficulties with the liver and stomach and have cleansing and enveloping qualities.

Of course, we are talking about natural, unhulled grain.

In the cool season, I pour washed oats in a thermos with boiling water overnight (that is, in the dark) so that in the morning I can drink a warm and very pleasant drink on an empty stomach. When it's warm, we drink kvass.

Oatmeal kvass at home:

  1. First you need to prepare the starter.
  2. Pour a handful of washed grains with water in a three-liter jar (not to the top) and add 5 tablespoons of sugar.
  3. Cover the top with gauze and wait 5 days in a warm, dark place, then pour out the liquid, fermented oat grains become the starter for subsequent portions.
  4. It “works” for several months, you just need to add purified warm water and sugar or honey to taste (a few tablespoons are enough for me) and leave for a day at room temperature.
  5. This is yeast-free kvass, its usefulness comes from oats and fermentation products.
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Bread kvass without yeast - recipe

For various reasons, not everyone uses yeast, in which case you can simply take the recipe for yeast kvass and not add it there.

In other words, pour bread or crackers with water and sugar, leave for 1 to 3 days (depending on the temperature of the house) and then drain the liquid and use the resulting starter for subsequent kvass.

Kvass at home without yeast

Just pay attention to the bread you take for kvass! The standard, of course, is homemade, but in any case, use one with a minimum of additives, oils and impurities.

Apple kvass - tasty and necessary

There are many recipes for apple and fruit kvass, I’ll write my own favorite here☺

  1. Any high-quality apples need to be peeled, including pitting, cut and boiled slightly, as for compote, add sugar to taste.
  2. Then add two grams of dry yeast, after the drink has cooled, stir and cover with gauze. Fermentation lasts approximately 12 hours, unless your home is cold.
  3. That’s it, the drink is ready, you need to strain it very carefully and put it in a sealed glass container in the refrigerator.
  4. It is stored longer than other homemade kvass, about a week.

Kvass with hops - recipe for making

This is the most “adult” recipe, spied on the Internet, I liked it☺

  1. Hops in the form of inflorescences (approximately a third of a glass per 3 liters of kvass) and rye bread crackers (take half a small loaf) should be poured with boiling water and allowed to cool to room temperature.
  2. Add warm boiled water to full size, 100 grams of sugar, a teaspoon of yeast and leave in the room for a day.
  3. Strain, bottle and put in the refrigerator!

A little information about contraindications of kvass

Kvass is not recommended for children; it should not be used in case of gastritis with high acidity, ulcers during exacerbations, you should be careful in case of kidney disease and gallstone disease.

It also causes fermentation in the intestinal tract; you should not drink it if you are allergic to certain components.


Once ready, it can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than a few days, as it does not contain preservatives.

Enjoy quenching your thirst☺

I will be glad to send you your tried and tested recipes for homemade kvass.

Alena Yasneva was with you, bye everyone.


Solert › Blog › Kvass. Real, monastic kvass made with rye sourdough and rye crackers!

I promised to share the recipe for this kvass.

We constantly took similar kvass at the Dunilovsky Monastery, it took me a long time to find the recipe, and finally I found it...
Recipe for Real Monastery Kvass, with rye sourdough.

Recipe from the web, the creator did a lot of work to develop this recipe, we got the already tested final result.
The database contains a recipe for monastery kvass, modified and brought “to reason”, because cunning monks (I understand it myself;)) never give away all the secrets of production...)) The entire text is the author’s, I did not change the course and sequence of actions.

So we read, delve into it and do it...
...This kvass contains only natural products, no chemicals or acids!
Only live fermentation of natural goods.
These are rye crackers from sourdough bread! Next comes water, sugar, rye malt (malt can be omitted) and raisins.

1. It is prepared super quickly
2. You can create a lot of it right away and this does not affect the speed of production in any way
3. It is made from small and affordable goods.

The recipe is simple to make, available in larger quantities and from available goods.
So, what is still needed to make REAL kvass:
Firstly, you need ready-made rye sourdough. Without it, you won’t be able to read further.

Secondly, you need rye, toasted or dried crackers from sourdough bread.
(I baked the bread for the crackers using the sponge method, but without rising - just for leavened crackers)

Thirdly, you need ordinary, untainted raw tap water or spring water.
If yours is truly pure, of course. If not, then filter it, clean it or freeze it. Boiled water is dead water, it won’t work.

Fourthly, you need sugar.

Fifth, you need raisins.

Rye malt, if desired, for tinting the kvass, if it is necessary for it to be dark.
And even without it, the golden color of kvass is completely pleasant and beautiful.

Now it’s important.
I would like to draw your attention to the very first production of this kvass, as it differs from the following ones.
If the first time you add 1 glass of ready-made starter, then the next times you will use the kvass wort remaining after fermentation of the kvass.
In other words, when you carefully poured the prepared kvass into jars, the remainder of the thick, snow-white slurry and also the slurry from the crackers should be poured into a separate jar, closed with a lid and placed in the refrigerator.
This is the mixture that will make your next portion of kvass ferment.
Later you drain this wort again.
and so on and so forth. In a word, the creation of kvass will turn into serial production.
Which is not so bad in the summer heat.
But that is not all. At times, once every 3-4 days, this leaven must be fed with either 1-2 tablespoons of rye sourdough, or 1-2 tablespoons of rye flour.
I have this leaven that constantly plays at +6C in the refrigerator, carbonates and bubbles, lives...
One more piece of advice.
When you run out of kvass in your jar, do not throw away the sediment; also pour it into your kvass starter. To do this, you need a huge 1.7 liter jar for sourdough starter.

Here's how to make kvass for the first time:
For 10 liters.
water: 1 glass 250 ml.
Ready-made rye sourdough 1 cup 250 ml.
sugar (it will be a little sweet) or a little less so that the sweetness is present. 3 small handfuls of crackers.
A handful of raisins, 20 pieces.

I made it for 3 liters
- 85 g of sourdough
- 85 g of sugar
- 1 fist of crackers
- I still added a handful of raisins

We take a 10-liter container, glass, enamel, clay, wood.

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Later we throw in the crackers.

We give them some time to soak and swell, about 30 minutes.
During this period of time, the water will cool down and become barely warm, so that the starter does not eventually burn.

Next, pour 1 cup of starter into the pan and stir.

Throw in a handful of raisins and stir

And we put the container in a more or less warm space, wrapping it in something.

The degree of readiness of kvass is determined by the floating of raisins.
This usually occurs after approximately 12-15 hours at 26-28C.
In other words, we make kvass in the evening, and by noon the next day it is ready.
But you can keep it a little longer, but not more than 30-36 hours, otherwise it may turn sour!
When the kvass is ready, I catch the top crackers with a sieve and throw them away.

Later we take a huge 3 litas.
a watering can with a small strainer inside and pour the kvass into jars and put them in refrigerators. It is better for those who love carbonated kvass to keep it in the refrigerator for at least 2 days so that it ripens and gains strength and gases.

A little more than a day of waiting and you're done. A beautiful drink in the refrigerator, ready to quench your thirst and, most importantly, improve your body’s health!

This kvass is REAL. It is indescribably delicious, fresh, but also very healthy. Cleanses the gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract - the digestive system of the organs of real multicellular animals, designed for processing and extracting nutrients from food) with a bang!

What happened for me:
The kvass comes out soft, not sharp in taste.
Light amber, but the color depends on the degree of frying of the crackers and the use of dried fruits. I also had dried apples and pears, you can take prunes and dried apricots. The first kvass comes out with very weak carbonation, the starter has not yet gained strength.
From the 2nd batch, almost the next morning, I was already pouring the kvass into bottles.
He was already wandering around at full speed.
The bread and raisins floated up and down, and large bubbles came from below. Pour the kvass into bottles, add 5 raisins and a little sugar.

We cork the bottle and let it stand on the table for 4-6 hours to collect carbon dioxide.
The raisins will begin to “play”, this is an indicator that everything is going as it should.

Then we put the kvass in the refrigerator, preferably for a day, but you can drink it after two hours, after it has cooled.

To the chagrin of the creator of this delicious recipe, I have no longer found it and cannot provide a link to it:(((I
saved the recipe a long time ago, even before I started baking sourdough bread:(((

Expect recipes for kvass:
Kvass on rye bread crumbs
And berry kvass, on sourdough made from rye bread crumbs.

6 regular recipes for homemade kvass

A tasty, refreshing drink can be easily prepared from bread, berries, fruits and even rice or oats.

1. Homemade kvass from bread


  • 500 g rye bread;
  • 100 g sugar;
  • 4 liters of water.


Cut almost all the bread into large pieces and place it on the bottom of the jar. Pour 50 g of sugar and pour in 2 liters of warm water. Cover the neck of the jar with gauze, folded a couple of times, and tie it. Leave in a warm place for 2 days.

Then drain the resulting liquid. Add sugar, a slice of bread and water to the grounds in the jar. Tie the neck of the jar with gauze and again leave it in a warm place for a day. Strain the finished kvass.

From the remaining starter you can make kvass a couple more times in the same way.

2. Homemade oat kvass


  • 250 g of unpeeled oats;
  • 10 highlights;
  • 6 liters of water;
  • 200 g sugar.


Sort through the oats and wash them very thoroughly. Pour into a jar and add raisins to it. Then pour 3 liters of water at room temperature over the oats, add 100 g of sugar and stir.

Cover the jar with gauze and leave in a warm place for 4 days. You will get a thick liquid, reminiscent of jelly. Drain it through cheesecloth. If this drink is not to your taste, you can safely pour it out and continue making it.

Add the remaining sugar and water to the oats in the jar and stir well until the sugar is one hundred percent dissolved. Leave the drink for another 4 days. Strain the finished kvass.

From the remaining oats, you can literally make kvass a couple more times in the same way.

3. Homemade rice kvass


  • 3 liters of water;
  • 250 g white rice;
  • 180 g sugar;
  • 15 highlights.


Pour cool water into a jar. Add rice, sugar and raisins. Stir well until the sugar is one hundred percent dissolved.

Tie the neck of the jar with gauze. Leave the drink to infuse in a dark place for 4 days. Before use, strain the kvass through cheesecloth.

4. Homemade beet kvass


  • 2–3 large beets;
  • 2 liters of water;
  • 50 g sugar;
  • 1 slice of rye bread;
  • 1 clove of garlic.


Peel the raw beets and grate them on a large grater. Place it in a glass jar and fill it with a little warm water. Add sugar, bread and chopped garlic and stir well.

Tie the neck of the jar with gauze and leave in a warm place for 3 days. Strain the resulting kvass and put it in the refrigerator for a couple of days to ripen.

5. Homemade apple kvass


  • 3 medium apples;
  • 1 liter of water;
  • ½ teaspoon dry yeast;
  • 50–100 g sugar;
  • a little lemon juice.


Peel the apples, remove the cores and cut into large slices. Place in a saucepan, add hot water and bring to a boil. Cook for about 5 more minutes, remove from heat and leave to cool until the broth is slightly warm.

Scoop a little broth into a glass and dissolve the yeast in it. After 15 minutes, when foam appears in the glass, pour its contents into the pan with apples. Add sugar and lemon juice and stir well until the sugar is completely dissolved.

Cover the pan with gauze and leave for 12 hours at room temperature. Strain the apple kvass and refrigerate for several hours.

6. Homemade berry kvass


  • 2 liters of water;
  • 300 g of new or frozen berries (any berries are suitable, for example currants, raspberries, strawberries, strawberries, cranberries and so on);
  • 100–150 g sugar;
  • ½ teaspoon dry yeast.


Pour water into the pan and bring to a boil. Place the berries there and cook for 10–15 minutes over low heat. Add sugar, lightly crush the berries with a masher and stir until the sugar is completely dissolved.

Remove the pan from the heat. When the broth has cooled, strain it. Pour a little broth into a glass and dissolve the yeast in it. Pour its contents back into the pan and stir well.

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Cover the pan with gauze and leave for 12 hours at room temperature. Then strain the kvass, pour it into a bottle, screw on the lid tightly and put it in the refrigerator for a day.

Solert › Blog › Kvass. Real, monastic kvass made with rye sourdough and rye crackers!

I promised to share the recipe for this kvass.

We constantly took similar kvass at the Dunilovsky Monastery, it took me a long time to find the recipe, and finally I found it...
Recipe for Real Monastery Kvass, with rye sourdough.

Recipe from the web, the creator did a lot of work to develop this recipe, we got the already tested final result.
The database contains a recipe for monastery kvass, modified and brought “to reason”, because cunning monks (I understand it myself;)) never give away all the secrets of production...)) The entire text is the author’s, I did not change the course and sequence of actions.

So we read, delve into it and do it...
...This kvass contains only natural products, no chemicals or acids!
Only live fermentation of natural goods.
These are rye crackers from sourdough bread! Next comes water, sugar, rye malt (malt can be omitted) and raisins.

1. It is prepared super quickly
2. You can create a lot of it right away and this does not affect the speed of production in any way
3. It is made from small and affordable goods.

The recipe is simple to make, available in larger quantities and from available goods.
So, what is still needed to make REAL kvass:
Firstly, you need ready-made rye sourdough. Without it, you won’t be able to read further.

Secondly, you need rye, toasted or dried crackers from sourdough bread.
(I baked the bread for the crackers using the sponge method, but without rising - just for leavened crackers)

Thirdly, you need ordinary, untainted raw tap water or spring water.
If yours is truly pure, of course. If not, then filter it, clean it or freeze it. Boiled water is dead water, it won’t work.

Fourthly, you need sugar.

Fifth, you need raisins.

Rye malt, if desired, for tinting the kvass, if it is necessary for it to be dark.
And even without it, the golden color of kvass is completely pleasant and beautiful.

Now it’s important.
I would like to draw your attention to the very first production of this kvass, as it differs from the following ones.
If the first time you add 1 glass of ready-made starter, then the next times you will use the kvass wort remaining after fermentation of the kvass.
In other words, when you carefully poured the prepared kvass into jars, the remainder of the thick, snow-white slurry and also the slurry from the crackers should be poured into a separate jar, closed with a lid and placed in the refrigerator.
This is the mixture that will make your next portion of kvass ferment.
Later you drain this wort again.
and so on and so forth. In a word, the creation of kvass will turn into serial production.
Which is not so bad in the summer heat.
But that is not all. At times, once every 3-4 days, this leaven must be fed with either 1-2 tablespoons of rye sourdough, or 1-2 tablespoons of rye flour.
I have this leaven that constantly plays at +6C in the refrigerator, carbonates and bubbles, lives...
One more piece of advice.
When you run out of kvass in your jar, do not throw away the sediment; also pour it into your kvass starter. To do this, you need a huge 1.7 liter jar for sourdough starter.

Here's how to make kvass for the first time:
For 10 liters.
water: 1 glass 250 ml.
Ready-made rye sourdough 1 cup 250 ml.
sugar (it will be a little sweet) or a little less so that the sweetness is present. 3 small handfuls of crackers.
A handful of raisins, 20 pieces.

I made it for 3 liters
- 85 g of sourdough
- 85 g of sugar
- 1 fist of crackers
- I still added a handful of raisins

We take a 10-liter container, glass, enamel, clay, wood.

Later we throw in the crackers.

We give them some time to soak and swell, about 30 minutes.
During this period of time, the water will cool down and become barely warm, so that the starter does not eventually burn.

Next, pour 1 cup of starter into the pan and stir.

Throw in a handful of raisins and stir

And we put the container in a more or less warm space, wrapping it in something.

The degree of readiness of kvass is determined by the floating of raisins.
This usually occurs after approximately 12-15 hours at 26-28C.
In other words, we make kvass in the evening, and by noon the next day it is ready.
But you can keep it a little longer, but not more than 30-36 hours, otherwise it may turn sour!
When the kvass is ready, I catch the top crackers with a sieve and throw them away.

Later we take a huge 3 litas.
a watering can with a small strainer inside and pour the kvass into jars and put them in refrigerators. It is better for those who love carbonated kvass to keep it in the refrigerator for at least 2 days so that it ripens and gains strength and gases.

A little more than a day of waiting and you're done. A beautiful drink in the refrigerator, ready to quench your thirst and, most importantly, improve your body’s health!

This kvass is REAL. It is indescribably delicious, fresh, but also very healthy. Cleanses the gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract - the digestive system of the organs of real multicellular animals, designed for processing and extracting nutrients from food) with a bang!

What happened for me:
The kvass comes out soft, not sharp in taste.
Light amber, but the color depends on the degree of frying of the crackers and the use of dried fruits. I also had dried apples and pears, you can take prunes and dried apricots. The first kvass comes out with very weak carbonation, the starter has not yet gained strength.
From the 2nd batch, almost the next morning, I was already pouring the kvass into bottles.
He was already wandering around at full speed.
The bread and raisins floated up and down, and large bubbles came from below. Pour the kvass into bottles, add 5 raisins and a little sugar.

We cork the bottle and let it stand on the table for 4-6 hours to collect carbon dioxide.
The raisins will begin to “play”, this is an indicator that everything is going as it should.

Then we put the kvass in the refrigerator, preferably for a day, but you can drink it after two hours, after it has cooled.

To the chagrin of the creator of this delicious recipe, I have no longer found it and cannot provide a link to it:(((I
saved the recipe a long time ago, even before I started baking sourdough bread:(((

Expect recipes for kvass:
Kvass on rye bread crumbs
And berry kvass, on sourdough made from rye bread crumbs.

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