Chocolate honey cake with 2 variations of cream: sour cream and chocolate custard

Chocolate honey cake with 2 variations of cream: sour cream and chocolate custard

Have a nice day, my dears! With you is the co-author of the Sweet Chronicles Olga Vilchevskaya and a unique chocolate honey cake with 2 types of cream.

This time our meeting was slightly delayed. My eldest son graduated from school this year and had to choose a profession. No matter how everything was thought out, discussed more than once. But the decision had to be changed at the last moment. My thoughts were only with him, I couldn’t force myself to switch to something else. But everything is behind. Ilya is a student at the institute. He will have to study World Economics for 4 years. Hooray!

And you are probably already accustomed to the fact that our meetings are constantly accompanied by discussions about daily matters . Now I would like to share these thoughts... We all want to cook quickly, deliciously and using not very expensive goods. Do not waste a huge part of your free time on cooking, do not run around the shops in search of an outlandish product, without which the recipe is not a recipe. It is better to spend your free time on yourself and your family. Despite the fact that I really love to cook and would not leave the kitchen, I have a lot of responsibilities as a mother, wife, daughter, sister, friend. And I’m very willing to keep up with everything. Because I am for common sense in everything. And before that, it’s all about cooking.

Honey cake with sour cream

Now on the agenda is the “MEDOVIK” cake. But not completely ordinary. It will be CHOCOLATE. With 2 types of cream. You choose which one to soak your own chocolate honey cake in. I will carefully tell you about each one, so that the choice will be easy.

What to expect from the cake?

The main note is the usual for us taste of a traditional honey cake, the prize is a chocolate aftertaste. Chocolate does not dominate, this is important to me personally. There are many aggressive chocolate cakes, but I specifically wanted the unobtrusiveness of chocolate.

Next... As always, affordable products. The result is beautiful! I won’t say that you will do it “one, two, three times,” you will have to work hard. But the end result is worth it.

For the cakes we will need:

  • butter - 90 g
  • sugar - 150 g (if you like it sweeter, take 200 g)
  • honey - 80 g
  • soda - 2 level teaspoons
  • eggs - 3 pieces (in grams - 160)
  • cocoa - 50 gr
  • flour - 400 grams for the dough, + 150 grams needed for dusting

To make the cakes:

  1. Place butter, sugar and honey in a fireproof bowl Place in a water bath. (The water in the lower pan does not have to reach the bottom of the bowl (!)). Heat, stirring, until the sugar is partially dissolved.
  2. Add soda. Mix well. Remove the bowl from the water bath. Add eggs. Mix quickly until smooth. This is what we must achieve.

Here it is better to under-report than to over-report. You can always add. And if at first the dough is tight, and we also roll it out with flour, the shortcakes will be very dense and tasteless. Bring your attention specifically to the present moment. He is, in my opinion, the most principled.

To prevent the dough from sticking to the rolling pin, dust both the rolling pin and the dough with flour. In this recipe, flour plays a very large role. You won't be able to roll out the dough without it. While rolling out the dough, I often turn it over so that it does not stick to the table. And I always dust it with flour. That’s why I wrote earlier that it’s better not to add flour.

Now let's talk about how to roll out the dough thinly. The scheme is as follows: the thinner, the more cake layers, the tastier the cake. But you must transfer the cake from the table to the baking sheet without tearing it. Therefore, adjust the rolling thickness yourself.

Remove the shortbread from the baking sheet immediately while it is hot. If it cools down, don’t remove it, it will simply crumble. Removed and placed on a flat surface to cool. I make it on 3 baking sheets. One is in the oven, the second is going there, the third is cooling. In this case, the process does not take much time.

I would like to tell you about one more technique. It didn’t catch on with me, but maybe someone will like it. Place a damp towel on the table and an inverted baking sheet on it. And all the manipulations of rolling and cutting the dough are done on it. Prick it and put it in the oven. Try it, maybe it's yours.

So, the shortcakes are in a nice stack, the kitchen is clean. Brew yourself a cup of coffee and let's think about what kind of cream we will create for our honey cake with chocolate . Now I suggest you choose from two options: 1) sour cream + cream or 2) custard + chocolate.

1st option: cream with sourness, it penetrates very quickly, especially if you rolled out the shortcakes thinly. Two hours and you can treat your friends. Making it is easier than usual.

2nd option: the most difficult. The cake will have the most pronounced chocolate flavor. Unlike the first one, the honey cake with this cream takes longer to soak. It is more difficult to manufacture. Both options are good. Try one, later the second. And decide which one you like best. Don't forget to write to me about this .

For the cream we will need:

Option 1. Sour cream:

  • sour cream - 700 ml (the fattest)
  • sugar - 200 gr
  • lemon juice - 2 tablespoons
  • cream - 200 g (from 33%) (for example, these )
  1. Combine sour cream, sugar and lemon juice. Beat everything with a mixer. The sugar should dissolve.
  2. Separately whip the chilled cream to soft peaks. Gently fold into sour cream. The cream will become more airy.

Try for sweetness. If you don't have enough sugar, add a little sweet powder (!).

All! Trivial, right?

Option 2. Chocolate custard:

  • milk - 1 liter
  • eggs - 4 pieces
  • sugar - 250 gr
  • vanilla sugar - 2 sachets (preferably with natural vanilla )
  • flour - 50 g
  • butter - 80 g
  • chocolate - 200 g (your favorite, bitter or milky - it doesn’t matter)
  1. Combine eggs with sugar, vanilla sugar and flour. Stir well.
  2. Put the milk on the fire. Once it boils, add a third of the milk into the egg mixture. Stir. Now another third part. Stir again. Pour in the remaining milk and place the pan over medium heat.
  3. Stir the cream constantly, without being distracted by anyone or anything. It will burn in a moment. You'll have to throw it away and create a new batch.
  4. With constant stirring, bring the cream until it thickens, but do not boil (this point applies specifically to custard made with flour).
  5. Remove the pan from the heat. Break the chocolate and add to the cream. Stir until the chocolate dissolves. Add butter and mix again.
  6. Transfer the cream to a clean bowl and cover with cling film. The film must touch the surface of the cream to avoid the formation of a crust. Cool the cream for at least 3 hours in the refrigerator.

Difficult? Most likely, no. More time.

Well, we come to the main thing - assembling the cake.

Honey cake with custard

Assembling the honey cake

  1. We leave two shortcakes aside. We will grind them in a blender and then decorate the cake. Set aside 100 grams of cream. This is necessary for the final coating of the cake.
  2. Weigh the remaining cream and divide by the number of cakes. We get the number (in grams) of cream that goes on any shortcake. Eg. We have one liter of cream. We subtract 100 liters for coating. 900 gr left. 15 cake layers. 900: 15= 60. 60 ml of cream will go on any shortcake.

Why is this necessary? - you ask. For uniform soaking of your cake, for a perfect cut, for optimal use of goods. Where will you spend the unnecessary 100 grams of cream? Throw it away? Not allowed! That's why I resort to arithmetic.

If you want, for extra chocolate, melt a chocolate bar and pour it on top of the cake. Sprinkle cocoa through a strainer.

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ALL! Tired of reading, no doubt?

I tried to explain everything carefully. I make chocolate honey cake in three hours. You can break the process down into several steps. Now create the shortcakes, tomorrow the cream and assembly. If with custard, then make the cream earlier at night (that is, in the dark) . And the next day, the shortcakes and assembling the cake.

I wish you all a delicious chocolate honey cake!

Blog of Maria Snow White

Chocolate honey cake

Hi all. Now I would like to share with you a recipe for an unusually delicious cake - Honey cake, but not an ordinary one, but a chocolate one! The thinnest honey cakes with a chocolate aftertaste, soaked in sour cream and cream, with prunes in the layer. It's just a parable!

Honey cake is my husband’s favorite cake; I already have a recipe for Honey cake with caramel-honey shortcakes on my blog. Now, I decided to experiment and found an option with adding cocoa to the dough. The cream will be a sour cream version, and there will be prunes in the layer. Cream, by the way, you can create ordinary sour cream or traditional custard, Diplomat cream, Ice Cream Cream, or you can completely enhance the chocolate flavor and create chocolate custard cream, all links are clickable, detailed recipes for these creams await you there. This cake with cream cheese based on Mascarpone or cream cheese cream is also very tasty, I don’t want to confuse you, but all these creams are very tasty, choose at your own discretion and according to your own wallet.

How to create a cake - chocolate Honey cake, recipe step by step with photos:

  1. 3 testicles
  2. 400 gr. flour + 100 for dusting
  3. 50 gr. cocoa powder
  4. 150 gr. Sahara
  5. 90 gr. honey
  6. 90 gr. butter
  7. 2 tsp soda without a slide

Place honey, sugar and butter in a fireproof bowl.

Place in a water bath. Heat, stirring until the sugar is partially dissolved.

Afterwards, add soda. The mass will turn white and increase slightly in volume. Mix everything well.

Remove the bowl from the heat, add the eggs, one at a time, mixing well each time.

Sift cocoa into it and mix.

Next, we sift our flour in portions, at this step it is important not to fill the dough with flour, so we knead it well every time.

After adding half the flour, I started kneading the dough with my hands, because the whisk could no longer control it. After adding all the flour the dough will be sticky! Don't be alarmed, this is how it should be.

Place it in the refrigerator, covering it with film for at least 30 minutes. I left it for 3 hours. After refrigeration, the dough will take on the correct structure and will practically not stick to your hands.

After this time, we take out the dough and divide it into equal parts. From this portion I got 12 cakes with a diameter of 22 cm. But there were a lot of scraps left. So, you could safely divide it into 13 servings.

Roll out any ball as thin as possible. I do this right away on a silicone mat, I have already written more than once that it is mega-convenient. To be quick, I recommend purchasing 3 pieces right away, while one is in the oven, roll out the second one, and cool the third one with the baked crust. When rolling, sprinkle the rolling pin with flour. If you don’t have a mat, you can roll them out on the table, or straight away on parchment; we also sprinkle them with flour.

Prick the rolled out crust with a fork to prevent it from puffing up during baking.

We send the shortbread to bake in a preheated oven at 180º for 3-4 minutes. Don't overbake! The finished shortcake is soft! If it becomes hard and crumbles, it means you overexposed it.

The shortbreads need to be cut to the appropriate size immediately after you take them out of the oven! If you wait, they will dry out and continue to crumble. I cut it with a ring; you can cut it completely with a knife on the sides of the plate. Place the scraps in a separate bowl; we will use them to decorate the finished cake.

Cool our shortcakes on a wire rack.

I collected the cake in the ring. I took the ring from the OZONE store. It is possible to do without it, but with the ring the cake comes out smooth.

We coat any shortbread with cream, sprinkling chopped prunes on top (it took me 100-150 g). I made it with sour cream and cream, detailed recipe in the link - sour cream. There is just the right amount of cream for this cake. You can safely put 4 tbsp on any shortbread. l. cream.

We don’t smear the top of the outer shortbread with cream, but cover it with a plate and place a weight (I always use a jar of water) and put it in the cold for at least an hour so that the shortbreads set.

This is how smooth the cake comes out when you assemble it in a ring.

After this time, coat the top and sides with the remaining cream.

And sprinkle with chopped scraps. I use a blender for chopping; when sprinkling honey cakes, I like the smallest version of crumbs, but you can absolutely create larger crumbs, as, for example, for a Napoleon cake. We put the cake in the refrigerator overnight (that is, in the dark) so that it is soaked.

This is what I got. The cake comes out 1.6−1.7 kg. 22 cm across, about 8 cm high.

The honey cake came out very soft, the cream soaked the shortcakes overnight (that is, in the dark) , and it simply melted in the mouth. The chocolate taste did not interrupt the honey base at all, but only slightly complemented it. I really don’t like sour cream for soaking a honey cake, but in this version, the result exceeded all my expectations. This is truly a very tasty cake and quite easy to make.

Bon appetit.

170 Explanations

Thanks for the recipe. Curious what kind of silicone mats you use? How long did it take you to make the cake and how much did you spend on food? And what ring did you use for circumcision? Thank you.

Julia, have a nice day.
You can see the rugs in my photo, as well as the ring. The pink rug is from Ikea, and the greenish ones I bought at an ordinary hardware store, they cost about 300 rubles. I have an extendable ring 16-30 cm, I ordered it on Aliexpress, but it can also be purchased on ozone for 700-800 rubles, I cut it with it and later assembled the cake in it. Regarding the cost - all the ingredients are listed, unfortunately, in different towns the cost of goods can vary significantly, so it’s better to do the calculations without the help of others to know what the specific cost will be in your case. It took time to make - kneading the dough for about 20 minutes, 30 minutes for it to cool, while it cools you can prepare the cream, the baking itself probably takes an hour. Later, assemble the cake in a ring for about 15-20 minutes, let it sit overnight (that is, in the dark) and decorate with crumbs in the morning - about 10 minutes. But the time for baking is taking into account 3 mats, in other words, we take out one, the second leaves here and is baked, The 3rd one is cooling down.

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Chocolate honey cake: step-by-step recipe

There are many people who consider honey cake to be the king of desserts, which has only one drawback - the absence of chocolate. You can correct an offensive misunderstanding by preparing a chocolate honey cake with tender cream. The confectioners' advice will help you get an amazing result.

  1. Ingredients
  2. Manufacturing method
  3. Adviсe
  4. Sour cream for honey cake
  5. Chocolate custard for honey cake


  • chicken eggs (medium or large size) – 3 pieces (170 g);
  • finely ground wheat flour – 400 g for dough + 100 g for dusting;
  • cocoa – 50-60 g;
  • sugar – 150 g;
  • honey – 90 g;
  • butter – 90 g;
  • baking soda – 2 teaspoons (without a slide);
  • cream for chocolate-honey cake – 1100 g;
  • prunes – 100-150 g.

Manufacturing method

  1. In a heatproof container, combine honey, sugar and butter.
  2. Warm the mixture in a water bath while constantly stirring. Wait until the sugar is partially dissolved.
  3. Add soda. The whitened mass must increase slightly in volume. Stir.
  4. Remove the mixture from the heat and beat in the chicken eggs one at a time (then thoroughly mix the mixture).
  5. Add sifted cocoa powder. Stir.
  6. Mix in the sifted flour in small portions. Try not to create the dough too dense; knead the mixture well after each portion of flour.
  7. When half of the flour (or even 300 g) is added to the mixture, it will become difficult to knead the dough with a whisk or spoon. It is more convenient to finish it by hand. After introducing the last portion of flour, the mass will become sticky - this is how it should be! Cover the dough with cling film “in contact” and refrigerate for half an hour (this is the minimum). It’s great if you can keep the mixture in the cold for several hours. After this technological operation, the dough will not stick to your hands and will acquire the correct structure.
  8. After the recommended period has passed, remove the mixture from the refrigerator and divide into equal parts. From the indicated amount of ingredients you can get 12-13 cakes with a diameter of 22 cm.
  9. Roll each part into a narrow layer. It is comfortable to create this on a silicone mat with markings. Dust the rolling pin with flour when rolling. In the absence of a mat, you can roll out the layers directly on the parchment. They should also be lightly sprinkled with flour.
  10. After rolling out, prick any layer of dough thickly with a fork. This way the elements of the honey-chocolate cake will bake better and not swell. Bake in an oven previously preheated to 170 degrees. The finished baked goods must be soft. Be careful not to overexpose, otherwise the product will become tough and crumble.
  11. After the finished cake leaves the oven, it must be cut off without delay, because soon the dried layer will begin to crumble under the knife. You can cut it using a ring or a knife along the edge of the plate (lid). Place the scraps in a separate container - they will be needed to decorate the Chocolate Honey Cake cake.
  12. Cool the shortcakes on a wire rack. They can be stacked on top of each other.
  13. It is more convenient to assemble chocolate cake in a ring. It is possible to do without it, but with the device the dessert takes on a virtually flawless shape.
  14. Place 4 tablespoons of sour cream (or other) cream on each layer, coat and sprinkle with pieces of prunes.
  15. On the topmost element of the chocolate honey cake, free from the cream, place a plate of suitable diameter and a load on top (for example, a jar of water). Place the product in the refrigerator for 1 hour (minimum). During this period of time, the honey-chocolate cake should become solid because the contents of the ring will set. Cover the remaining creamy consistency with film and also place it in the cold.
  16. You will get such a cake of the correct shape when you take it out of the ring.
  17. Spread the top and sides of the dessert with the remaining cream.
  18. Grind the cake scraps with a rolling pin or blender and sprinkle over the cake. The finer the honey crumbs, the better. Place the almost finished cake in the refrigerator overnight (that is, in the dark) so that it is well soaked.

After standing in the refrigerator, the chocolate honey cake becomes soft, almost melting in your mouth. The chocolate aftertaste does not interrupt the main honey taste, but only successfully complements it.


  • The most important point in making a “Chocolate Honey Cake” cake is to guess the amount of flour. The dough does not have to be tight at the time of kneading. After being in the refrigerator, it will thicken, and then when rolling out, flour “dust” will be added to it, which you cannot do without, because the dough sticks to the table and to the rolling pin.
  • The greater the number of honey cakes that can be rolled out from the indicated quantity of goods, the thinner they are, the tastier the cake will be.
  • Baking each element at a temperature of 180 degrees takes approximately 4 minutes. Unfortunately, it is difficult to see the readiness of baking on black chocolate shortcakes. Therefore, bake one layer according to the indicated time, and evaluate its readiness (it should not be overdried and crumble). And then adjust the time according to the characteristics of your own stove.
  • You can cut the rolled out layer of dough in a circle before baking. Then the trimmings can be used to roll out the new element. But in this case the dough will thicken.
  • It is better to pour prunes into a layer of chocolate honey cake with hot water for 30 minutes and then dry them. In addition to dried fruit, you can add chopped walnuts to the layer.
  • To get a chocolate honey cake with a perfect cut, you should calculate the mass of the cream layer for each element. From the purchased creamy consistency (for example, 1 kg), subtract 150 g (for coating) and divide the remaining amount by the number of cakes minus 1. For example, there are 11 parts. Cream mass for 1st layer: (1000-150) : (11-1) = 850 : 10 = 85 g
  • If you are assembling a chocolate honey cake without a pastry ring, after assembling, wrap the product with cling film, and only after that place a small weight on it and put it in the refrigerator.
  • You can create the most chocolatey honey cake using chocolate glaze or chocolate chips, cocoa powder (which must be crushed through a sieve onto the top of the finished dessert).

The custard for the chocolate honey cake should be prepared in advance so that it spends the night (that is, the dark time of day) in the refrigerator.

The most popular layering options for chocolate honey cake:

  • creamy sour cream;
  • “Diplomat” (based on custard with the addition of whipped cream);
  • “Ice cream” (sour cream custard);
  • regular custard chocolate;
  • cream cheese based on Mascarpone or cream cheese.

Chocolate honey cake will be good with any of the indicated types of cream. The choice of option depends on your own taste and financial abilities.

Sour cream for honey cake

It has a pleasant sourness and quickly permeates cakes (especially very thin ones). Two hours after production, the “Medovik” chocolate cake can be served.

  • sour cream (fat content at least 20%, it is better to use market or weighed) – 600 g;
  • cream (whipped, fat content at least 33%) - 300 g;
  • sweet powder – 200 g;
  • lemon juice – 2 tablespoons.
  1. Place the well-chilled milk products together with the sweet powder into a mixer bowl, add lemon juice.
  2. Beat the mixture with a mixer, first at low speed (to mix the ingredients), and then at high speed until a fluffy, homogeneous mass is obtained. If you know how to whip cream so that it rises, does not separate, and does not transform into butter, you can whip the cream to soft peaks separately from other products, and then carefully mix it into the main sour cream mass.
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Determine the amount of sugar experimentally. Taste the whipped mixture. If the sweetness is not enough, add more powder.

Chocolate custard for honey cake

It is not difficult to prepare, but the complete technological process takes a lot of time.

  • milk – 500 ml;
  • chicken egg - 2 pieces;
  • sugar – 125 g;
  • vanilla sugar – 5 g;
  • wheat flour – 25 g;
  • butter – 40 g;
  • chocolate (any kind without fillers) – 100 g.
  1. Whisk the eggs with sugar, vanilla and flour. Mix well. Bring the milk to a boil. Pour the milk gradually (in 3 additions) into the egg foam. First 1/3 part, stir, repeat 2 more times.
  2. Place the container with the future cream on medium heat. With constant stirring, allow the mixture to thicken (do not boil under any circumstances). The mixture is ready when the trace of the spoon does not swim.
  3. Remove the container from the heat, add the chocolate bar broken into pieces, stir until the bar melts. Add soft butter, stir.
  4. Cover the chocolate cream in an unsealed container with cling film “in contact” (so that the film is in contact with the surface of the mass) - this way an unnecessary crust will not be created. In this state, keep the mixture in the refrigerator for at least 3 hours (preferably overnight (that is, the dark time of day) ).

You see, such a luxurious dessert is completely easy to make. Prepare a honey-chocolate cake with cream according to any recipe and treat your guests!

Chocolate honey cake: homemade recipe

Honey cake is a favorite cake from childhood. Delicate shortcakes soaked in cream invite you to put a piece of sweetness into your mouth. What if you create a chocolate honey cake? Anyone can achieve perfection in cooking. Try to put some thought and effort into a new recipe.

The familiar taste of honey sweetness combined with a chocolate aftertaste. Bliss, that’s all! The gentle, light taste of chocolate does not weigh down the dessert. A serving of food will not harm your diet or figure.

We offer two options for how to create a honey cake. Chocolate and chocolate-nut dessert will amaze you and your guests!

  1. Traditional chocolate honey cake recipe
  2. Ingredients needed
  3. Preparing the dough for the crusts
  4. Preparing the cream
  5. Recipe for nut-chocolate honey cake
  6. Tips from the pastry chef

Traditional chocolate honey cake recipe

The recipe for chocolate and honey cake is based on a traditional recipe. If you say that you can create a dessert in a couple of minutes, it will not be true. You'll have to work hard. But for the sake of a luxurious result, the work is worth it. Amaze your loved ones with a homemade dessert for a holiday or just because. A honey and chocolate delicacy is already a reason for the whole family to get together.

Ingredients needed

Choose foods carefully. Look out for the expiration date. We do not recommend replacing the indicated ingredients with similar ones. Without any of them, the cake is not a cake and the recipe is not a recipe. What you will need to make the cakes:

  • 550 gr. wheat flour (highest grade);
  • 2 tbsp. l. cocoa powder;
  • 3 chicken eggs (calculated by weight - 160 g);
  • 2 tsp. soda (without a slide);
  • 80 gr. natural honey;
  • 90 gr. sweet butter;
  • 150 gr. Sahara.

Ingredients for cream:

  • 100 gr. sweet butter;
  • 2 chicken eggs (calculated by weight – 106 g);
  • 200 gr. Sahara;
  • 0.5 l of milk;
  • 2 tbsp. l. cocoa powder;
  • 1 tsp. vanilla sugar.

Preparing the dough for the crusts

Let's start making the cake. The honey cake begins with kneading the dough. Mix the ingredients vigorously and quickly. This way the dough will not be too tight.

More details in the step-by-step guide:

  1. Build a water bath. Place a pot of water on high heat. Place another fireproof dish on top. Boiling water does not have to reach the bottom of the upper vessel.
  2. Heat honey, sugar and butter in the top bowl. Stir the mixture. When the mixture becomes homogeneous, remove from the stove.
  3. Beat in the eggs, add soda. Whisk the mixture thoroughly with a hand whisk.
  4. Sift cocoa and 400 grams of flour through a sieve. Add to sugar-cream mixture. Knead the dough.
  5. Wrap the lump in cling film. Leave in the refrigerator for half an hour.
  6. Remove the film. Cut the lump into pieces of approximately similar weight. In this version there are 12-13 fragments.
  7. You have 150 grams of flour left. Use it to dust the table and rolling pin. Roll out the dough pieces one at a time. Adjust the thickness yourself. But the thinner the shortcakes, the tastier the dessert will be.
  8. Alternately place the pieces on the baking sheet. Prick frequently with a fork. Bake in the oven at 180˚C. One shortbread takes 4 minutes.

Preparing the cream

In this version, the cream is used as custard. Prepared in a water bath. It takes no more than 15 minutes to prepare.

How to cook step by step:

  1. In a heating cup over a water bath, mix milk, eggs, cocoa. Add both types of sugar - regular and vanilla.
  2. Heat while stirring with a whisk. The mixture should become homogeneous. After 7-10 minutes it will begin to thicken.
  3. Add room temperature butter.
  4. Continue whisking until the butter melts. The cream will become lighter in color.
  5. Remove the cream from heating. Beat for a minute with a hand whisk. This will allow the cream to cool slightly.

Don't want to fuss with the custard? Make sour cream. Combine 700 ml of fat sour cream, 200 gr. sweet powder, 2 tbsp. l. lemon juice. Beat until smooth. Separately, whip the heavy cream until stiff. Connect two blanks. Taste it. Not enough sugar? Add a little more sweet powder. Beat with a mixer (speed 1) for half a minute. Start coating the cakes.

The recipe for honey and chocolate cake is almost finished.
All that remains is to assemble the semi-finished products into a single masterpiece. Spread a little cream on a plate.
This way the shortcakes will not slide. Place the first shortbread. Lubricate generously with cream. Then the 2nd, 3rd shortbread.

Use all the shortcakes and coat them with custard. Cover the top and sides of the cake with cream as well. Sprinkle the sides and top of the dessert with cake crumbs.

Recipe for nut-chocolate honey cake

To create a nut honey cake, use a traditional recipe. With one addition. Nuts can be added to shortcakes, cream or filling. In the first case, add ground nuts to the dough piece along with the flour. When kneading, the kernels will end up inside the ball.

The same goes for making cream. Add ground nuts to milk mixture until heated.

The fundamental rule is preparatory processing of kernels. Walnuts have a bitter skin. Fry the kernels in a dry frying pan. Cool. The skin will simply cool down. Pure snow-white kernels are devoid of bitterness and are perfectly suited for sweetness.

Would you like to use almonds for a recipe? The kernels will have to be scalded. Pour boiling water over the almonds for 5-7 minutes. Drain the water. Remove the black skin from the nuts. Dry the almonds and fry in a frying pan. Grind into crumbs. Use this form when making a cake.

Tips from the pastry chef

In the recipe, the cake layers are cut to fit after baking. This is quite difficult to create because the dough crumbles. Try trimming the shortcakes before baking. Trim comfortably using special chef's cutters.

  • Honey-chocolate cake is covered in various recipes with sponge crumbs or ganache. Prepare ganache from a chocolate bar and half a glass of milk. Heat the mixture in a water bath until smooth. Cover the cake with the slightly cooled glaze.
  • In addition to the cream, use the filling. For example, soft prunes, canned peaches or jam cherries. Place the filling after each layer of cream.
  • Immediately after making the homemade honey cake, put it in the refrigerator for 2-2.5 hours. This way the shortcakes are completely soaked in cream.
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