Broccoli puree soup is a very tasty dietary recipe

Broccoli puree soup is a very tasty dietary recipe

Every year, broccoli conquers hearts and tables more and more. Broccoli puree soup is the simplest dietary recipe, no matter what kind of woman can do it! And it’s so delicious, no more pies needed.

Hello everyone, Svetlana Morozova is with you. I haven’t written about losing weight for a long time. At your request, I will continue. Now the choice of topic has fallen on broccoli dishes. Almost everyone wholeheartedly believes that they do not adore this wonderful vegetable. And I will prove that the essence is in production. Real jam!

Impeccable broccoli cream soup diet recipe

A very tasty recipe. Don't be lazy, try to cook. You will be pleasantly surprised. Especially if you are trying to lose weight. Or just eat right.

The prize is space for flights of fancy. You can vary the recipe as much as you like. Or you can cook it in a slow cooker - whatever is more convenient for you.

So, what will we need for our soup for 4 servings:

  • Broccoli – 1 fork (400-500g)
  • Garlic – 2 cloves
  • Butter or olive oil – 1 tsp.
  • Choice of broth or water – 1.5 l
  • Salt, favorite spices - to taste. It is possible without this.
  • If you want to create a cream soup, then you need thick cream (100 ml) or processed cheese like Yantar (70 g).
  • Additional ingredients if desired: rye crackers, champignons, spinach, greens, arugula, onions, carrots. You can add a couple of potatoes, but these are unnecessary calories. Not critical, but still.

Manufacturing procedure:

  1. Wash the broccoli and cut into florets.
  2. You can lightly fry onions, garlic, and carrots in a saucepan. But, if we strive to create a soup that is specifically dietary, it is better to do without it. Pour the broth over the broccoli and let it boil. If you want soup with potatoes and carrots, then boil them first. This takes about 20 minutes. And then just mix it with broccoli.
  3. Salt, add spices, turn the heat to medium. If you haven’t fried it before, add garlic, onion and spinach at this point (you can only use garlic). Cook until done (7 minutes for fresh cabbage and 12 for frozen).
  4. If we are making cream soup, add cream or processed cheese. But, naturally, the calorie content of soup without cream is even lower, especially since a little fried flour is usually added to cream soup.
  5. Add oil. Grind everything with a blender.
  6. Champignons are an excellent addition to cream soup. Fry the chopped mushrooms separately and add to the soup before serving.
  7. Pour, decorate each serving with crackers, herbs, you can replace with arugula or mint leaves.
  8. Enjoy!

Celebration of broccoli

Surely, broccoli has already become a common noun to designate something as tasteless as possible. And it must be pronounced with disgust. If you remember, a living example is the cartoon Puzzle.

But every year this cabbage wins more and more hearts and tables. Firstly, we learned to cook a little cooler than just boiling. Secondly, you can’t hide an sew in a bag. And the beneficial characteristics of broccoli are becoming increasingly clear:

  • Calorie content. Per 100 g only 35 kcal! You can eat without harming your figure. If you don't top it with mayonnaise, of course.
  • Vitamin (low-molecular organic compound of relatively simple structure, essential for all living things) U. Broccoli is the closest relative of cauliflower, but it is more useful due to its high vitamin content (vitamins are a group of organic substances combined in chemical nature, united on the basis of their absolute necessity for heterotrophic organism as a component of food) U – sulforaphane. It is not included in vitamin-mineral complexes, but it must be taken into the body with food. Why:
  • Protection against ulcers. Regulates the secretion of gastric juice. Therefore, it is included in all diets - at this time the stomach becomes very vulnerable, and the greatest protection is needed.
  • Antidepressant. Fights depression and insomnia.
  • Controls cholesterol levels (Insoluble in water, soluble in fats and organic solvents.) .
  • Partially neutralizes the harmful effects of common toxic substances - nicotine, alcohol.
  • Helps suppress the production of histamine, a substance that causes an allergic reaction.
  • Prevents the development of cancer.

But at long, high temperatures, this vitamin (a low-molecular organic compound of relatively simple structure, necessary for all living things) is destroyed. Therefore, it is most beneficial to eat broccoli raw, add it to fresh juices, salads and boil it a little, making sure it doesn’t get overcooked

  • Cellulose. The best friend of our intestinal tract - cleanses toxins and improves digestion.
  • Microelements: potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron, phosphorus. And these are minerals that ensure the health of the heart and joints, muscles, bones, and nervous system.
  • Vitamins (a group of low-molecular organic compounds of relatively simple structure and varied chemical nature) B, C, E, K - antioxidants, protect us from excess free radicals, strengthen the immune system, help the liver, relieve inflammation (Inflammation is a complex local reaction of the body to damage) , improve the condition of the skin, hair, nails, and regulate hormone levels.

Do you still doubt that you can love broccoli with all your heart? Then keep a couple more recipes!

From the Chef's Secret Secrets

Broccoli salads


  • Broccoli – 200 g
  • Boiled chicken – 1 breast (200 g)
  • Greenery
  • Sour cream

The cabbage must be washed, cut and placed in boiling water for 3 minutes until soft, drained, and cooled. We also cut the chicken, add greens, cabbage, salt and season with sour cream. If desired, you can garnish with cherry tomatoes.


  • Broccoli – 400 g
  • Orange – 2 medium pieces.
  • Snow-white grapes – 100 g, seedless
  • Yogurt – 200 g
  • Mustard – 1 tbsp. l.

Chop the broccoli, boil in boiling water for 3 minutes, drain and cool. Divide the orange into slices and cut them. With all this, juice is released - we will need it for the sauce. Mix yogurt, juice and mustard, pour over the salad, salt and pepper. Add grapes, you can cut them into halves.

Fresh salad with apple:

  • Broccoli – 300 g
  • Apple – 1 large piece
  • Lemon – half
  • Onion – ¼
  • Greenery
  • Olive oil

We also boil the cabbage for 3 minutes in boiling water and cool. Peel the apple and cut it. Cut the lemon and zest into small pieces (quarters). Chop the onion very finely and pour boiling water over it in a strainer. Mix everything, add olive oil, salt, pepper, add herbs.

Broccoli casserole

  • Broccoli – 400 g
  • Zucchini – 1 medium-sized
  • Onion – 1 pc.
  • Oyster mushrooms – 200 g
  • Chicken breast – 400 g
  • Egg – 1 pc.
  • Tomato paste – 1 tbsp. l.
  • Sour cream – 4 tbsp. l.
  • Cheese – 200 g
  • Garlic – 2 cloves
  • Mustard (optional) – 1 tbsp. l.
  • Spices, herbs

Boil the chicken and cut it into a separate bowl. Fry the mushrooms and onions without oil, place in a baking dish. Grate the zucchini on a large grater and place it on the mushrooms. 3rd layer – broccoli.

Next we lay out the chicken. In a saucepan, beat the egg, sour cream, tomato paste, add mustard if desired. We pass the garlic through a press here. Salt, pepper, add spices. Fill our casserole with the consistency given to us.

Place in the oven for 25 minutes at 180 degrees. 10 minutes before it’s ready, take it out, sprinkle with herbs and grated cheese. Yummy!

Eat right, lose weight simply. And delicious!

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Diet broccoli soup

Specifically, dietary broccoli soup has become famous throughout the world. Everyone remembers the program of the Air Force (Air Force (Fleet) (VVS, VVF) - a type of the Armed Forces of the state, the functions of which include fighting the enemy located in space, airspace, on the ground, on the surface of the sea and under water, as well as transportation of troops, delivery of property and weapons, aerial reconnaissance, weather reconnaissance using aircraft) about fat burning and the hero who chewed mashed soup with cabbage and chicken breasts given to us, and successfully lost weight. The program, by the way, said that there are no miracles in this, because weight loss still occurs due to a simple mechanism - you limit calories, the more comfortable your life is with all this, the greater the possibility that success will come to you. In fact, the introduction of ordinary dishes like hot soup into the diet is precisely aimed at simplifying our lives, and not for any other good purposes. In general, if you like soups in general, cook and eat with pleasure.

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Rules for making dietary broccoli soup

One global rule is that your soup does not necessarily have to be ultra-low-calorie and not contain any other ingredients other than vegetables. You can, of course, cook such dishes, but in terms of nutrition, they should not be the only ones. Often, ladies try to achieve the greatest reduction in calories by almost completely eliminating anything from the diet, except fiber. This is not the worst, and far from the most correct strategy. Almost always, in addition to everything else, you will have to limit physical activity in order to maintain at least some metabolic rate. And, one wonders, why “pay more” if there is an actual opportunity to “not pay at all”? Just cut a chicken breast into your own soup, and you won’t get poisoned by potatoes either. Another thing is that all this must be calculated in advance, and does not have to enter the body according to the principle of “more quantity, cheaper price.”

2nd global rule - you shouldn’t pour this soup into yourself at all costs if you don’t like it or it doesn’t fill you up. The second problem, by the way, is completely solvable. It is enough to add something like a small amount of side dish and meat for the second course. Or simply plan to eat soup as the “first lunch” a couple of hours after which something more substantial will follow.

Specifically, the soup itself can be of any kind - pureed or with ordinary pieces of vegetables, quick to prepare, or boiled according to all the rules, in steps. The main thing is not to fry vegetables, not to add flour dressings, and, if possible, to refrain from such delicious dishes as broccoli with 1 kg of cheese and cream in the form of cream, and other similar things. Naturally, you can also eat them, but only if your need for energy is so great that it covers the consumption of similar foods. In general, for most people not involved in professional fitness, such statements will be more than an exaggeration.

The dish will turn out really tasty if you can use very fresh cabbage that has not wilted. And it may be difficult if the vegetables are thawed and re-frozen. Dishes made from such vegetables usually taste acidic or bitter. Carefully inspect the bag of cabbage if you buy frozen. The inflorescences should not be yellowish or crumbled into dust, and you should avoid buying bags that contain a lot of “snow.”

Diet broccoli soup recipes

250 g of broccoli florets, 1 parsnip, 200 g of celery, onion, bell pepper and a small amount of tomatoes (1-2 pieces) or a spoonful of tomato paste without adding sugar.

Cut the vegetables, add water and boil until soft. The finished soup can be seasoned with any available chopped herbs, as well as lemon juice. From time to time it is recommended to cook such soup with bouillon cubes, but the best choice is always to avoid them. Add any natural herbs - mint, oregano, basil, parsley and dill. But try to avoid huge amounts of added salt. It will only lead to the fact that the soup will not “do its job well,” because you eat it more to get rid of swelling, and not to acquire new ones.

Vegetable soup "three cabbages"

400 g chicken breasts, 200 g each of broccoli, white cabbage and cauliflower, carrots, onions.

Chop all the vegetables and meat, put them in a saucepan and boil until tender. Place the ingredients specifically in cool water, not in a bubbling broth. Once cooked, turn off the heat, leave to cool under the lid, and, if desired, grind in a blender.

Soup with broccoli and green peas

150 g of frozen green peas, 250 g of broccoli, carrots, onions, tomatoes and bell peppers, 3 liters of homemade celery and onion broth, or the same amount of water, low-fat yogurt or lemon juice and herbs for seasoning the finished soup.

It’s just as easy to cook as other low-calorie diet broccoli soups. All vegetables are chopped, placed in a pan, and boiled until tender. Then the soup can be pureed or left as is.

With broccoli, potatoes and mushrooms

1-2 potatoes, regular, snow-white, plus 250 g of broccoli, 1 onion, 1 carrot, 250 g of chopped champignons.

Cut all the vegetables into strips, simply cut the broccoli florets in half, fill everything with water so that there is 2 times more water than the vegetables, boil over medium heat until tender. Season the soup, for example, with dill and low-fat yogurt.

Broccoli and kohlrabi soup

250 g each of broccoli and kohlrabi, 300 g root celery, cut into cubes, 1 carrot, 1 onion, celery broth, optionally a pinch of dried shiitake mushrooms as seasoning. Salt and pepper as desired and to taste, yogurt without fillers and fat for dressing.

Wash cabbage and other vegetables, chop, place in a saucepan, and boil until tender. Throw in the mushrooms 5 minutes before turning off the heat; you can additionally grind them in a mortar. Serve the soup with yogurt and herbs.

Broccoli, chicken and egg soup

4 eggs, 3 liters of celery and onion broth, 400 g spinach, and 200 g broccoli, olive oil spray, garlic, a little salt to taste, and yogurt for dressing.

Boil the eggs, cool, peel, cut into 4 parts. Place the spinach in the broth and boil until tender. Drizzle the broccoli with olive oil and sprinkle crushed garlic on top, place everything together in a double boiler for 20 minutes. Simply add the finished cabbage to the soup, stir, warm slightly, but do not bring to a boil. Pour into plates, add pieces of egg to each.

Broccoli and shallots in cleansing soup

The recipe is used for most cleansing diets, but it can also be “enhanced” by adding, for example, ordinary potatoes or sweet potatoes, to give additional energy. 400 g of broccoli, and 200 g of shallots, plus a bunch of parsley, a bunch of dill and, if desired, 200 g of nettle greens.

The nettles are separated from the stems, the leaves are placed in a colander and scalded with boiling water. In any case, you need to work with rubber gloves. Then all the vegetables are washed and cut, put in a pan, and filled with water so that it barely covers the broccoli florets. You need to cook until the vegetables are soft. Then almost everyone loves to pass this soup through a blender or grind it using a food processor. This type of broccoli soup has a significant diuretic effect, which is also enhanced from time to time by adding celery root or broth from this vegetable when cooking.

Real jam! Diet broccoli soup

Broccoli is an incredibly popular vegetable among healthy eating enthusiasts. Which is logical, because the calorie content of this product is only 34 kcal per 100 g. In addition, broccoli is incredibly healthy because it contains potassium, calcium, phosphorus, omega acids, iron, fiber, cobalt and antioxidants.

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Nutrition for weight loss

The problem of being overweight is one of the most acute problems of modern man, which is why a huge number of diets, nutritional methods, sets of exercises, and appetite suppressants have been invented to reduce body weight. One of the most popular methods of losing weight is dietary nutrition.

Dietary food bases:

  1. The most important point of proper nutrition is the quantity and regularity of meals. To maintain health and good well-being, you should have 5 to 6 meals a day. It is also important not to snack, because we usually snack on foods containing a huge amount of regular carbohydrates, after which the feeling of fullness is quickly lost. If a snack is unavoidable, complex carbohydrates are a good option because they provide long-term energy to the body;
  2. Chew your food thoroughly;
  3. don't eat before bed. The last meal should be 3-4 hours before bedtime. After this, you can only eat tea, water or a glass of kefir;
  4. drink enough water - at least 1.5 liters per day;
  5. once a week it is useful to have a one-day fasting day;
  6. don't overeat. You need to leave the table with a slight feeling of hunger;
  7. Do not torture your own body with malnutrition. The diet should be varied, healthy and tasty.

Health benefits of vegetables

Broccoli is an ideal product for weight loss and, accordingly, a friend of those who strive to quickly and safely get rid of hated kilos. It is rich in dietary fiber and calcium, but at the same time contains virtually no fat.

The vegetable includes vitamins (a group of low molecular weight organic compounds of relatively simple structure and varied chemical nature) C, K, B9, A, B6, B2, B1, also B5, E, B3. The composition of BJU is based on carbohydrates (7 g), therefore broccoli dishes are excellent for a carbohydrate diet (Diet is a set of rules for human consumption of food) .

Useful characteristics of broccoli:

  1. a huge content of lipids, which the human body needs to maintain the production of thyroid hormones and to build bone tissue (the structure of tissues of living organisms is studied by the science of histology) ;
  2. omega acids found in this product regulate internal pressure;
  3. broccoli antioxidant, tocopherol, fights age-related changes, maintains skin elasticity and youth;
  4. ascorbic acid protects against viral diseases and saturates the body with vitamins;
  5. carotene, which is not much less in broccoli than in carrots, prevents diseases (disturbances in normal functioning, performance) of the eyes;
  6. vitamin (low-molecular organic compound of relatively simple structure, necessary for all living things) B9 (folic acid) will have a positive effect on the reproductive system of the female body, which increases the chance of conceiving a healthy baby;
  7. fiber speeds up the absorption of food, cleanses the body of toxins and waste.

Curious! 100 g of boiled broccoli contains as much calcium as one glass of milk.

Recipes with photos

A hot first course must definitely be in every person’s diet. If you decide to get rid of extra pounds or bring your health back to normal, then light soup is your salvation. A low-calorie dish can be prepared any day using a new recipe.




  1. Prepare chicken broth.
  2. Peel all the vegetable fruits, break the broccoli into florets, and chop the greens.
  3. Chop the onion into half rings and fry in olive oil.
  4. Fry chopped carrots with onions until golden brown.
  5. Pour 1⁄2 cup of water over carrots and onions.
  6. To finish, add flour.
  7. Cut the potatoes into cubes.
  8. Add potatoes with fried vegetable fruits to the broth and cook until the root vegetable is ready.
  9. Add melted cheese to the soup.
  10. After the cheese has dissolved, add broccoli, peas and herbs, and bay leaf.
  11. Boil for 5 minutes. Serve the dish hot.

With cauliflower


  • 200 g of cabbage of any kind;
  • 2-4 potatoes;
  • medium sized carrot;
  • 75 ml low-fat cream;
  • 1⁄2 large snow-white onion;
  • 900 ml chicken broth;
  • salt, spices;
  • 45 g butter.


  1. Pour the chicken broth into a saucepan and heat over medium temperature.
  2. After the water boils, place both types of cabbage in it.
  3. You need to add diced potatoes to the cabbage.
  4. 5 minutes before the soup is ready, add fried onions, salt, and spices.
  5. The finished dish can be seasoned with sour cream or cream.

Curious! Read also how to prepare dietary beetroot or pumpkin soup.


  • 500 g broccoli;
  • spinach;
  • 1 onion;
  • 2 liters of chicken broth;
  • 1 tbsp. low-fat cream;
  • salt.


  1. Heat the chicken broth prepared in advance to a boil and place on low heat.
  2. Cut all the vegetables into pieces and add to the broth. Cook for 20 minutes.
  3. Grind the cooled soup using an immersion blender.
  4. Heat the cream to 80 degrees and add to the soup. Add salt.

Curious! Calorie content of puree soup with broccoli is 62 kcal.

In a slow cooker


  • no matter what part of the chicken;
  • 2 fork cabbage;
  • 2 pcs. carrots and onions;
  • 2-3 potatoes;
  • vegetable oil;
  • salt, dark pepper, bay leaf.


  1. Chop onions and carrots. Lightly fry vegetables and meat in oil.
  2. Place the roasted potatoes, peeled and chopped potatoes, and broccoli florets into a multicooker bowl.
  3. Fill the contents of the vessel with water.
  4. Turn on the “stew” mode and cook for an hour.
  5. After preparation, the dish is taken out of the multicooker and served hot. If desired, you can puree the soup in a blender.

Curious! Almost all chefs say that you can remove the specific smell of broccoli by adding sautéed vegetables to the soup.

Tips on how to cook

Cabbage is a vegetable that not everyone likes, so it is very important to know how to properly prepare dishes with this product in order to please the most picky family member.


  1. Broccoli stems and florets have completely different textures, so they should not be cooked together. If the recipe refers to broccoli, then, most likely, only the inflorescences;
  2. Don't overcook the broccoli. Cook cabbage for no more than 10 minutes;
  3. It is not necessary to heat broccoli; cabbage can be added to salads or eaten with sauce;
  4. sour cream or mayonnaise is perfect for seasoning the soup; they will emphasize the special taste of the vegetable;
  5. After cooking, broccoli should not be left in hot water. You need to move it into a bowl with cool water or even ice;
  6. do not throw away the cabbage stem. It needs to be peeled and cut into strips. This product can be steamed or blanched. By the way, the trunks can be stored for up to 2 weeks, which is very convenient;
  7. The freshest inflorescences should not be stored in the refrigerator; it is better to consume them immediately.


Hot soup with asparagus cabbage is a good idea for a first course that is perfect for weight loss. Fragrant and savory, but completely light and good for digestion. It is absorbed without interference. Therefore, this dish is not terrible to abuse, because it will not affect either digestion or waist size.

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Diet broccoli soup

Specifically, dietary broccoli soup has become famous throughout the world. Everyone remembers the program of the Air Force (Air Force (Fleet) (VVS, VVF) - a type of the Armed Forces of the state, the functions of which include fighting the enemy located in space, airspace, on the ground, on the surface of the sea and under water, as well as transportation of troops, delivery of property and weapons, aerial reconnaissance, weather reconnaissance using aircraft) about fat burning and the hero who chewed mashed soup with cabbage and chicken breasts given to us, and successfully lost weight. The program, by the way, said that there are no miracles in this, because weight loss still occurs due to a simple mechanism - you limit calories, the more comfortable your life is with all this, the greater the possibility that success will come to you. In fact, the introduction of ordinary dishes like hot soup into the diet is precisely aimed at simplifying our lives, and not for any other good purposes. In general, if you like soups in general, cook and eat with pleasure.

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Rules for making dietary broccoli soup

One global rule is that your soup does not necessarily have to be ultra-low-calorie and not contain any other ingredients other than vegetables. You can, of course, cook such dishes, but in terms of nutrition, they should not be the only ones. Often, ladies try to achieve the greatest reduction in calories by almost completely eliminating anything from the diet, except fiber. This is not the worst, and far from the most correct strategy. Almost always, in addition to everything else, you will have to limit physical activity in order to maintain at least some metabolic rate. And, one wonders, why “pay more” if there is an actual opportunity to “not pay at all”? Just cut a chicken breast into your own soup, and you won’t get poisoned by potatoes either. Another thing is that all this must be calculated in advance, and does not have to enter the body according to the principle of “more quantity, cheaper price.”

2nd global rule - you shouldn’t pour this soup into yourself at all costs if you don’t like it or it doesn’t fill you up. The second problem, by the way, is completely solvable. It is enough to add something like a small amount of side dish and meat for the second course. Or simply plan to eat soup as the “first lunch” a couple of hours after which something more substantial will follow.

Specifically, the soup itself can be of any kind - pureed or with ordinary pieces of vegetables, quick to prepare, or boiled according to all the rules, in steps. The main thing is not to fry vegetables, not to add flour dressings, and, if possible, to refrain from such delicious dishes as broccoli with 1 kg of cheese and cream in the form of cream, and other similar things. Naturally, you can also eat them, but only if your need for energy is so great that it covers the consumption of similar foods. In general, for most people not involved in professional fitness, such statements will be more than an exaggeration.

The dish will turn out really tasty if you can use very fresh cabbage that has not wilted. And it may be difficult if the vegetables are thawed and re-frozen. Dishes made from such vegetables usually taste acidic or bitter. Carefully inspect the bag of cabbage if you buy frozen. The inflorescences should not be yellowish or crumbled into dust, and you should avoid buying bags that contain a lot of “snow.”

Diet broccoli soup recipes

250 g of broccoli florets, 1 parsnip, 200 g of celery, onion, bell pepper and a small amount of tomatoes (1-2 pieces) or a spoonful of tomato paste without adding sugar.

Cut the vegetables, add water and boil until soft. The finished soup can be seasoned with any available chopped herbs, as well as lemon juice. From time to time it is recommended to cook such soup with bouillon cubes, but the best choice is always to avoid them. Add any natural herbs - mint, oregano, basil, parsley and dill. But try to avoid huge amounts of added salt. It will only lead to the fact that the soup will not “do its job well,” because you eat it more to get rid of swelling, and not to acquire new ones.

Vegetable soup "three cabbages"

400 g chicken breasts, 200 g each of broccoli, white cabbage and cauliflower, carrots, onions.

Chop all the vegetables and meat, put them in a saucepan and boil until tender. Place the ingredients specifically in cool water, not in a bubbling broth. Once cooked, turn off the heat, leave to cool under the lid, and, if desired, grind in a blender.

Soup with broccoli and green peas

150 g of frozen green peas, 250 g of broccoli, carrots, onions, tomatoes and bell peppers, 3 liters of homemade celery and onion broth, or the same amount of water, low-fat yogurt or lemon juice and herbs for seasoning the finished soup.

It’s just as easy to cook as other low-calorie diet broccoli soups. All vegetables are chopped, placed in a pan, and boiled until tender. Then the soup can be pureed or left as is.

With broccoli, potatoes and mushrooms

1-2 potatoes, regular, snow-white, plus 250 g of broccoli, 1 onion, 1 carrot, 250 g of chopped champignons.

Cut all the vegetables into strips, simply cut the broccoli florets in half, fill everything with water so that there is 2 times more water than the vegetables, boil over medium heat until tender. Season the soup, for example, with dill and low-fat yogurt.

Broccoli and kohlrabi soup

250 g each of broccoli and kohlrabi, 300 g root celery, cut into cubes, 1 carrot, 1 onion, celery broth, optionally a pinch of dried shiitake mushrooms as seasoning. Salt and pepper as desired and to taste, yogurt without fillers and fat for dressing.

Wash cabbage and other vegetables, chop, place in a saucepan, and boil until tender. Throw in the mushrooms 5 minutes before turning off the heat; you can additionally grind them in a mortar. Serve the soup with yogurt and herbs.

Broccoli, chicken and egg soup

4 eggs, 3 liters of celery and onion broth, 400 g spinach, and 200 g broccoli, olive oil spray, garlic, a little salt to taste, and yogurt for dressing.

Boil the eggs, cool, peel, cut into 4 parts. Place the spinach in the broth and boil until tender. Drizzle the broccoli with olive oil and sprinkle crushed garlic on top, place everything together in a double boiler for 20 minutes. Simply add the finished cabbage to the soup, stir, warm slightly, but do not bring to a boil. Pour into plates, add pieces of egg to each.

Broccoli and shallots in cleansing soup

The recipe is used for most cleansing diets, but it can also be “enhanced” by adding, for example, ordinary potatoes or sweet potatoes, to give additional energy. 400 g of broccoli, and 200 g of shallots, plus a bunch of parsley, a bunch of dill and, if desired, 200 g of nettle greens.

The nettles are separated from the stems, the leaves are placed in a colander and scalded with boiling water. In any case, you need to work with rubber gloves. Then all the vegetables are washed and cut, put in a pan, and filled with water so that it barely covers the broccoli florets. You need to cook until the vegetables are soft. Then almost everyone loves to pass this soup through a blender or grind it using a food processor. This type of broccoli soup has a significant diuretic effect, which is also enhanced from time to time by adding celery root or broth from this vegetable when cooking.

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