Pitted cherry plum jam

Pitted cherry plum jam

Now we will talk about such a berry as cherry plum. Amaze your loved ones with delicious seedless cherry plum jam. The recipe is quite simple, and step-by-step photos will help you with production. You can’t immediately guess such a preparation, because a sweet cherry plum can resemble a plum, some apples, and maybe peaches... The berry ripens in the middle of summer, when strawberries, cherries, and gooseberries have already died. You can prepare a wide variety of preparations from it: colorful compotes, sweet jams and syrups. Mostly, I have come across jam with seeds, because the seeds are difficult to separate from the pulp and the housewife, in order not to bother for a long time, boils the berries completely. This is naturally comfortable, not without its own beauties, but a similar seedless option is much better, tastier and more convenient. Spreading delicious seedless cherry plum jam on fresh toast is a true delicacy, so take the time to make a very tasty seedless cherry plum jam. Remember that cherry plum comes in different types: yellowish and reddish with a burgundy color. They taste very similar, so choose the type that you like best. For me, jam made from reddish cherry plum looks more appetizing, but some people like jam made from yellowish cherry plum, it looks like honey. Everyone has different tastes, but the principle of making homemade jam is the same, so don’t miss this recipe.


  • 600 grams of reddish or yellowish cherry plum,
  • 500 grams of sweet sand.

How to make pitted cherry plum jam

We wash the cherry plum berries and let them sit in a sieve so that all the water is gone. The cherry plum is large and can be washed in a matter of minutes without much hassle. Sometimes we come across tails that we immediately tear off.

Let's arm ourselves with a knife and cut the pulp of the cherry plum from the pit. There will be a lot of waste, but the pulp remains tasty and juicy.

We fill the cherry plum with sweet sand, use a little less sugar than berries so that the jam retains a slight sourness. If you like very sweet jam, add about 100-150 grams more sugar than in the recipe. Leave the cherry plum aside, covering it with a lid. The berries will release juice and the sugar will melt completely.

Cook the jam over low heat for 35-40 minutes until thickened, stirring occasionally from the bottom so that the jam does not burn.

We pour the hot jam into jars, which we washed, rinsed and steamed in advance.

We roll up the jam in any lids of your choice: screw-shaped or turnkey steel, put it under a warm “fur coat” and wait for the jars to cool completely.

The finished cherry plum jam is stored in a black pantry or an ordinary cellar.

Cherry plum jam for the winter—4 delicious recipes

Cherry plum, a relative of the plum, has similar characteristics. The fruit is necessary, it is able to restore blood pressure, it is excellent to use for the functioning of the digestive and circulatory systems. All the most valuable things are preserved in cherry plum jam. For winter, fruits of any color are suitable for harvesting: yellowish, orange, reddish. After heat treatment, all of the listed useful characteristics are preserved.

Sugar is needed as a preservative and improves the taste of the product. You can cook jam in your own juice or syrup. It is better to pierce the berries before making them so that they are saturated with juice and the jars do not explode.

The cherry plum delicacy turns out to be of good quality if you take ripe fruits with a slight sourness. Overripe berries are best processed into jam. The percentage of sugar in the preparation does not have to be less than 60 percent, then the jam is perfectly preserved and does not sour. If you decide to prepare a preparation with a stone, then you need to blanch the berries in hot water for at least 8 minutes, then pour cool water over them, and pierce any fruit with a toothpick.

Thick pitted cherry plum jam: regular recipe

The cherry plum preparation prepared using this method comes out thick, tasty, has a wonderful color and a jelly-like mixture. In winter, this jam can be served with tea, and can also be used to make a wide variety of culinary pastries.


  • cherry plum in its pure form (without pits) - 2 kg;
  • sweet sand - 2 kg.

I prepare the cherry plum, wash it, and remove it from the stalk.

At the moment I will take care of removing the bone. There are many methods for removing the pit, but my cherry plum is not that mature, so I will use a knife and a small spoon.

To speed up the process, I cut the fruit into 2 halves, throw one of them into a basin, and place the other half with the pit on a plate. Later, all you have to do is pull out the bone from the remaining half.

After removing the pit, the cherry plum comes out in its pure form in the amount of 2 kilograms. For this weight you will need 2 kg. Sahara. Shake the bowl slightly so that the sugar is moderately distributed, leave for 5-6 hours until the juice appears.

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5 hours passed, the berry released juice, and the sugar partially dissolved.

Place the bowl on the heat, stir the sugar with a spatula so that it does not stick to the bottom. Remove the resulting foam with a spoon.

After boiling, cook the jam for 5 minutes, turn off the heat.

The jam must sit for 6 hours, then I’ll boil it some more.

I cook again for 3 minutes, and you can roll the workpiece into sterilized jars. Roll up the lids and turn the jar over.

From 2 kg. fruit comes out in 4 half-liter containers of jam and a little more in a bowl.

The jam comes out delicious, beautiful, fragrant, the mixture is thick, jelly-like, it can be made from any color of cherry plum: yellowish, pink, reddish. The workpiece is stored in the basement and indoors.

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Cherry plum and apple jam for the winter

This preparation will appeal to tea lovers; it has the consistency of jam and comes out thick and bright. Homemade delicacy can be used to fill pies. The dessert goes well in baking with any kind of dough: butter or shortbread.


  • 1 kg. sweet apples;
  • 1 kg. cherry plums;
  • 1.5 kg. sweet sand.

I wash the fruits, remove the pits from the cherry plums, the core from the apples, and cut them into slices. If the apples have thick skin, it is better to cut it off. I pour the fruits with sweet sand into a large saucepan, stir, and leave aside for 4 hours.

After the fruits boil, they need to be simmered over low heat for 15 minutes, stirring occasionally, then removed from the stove and cooled.

Then repeat the cooking again, repeat 3 of these steps.

Yellowish cherry plum jam with seeds for the winter

This preparation can be prepared from any type of cherry plum; it is easy to prepare. It is better to take berries that are slightly unripe, because they quickly boil over. The jam is not cloying and has a gentle taste. Not many people like the seeds in home preparation, but they make it the most fragrant and strong. This dessert will require a minimum of goods.


  • -1 kg. cherry plums;
  • -900 grams of sugar;
  • -glass of water.

I wash the fruits and remove the stalks.

Pour sugar into the pan where we will cook the syrup.

Place the sweet syrup on the stove, stir constantly until it dissolves, when it boils, turn off the heat.

Pour the syrup over the cherry plum and leave it in this form for 4 hours to infuse.

Time has passed, put the pan on the fire, wait until it boils, cook over medium heat for 5 minutes, do not forget to skim off the foam.

Time has passed, turn off the heat, set the jam aside to infuse for 10-12 hours.

The next day we again put the workpiece to cook, once it boils, we again leave it for 10-12 hours.

The third time, the jam should boil for 5 minutes, turn it off and roll it into containers.

We turn the jars over, wrap them in a warm blanket, and keep them there until they cool.

We turn the jars over, wrap them in a warm blanket, and keep them there until they cool. We put it away for storage in a cold space.

The most delicious recipe for reddish cherry plum jam with seeds

This recipe is for those who don't want to bother with removing the pit. Almost everyone does not like to do this, because this process is labor-intensive. The preparation is tasty and has a slight sourness.


  • - 4 kg. cherry plums;
  • - 4 kg. Sahara.

If the berries are very sour, you can add another half a kilo of sugar.

My fruits. To begin with, I pour 1 kg into the pan. cherry plum and 1 kg. Sahara. Then again 1 kg. fruits and sweet sand, i.e. We do everything in layers.

I leave the berries aside for 40 minutes so that they are saturated with sugar and give juice.

The berries have given juice, the sugar has melted, I put the pan on the highest heat, stir occasionally, and after boiling, cook for half an hour.

After boiling, reduce the heat, the jam should only gurgle, remove the foam so that the workpiece does not turn sour during storage.

The prepared jam has an excellent shelf life all winter. I pour it into clean, dry jars and screw on the lids.

Any recipe for cherry plum jam for the winter will delight you and your family with its inimitable smell and good nutritional qualities. The main thing is to follow the manufacturing process so that the workpiece is perfectly preserved. You can also not stop at just these recipes; you can take them as a base, but try supplementing them with other ingredients (peaches, berries, kiwi, nuts, other fruits). Perhaps you can get your own culinary masterpiece that will not leave anyone indifferent. Bon appetit!

Cherry plum jam - 11 most delicious recipes

Have a nice day, dear readers! In addition to the famous tkemal sauce, you can make delicious jam for the winter from cherry plum. The manufacturing process is quite simple, but requires more time than for making from an ordinary plum.

In cherry plum, the pulp is slightly harder and in some varieties the stone is very difficult to separate. It is better to use such plum (cherry plum) for compotes or jam.

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Cherry plum jam is recommended for use in cases of vitamin deficiency, exhaustion, after a serious illness, and for pregnant women. Even after heat treatment, it retains quite a lot of vitamins and is a source of organic acids, fructose and minerals.

Cherry plum jam with seeds according to a traditional recipe

  • 1 kg. – yellowish cherry plum
  • 1 kg. – granulated sugar
  • A glass of clean, chlorine-free water

1. We need to sort out the fruits; we need only the freshest, most beautiful ones, without damage, dents, or rottenness. Wash in cool water, dry on towels.

2. Pour water into a separate saucepan (saucepan), add 200 g. Sahara. Cook over low heat until it boils. Pour in the cherry plum and boil for a maximum of 5 minutes. Turn off the heat, add the rest of the sugar, stir. Cover the pan with a towel (or gauze) and leave for 6-7 hours.

3. When the mass has cooled completely, bring to a boil, cook for another 2-3 minutes and turn off. Leave to cool completely. Repeat this process 2 more times.

4. After the last step of production, let the finished jam cool (about 5 hours), pour into clean, dry containers, cover with nylon lids, and store.

Calorie content of cherry plum jam per 100 g. – about 183 kcal.

Video recipe: Cherry plum jam with seeds

Seedless jam

Pitted cherry plum jam - the most common recipe

  • 1 kg. – cherry plums
  • 1 kg. – sugar
  • 0.5 liters – untainted filtered water without chlorine

1. Remove the pit from the cooked cherry plum fruit. To simplify the work, you can take a safety pin and pull it out like a cherry. This way the fruits will remain intact, and you will spend significantly less time.

2. Boil syrup from water and sugar. Pour the processed fruit into the hot syrup, simmer for 2-3 minutes, turn off the heat, and leave the jam for 3-4 hours.

3. After the time has passed, put the pan (bowl) on the stove, bring the mixture to a boil, cook until tender (about 30-40 minutes), until the fruits become transparent. The longer you cook, the thicker the jam will be. Do not forget that we stir the jam and skim off the foam.

4. Prepare sterilized jars. Pour the hot jam and roll it up.

Video recipe: Pitted cherry plum jam

With orange

Five-minute jam from cherry plum with orange

  • 1 kg. – ripe fruits
  • 1.1 kg. – sugar
  • 2 pcs. – oranges

1. Wash, dry the cherry plum, remove the pit.

2. Place the oranges in boiling water for half a minute. Cut into small pieces together with the skin. Also remove all the seeds from the oranges if you find them.

3. Grind all the fruits into a homogeneous mass through a meat grinder or in a blender. Leave the finished mixture to infuse for 30-40 minutes at room temperature.

4. Place the pan on the stove, bring to a boil over low heat, and simmer for another 5 minutes.

5. Pour the finished treat into a sterilized glass container and roll up.

Video recipe: Cherry plum jam with orange

With lemon

Cherry plum jam with lemon and cinnamon

  • 1 kg. – sugar
  • ½ pcs. – lemon
  • 1 kg. – yellowish cherry plum
  • 300 ml. – pure water
  • 10 gr. – ground cinnamon

1. Sort out the cherry plums, wash them, dry them on towels, remove the seeds, add 500 g. sweet sand, stir, leave for 5 hours (can be until morning).

2. Scald the lemon with boiling water, cut into slices, cook in a saucepan with water for 5-6 minutes. Then the citrus will become completely soft. Remove any seeds if you find them.

3. Place the bowl of cherry plum on the stove. When the mixture boils, let it simmer on low power for 5 minutes, then add the remaining sugar, more cinnamon and lemon slices.

4. Boil the delicacy for another 20-25 minutes, just remember to stir and skim off the delicious foam.

5. Pour the hot treat into sterilized jars and seal with metal lids.

Video recipe: Jam in a slow cooker

With pear

Cherry plum jam with pear (apples)

  • 20 gr. – ground cinnamon powder
  • 1 kg. – cherry plum fruit
  • 0.5 kg. – pears or hard apples
  • 1.3 kg. – sweet sand

1. Wash the fruit thoroughly and let it dry. Remove the pits from the cherry plum. Peel the skins of pears or apples (if desired), remove the core, and cut into even slices.

2. Place the cooked fruits in a large saucepan, add sugar, and leave for 3-4 hours.

3. Cook the fruit mixture over low heat until it boils, add cinnamon and simmer for another 15 minutes. Turn off the stove, let the jam cool at room temperature, then boil it again for 15 minutes. Don’t forget to stir and skim off the foam.

4. Pour into prepared and sterilized containers and roll up.


Recipe for cherry plum jam (jam) for the winter

From time to time you come across varieties in which it is very difficult to remove the seed. I recommend that you don’t suffer, don’t waste precious time on this labor-intensive process, but just make jam.

  • 1 kg. – fruits
  • 1 liter – untainted water
  • 0.8 kg. – sugar
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1. Pour the washed fruits with water, cook until completely softened, 15-20 minutes will be enough.

2. Now just grind soft fruits through a sieve, the pit and skin will separate on their own.

3. Place the resulting fruit puree into a saucepan with a thick bottom, add sugar, and stir.

4. Boil over low heat (stirring and skimming off the savory foam with a wooden spoon) for about an hour.

On a note! The jam will shrink significantly, change color, and become viscous and thick.

5. Pour the hot jam into jars and roll up.

Pitted cherry plum jam

In our country, cherry plum grows everywhere, even in the courtyards of high-rise buildings, the trees are practically strewn with yellowish and reddish fruits. The prices at the markets are mere pennies - how can you not make jam here and share the recipe! I tried to create various jams from cherry plums, the most delicious recipe is seedless, almost homogeneous mixture, thick, amber in color. We definitely prepare several jars every year. Very fragrant, with a pleasant sweet and sour taste and a thick, jelly mixture. No thickeners will be useful; the jam thickens incredibly after cooking, becoming the same as jam.

In the recipe for cherry plum jam, you will need to add the same amount of sugar as you took berries. But first, I boil the cherry plum well, then rub it through a sieve and add sugar to the resulting puree.


  • mature yellowish cherry plum – 1 kg;
  • sugar – approximately 1 kg. (depending on the acidity of the berries);
  • water – 250 ml.

How to make pitted cherry plum jam. Recipe

The cherry plum must be mature and soft. I usually collect fallen fruits to make jam. If collected from a tree, I let it sit for a day or two or cook it for a couple of minutes longer. I sort through the collected cherry plums and tear off the branches. I leave the crushed, cracked ones, and throw away the fruits with spots on the skin. I fill it with cool water for 10-15 minutes and then carefully rinse it a couple of times, changing the water.

I transfer it to a saucepan with a thick, languid bottom. I pour in a glass of water. This recipe requires water, otherwise the cherry plum will stick to the bottom of the pan and will not boil well. If you are cooking with more fruit, add another half glass of water for each additional kilogram.

Heat over high heat until boiling. At this step, we need the skin to crack quickly and the pulp to begin to boil. As soon as it boils, I reduce the heat to low.

There is no need to evaporate the water during cooking, so to speed up the process I cover the pan with a lid. I cook for 10-12 minutes until the pulp just begins to fall away from the skin.

I pour the broth through a sieve into a clean pan; it will be useful in the future. I put the cherry plum in a colander and rub it with a spoon, separating the skins and seeds.

This is done simply, without effort. The cherry plum is perfectly boiled, and after 5 minutes only waste will remain in the colander, all the pulp will be pureed.

The boiled cherry plum puree will be slightly grainy and thick. If you want the mixture to be smooth, like jam, grind with a blender. Personally, I'm happy with how it turned out; with pieces of pulp, the taste is even more exciting.

I pour the puree into the pan into which I poured the broth. I add sugar. Choose the quantity according to your own taste, I usually use about a kilogram, plus/minus 100 grams.

I return the pan to the heat. I heat it up. At the first sign of boiling, a yellow foam will begin to appear on the surface. I constantly collect, pushing dishes away from the walls and into the middle. In principle, it does not spoil the taste and does not affect storage. This jam just doesn’t look very appetizing, so I advise you to remove the foam.

After boiling, cook for 10 minutes at the lowest heat. During this period of time, the cherry plum jam will thicken and the color will become dark amber. I taste it, if it’s too sour, I add sugar until it tastes right. Cook for another 5 minutes.

It is better to take containers for packaging that are not huge, I have 250-300 grams each. I steam the containers and let the lids simmer for a couple of minutes. I put the bubbling jam into hot jars and seal them with lids.

There is no need to hide the jam under a blanket or wrap it up. I wipe the containers, let them cool, and the next day I put them away for storage in the pantry or other shaded space.

Jam made from seedless yellowish cherry plum comes out very concentrated, thick, with a rich sweet and sour taste. In winter, it will be a tasty addition to tea parties, pancakes, pancakes, casseroles, and you can also use it to create the best impregnation for cakes if you dilute it with warm water until it becomes watery. Successful preparations for you and a delicious winter! Your Plyushkin .

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