Honey cake with caramel flavor - tenderness in any piece

Honey cake with caramel flavor - tenderness in any piece

Perhaps the most fascinating of the honey cakes, which always demands to be in the kitchen, is the caramel honey cake. Naturally, the recipe for making it is somewhat complicated, but the taste is incomparable. When you want to meditate and be alone in the kitchen, away from other household troubles, indulge in this particular type of honey cake.

As my men say, the kitchen is a woman’s kingdom.

So go to this small place and feel like a queen for a few hours. And to those who stick their nose into the kitchen at this moment, you can say in an imperative voice that you are not yet ready to continue immersing yourself in your thoughts.

Honey cake with caramel

The most difficult thing in making this type of cake is the recipe for making the caramel mass itself, which will not allow you to leave the topping even for a minute. For an ordinary home tea party or a small home holiday, a honey cake with caramel and buttercream is suitable.

To make the cakes you will need:

  • Wheat flour – 390 gr.;
  • Sugar – 155 gr.;
  • Butter – 110 gr.;
  • Testicles – 1.5 pcs. (the recipe calls for 90 gr.)
  • Soda – 9 g;
  • Honey – 63 gr.;
  • Citric acid – 2.5 g. (half a small bag)

For cream:

  • Boiled condensed milk – 200 gr.;
  • Cream 33% fat – 200 g;
  • Sour cream – 25-30% fat content – ​​100 gr.

When I first saw this recipe, I thought that this was a honey cake that was prepared according to old Russian GOST standards, so you have to measure out precise grams. But later, when I made mistakes several times and tried to create everything by eye, I realized that it was better to take out the culinary scales from the shelf and not to be tricky with the amount of ingredients, but to create everything as the recipe prescribed.

So the preparation of this cake will begin with measuring the required amount of all ingredients, this will make it easier to prepare the dough in the future. Well, the scales will no longer get in the way on the table, especially if you have a small kitchen.

We weighed it, placed the cups in their places and began to make caramel, because this is the most leisurely and exciting process of all cooking.

Pour sugar into a saucepan and place on high heat.

After a short time, the sugar will begin to melt from the edges, reduce the heating level to half and then observe the action. To make it easier to work with caramel, take a saucepan whose handle practically does not heat up, because you cannot stir the caramel with a spoon. As soon as the golden color appears, remove from the stove (but do not turn off the stove yet) and tilt the saucepan slightly in one direction or the other. We admire the rolling snow-white sand over the golden mass.

If the snow-white sand no longer melts due to the caramel’s own heat, then place the saucepan on the stove for a minute, remove it again, and continue to tilt the saucepan further, rolling the snow-white sand.

When the whole mass has turned golden, heat the oil in a separate cup. Now you need to add heated butter and honey to the caramel and mix.

In order to continue working on the cake further, you need to cool the caramel to 70 degrees. But in a hot saucepan, this will take quite a long time, so pour the caramel with honey and butter into a clean bowl and stir every minute. The temperature will drop in about 10 minutes.

While it cools, you can rinse dishes that are no longer needed and free up space for future work. Prepare a fork and add the eggs to the cooled caramel, immediately starting to stir so that the egg mixture does not boil into the caramel.

Add a third of the flour, sift the soda and add citric acid. Knead the dough with a fork very intensively. The result should be a homogeneous mass. Now add the remaining flour and mix thoroughly. Turn the dough into a wonderful caramel-colored mass. While the mass is hot, it sticks to your hands very much, but if you put it on a flour-dusted table, it will begin to cool rapidly.

When the dough has cooled, divide it into similar pieces and roll into balls. If you want to create a round cake, then these balls are easier to roll into a circle than pieces of an indeterminate shape.

The dough just rolls out. You can bake any layer on baking paper in an oven preheated to 160 degrees for no more than 5 minutes. Before putting the crust in the oven, prick it all over with a fork. This way you won’t get various swellings that can spoil the appearance of the cake when assembled.

While the first cake is baking, prepare the second and so on.

Because I have a fairly huge dish, I get 9 cakes with a diameter of 24 cm. If your shape is smaller, then there may be more layers. You need to cut off the finished layer immediately after removing it from the oven, because it hardens very quickly and begins to break.

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Place the scraps in a separate bowl, they will come in handy later. This is how we prepare all parts of the cake. When you put the outermost layer in the oven, clean the kitchen and prepare it for the production of cream.

The cream recipe is as simple as regular sour cream.

Mix sour cream with boiled condensed milk and beat lightly. Next, beat the chilled cream with a mixer until quite thick and mix both substances. The cream is ready, coat the cakes and sides of the cake with it, sprinkle with crushed cake scraps and put in the refrigerator until the next morning.

The cake comes out very tasty and melts in your mouth, it has a subtle smell of honey and caramel.

Recipe with New Year's taste

As they say, if on New Year’s Eve it comes down to the cake, then the holiday was a failure. But this is the worldview of grown guys and a small number of ladies. At the same time, we should not forget about children who not only expect 12 o’clock and the chiming clock, but also a delicious cake, tangerines, New Year’s gifts and fireworks.

They don’t need to prepare various salads and hot appetizers, because most of the children eat their fill with their mother in the kitchen, as they say, from a knife. It is for their sake that we must create a delicious cake, decorate it festively and rejoice that they are happy and warm in the house with such delightful parents. For the festive New Year's table, I suggest baking a caramel honey cake with orange cream.

Why specifically orange? Everyone remembers the taste and smell of tangerines. It’s just that oranges have more juice, but if you find tangerines so juicy that you can squeeze almost a glass of juice out of them, then no one bothers you to replace the orange one.

There is no need to describe making the honey caramel cake again, because the recipe remains the same. Let's deal with the orange custard cream and the layer itself between the shortcakes.

What will you need to make custard with orange juice:

  • Orange juice – 180 ml;
  • Sugar – 180 gr.;
  • Orange zest from 1-2 oranges;
  • Testicles – 4 pcs. (The unique recipe allows you to take 240 g.);
  • Butter 150 gr.;
  • Cream cheese – 360 gr.;
  • Sweet powder – 50 gr.;
  • Sour cream 25-30% fat – 150 gr.

We begin making the cream by placing a large pan of water on the hotplate for the water bath.

Like most custards, it is also better to make orange custard in a sauna, so as not to worry about the ingredients burning.

Mix the zest, eggs, juice and sugar in a saucepan and, after mixing, place in a water bath. Stirring constantly, wait until the cream thickens.

This is a long process, so you can calmly think about your own things, write a list of necessary things that need to be done before the new year, send your family to buy food for the New Year’s table, and almost everything else. You can bring a tape recorder or player into the kitchen and listen to music. In general, do everything that does not occupy your hands forever, but in ordinary times you do not have the ability to do this.

When the cream thickens, remove it from the heat and add the butter. Stir well, or better yet, beat with a mixer until you obtain a homogeneous, smooth mass. Next you need to put the bowl of cream in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.

When the cream has cooled, add cream cheese and sweet powder to it and beat thoroughly with a mixer. Then sour cream will go into the cream, after adding which you need to mix everything thoroughly.

After this you can assemble the cake.

Any shortbread should be generously coated with cream and sprinkled with crumbs. Then, when the outer layer is on top, coat the entire cake with cream and sprinkle the remaining crumbs only on the sides and 1 centimeter perimeter of the cake. We leave the middle untouched, but the cream there should be completely smooth.

Decorate the middle of the torus with tangerine slices, raspberries or strawberries and sprinkle with shavings from 1 chocolate bar.

Any cake with this cream will remind you of New Year's holidays and children's joy.

When you decorate the cake, put it in the refrigerator for at least 10 hours, but no matter how much I use this honey cake recipe, I understand that it is better to wait a day for thorough soaking.

Caramel honey cake

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An unusual honey cake with sour cream and caramel shortcakes. Very affectionate and tasty. Quite ordinary and quick to make.

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Preparing caramel:
Pour brown sugar into a saucepan with a thick bottom and cook the caramel over low heat.
The most important thing is not to overcook the caramel; you want it to be light amber in color and not rancid.
You can use regular sugar, but in my opinion brown sugar works better.

Reduce heat to low and add butter (not from the freezer).
Add it carefully so as not to burn yourself, there may be splashes at first.
You can turn off the stove and continue stirring until the oil dissolves.

Now add honey.

Add soda.
Mix. After this, a reaction will begin from combining honey with soda.
Therefore, I advise you to first take a saucepan with the highest sides.
What comes out is a fluffy, beautiful mass.
I pour the caramel into a bowl so that it cools faster. But you can continue cooking in a saucepan (saucepan), but then let it cool a little so that the caramel is not hot, but warm.

Add the eggs into the caramel mass, one at a time, stirring each time with a whisk.
Add salt and mix again.

From the caramel given to us, we prepare the dough:
After this, sift the flour into this mass, not all at once, but adding it evenly.
Mix the dough with a spoon.

The dough should not be very watery and not very dense.
It should seem to pull off the spoon, as in the photo.
If the flour I indicated is not enough for you, add a little more.

Place a silicone mat on a baking sheet. If you don’t have it, you can bake on parchment paper, but of good quality and coat it with oil.

Divide the dough into 3 parts and place 1 part on a silicone mat.
Wet your hand in water and spread the dough over the mat.
Using a spatula dipped in water, smooth out the dough.

Bake at 180 degrees for approximately 8 - 10 minutes.
Do not brown the shortcakes too much.
While the shortbread is hot, trim it and trim the edges.

And immediately, before the cake has cooled, cut it in half.
We also bake 2 more shortcakes.
As a result, we will get 6 cakes.

Place the cake scraps on a baking sheet and place in the oven to dry slightly.

Grind the dried cake scraps in a blender. You will get a crumb that we will use to decorate the cake.

Prepare the cream:
Take very rich sour cream, honey and sweet powder.
Mix all this well with a mixer.
There is no need to beat for a very long time.
I do not recommend replacing sweet powder with sugar, but if there is absolutely no powder, grind the sugar very much.

Assembling the honey cake:
Spread any shortbread with cream.

We leave a little more cream on the outermost (top) cake so that there is enough to coat not only the top, but also the sides.

Sprinkle the entire cake with crumbs, top and sides.
This is a common decoration for honey cakes.
If you wish, you can decorate it further to your own taste, but this is not necessary.

Place the cake in the refrigerator for at least 4 hours, and preferably overnight (that is, in the dark) .
Enjoy your tea!

Before serving, remove the cake from the refrigerator about an hour before serving, then it will be soft and tender.
This honey cake can also be prepared for a festive table.

Caramel honey cake

  • For the test:
  • Flour (general purpose)

In almost all countries, boiled (that is, caramelized) condensed milk is sold in stores. You can use it, or you can cook condensed milk without the help of others. Then you need to start by filling a can of condensed milk with water, closing the lid and letting it cook for 2-3 hours over medium heat. Make sure that the water does not boil away. Cool the finished condensed milk first at room temperature, and then in the refrigerator.

Measure out all the ingredients for the dough. After this, the first step is to caramelize the sugar. I took several photos of sugar caramelization using 2 methods: wet and dry .

The wet method is considered the easiest. Add enough water to the measured amount of sugar until it becomes wet. Not floating in the water, but just like wet sand. After this, it is placed on high heat. Raw sugar heats up most moderately and therefore, when it reaches the appropriate temperature, it will be easier to ensure uniform melting. At first, all the added water will evaporate from it, later it will begin to change color and when it reaches a light golden color, it must be removed from the heat. It will reach a dark honey color even from the heat of the bottom of the pan. Ready!

Water evaporates from sweet syrup

Sugar caramelization has begun

The sugar has caramelized to a light golden color and can be removed from the heat.

The lower layers of sugar have begun to caramelize.

Snow-white sugar sand is poured into molten

Remove the saucepan with the caramelized sugar from the heat, let it cool for a few minutes and stir in the honey and melted butter. The butter must be melted and even hot because we do not want the caramel to harden from contact with cool ingredients.

caramelized sugar with honey

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Stir the caramel until smooth and let it cool to 70C. (The next step will be to stir in the eggs and not allow them to cook into a very hot caramel consistency.) I poured the caramel into a bowl at room temperature and, with the air temperature in the kitchen being 22C, this cooled the caramel quite quickly, in about 7-8 minutes, repeated stirring. The more the mixture cools, the more homogeneous it becomes.

Stir about a third of the flour and all the eggs into the caramel mixture. Stir until smooth. Add citric acid and soda and stir vigorously until an airy foam forms, for almost a minute. At this moment, the temperature of the dough with all the ingredients added to it becomes about 60C.

Add the rest of the flour, knead until smooth and place the dough on the table to cool to room temperature. The dough is very soft and sticky, it smells of honey and caramel.

The cooled dough does not stick to your hands and simply rolls out. The most convenient way is to divide the dough using a scale into an equal number of lumps (in my case, 9) and roll out each one on a silicone mat. If the goal is a round cake, then it will be about 10 cm high and about 20 cm in diameter. You can roll out rectangles and cut shortcakes from them. The dough must be pricked with a fork. It’s fun that these holes will later “grow together” during baking and the crust will turn out completely smooth. Bake in preheated to 160C for 5 minutes. While the shortbreads are hot, they are flexible and pliable, so there is no threat of breaking them when transferred from the oven to the table. It’s easier to trim the edge right away, while it’s still hot. They cool and harden very quickly and then we stack them on top of each other.

You can divide the making of this cake into two steps. Bake the shortcakes one day, and coat them with cream the next. It is important to completely cool the boiled condensed milk in the refrigerator and then let the cake soak in the cream for at least 10 hours. Mix sour cream and caramelized condensed milk, whip the cream and carefully mix both without precipitating foam. Coat the cakes with cream, sprinkle the cake with crumbled cake scraps and place in the refrigerator overnight (that is, in the dark) .

Caramel honey cake

The magical taste of the cake will not leave anyone indifferent. Honey cake is one of our favorite cakes. Its taste and color are honey-caramel, due to the dough prepared using a special method, brewing honey with soda. Try willows!

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Ingredients and how to cook

ingredients for 10 servings or - the number of products for servings suitable for you will be calculated automatically!'>

tea spoon 5 ml
dessert spoon 10 ml
tablespoon 20 ml
cup 200 ml


Composition weight: 100 gr
295 kcal
Belkov: 5 g
Zhirov: 16 g
Carbohydrates: 33 g
Used: 9 / 30 / 61
H 6 / C 0 / B 94

Production time: 1 day

manufacturing method

To make caramel honey cake, take a spacious, huge pan.
Cut butter into it and add honey. Place on the fire and start melting. Once the butter has almost melted, add sugar.
Stirring occasionally, bring the entire mixture to a boil. Add baking soda to the boiling mixture, stir and remove from heat.
When you add soda, it will immediately react with honey.
The whole mass will immediately begin to foam and increase in volume. After thorough mixing, set the pan aside and cool until warm. Stir the eggs into the warm mixture.
Start adding flour sifted through a sieve evenly.
Knead the honey dough in this way. Place the finished dough in the refrigerator, wrapping it in cling film.
Let it sit for at least one hour. During this period of time, the dough will rest and be ready for use. Divide the cooled dough into parts and roll out honey cakes.
The number of cake layers will depend on the diameter of the cake you need. My cake was small, but wide in diameter.
Roll out all the shortcakes very thinly and cut out a circle of the desired diameter.
Bake any shortbread in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 5 minutes. Bake all the shortcakes and cool them completely.
Also, bake all the dough scraps. To make the cream, use sour cream with a fat content of at least 25%.
Combine sour cream with sweet powder and beat everything together into a fluffy cream.
Coat all the cakes one by one with the prepared cream and assemble the cake.
Cover the top and sides with cream as well. Grind the baked dough scraps into crumbs and sprinkle the cake around the edges and on top with the crumbs given to us.
Place the finished cake in the refrigerator for several hours so that it is perfectly soaked in the cream. It is best to leave it at night (that is, in the dark) .
Invite guests to the table and help yourself.
Enjoy your tea!

In such a cake, you can add steamed prunes and walnuts between the layers. It will be very tasty!

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